The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1494 There is a way

Chapter 1494 There is a way
For the old teleporter, he was used to being ordinary all his life, and he finally met Ji Xiaoyan and his party, sneaked around Panchi City, and the city lord who was hiding from his home and earning a little money was already very exciting up.What the old teleporter didn't expect at all was that the more exciting thing was still behind... The two master guards in Panchi City, who should be said to be protecting him, just grabbed the disciple of Qianhuamen in their hands and threatened him. , the next second, he quickly tied up the person and threw it directly into his hands. It is a beautiful name, freeing up his hands, so that he can do things easily.
"What are you going to do?" the old teleporter asked a little awkwardly.

"Protect you, be vigilant about your surroundings, and force a confession!" The guard of Panchi City took it for granted, frowned at the old teleporter, and said, "You don't think that this disciple of Qianhuamen will leave us alone?" If you ask, can he say anything?"

The old teleporter looked at the Qianhua Sect disciple he was holding in his hand, saw him staring at him with wide eyes and angrily, couldn't help but swallowed, and then smiled at the two guards of Panchi City I laughed and didn't dare to say more.

"Hey, Qianhuamen..." After the master guard of Panchi City looked away from the old teleporter, he immediately looked at the disciple of Qianhuamen, and then asked him: "Do you cooperate with me?" One o'clock, we will ask you a question, as long as you answer us, we will let you go immediately, how about it? Of course, the premise is that you can't yell. Otherwise, we will be frightened by you, and if you accidentally shake your hand Shaking, if it hurts you, it's not good..."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the disciple of Qianhuamen continued to stare, as if unwilling to cooperate, almost grinning at the two guards of Panchi City
"What does this mean? Unwilling to cooperate?" The two master guards of Panchi City looked at each other, then frowned and thought about it, and then continued to speak to the disciple of Qianhuamen: "If you really If you don't want to cooperate with us... then don't blame us for being rude!"

"Hmph!" The disciple of Qianhuamen cast a disdainful glance at the two guards in Panchi City, turned his face away and was unwilling to speak.It's not so easy for the disciples of their Qianhuamen to be threatened and compromised by them!These Panchi City people really thought he would be so spineless, and he would cooperate with whatever they wanted to ask?Hmph, dreaming!He really couldn't believe that the people from Panchi City in front of him really dared to attack him
Seeing this, the old teleporter looked eagerly at the two guards of Panchi City, wondering what they were thinking.With the attitude of the disciple of Qianhuamen in front of him, even if they kill him, they probably arrest a few more disciples of Qianhuamen, they may still have such an attitude. wasting a lot of time here
"Since you are so strong and don't want to say it, then we really have nothing to do! Hey..." The two guards of Panchi City sneered twice, looking at the disciple of Qianhuamen who was not moved at all, even I didn't even want to give them another one in my eyes, so I continued to say: "In this case, then we can only hold you to watch how we destroy your Qianhuamen..."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?" when the disciple of Qianhuamen heard it, he turned his head in annoyance instantly, and looked at the two master guards of Panchi City, with puzzled and angry expressions on his face.

"It doesn't matter, let's take our time, there is plenty of time!" The two guards of Panchi City smiled and said to the disciple of Qianhuamen, "When you have figured it out and are willing to answer our questions, let's talk! Now! Well, we think the house in front of us is not bad, how about we burn it down first? Later, you just have a chance to rebuild this house, and you can rebuild it if you remodel it, so you don’t have to worry about not having an excuse for remodeling ...Well, you don't need to thank us, let's go in and see where it is better to light the fire..."

As he said that, the old teleporter looked blankly at the two guards of Panchi City and directly pulled him and the disciple of Qianhuamen, pushed open a small door of the house in front of him, and got in.Then I saw one of the master guards of Panchi City find a flame from somewhere, walked directly to the bottom of a curtain in the room, and said to the disciple of Qianhuamen with a smile: "I think the location here is good. , it is easy to catch fire, and it burns quickly, so we should choose this place..."

After finishing speaking, the master guard of Panchi City directly lit the flames on the curtain...

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." The disciple of Qianhuamen stared angrily, struggling to rush over, but was slapped on the shoulder by another guard of Panchi City, and fell to his knees on the ground in an instant, Then I watched the master guard of Panchi City come back with a smile holding the flame, stood in front of him, and said with a smile: "Next, you should try it too! Anyway, you also met, you guys At Qianhuamen, if you don’t do anything, it’s a good thing..."

As he said that, the old teleporter watched as the two guards of Panchi City directly lifted the disciple of Qianhuamen and dragged him to another corner of the room, then put the flame directly into his hand, and held his hand tightly. directly set the house on fire...

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." the disciple of Qianhua Sect yelled at the two master guards of Panchi City with tears in his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he babbled again at the two guards of Panchi City.
"What do you mean? Are you willing to cooperate?" The master guard of Panchi City asked the disciple of Qianhuamen with a smile, and after seeing him nodding resentfully, he said with satisfaction: "In this case , then we are going to ask questions. In fact, our questions are very simple, as long as you answer them, everyone will live in peace, right?"

The disciple of Qianhuamen glared resentfully at the two guards of Panchi City, and couldn't help but hum.

"Is he really willing to cooperate?" The old teleporter curled his lips in disbelief, and whispered to the two Panchi City guards: "Aren't you worried about treating him like this, and he will lie to us later?"

The two master guards of Panchi City glanced at each other, did not speak, but looked directly at the disciple of Qianhuamen, and asked him: "Just tell us, our Lord Yanshan of Panchi City is here in your thousand Any place in Huamen is fine... as long as you tell me, we will leave immediately!"

