Chapter 1499 Clarity
Based on the speculation of City Lord Ye Shan, it would be the best result if Master Bessa could agree to their request and directly take the people from River Water City to leave Panchi City. He never thought that Master Bessa not only agreed to his request , and offered to help them drive those people from Qianhuamen away!
"What you said is true? City Lord Bessa really said that?" City Lord Yeshan thought for a long time, but he really couldn't figure out what Master Bessa was thinking, so he could only look at his cronies who guarded him suspiciously. Confirming to him again: "Are you sure the Santo Besa didn't lie to us?"

The confidant guard thought for a while, and said to the Lord Yeshan: "My lord, I am not sure about this. But as the lord of the city, since the Lord Bessa has made a promise, it is impossible for him to go back on his word! Besides, Besa The meaning of the city lord Sa is just to let me convey his meaning to you. If you want, you can go and confirm with him personally... One of the subordinates thinks that you can go out to meet the city lord Bessa. After the confirmation , let’s release him again!”

After hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan pondered for a few seconds before nodding his head, helped him up by the guards around him, and said, "You're right, I want to have a good chat with City Lord Bessa in person. That's right! If he is sincerely willing to help, I, the City Lord of Panchi City, would seem very disingenuous if I stay here and do not go out..."

After finishing speaking, City Lord Ye Shan led the people out of the palace directly, stood on the edge of the barrier, smiled at Lord Bessa, watched him stepping in front of him, and finally opened his mouth to fight. A greeting: "The Lord of Bessa..."

"City Lord Yeshan!" Lord Bessa also greeted City Lord Yeshan calmly, and said: "It seems that City Lord Yeshan is willing to come out because he agrees to form an alliance with the city lord to drive out all the people from Qianhuamen. Are you leaving Panchi City?"

City Lord Ye Shan smiled, looked at Lord Besa a few times, and said: "The city owner of Qianhua Gate is naturally very happy to form an alliance. There is only one thing I hope City Lord Besa can explain to the city owner... The Lord Bessa entered our Panchi City with the people from the Qianhuamen. Not long ago, he was planning to cooperate with the Qianhuamen to capture our Panchi City. Why did he suddenly change his attitude now and wants to cooperate with us to drive away Qianhua What about the door? This City Master thought that if you, City Master Bessa, leave, you will not care about anything!"

Lord Bessa immediately smiled when he heard the words, and then looked at City Master Ye Shan and said seriously: "Yes, City Master Ye Shan, you are right! This City Master came with Qianhua Gate at the beginning, everyone's purpose Similarly, it is not a cooperation, but a competitor! Since it is a competitor, now that the city lord has promised Ye Shan that you want to leave, but if you leave the people of Qianhuamen like this, the city lord still feels a little reconciled I believe that if it is changed to Yeshan City Lord, he will think the same way!"

"Hahahaha!" After hearing Lord Bessa's words, City Lord Yeshan couldn't help laughing twice, and then said: "City Lord Bessa, you are right! If you change to City Lord, you will not be reconciled! If you want to die, you have to pull a back, right? No matter what, you can’t take advantage of the Qianhuamen, right?”

Lord Bessa nodded in agreement, then looked at City Lord Yeshan and asked: "It seems that you have understood the meaning of the city lord, then, regarding our cooperation, Lord Yeshan doesn't have much to say. Do you have an opinion?"

City Lord Ye Shan squinted his eyes at Lord Bessa, smiled, and hooked his fingers at the guard of Panchi City behind him, asking him to bring out the captured guard of River Water City. Then he said to Lord Bessa: "Castile Master Bessa, I hope our cooperation will be happy!" After finishing speaking, City Master Ye Shan immediately whispered a few words, and in the next second, City Master Ye Shan stepped over to Beisa without hindrance. In front of Master Sa, he made an inviting gesture to him, and then said: "Master Besa, please..."

Lord Bessa glanced at the place where the barrier disappeared with an unpredictable gaze, and then he smiled, looked at the Lord Yeshan and asked, "I don't know where the Lord Yeshan is going to take us first?"

