The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1500 Starting from 1? !

Chapter 1500 Together? !
For Diloc, he and his wife, Jasmine, originally guarded such a potion shop in Buffinrui Town, and he went to the executive hall to do things for Lord Don Ross every day when he had nothing to do.It's just that what Dillock didn't expect was that one day he could actually pick up an adventurer's granddaughter from a small village to raise!What Dillock and Jasmine didn't expect was that the adventurer's granddaughter they picked up at random would actually become the lord of a city one day! !

That's the city!It is a city that is many times bigger than their current town of Bufenrui!

Thinking of the copy of Ji Xiaoyan issued by Lord Lord God that Lord Don Rose showed him became the official document of the city lord, Dilloch couldn't help but tremble all over.The little granddaughter of their family can break out such a world in the outside world, how can he restrain his excitement?Dilloch still remembers the always proud Lord Don Rose looking at him with a hint of admiration, and what he said to him: "Dillock, it seems that your luck was really very good back then. Just like this, I picked up an adventurer and turned her into half of our aborigines, but now that it’s done, she has become the lord of a city! You have come to the end of your hardships.”

"Then what? And what did Lord Don Rose say?" Grandma Jasmine looked at Diloc with excitement, and asked him nervously, "Did Lord Don Rose tell you what the current city lord Xiaoyan is doing?" Did someone bully her?"

Diloc shook his head with a smile, and then said to Grandma Jasmine: "Jasmine, how can Lord Don Ross know about this situation! Xiaoyan's current status is much higher than that of Lord Don Ross. Speaking of which, these things are not about Don Ross. My lord can know! Not to mention, the city of Xiaoyan is still so far away from our town of Bruffin, Lord Don Rose has the opportunity to know the situation of Xiaoyan city! You... just think too much!"

"Then, did Lord Don Rose say when Xiaoyan will come back to visit us?" Grandma Jasmine asked eagerly, "Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Xiaoyan left our town of Bruffin, and now she has finally become a You are now the Lord of a city, so you should be able to come back sometime? Diloc, do you think Xiaoyan will despise us after becoming the Lord of the city, so he will not come back?"

"Jasmine, what nonsense are you talking about! Xiaoyan won't do it!" Hearing Grandma Jasmine's words, Dilloch straightened his face and said to her, "Master Tang Ross told me. The city of Xiaoyan It’s not in our Eastern Continent, but it’s still a long way from us. Let’s not talk about the teleportation issue in the mainland. That new city was taken from others by Xiaoyan and many others. Think about it. , the city in the hands of others, can there be no resistance from the old subordinates? Although Xiaoyan has become the Lord of the city now, he still needs to clean up the uneasy factors in the city and rebuild the city later. Is it? It's normal for her not to come back to see us for a while... When she finishes her work, she will come back to see us. "

Grandma Jasmine pursed her lips worriedly after hearing what Diloc said, then she suddenly looked at Diloc with determination and said, "Dilloc, if it's really what you said, then we can't stay in Buffin In Rui Town, we are just waiting for Xiaoyan to come back!"

"Jasmine, what do you mean?" Diloc looked at Grandma Jasmine with a look of surprise.

"Let's go to Xiaoyan's city to find her!" Grandma Jasmine said to Diloc with a radiant face, "Dilloc, while we can still walk, let's go see Xiaoyan and help her by the way." !"

"Jasmine, what are you talking about?" Dillock shook his head when he heard Grandma Jasmine's words, and said, "Let's not talk about whether we can go to Xiaoyan's city, the question is, what can we do for Xiaoyan? We They're both old, what will they do? Help Xiaoyan? Jasmine, we don't have the ability to help her! Think about it, what if we drag Xiaoyan down instead?"

"How come? Diloc, I can make potions! Xiaoyan's city definitely needs a potion shop! And you can go to Xiaoyan's and help her with some city affairs in the city lord's mansion?" Grandma Jasmine asked. Looking longingly at Dillock, he said, "Although we can't help much, these small things can still be done!"

