Chapter 1498

"My lord, do we really have to wait like this?" The guards around the Lord Ye Shan looked at the Lord Ye Shan worriedly, and couldn't help but said to him: "Those people from River Water City outside have been there all the time. Beating the enchantment outside our palace, it seems that we must find the weakness of the enchantment before giving up! If this continues, the enchantment of our palace will not last long... Besides, my lord, if you keep letting them do this Looking for it, the teleporter and the others are also troublesome! The time we agreed with them has passed, and they must be very anxious to come back in the Qianhua Gate at this moment..."

"If you don't wait, what do you think the chief of the city should do?" Ye Shan raised his eyebrows, looked at the guard's cronies and asked, "The wound medicine has not been brought back from Lu Shan, with my current injury, Can you go out and fight with the people in Refu Water City? As for the teleporter, the city lord can only hope that they will find that guy, and let him protect them from Qianhuamen..."

Speaking of this, City Lord Ye Shan was actually a little worried.As for those people from Qianhuamen, he could think with his toes that it was absolutely impossible for them to put City Lord Lushan in their sect and not move their hands or feet.Otherwise, why would Sect Leader Qianyun bring someone to ask him if he needs to pick up the City Lord?That guy must have passed out in Qianhuamen, but now he is also trapped in his own palace, unable to protect himself, he really has no energy and way to manage the city lord Yanshan!They can only hope for luck.
"Master City Lord..." The guard's cronies thought for a while, bit their lips and proposed to City Lord Ye Shan: "Do you think this will work... We still have a lot of people in the palace now, and the people from River Water City outside There are not many people. Do you think we can put down the barrier, let some people come in, and solve them one by one?"

Hearing this, City Lord Ye Shan looked at his cronies in surprise, and suddenly smiled after two seconds: "Yes, yes, your method is really good..." After a pause, City Lord Ye Shan continued: "But , if we really do that, we can't deal with all the people who are imprisoned in River Water City in the enchantment. The bargaining chip of the condition! If we kill them, I'm afraid it will anger the Lord Bessa... At that time, our situation will be even more troublesome!"

"Yes, Lord City Master, what you are thinking about!" The guard's cronies thought for a moment, then quickly nodded to City Lord Ye Shan and said, "Then... Lord City Master, should we just do this?"

"Let's do it like this!" The city lord Ye Shan finally had a sincere smile on his face, and said to the guard's cronies: "You gather everyone together, and the city lord opens the barrier, how many people can come in by then?" Catch as many people as you want!" In the worst case, they will spend time with Lord Bessa, and he still doesn't believe that Lord Bessa will really let the people of River Water City be imprisoned in the barrier bit by bit by him!If that's the case, it's actually not bad!At least, Lord Bessa's power will gradually weaken. At that time, when his injuries are healed, he won't be afraid of anything.
Lord Bessa is standing outside the palace of Lord Yeshan at the moment, watching the movements of his guards intently, hoping to find out the weak point of this enchantment, and then attack in one fell swoop, and catch the Lord Yeshan. It is naturally the best situation to be able to find out the town stone. If you can't find out, you can only kill Ye Shan City Lord first, and temporarily get half of the identity of the temporary city lord. The city lord solved it!
Of course, in this case, we have to consider a problem, that is, the head of Qianyun got the news of the death of the city lord Yeshan, continued to compete with him, and directly killed the city lord Yanshan in Qianhuamen, and became Panchi city again. Another temporary city lord. Master Bessa couldn't help frowning when he thought of the endless competition with Qianhuamen in the future.
"Master Bessa..." Old Hess looked at Mr. Bessa worriedly, thinking that he was feeling unwell.

"It's okay..." Lord Bessa waved his hand towards Old Hess, and then said: "The elders of Qianhuamen are still here, haven't they left yet?"