"The Lord Bessa is very clear about the injury of the Lord of the City. Since we want to cooperate, the Lord of the City still needs to cultivate first, so that we can deal with the remaining people from the Thousand Flowers Gate in Panchi City, right? You can't let the Lord of the City be all of you. Contribute!" City Lord Ye Shan happily said to Master Bessa, "Let's go to the palace of Lu Shan now, where are the medicines that the City Lord needs!"

Master Bessa nodded in understanding, and then followed City Lord Yeshan out of his palace, and walked towards City Lord Lushan's palace.

Speaking of which, Lord Bessa actually had some regrets about this trip to Panchi City.

Originally, he was planning to come to Ji Xiaoyan, but in the end he could only watch Ji Xiaoyan leave from the teleportation array of Panchi City; then he planned to take Panchi City, but he still failed, and now he was with Ye, who was supposed to be an enemy. City Lord Shan formed an alliance to deal with the Qianhuamen who helped Ji Xiaoyan not long ago hehehe, this is really an impermanent world!Thinking of this, Master Bessa couldn't help but sighed again in his heart!Panchi City's visit this time is considered worthwhile, at least let him know clearly that he is really powerless in terms of enchantment!

The process of looking for the medicine for City Lord Ye Shan was still very fast.Because the guards were sent to find the medicine at the beginning, so when City Lord Ye Shan and the others arrived outside the palace of City Lord Lu Shan, the guards of Panchi City delivered the medicine he needed!Then City Lord Ye Shan, who had been relieved after taking the medicine, brought a large number of Panchi City guards, and began to arrest the elders and disciples of Qianhuamen in Panchi City with Lord Bessa.

"What's going on? Wasn't Ye Shan City Lord seriously injured? Why did he run out of the palace?" The bearded elder knew their current situation after being told by the disciples of Qianhuamen, and immediately looked at the person who came with some doubts. The disciple who reported the letter then asked: "Didn't the head say that the Lord of River Water City is still in Panchi City? Didn't he bother to find City Lord Yeshan? Does he not want Panchi City?"

"The City Lord of Refushui City and Yeshan City Lord are together!" The disciple of Qianhua Gate also said to the bearded elder with a look of disbelief, "We saw them talking together with our own eyes. It seems that there is no intention It looks like they are fighting each other... Elder, what should we do now? They seem to have formed an alliance, and they are going to deal with us Qianhuamen together!"

"How is it possible... how is it possible..." The bearded elder muttered to himself with a look of incomprehension, and then he gritted his teeth and said to the Qianhuamen disciples beside him: "Forget it, whether they form an alliance or not, we Don't worry about it! They want to drive us out of Panchi City... Huh, we won't leave so easily! Tell all the disciples... We have only one task in Panchi City, and that is to find the town of Panchi City. City stone! As long as you find the town stone, any other troubles will not be a problem! Avoid the Lord Yeshan and those people from River Water City, and keep looking..."

"Yes, elder!" The disciples of Qianhuamen glanced at each other and nodded solemnly.

While watching the other disciples continue to invest in the search for the town stone, the bearded elder thought for a while, then turned and said to a Qianhuamen disciple who was following him: "Go back to the sect immediately, find the master, and tell him The situation here, and then let the head of the sect handle all the matters in the sect, and then bring people to Panchi City to support us!"

"Elder..." The disciple of Qianhuamen looked at Elder Beard with some confusion.Now that River Water City has formed an alliance with the people of Panchi City, what's the point of asking their head to bring people here?Could it be possible to rob Panchi City by force?
"Since they Panchi City and River Water City want to fight our Qianhuamen, we can't let them look down on us!" The bearded elder snorted coldly, and said to the disciple of Qianhuamen: "They will also We can only dare to do this while the head of our family has gone back! Thinking about it now, the guards of Panchi City went to our Qianhua Gate to make trouble, which was planned by the Lord Yeshan long ago! But, I don’t know How did City Lord Shan persuade the City Lord Besa of Refu Water City to stand with him... Go, be careful, and don't be caught by the people of Panchi City! You must rush back to the school and pass the news Pass it to the head!"

