The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1496 You are talking about it

Chapter 1496 You are talking about it
For a while, the head of Qianyun didn't think that the guards of Panchi City came to their Qianhuamen just to rescue the city lord Yan Shan and attract them back from Panchi City by the way.In Qianyun's mind, the conflict between Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan is absolutely impossible to cause Lord Yeshan to rescue Lord Yanshan. It would be good if he didn't send someone to kill Lord Yanshan.
Therefore, the head of Qianyun, who couldn't figure out the intention of Panchi City, didn't think too much, and rushed to his own treasure house to check it. After confirming the safety of the treasure house, he left a lot of Qianhuamen behind. The disciple guarded the treasure house, and then led people to other places to check the damage and other situations
And the guard of Panchi City who was inexplicably teleported in front of Sect Master Qianyun by a random teleportation scroll, after being frightened and teleported several times again, finally succeeded in attracting the disciples of Qianhua Sect outside the palace of Sect Master Qianyun. They ordered a batch, and created opportunities for the old teleporter and another master guard of Panchi City, allowing them to slip into the palace smoothly. As a result, they watched the old teleporter enter the palace with their front feet, and the master guard of Panchi City followed Tore off a teleportation scroll to get rid of the pursuers behind him, who knew that as soon as the scroll was torn apart, the old teleporter's terrified face appeared in his sight, trying to cover his mouth and dare not make a sound...

"What?" The guard of Panchi City froze for a moment, then looked around, and then asked with some inexplicable surprise: "Are we meeting? Have we all entered the palace?"

"What are you doing? If you said you could come in, we wouldn't have to risk it!" The old teleporter took a big breath, and said to the master guard of Panchi City with a complaining face, "Look, We're all here now, and we'll have to save the city lord Lushan later! You take me and protect me later, that's a lot of trouble... That's all right. Anyway, you've come in, so we'll go out first. Where is the teleportation array waiting for you and City Lord Yan Shan to go..."

"No!" The master guard of Panchi City immediately said to the old teleporter when he heard what the old teleporter said: "Anyway, we have all come in, so we will act quickly and leave after we find Lord Yanchang! You go out now, do it!" What should I do if I am discovered? I can tell you that the head of Qianyun has returned. When I was teleporting just now, I was accidentally teleported to him, and I was almost caught..."

"The head of Qianyun is back? Then we should hurry back to Panchi City and call Lord Yeshan City Master to come!" The old teleporter said quickly, "Speaking of which, our mission has been completed, right?"

"Bringing Lord Yeshan back will be considered as completing the task!" The two master guards of Panchi City said to the old teleporter without hesitation, "Teleporter, Lord Yeshan gave us two tasks. Yes, if you really want to return to Panchi City safely, you should follow us to find City Master Yan Shan immediately... What we all hope now is to find him as soon as possible, at least when the head of Qianyun comes back here Before... otherwise, you just wait to die with us..."

"Hehehe, what are you kidding? The head of Qianhuamen should not be so cruel, how can he kill people at every turn?" The old teleporter said with an unnatural expression.

"Then you can try..." The two master guards in Panchi City sneered, turned around and started looking for someone in the palace, and they stopped talking to the old teleporter at all.

"Hey, hey, don't be like this, you leave me here, how can you go back to Panchi City?" Seeing this situation, the old teleporter immediately followed the two master guards of Panchi City with some fear, saying He couldn't help muttering: "You young people don't know how to take care of an old man like me..."

The two master guards of Panchi City didn't intend to talk to the old teleporter at all, they ran around in the palace, and finally found the Lord of Changshan in a remote room of the palace.
"Go, speed up!" A master guard of Panchi City immediately said to the old teleporter, "There is no one guarding here, let's take the Lord of the city and send away immediately..."

"That's so easy!" The old teleporter immediately rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and then saw the two guards of Panchi City frowning at him, and then continued: "You think I will give you Can that random teleportation scroll teleport you to any place around? It is also controlled by the range, okay? You haven’t thought about why it has teleported so many times, but it didn’t send you deep into the palace. Or is it transmitted by the city lord, City Lord? Do you think it's just bad luck?"

The guards of the two Panchi City glanced at each other, thinking: Isn't it?
"Forget it, forget it, I can't explain it clearly to you! Let's talk about it first after getting the lord of the city away!" The old teleporter finally had a feeling of regaining the city, facing the two guards of Panchi City. The master waved his hand, pointed at the City Lord Yan Shan who was lying motionless on the bed, and said to them: "Try to see if you can wake up the Lord City Lord Yan Shan! If you can wake it up, it will be convenient for us to leave. Some……"

The two guards of Panchi City nodded, and ran directly in front of Lord Yanshan City Lord, but they tried, but City Lord Yanshan did not respond at all, just lying there as if asleep, unconscious!

"Forget it, stop yelling, let's go directly!" Otherwise, if the head of Qianyun brought people over later, they would be really troublesome.The old teleporter immediately looked out of the door, and after seeing that there was no problem, he waved to the two guards of Panchi City, and then continued: "Hurry up, take the master of the city, and we will leave immediately ..."

"Really can't use the teleportation scroll?" A master guard of Panchi City couldn't help but asked again.

"Yes!" The old teleporter raised his chin and said to them, "But, where do you want to teleport? Any corner of the palace, and then teleport directly to a certain Qianhuamen disciple? I told you , this teleportation scroll has a range... We have to get out of this palace and use it in a wider place to randomly go to a better hiding place! Of course, if we are lucky, we may not be able to teleport a few times , can be directly teleported to the teleportation array, and returned to Panchi City..."

The two guards of Panchi City frowned and looked at each other, and finally they could only hold the Lord of the city silently, and followed the old teleporter to walk quickly in the palace of the head of Qianyun.

