The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1493 There is always something wrong

Chapter 1493 Something Is Always Something Wrong
No matter how much City Lord Yan Shan and Ye Shan try their best to make themselves and others ignore the difference between Xuan Mo, but Xuan Mo's true identity cannot be changed.Back then, when he thought about how the Lord Yan Shan would just throw Xuan Mo in that abandoned room, the Lord Ye Shan only thought that it was probably because the Lord Yan Shan wanted to cover it up so that Ji Xiaoyan and the others would not feel that they were treating Xuan Mo like that. Mo will have any special favors or other treatment.
However, looking back now, City Lord Ye Shan felt that something was wrong!

Even if Xuan Mo was deliberately placed in such a dilapidated room by the city lord Yan Shan, it is impossible to send only a maid to guard him?Moreover, the most important thing is that when Ji Xiaoyan brought him to Panchi City, City Lord Ye Shan had already seen Xuan Mo's injury, and understood how long it would take for his injury to be cured.According to the normal situation, as long as the city lord Yan Shan is cured, even if Xuan Mo's health is a little weaker, he should wake up, right?How could it be so weak that he still hasn't woken up yet, and Ji Xiaoyan and the others need to go around and find someone to treat him?

Among them, could it be the reason that Youjin Tancheng took the initiative to do something?

Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan suddenly had a thought that made him a little scared.

Could it be that the city lord Yan Shan did something on Xuan Mo's body when he didn't know?
The guard of Panchi City who was kneeling in front of the Lord Yeshan looked at the thoughtful expression of the Lord Yeshan, and did not dare to answer for a while, until he saw the Lord Yeshan cast his eyes on him again, and then quickly turned to the Lord Yeshan Said: "City Master Ji of Qingcheng and the others did not spread the news that they would take Master Xuan Mo to heal somewhere, they only said that they have such a plan..."

"Really?" City Lord Ye Shan was in a trance at the moment, and after several seconds of silence, he continued to ask: "Then when are they going to leave Qingcheng?"

The guard shook his head, and said to City Lord Ye Shan: "This subordinate really doesn't know! I can't figure it out..."

Hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan frowned slightly, then nodded, waved the guard to retreat, and then looked at the teleportation array newly drawn by the old teleporter in the room, facing the remaining guards around him. The trusted guard asked: "How long will it take for the time we agreed with the teleporter?"

"It's about a quarter of an hour, Lord City Master!" The trusted guard said to the City Master Ye Shan with some expectation, "The Teleporter and the others have gone to Qianhua Gate. Since they have successfully attracted Qian Yun and others away, it must They will definitely be able to come back in a quarter of an hour..." At that time, their pressure on Panchi City will definitely be greatly reduced!

However, City Lord Ye Shan, who was supposed to be relieved instantly upon hearing the news, did not feel the sense of relaxation imagined by his trusted guards at all. Instead, he frowned bitterly all the time. After a while, he murmured: "It's not enough just to do this... If they can't bring the 鈤阵 back to the city lord, then the city lord must follow him!"

"Master City Lord?" The trusted guard looked at City Lord Ye Shan suspiciously, with a puzzled expression on his face.At the beginning, didn't they all agree with the old teleporter that if they couldn't save City Lord Yanshan, they just need to lure those people from Qianhuamen away from their Panchi City?Why is it that the people from Qianhua Gate have left now, but Lord Yeshan changed his original intention and demanded that City Lord Yanshan must be rescued?
City Lord Ye Shan frowned, and didn't explain too much to the trusted guard around him why he had to rescue City Lord Yan Shan. They Panchi City can't drive out all the outsiders to ensure safety; secondly, he can't ask about the situation of Xuanmo
If it is said that the city lord Yan Shan really did something on Xuan Mo's body and he doesn't know, he will be in trouble in the future
As for Master Bessa at the moment, after following Sect Leader Qianyun and the others for a long distance, he realized that Sect Leader Qianyun and the others seemed to be leaving Panchi City and not continuing to search for the town stone.
"What's the matter with the Qianyun sect? The town stone was not found, why did they leave? What about the other elders of the Qianhua sect? They all left?" Old Hess frowned, and whispered to Lord Bessa. Said: "Lord Bessa, did those people from Qianhuamen come up with some trap to deal with us? They pretended to leave, but what the hell are they doing secretly?"