"Jasmine..." Dilloch couldn't help but frowned and shook his head and said to Grandma Jasmine, "Have you ever thought about... Xiaoyan is a city, and the grade of our potions is not qualified to be placed in It is sold in her city!"

Grandma Jasmine was stunned when she heard the words, and then she said dryly after a while, "Then... Diloc, I can't sell potions, but you can go to Xiaoyan's city lord's mansion to help! Think about it , she is now the new city lord, and there are not many people she can trust. If the city is handed over to others, can you rest assured? Are you not afraid that someone will deceive her?"

Diloc opened his mouth, intending to speak again to reject Grandma Jasmine, but Diloc couldn't help swallowing the words.After being silent for a long time, Dilloch finally made up his mind and said to Grandma Jasmine: "Then... Jasmine, I will go to Mrs. Don Ross and ask him for leave now! Let's pack our things and go find Xiaoyan! "

What Dillock cannot deny is that Ji Xiaoyan's city, as a city that has just been taken over, must need some reliable people to help.Others, to be honest, Dillock is still a little worried. Even those who helped Ji Xiaoyan to seize the city cooperated very well at that time. Who can guarantee that after seeing Ji Xiaoyan become the city lord, he will not be jealous?There are too many things to turn against the results after the victory.In addition, there may be some old people left in the city from the past, who can guarantee that they will not create obstacles for Ji Xiaoyan in the city?It's fine if he and Jasmine go, although they can't help with big things, at least they can help with small things, right?

"Okay, okay, okay! You go, go early and come back early, I will arrange everything in the store, and after handing it over to Jill and Gina, we will set off immediately!" Grandma Jasmine looked at Dee with an excited face. After Locke finished speaking, after watching him turn and leave, he quickly started planning.

However, when he went to the Consul Hall to see the Consul Mr. Don Rose, Dilloch was completely unexpected. After listening to his words, Mr. Don Rose's attitude did not seem to be the same as he imagined.

"Lord Don Rose..." Dilloch watched Lord Don Rose stare at him silently for a long time without speaking, and asked a little impatiently, " don't want us to leave Bufenrui Town? ?”

Lord Don Rose sighed faintly, then looked at Dillock and asked, "Dillock, have you ever thought about it, what's the use of you going there? It's a city, not the same as our town of Buffalo. The scale is small, it’s bigger and more advanced than ours! Just like Jasmine, even if the potions she makes are placed in the best shops in the city, they still can’t be sold! What can you do when you go there?”

"Lord Don Ross, we all know what you said!" Dilloch didn't look shocked at all, but smiled at Lord Don Ross with a clear face, and then said: "Even if we don't know anything If we can’t help Xiaoyan, we can at least go and see her current situation! She has gone through so much to become the city lord. As her grandparents, we have not participated in any of the bitter process, and we have not helped anyone. I'm busy, I can't just wait here like this forever, and let her come back to see us after crossing the mainland! We have to think about her and let her relax, right?"

"Are you so sure that she has become the city lord, can she still come back to see you?" Lord Don Ross shook his head at Diloc and said with a sigh, "Dilloc, no matter what Ji Xiaoyan's identity is now, she will always It’s all adventurers, you can’t forget it! Which adventurer have you met who will repay you? Come back to see you? Hmph, maybe Ji Xiaoyan has forgotten all of you a long time ago!”

"No, Xiaoyan won't be like this!" Dilloch immediately denied him with a straight face when he heard Lord Don Rose's words.

"That's not clear!" Lord Don Rose said to Diloc with disbelief, crossing his legs.

"Master Don Ross, I don't want to talk nonsense with you about these irrelevant matters! Jasmine and I are going to find Xiaoyan, so just say whether you agree or not and let's go!" Dilloch stopped talking nonsense and turned directly to Tang Lord Rose said: "If you agree, please give us a copy of Xiaoyan City's situation by the way, so we can find her later!"

