The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1495 I don't understand

Chapter 1495 I don't understand
The old teleporter looked at the two guards of Panchi City suspiciously, wondering what he meant by luck?Did they think that just by standing here, the disciples of Qianhuamen could directly leave an entrance for them, and let them bring out the city lord Yanshan?

The master guard in Panchi City looked indifferent. After speaking, he looked directly at the old teleporter, and then said directly to him: "Come on, teleporter...."

"Come? What are you here for?" The old teleporter looked at the master guard of Panchi City with a puzzled face, and asked him: "What can I do? I am a teleporter, do you still want me to go out?" As bait, to lure away those disciples of Qianhuamen? No, no, I will be caught soon... You still need me when you return to Panchi City, you can't let me be the bait... You also have to Think about it carefully, you are still counting on me when you go back..."

"Who said you were going to be the bait?" The master guard of Panchi City looked at the old teleporter with a black face, couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, and then pulled the old teleporter who was backing away, He said to him: "I just want you to give me some teleportation scrolls. I will try. If I am lucky, I may not be able to be directly teleported into that palace and find the Lord of the What are you thinking about?"

"Teleportation scroll?" The old teleporter's eyes widened when he heard the words, and then he shook his head vigorously at the master guard of Panchi City and said, "No, no! The teleportation scroll is not where you want to teleport it to." You can go anywhere! Just rely on luck to teleport, maybe you used up all the stock in my pocket and haven’t teleported to the destination... This method won’t work, it won’t work..."

"It can be used if it doesn't work." The master guard of Panchi City held the old teleporter tightly, and said to him: "Even if I can't teleport directly into the palace, then I can teleport there to attract the attention of those people from Qianhuamen." Strength? At that time, if you seize the opportunity and rush directly into the palace, then you will definitely find the City Lord Yan Shan... I will be the bait, teleporter, what are you worried about?"

The old teleporter shook his head vigorously.What is he worried about?He was worried about the teleportation scroll in his pocket!Do they think that things are worthless, and they can give them as much as they want?Those are all his private goods, okay?
"Don't shake your head, take out the scroll!" The master guard of Panchi City ignored the opinion of the old teleporter, and said directly to him: "If you don't take out the scroll for me, I will tell Lord Yeshan later, You don't cooperate with us?"

The old teleporter stared angrily at the master guard of Panchi City, and couldn't help panting heavily!
"Teleporter, it's a big deal for you to keep an account. Later, we will help you tell the two city lords, and let them pay you back?" Another master guard of Panchi City seems to have seen the old teleporter After thinking about it, he smiled and said to him: "Don't worry, Teleporter, only you know the number, and we'll just testify to you when the time comes."

The old teleporter didn't understand at first, but after thinking about it for two seconds, his eyes suddenly lit up. After seeing the Panchi City guard who asked him for the teleportation scroll, he kept nodding at him, and then smiled happily. Some asked them uncertainly: "What you said is true? The amount for me?"

"That's natural!" The two master guards of Panchi City immediately nodded tacitly.

"All right, how many teleportation scrolls do you want?" The old teleporter immediately took out a teleportation scroll from his pocket with a smile on his face, and asked the two master guards of Panchi City.Just kidding, he will report the amount, so he must be able to make money?What's more, if you can really save City Master Yan Shan later, City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan may not be happy, so what more can you reward him with?No matter how you look at it, this business is profitable, so why doesn't he agree?

The two guards of Panchi City smiled with satisfaction, took the teleportation scroll directly from the old teleporter, and then began to divide the work.As promised, the old teleporter and a master guard of Panchi City stayed in place and waited, and the other guard of Panchi City was responsible for directly tearing up the scroll for teleportation. Yes, if it doesn't work, just treat it as attracting attention and lead a large number of Qianhuamen disciples to run around!The remaining old teleporter and another master guard of Panchi City saw the opportunity. Naturally, it would be the best to break through and enter the palace. up.
But at this moment, the head of Qianyun is running towards the sect in a hurry.

If it was just the guards of Panchi City who entered their Qianhuamen to make trouble, then the head of Qianyun would feel that it doesn't matter, just make a small fuss and let his disciples take care of it later.But if City Lord Ye Shan really had some special way to enter their Qianhua Gate, then it would be a bit bad. Panchi City has town stones, so don't they have Qianhua Gate?
Although it is said that if the town stone of Qianhuamen is found, the sect will not be disbanded, but the resident will disappear.Why did they rob Panchi City?Isn't it just for such a little space?Thinking of the safety of the Zhencheng Stone in his sect, the head of Qian Yun couldn't calm down immediately.
"What's the situation in the sect now? Have you found any traces of City Lord Yeshan?" Panting for breath, the head of Qianyun asked the disciples of Qianhuamen beside him, "Did those people from Ruifu Water City follow?" Master Qianyun is a little worried about Master Bessa of Refu Water City!If the situation in their Qianhuamen is really as bad as he imagined, then it will undoubtedly make matters worse if Master Bessa and the others follow up...

The head of Qianyun didn't want to lose his sect's residence instead of getting Panchi City.

"Master... the people from River Water City followed us for a while, but they didn't come out near the city gate. They probably went back!" A disciple of Qianhua Sect heard Qianyun's question and hurried up. Qian Qian replied: "I think the goal of the people in River Water City is still in Panchi City... As for the situation in the sect..." They didn't meet any disciples who came out along the way, and the specific situation is still not clear. , the question asked by the head is not quite right.
Hearing the words, the head of Qianyun reacted instantly, and immediately coughed awkwardly, and then said: "It's fine if you didn't follow from River Water City....It's fine if you didn't follow...Let's hurry up and go back Let's see what's going on..."