Lord Bessa is also a little undecided now.

and?The head of Qianyun is obviously going to leave Panchi City now, if they really follow, what will it be in retrospect?Give up fighting for Panchi City?Then didn't they waste their time here playing with the people from Qianhuamen?But, do not follow?In case those people from Qianhuamen got some information that they didn't understand, and then left Panchi City, if they still stay here, will they suffer any consequences that they don't understand?

"Master Bessa..." Old Hess shouted to Master Bessa with some urging, and then said: "Otherwise we will wait at the gate of the city... None of the other elders of Qianhua Gate Appeared, I don’t know if they are still here in Panchi City, if the elders of Qianhuamen are still here, then we will stay too! What do you think?”

Lord Bessa couldn't help but looked behind him a few times, but he still didn't find anyone from Qianhuamen... After standing there for a long time, Lord Bessa gritted his teeth and looked directly at Old Hess and the people behind him. The guards of Refushui City said: "Forget it...don't worry about the people of Qianhuamen, let's go back and continue guarding the palace of Lord Yeshan..."

"Master Bessa!?" Old Hess looked at Master Bessa with a puzzled expression, with a trace of surprise in his eyes.The head of the Qianhuamen didn't go to guard the Yeshan City Lord anymore, what's the point of them going back to guard?As long as the barrier near the palace is not opened, they will never be able to attack and catch the Lord Yeshan. Isn't it a waste of time to guard it?

"Now is the time to rely on luck." Master Bessa directly asked Old Hess to follow, and said to him as he walked: "No matter what the master Qianyun and the others are going out of the city, we only need to go If City Master Ye Shan is killed, he can become the temporary City Master of Panchi City! Unless the people from Qianhua Sect find the Zhencheng Stone first... But, looking at the current situation, the head of Qianyun does not seem to be looking for Zhencheng Stone... "

"Master Bessa, what do you mean, Master Qianyun and the others abandoned Panchi City?" Old Hess was delighted for a second, then shook his head and said to Lord Bessa: "But it's not right! We We stayed together for so long, and we didn't get any bad news, why did the Qianhua Sect head and the others leave after meeting two Qianhua Sect disciples?"

"So, the key lies in those two disciples of Qianhua Sect. As long as we don't know what they said to Sect Leader Qianyun, then we will never know why Sect Leader Qianyun left! Now they are all gone It’s impossible for us to understand the truth anyway. Instead of blindly following them out of Panchi City, we should stick to our original intention and try our best to fight for it. Whether we can get Panchi City or not, we will not regret it in the end. Already..." Master Bessa took a deep breath, finished speaking to Old Hess, and then continued directly to the guards around him: "When we arrive at the palace of Lord Yechang in a while, everyone will act separately. Even if the palace Even if there is an enchantment, it is impossible to be without flaws. We can always find a way to break the enchantment... Now that the people from Qianhuamen are not here, it just gives us a chance to do something!"

"Yes, Lord City Master!" The guards of River Water City nodded immediately upon hearing this, and followed Lord Bessa excitedly to the palace of City Lord Yeshan.
But at the moment, Qianhuamen is quite lively.

Speaking of which, the old teleporter managed to re-draw a teleportation array at the city lord Yeshan, and then directly teleported to Qianhuamen with a lot of Panchi city guards.Speaking of which, having the teleportation diagram of Qianhuamen is really cool!They are in Qianhuamen, as if they have entered the land of no one, they can go wherever they want... Of course, the premise is that there is a place for the teleportation array.