At this moment, the head of Qianyun finally thought of the city lord Yan Shan who was still lying in his palace after he had gone to several places but failed to catch anyone from Panchi City.So, feeling a little uneasy, the head of Qianyun Sect finally took the disciples of Qianhua Sect to the palace.
However, the result is obvious.

Head Qianyun arrived at the palace. He first heard the disciples guarding the palace tell him that several people from Panchi City had appeared nearby but they were not chased. When he saw that the person was gone, the head of Qianyun finally figured it out.
These guys in Panchi City spent so much energy to come to their Qianhua Gate, in fact, they just left for the purpose of giving away the city lord.Just, who did this?City Lord of Yechang?He must be impossible!When he asked City Master Ye Shan to come to their Qianhua Gate to pick up City Master Yan Shan, the City Master Ye Shan still looked unwilling and wanted to throw him in their Qian Hua Gate to wait for death... Then, whoever came to save people who is it?An old subordinate of the city lord?It's also unlikely, without the permission of the Lord Yeshan, those subordinates of the Lord Yeshan of Panchi City could leave Panchi City?don't even think about it
Sect Master Qianyun, who wanted to scratch his head irritably, couldn't help but took two deep breaths, then turned his head and yelled at the disciples around him: "What are you doing in a daze, immediately call all the disciples of our sect The teleportation array has been guarded... I still don't believe it, they can leave our Qianhua Gate with those random teleportation scrolls...."

After finishing speaking, Sect Master Qianyun immediately took the remaining disciples of Qianhua Sect to the largest teleportation formation of their Qianhua Sect.He still doesn't believe that some people from Panchi City can directly rush out from their Qianhua Gate's mountain gate.
It's just that the head of Qianyun's speed is very fast, and the speed of the old teleporter on the other side and the two master guards of Panchi City is even faster!After tearing off several teleportation scrolls, they finally teleported to the nearest place to the teleportation formation of Qianhuamen with the city lord Lushan, and then went straight to the teleportation formation with the city lord Lushan on their shoulders
"By the way, are we a bit late?" The old teleporter ran, and said to the two master guards of Panchi City beside him: "It seems that the time we agreed with Lord Yeshan is almost over! He will Could it be that the barrier of the palace has been closed again? What if we can't go back?"

"No, Lord Yeshan City Lord will definitely wait for us!" A master guard of Panchi City immediately said to the old teleporter, "Teleporter, you just need to teleport to us..."

"What about the others?" The old teleporter thought of the guards of Panchi City they had come together.

"If you arrive at the teleportation formation, come with us... If you don't... don't wait!" The master guard of Panchi City thought for a while, and said to the old teleporter with some determination: "We can't do it just for a few people." Delay Lord Yanshan City Lord here! As long as we can go back, Lord Yeshan City Lord and City Lord Yanshan will come to Qianhua Gate to ask for important people..."

"Where is the head of Qianyun so easy to talk to?" The old teleporter said with a face of disapproval.Even if it were him, he would not agree!Thinking about their visit to Qianhuamen, not to mention destroying the plan of the head of Qianyun, but to make a mess of Qianhuamen and burn down many palaces at them, Qianyun It is also impossible for the head to resolve the conflict with Panchi City easily.
"Whether it's good to talk or not, that's not what we care about!" The master guard of Panchi City said to the old teleporter calmly, "Those things, Lord Yeshan and City Lord Yanshan will naturally solve them, teleporter, you just need to Bring us back to Panchi City, and your mission will be considered perfect! Do you understand?"

The old teleporter opened his mouth, feeling a little unbearable.Think about how many Panchi city guards followed him when they came?Going back now, I don't know what it's like...
"Go!" The old teleporter was sighing silently in his heart, and suddenly he tightened his hands, and when he looked up, he saw a master guard of Panchi City directly holding him and started to run faster, and said to him : "Teleporter, there are some things that you shouldn't worry about, so stop thinking about it and think about how to send us back to Panchi City as quickly as possible..."

The old teleporter nodded with some displeasure, and after seeing that the teleportation formation in the distance had appeared, he said to the two guards of Panchi City: "As long as the people from Qianhuamen don't ask someone from Xuanmen to send them The teleportation array has been modified, and I only need a few breaths to get you all back to Panchi City... But, if Lord Yeshan closes the barrier of the palace, we won't be able to go back! "

"If it's really closed, can't we teleport to other teleportation formations?" The Panchi city guard who was carrying the city lord Yanshan couldn't help asking the old teleporter.They didn't know whether the head of Qianyun had returned to Qianhuamen, whether the people in River Water City had left or not!If the people of River Water City left, the Lord of Yeshan City might just open the barrier and never close it again!After all, it is considered safe!However, if the people in Refushui City did not leave, but were still guarding in front of the palace of Lord Yeshan, then it is very likely that Lord Yeshan would not even have the chance to open the barrier of the palace!

What would happen to them if they couldn't be teleported back?The master guards of Panchi City couldn't imagine it!

"Which teleportation array can I teleport to? Can you tell me?" The old teleporter said with an unhappy face, "Do you think I just asked you this question just for fun? If it was before, it might not be me. I can also take you directly to the teleportation array outside the city, but in order to restrict people from other cities from using the teleportation array in our Panchi City, I fiddled with the teleportation array! As a result, Lord Yechang has not yet waited. I lifted the restrictions on the teleportation array outside the city and took me back to the palace... Tell me, which teleportation array can I take you to Panchi City? Now except for the one when we came Teleportation array, I can't take you anywhere..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Koalas Who Don't Climb Trees"!Thank you "Greasy 08" for the peace talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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