Old Hess shook his head and said: "No! I heard from the guards in our city that the elders of the Qianhua Gate were really careful in their search, but they still haven't found where the town stone is! Lord Bessa , do you think that the town stone of Panchi City may be in the palace of City Lord Yeshan, so he just guards it inside and is not in a hurry at all?"

Lord Bessa frowned, thinking about this possibility!
However, before he had time to think of anything, he heard the guards in the direction of the palace yelling excitedly: "Ah... the barrier is gone? The barrier is gone... Lord City Master..."

"Lord Bessa, the enchantment is gone!!" Old Hess looked joyful, and immediately pulled Lord Bessa, and then looked towards the palace of Lord Yeshan, seeing that some guards of River Water City had stepped over. In front of the window lattice in front of the palace, he hurriedly said to Lord Bessa: "Master Bessa, let's go, let's go, let's go in and have a must be City Lord Yeshan who is dead!"

Lord Bessa let out a breath instantly, and was about to walk over with a relaxed face, but then he heard the guards of River Water City standing on the air outside the palace, frowning and shouting anxiously: " The enchantment came out again! The enchantment was opened again... we can't get in...."
"Boundary... We can't get out! Lord City Master, we are locked in the barrier!!" The guard of Panchi City who entered the barrier at first looked at Master Bessa with a look of horror, and shouted at him .

Lord Bessa hurriedly ran out of the palace in three steps, touched the barrier with both hands, and looked into the barrier with a frown...

After a while, a lot of Panchi City guards rushed out of the palace that had been extremely silent, subdued the River Water City guards who were locked in the barrier, and walked out of the Panchi City The guard came to Master Bessa, with a faint smile on his face, and said to him: "Castile Master Bessa... Our Master Yeshan City Master asked me to tell you! The current situation in our Panchi City, you also I see, there are really some internal and external troubles, and I don't have much energy to greet you! The matter on Qianhuamen Mountain, our Lord Yeshan said, everyone is for the Lord of Qingcheng, and now the Lord of Qingcheng has gone back , Our Lord City Master has nothing to contend with, I just want to hold Panchi City well and heal his wounds... If City Master Bessa can understand a little bit, take people back to your river water city, our Lord Yeshan said Yes, I will definitely come to River Water City to thank you when I have time in the future!"

"Thank you, my city lord?" Master Bessa couldn't help but look at the Panchi City guard with a sneer, and then removed his hand from the barrier after a while.

"City Master Bessa, there is nothing we can do, Lord Yeshan! You have been guarding us like this, we are actually afraid!" the guard of Panchi City said to Lord Bessa with a smile, "Don't worry! We will take good care of these people in your city, and when you promise to leave our Panchi City, our Lord City Lord will return them to you personally..."

"Is this your condition?" Master Bessa asked the guard of Panchi City coldly.

"Yes!" The guard of Panchi City nodded and continued: "I hope you can understand, Lord Bessa... Of course, our Lord City Master also said that you need time for this matter, Lord Bessa, so we are not in a hurry I just hope that your subordinates can stay away from the palace of our Lord City Lord first? If some people are locked up here, then we will be really sorry."

Lord Bessa stared blankly at the guard of Panchi City, and remained silent for a long time.

"Lord Bessa?" Old Hess glared at the guard of Panchi City angrily, and said to Lord Bessa in a low voice, "We can't let them go..."

"Go back and tell City Lord Yeshan that I need to think about what he said!" Master Bessa did not answer Old Hess, but after thinking for a while, he said to the Panchi City guard who had been looking at him and smiling. : "When I think it over, I'll notify City Lord Yeshan..."

"Okay!" The guard of Panchi City nodded without hesitation at all, and then said, "City Master Bessa, I will take you in and take care of them first! When you think about it later, I will Bring them out again..."

"Master Bessa..." Old Hess looked anxiously at Mrs. Bessa, and then saw that the guards of Panchi City led a large number of guards to take away the people from River Water City, and then stomped a little. Looking at Master Besa, he said to him: "Master Besa, we are not afraid of the people of Panchi City! As long as we have a little time, we will definitely find the weakness of their barrier and open the barrier! At that time, Ye Shan The city lord would not dare to threaten us like this!"