And after the old teleporter distributed some random teleportation scrolls that he had prepared in Panchi City to the guards of Panchi City, the crowd immediately dispersed and began to make trouble in Qianhuamen.Things like smashing things, burning houses, wandering around for nothing to attract a large number of Qianhuamen disciples to follow them, and then tearing up random teleportation scrolls and disappearing directly when they couldn't run, they just got smoother and smoother!It directly caused the disciples of Qianhuamen to suffer unspeakably
In this chaotic situation, the old teleporter was protected by two master guards of Panchi City, and carefully searched for the traces of the city lord Yanshan in Qianhua Gate.Speaking of it, the old teleporter actually only wanted to do one thing in his heart, which was to make trouble and attract the head of Qianyun back, but the guards of Panchi City who came with him refused!So, he has to come to help even if he doesn't want to.
However, they turned around several places in Qianhua Gate, but they still couldn't find the trace of the city lord Yan Shan.

"You said, would it be possible that Lord Chan Chan went back to Panchi City after he woke up?" The old teleporter guessed impatiently, expecting the two master guards of Panchi City to echo his words, and then Everyone went straight home.

It's a pity that things didn't go as planned, and the two guards of Panchi City shook their heads directly at the old teleporter, and then said, "Impossible! The people of Qianhuamen asked Lord Yeshan City Lord to pick up Lord Yanshan City Lord, then It must be impossible to easily let the city lord Yanshan leave here. Since their Qianhuamen have plans for our Panchi City, they will definitely use their hands and feet while the Lord Lushan is unconscious, so that he cannot wake up and move for a while. The one who left... So, we must continue to search now! We must find out where the Lord of the City is..."

"The Qianhua Gate is so big, how do we find it?" The old teleporter said a little unhappy, "Our time is also limited, there are so many palace rooms in the Qianhua Gate, it is impossible for us to search for every room! "Who knows in which room did those people from Qianhua Gate hide the City Lord Yan Shan?

"As much as you can find, as much as you can find!" The guard of Panchi City said lightly, "Teleporter, you don't want to go back, and when Lord Yeshan smells you, you don't want to answer?"

Hearing the words, the old teleporter nodded immediately, smiled flatteringly at the two master guards of Panchi City, followed them honestly and continued to search everywhere.Hey, if I had known, I would have known that he would not have gone to the teleportation formation outside Panchi City, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to meet City Master Ye Shan, and there would be so many troubles after this!Think about it and blame yourself for being too busy.
"There is a Qianhuamen disciple who is alone over there..." Just as the old teleporter was complaining about himself in his heart, a master guard from Panchi City suddenly said something to them, and then ordered in a low voice: "Look! See if there are other Qianhuamen people around, if not, I will go over and arrest that Qianhuamen disciple and ask... Where is City Lord Yan Shan, they must know."
"Yeah!" Another Panchi City guard nodded directly, looked around, and then said: "Go, there should be no one around. Even if someone finds out, I will take the teleporter and go first." , after you captured that Qianhuamen disciple, just tear up the scroll and send it, we will come back to you!"

"Alright!" The guard of Panchi City thought for a while, and said to the old teleporter: "The place where we meet up will be near the teleportation formation that we go back to... The time that Lord Yechang left us There are not many, if we can catch a disciple of Qianhuamen and ask about the whereabouts of Lord Yanshan, we will definitely be able to rescue him next time..."

"Okay, I have no problem!" The old teleporter nodded quickly, wishing that the guards of Panchi City would be discovered if they caught the disciple of Qianhuamen, and then they could go directly to the teleportation formation and wait to go back.As for the next trip, he will definitely have more people to protect him, and he won't be involved in such troublesome things like looking for people everywhere. Naturally, it will be easier.
So, after getting the consent of the old teleporter, the guard of Panchi City immediately seized the opportunity to jump forward, and immediately covered the mouth of the Qianhuamen disciple before he could react and yell. , quickly pulled back to the shadow of the corner where the old teleporter and the others were standing, and then said viciously to the disciple of Qianhuamen: "Don't scream or move! Otherwise, be careful that we will kill you..."

 PS: Thanks for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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