"Are you really going?" Lord Don Ross straightened his face and asked Diloc with a serious face.

"Yes, we must go! Moreover, we must go immediately!" Diloc nodded without hesitation.

Lord Don Ross sighed helplessly, and after a few seconds, he spoke to Dillock and said, "Well, since you have decided to go, I can't force it!"

With a happy face on his face, Dilloch was about to thank Mr. Don Ross, but he heard him say again: "Then we will set off tomorrow! Allow me to pack my luggage..."

"Ah? Lord Don Rose, what are you talking about?" Dilloch couldn't help but stare at Lord Don Rose several times, and then asked, "You want to pack your bags? You want to go with us?"

"That's natural!" Lord Don Rose nodded, smiled suddenly, and said to Dillock: "Speaking of which, my lord has been walking around the surrounding towns for so many years, and I have never had the opportunity to see those big cities. What does it look like, and I don’t know any Lord City Lord! It’s better now. Speaking of Ji Xiaoyan, she can be regarded as a member of our Bufenrui Town. She was also a resident of my Lord’s subordinates back then? Now she’s promising, After becoming the lord of a city, my lord should pay a visit no matter what, and wait for her to entertain me, right? Just as you and Jasmine are going to find her, then my lord will go there with you and protect you by the way. Turn back to Ji Xiaoyan No matter what, I have to thank my lord!"

Dilloch's eyes widened, and he looked at Lord Don Ross in surprise, but remained silent for a while.

"Okay, Diloc, go back and get ready! Tomorrow morning, my lord will come to pick you up and set off together!" Lord Don Ross directly gave Diloc the order to evict guests with a smile.

"But, Mr. Don Ross, you are the consul of our Buffinrui Town. How can you leave at will?" Dilloch still looked at Mr. Don Ross with some confusion and said, "No, no, if you leave, What about our Buffalo town?"

"What should we do? The population of our Bufenrui town is not as large as before. Are you still worried that when my lord leaves, someone will come and take our town? Is it the same as the city, is it popular everywhere?" Lord Don Rose couldn't help but shook his head at Diloc with a smile, and then said, "Okay, Diloc, you don't need to worry about these things for my lord! My lord Of course you know it in your heart! You just need to take good care of you and Jasmine!"
"Lord Don Rose..." Dilloch wanted to say something more, but just after he said a word, he watched Lord Don Rose beckon and let the guards around him lift him up and throw him out of the governing hall.

"What should I do?" Diloc stood at the door of the governing hall with a worried expression on his face, and couldn't help stamping his feet. After thinking for a long time, he quickly ran back to his home, and told Grandma Jasmine about the matter. Then he said to her: "Jasmine, we can't let Mrs. Don Ross follow us so capriciously. If there is any problem in our Buffinrui Town, the two of us can't be held responsible! It really can't, We packed our things and left at night!"

Grandma Jasmine nodded quickly, then frowned again, then looked at Diloc and asked, "But, Diloc, if we leave like this, how can we find Xiaoyan? Lord Don Ross has given you a map of Xiaoyan's city Is it? Or other information?"

Dilloch shook his head blankly.

Grandma Jasmine sighed heavily: "There is no information, no map, Diloc, how can we find Xiaoyan? Even if we are going to ask for directions, we must know the destination at least! We can't even find Xiaoyan's city now. I don’t know what the name is, how can I find it? Does every city ask the name of the city lord?”

"I remember... I remember the name of Xiaoyan's city was written on the official document Master Don Ross showed me..." Diloc frowned and remained silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his face to look at Grandma Jasmine and said, "At that time I was only interested in being happy that Xiaoyan became the city lord, and didn't pay too much attention to the name of that city...I'll go to the governing hall to find the official document, and then we will know the name of Xiaoyan's city!"

(End of this chapter)

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