"Forget it, old Hess!" Master Bessa took a deep breath, and suddenly said to the old Hess with some relief: "Speaking of it, it can be regarded as a missed opportunity for us! It's time, first we fought with the people from Qianhuamen, and now we are captured by the city lord Yeshan, and we are people from River Water City... I think we have no fate with Panchi City!"

"Master Bessa! What do you mean?" Old Hess looked at Master Bessa with some disbelief.Is he going to give up like this?Just for the guards of River Water City?Is it worth it?Don't these guards all live and die for Lord Bessa?

"Old Hess, speaking of Panchi City, it's far away from River Water City, so it's not easy to manage! It's not a pity to give up!" Lord Bessa suddenly smiled at Old Hess, then reached out and touched the barrier, Feeling the physical feeling of the enchanted light curtain, he continued to say to Old Hess: "They are all the guards of our River Water City, and they are the powerful force of our River Water City! Since I can keep them safe, why should I fight for Pan? In a remote city like Chicheng, why leave them all here?"

"Master Bessa..." Old Hess looked at Mr. Bessa with some tears in his eyes. He couldn't say that he felt a pity, but he was still a little moved!

"That's all!" Lord Bessa sighed, and then said: "In any case, I also injured the Yeshan City Lord, and I have avenged him for locking me up! Since everyone is willing to clear up the past and ask for reconciliation, Why do I have to take away the city of Ye Shan City Lord? That's it!"

"Yes, Master Bessa!" Old Hess nodded reluctantly, then looked towards the palace of the Lord Yeshan, and then asked: "Then let's tell the Lord Yeshan now, and then wait for him Let our people go and leave?"

"Since we want to settle our suspicions, we still need to show some sincerity!" Lord Bessa suddenly smiled at Old Hess for some reason, and said, "Didn't the people from the Thousand Flowers Sect return the favor?" Is there anyone left in Panchi City? Since Ye Shan City Lord is so sincere, we can't be without sincerity, right?"

"Lord Bessa, do you want to help City Lord Yeshan drive away all the people from Qianhua Gate?" Old Hess looked at Lord Bessa with some surprise, and then said: "In this case, let's not bother with such nosy things. !Whether their Panchi City will be annexed by Qianhuamen, that is their Panchi City's business, we don't need to help!"

"No, old Hess, you don't understand!" Master Bessa sneered and looked in the direction of Qianhuamen, and then said to old Hess: "Think about it, if no one from Qianhuamen followed us to Pan Chicheng, without their troubles, would we end up like this now? Panchi City can still be kept? Since we can't get Panchi City, why let Qianyun, the head of Qianhuamen, take advantage of it?"

Old Hess suddenly realized and nodded, and smiled immediately: "Yes, yes, yes! Master Bessa, you are right! If there were no people from Qianhuamen, we might have taken down Panchi City long ago! Where You will also be threatened by City Lord Yeshan and prepare to go back home! We must not let those people from Qianhuamen get cheap!"

Master Bessa nodded with a smile, and snorted coldly in the direction of Qianhua Gate, and then he greeted the guards of River Water City around the palace, and after giving them orders, he let the old man Hess called a few times in the direction of Lord Yeshan's palace, and after calling out the guard of Panchi City who had just finished talking with them, he said to him: "Go and tell City Lord Yeshan, he I have thought about what I said, as long as we release the people from Ruifu Water City, I will take them back and give up Panchi City! Help him and drive away the people from the Qianhua Gate who are still in the Mansion of the Lord of Panchi City! However, I wonder if Lord Yeshan is willing to cooperate and drive them away together?"

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you for the "TEN" token!Thanks for the "Who is the Leprechaun" monthly pass and Christmas stockings!
(End of this chapter)

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