All the disciples of Qianhua Sect immediately nodded and said yes, and then began to speed up and go straight to the mountain.Soon they stood outside the mountain gate, watching the disciples of Qianhuamen who guarded the gate immediately rush to the head of Qianyun, and said anxiously and worriedly: "Master... you are back! Those disciples from Panchi City in the sect People are simply too outrageous, they have burned down several palaces in our Qianhua Gate..."

"What?" Sect Master Qianyun yelled with a distressed face, then couldn't help but looked into the mountain gate worriedly, and then asked: "Then what about those people from Panchi City now? Are they still with us?" Is the sect gone?" How many palaces, what a loss?But don't burn his treasure house, it's his darling!

"Master, we have been guarding here all the time. We have not let anyone in, nor have we seen anyone come out... Those people from Panchi City don't know how they entered our sect..." The disciple of Qianhuamen, who was guarding the gate, said: Face was puzzled and said to the head of Qianyun, "Besides, listening to the movement, it seems that they haven't left yet!"

"Okay, okay, okay! It's fine if you don't leave!" Sect Master Qianyun gritted his teeth and said, "I want to see what the people in Panchi City are going to do... you guard the mountain gate, No matter who comes, we can't let them leave our Qianhuamen! Unless the head of the sect know?"

"Yes!" The disciple of Qianhuamen who guarded the gate nodded immediately, and seeing the headmaster Qianyun directly entering the mountain gate in a rage, he couldn't help but looked at each other worriedly, and said with a sigh: "I really hope that the master Qianyun will go straight into the mountain gate." The door can clean up those people in Panchi City, and see what they have done when they come to our Qianhuamen..."

As soon as Sect Master Qianyun entered the sect, he immediately saw that the formerly neat and beautiful sect residence had become a mess, with messy and broken things everywhere, as well as still burning palaces and thick smoke... Inside Qianhuamen, there was a Chaos, some shouting and arresting people everywhere, and some carrying wooden buckets and throwing spells to put out the fire
"Hurry up and find a few disciples to ask, where most of the people in Panchi City are active!" Sect Master Qianyun took a deep breath angrily, and ordered to the disciples of Qianhua Sect beside him, "This time, I We must properly ask City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan to give us an explanation of Qian Hua Sect!" After finishing speaking, Sect Master Qian Yun immediately took the remaining disciples of Qian Hua Sect and headed straight for his treasury!Where is he most worried about now.
However, the head of Qianyun hadn't reached the location of the treasure house, suddenly the space around him was slightly distorted, and a guard of Panchi City appeared out of thin air.A second later, the head of Qianyun met the guard of Panchi City, and both of them were stunned for a moment.
After blinking twice, the guard of Panchi City immediately yelled: "Not good!" Then he moved his hands immediately, spread out a scroll and tore it directly...

"Teleportation scroll!!" Master Qianyun immediately realized what the guard of Panchi City was holding in his hand. He immediately yelled and reached out to grab the scroll, and continued to shout: "Grab him! ! Grab the teleportation scroll..."

The disciples of Qianhuamen immediately rushed towards the guard of Panchi City when they heard the words in sight.

"Master..." the disciple of Qianhuamen immediately looked at Qianyunmen and called out in a low voice.
"No wonder, no wonder! Those people in Panchi City are actually using teleportation scrolls..." The head of Qianyun sneered twice with a face suddenly enlightened, and then said to the other disciples of Qianhua Sect: "They are actually carrying teleportation scrolls! Come to our Qianhuamen... No wonder no one saw how they got in! It's just... Our Qianhuamen's teleportation array is not something that these teleportation scrolls can easily use to bring them in... Then, They must have brought a teleporter, and they also tampered with the teleportation array of our Qianhuamen..."

Thinking of this, the head of Qianyun's eyes widened instantly, and suddenly said: "Yes, the teleportation array... the teleportation array diagram! They used our Qianhuamen's teleportation array diagram to enter... Damn it! I actually put Forget about this!"

"Then Sect Leader, what should we do now?" the disciples of Qianhua Sect looked at Sect Leader Qianyun worriedly and asked.No wonder they couldn't catch the guards of Panchi City. They always felt that they were elusive. They ran into a dead end and chased them, but no one was there. It turned out that they used the teleportation scroll and teleported away directly!Why didn't they think of it!

"What should I do? Hmph, don't they use teleportation scrolls in Panchi City? They have money and ability, so let them jump around!" Master Qianyun thought for a while, and said with a sneer, "I still don't believe their Panchi City Chicheng can really pull out so many teleportation scrolls and use them at will... The person from Panchi City just now obviously teleported here by mistake, so his teleportation scroll must be teleported randomly, and it is impossible to choose the location arbitrarily. The downside is that the range of locations randomly teleported each time will not be too large... You all pass it on, tell other disciples, as long as they see the guards of Panchi City at a certain point, immediately surround them, and then they will definitely be able to catch them. Here they are..."

Hearing this, the disciples of Qianhuamen looked at each other uneasy, and then asked the head of Qianyun: "But head, if they keep tearing up the teleportation scrolls, won't the range of teleportation be wider? Is it getting bigger? Even if we surround them, we won't be able to catch them..."

"Huh, I can definitely catch it!" Qianyun said with confidence, "Do you really think that this kind of teleportation scroll is easy to make? How much stock do they have in Panchi City? Even if there are many, so many Panchi City guards After entering our Qianhua Sect, each of them will get a little bit, how many can they get? There will always be a time when they run out of things, and that time is when they will catch them!" However, the head of Qianyun is still a little confused at this moment. , What is the purpose of these Panchi City people spending so much money to come to their Qianhuamen!
Just messing around and burning things, that's definitely not possible!Could it be that City Lord Yeshan really thought that he brought people to rob their Panchi City, so he also sent people to take revenge and rob them of Qianhuamen?
 PS: Thanks for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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