The disciple of Qianhuamen looked suspiciously at the old teleporter and the others, with a hint of disbelief on his face.

"Don't believe it!" The guard of Panchi City didn't even think about it for a second, and said directly to the disciple of Qianhuamen: "Think about it, our Panchi City and your Qianhuamen are usually invulnerable to water. Not to mention the river water, the usual relationship is pretty good. Now what are we going to your Qianhuamen for nothing? Naturally, we are here to find our Lord Yanshan! Otherwise, do you think we can come to your Qianhuamen to make a deal? Such a big commotion? Right? To put it bluntly, we are here to find someone, and if we find someone, we will all leave naturally..."

The disciple of Qianhuamen tilted his head questioningly.

"What we said is true." The two master guards of Panchi City said with a serious face, and after a while, they finally saw the disciple of Qianhuamen nodded hesitantly, and then turned their faces in one direction There were two whimpers, and then he opened his mouth and said in surprise: "We will help you tear off the thing on your mouth, you speak slowly..."

"Cough, cough, cough..." The disciple of Qianhuamen couldn't help coughing a few times after feeling that the thing stuffed in his mouth had been removed, then looked at the two master guards of Panchi City, and then spoke Said: "Your City Lord Yanshan of Panchi City is lying in the side hall of our master's palace... Our Qianhuamen did not do anything to your City Lord Yanshan, we just guarded and took care of you. You Panchi City came here to find someone like this this time, it really went too far... You let me go quickly, and then find someone to put out the fire! I will tell our leader what you have done later, and ask him to go I will settle accounts with you, the city lord..."

"Follow you!" The two guards of Panchi City responded with smiles, and asked the disciple of Qianhuamen to point them in the direction of Qianyun's palace, and then said to him: " In this case, then we will untie the rope for you now and let you go... Let's keep our word, right?"

The disciple of Qianhuamen snorted arrogantly.

The old teleporter looked at the two master guards of Panchi City with some puzzlement, hesitating whether to remind them not to be such good old men!Looking back, they hadn't left Qianhua Gate before, and people came to arrest them in groups!The disciple of the Qianhuamen in front of him seems to have no understanding of what they did in the Qianhuamen. If he knew that they destroyed more than this one house, it would be strange if the disciple of the Qianhuamen in front of him didn't eat them alive up!Now they want to let him go... That's troublesome!
However, before the old teleporter had time to speak, the two master guards of Panchi City smiled secretly, and while helping the disciple of Qianhuamen loosen the rope, they directly hit him on the back of the neck with a knife , Then another master guard of Panchi City took out something from his body, directly opened the mouth of the Qianhuamen disciple, poured the thing in, then turned his head and said to the old teleporter: "Okay, let's put him Just take it out and find a safe place to put it down..."

"You are..." The old teleporter looked at the movements of the two Panchi City guards with a puzzled expression, and couldn't help asking.

"Do you think we can really just let him go like that?" The master guard of Panchi City sneered, and while moving the disciple of Qianhuamen, he said to the old teleporter: "We just let him relax his vigilance. Knock him out, then feed him some medicine, so that he can't wake up for a while. But, since it's burning here, he will have to die if we put him here, since we all agreed to let him go He left, so naturally we can't keep him here... So, it's best to take him out and leave him alone... We are very trustworthy people!"

The old teleporter couldn't help but looked at the two guards of Panchi City speechlessly, followed them to get the disciple of Qianhuamen out of the house and put him down, and then hurried straight to the palace of the head of Qianyun.The time they agreed with City Lord Yeshan is running out. If they can't be sent back in time, City Lord Yeshan will close the barrier at that time, and they will have to stay in Qianhua Gate!

At that time, it will not be a good thing to wait for them.

Thinking of this, the old teleporter couldn't help but worry
It is not so easy to enter the palace of the head of Qianhuamen!

Sure enough, after finding Qianyun's palace, the old teleporter and the two Panchi City guards found that there were many Qianhuamen's disciples guarding the palace, and they seemed to be quite powerful. They wanted to enter , but it's not easy at all...

"How about, let's go back to Panchi City first, tell Lord Yeshan the situation here, and let Lord Yeshan bring us to come again later?" The old teleporter looked expectantly at the two men in Panchi City. A master guard suggested, "There are so many people in Qianhua Gate here, and there are only three of us. There is no way to break through! What's more, I am still a powerless...." It's already pretty good, there's absolutely nothing he can do to help...

So, to be precise, it was the two guards of Panchi City who were going to deal with so many disciples of Qianhuamen. Don't need to think about it, everyone will know the result!Therefore, it is simply impossible for them to rescue City Lord Yeshan, they might as well go back and contact City Lord Yeshan as soon as possible.
However, after listening to the words of the old teleporter, the two master guards in Panchi City did not seem to be moved by him at all. Instead, they carefully watched the situation outside the palace of the head of Qianyun for a long time, and then turned to look at the old teleporter. Master, said to him: "Teleporter, we don't have time to come again. You don't want to stand in the teleportation array and be put on your neck with a knife when you teleport to Qianhua Gate for the second time. ?”

"If we don't go back, we won't be able to get in at all? If we don't go in, how can we save the city master? Can we still yell here to wake him up?" The old teleporter said with a grin on his face.At the beginning, he always felt that it was a bit of a fantasy to rely on them to bring back the city lord Yan Shan, and it was unrealistic.
"No, we may still have a chance to go in!" One of the guards of Panchi City didn't know what to think, and suddenly said something with a smile, then looked at the old teleporter and another guard master, and said to them: "As long as we are lucky, we will definitely be able to rescue the City Lord Yan Shan."

(End of this chapter)

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