"Okay!" The disciple of Qianhuamen nodded immediately, turned around and ran directly to the outside of Panchi City.

It's just that the luck of this Qianhuamen disciple is really not very good. He just left the Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion, and in a blink of an eye, he met a group of Panchi City guards, and before he recovered, he directly They were arrested and thrown into a room specially arranged by City Lord Yeshan for their Qianhuamen disciples...

"Let me out. Let me out!" the disciple of Qianhuamen slammed on the door and roared towards the outside of the room.He still has to go back to the sect to report the letter. He was caught, what should he do next?
"These people in Panchi City won't let us go now!" Several Qianhuamen disciples who were also arrested said with a sigh, "They plan to catch us all and then send us back to the Qianhuamen, make a deal with us and the head, and exchange them for the city lord of Panchi City, Yanshan City!"

"Use us in exchange for the city master?" The disciple of Panchi City looked at the others in surprise, then reacted immediately, and then said to the others: "Do all the elders know this news? "

"I don't know!" The Qianhuamen disciples who were locked up shook their heads collectively, and then said: "We only heard what the guards of Panchi City said after we were locked in."

"No, we must escape, and find a way to tell the head of this news!" The Qianhuamen disciple said to the crowd with a firm face, but he watched everyone shake their heads at him collectively, telling He, the room they are locked in now has an enchantment, it is impossible for them to break out!As a result, the disciple of Qianhua Sect slumped down on the ground in despair.
At this moment, the head of Qianyun, who doesn't know anything, is chasing the guards of Panchi City all the way in Qianhuamen, hoping to catch one or two, and then extract the teleporter's information they brought from their mouths. The location, and the whereabouts of the one who took the city lord Yan Shan away!It's just that every time someone is about to be caught, the head of Qianyun finds that the guards of Panchi City will disappear immediately...
"Where did they get so many teleportation scrolls in Panchi City? Shouldn't they be used up long ago?" Qianyun's head said angrily to the disciples of Qianhuamen beside him, "How long have those guards from Panchi City been here?" gone?"

"It's been a while! Master!" A disciple of Qianhuamen hurriedly stood up and said to Qianyun's master: "They have been using teleportation scrolls since they entered our Qianhuamen, and at least one of them has five or six Let's get a scroll..." Under normal circumstances, let's not talk about how many gold coins you get for so many scrolls. The problem is, how do you count five or six scrolls per person? It's because the scrolls have been exhausted, and they can no longer be sent!However, this is the case now.
"Could it be that they have several teleporters?" The head of Qianyun couldn't help frowning, and thought: "It seems that the guards of Panchi City are well prepared to come to our Qianhuamen! I really don’t believe that their teleportation scrolls can be inexhaustible! Hmph, they better hope that they won’t be caught by us.... Keep chasing after me..."

"Yes!" The disciples of Qianhuamen nodded quickly, leaving aside the guards of Panchi City who had just teleported and disappeared, and continued to focus on some people farther away.After chasing for a while, the disciples of Qianhuamen realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said to the head of Qianyun: "Master, looking at their direction, it seems that they are heading towards our mountain gate."

"Could it be that they have no way to leave from the teleportation formation, so they are going to rush out directly? Heh, do you really think our Qianhuamen's mountain gate enchantment is beautiful?" The head of Qianyun sneered twice for a moment, and then immediately sneered. Thinking of a possibility, he immediately said to the other disciples with a smile on his face: "All disciples listen to the order, there must not be too many teleportation scrolls on the guards of Panchi City, let everyone guard the scrolls in the sect. Large and small teleportation arrays, if they can't rush out from the mountain gate, they must be taken by the teleporter and leave from the teleportation array of our Qianhua Gate! Now we only have two targets, the lord of the city and the teleportation from Panchi City Master, just catch them! As for the guards of Panchi City, grab them if you can, and ignore them if you can’t! When they run out of teleportation scrolls, they will have to wait to be caught by us in the end. fate……"

(End of this chapter)

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