The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2729 Alright, you go

Chapter 2729 Alright, you go
What is the mind of the people of the Fox Clan, can the people of the Fallen Demon Clan not know?Just like what the people of the Fallen Demon Clan are planning in their hearts, the people of the Fox Clan know it too.It's just that everyone tacitly didn't expose it directly, so as not to embarrass both sides!

The elder of the Fox Clan and the elder of the Fallen Demon Clan talked back and forth for a long time, but neither of them had any intention of giving in, they could only stay in a stalemate, staring at each other, and neither of them mentioned going to the next town off topic.

In the end, an aborigine of the fallen demon clan seemed to be a little impatient, but he opened his mouth first, and said to the elder of the fallen devil clan: "My lord, the things we brought are almost used, can you Go back to the clan to supplement it?"

The corner of the elder of the fallen demon clan curled up slightly, and he looked away from the elder of the fox clan, then turned his head to look at the aborigine of the fallen demon clan, nodded lightly and asked: "What are our things? Are you done?"

"Yes! It's almost gone!" The aborigine of the Fallen Demon clan nodded immediately, and hurriedly said: "The things that the Lord Son gave us are all gone, Mr. Elder, since everyone in the Fox Clan is not in a hurry to do it now. What, why don't we go back and replenish it first! We have to ask Lord Son of Heaven to give us some water liquid of the power of the Fallen! Otherwise, it's still very dangerous for us Fallen people to walk outside. Yes! I think, all the allies of the Fox Clan don’t want to see what happens to our Fallen Demon Clan, do they?”

Hearing the words, the elders of the Fox Clan frowned immediately, couldn't help but glanced at the aborigine of the Fallen Demon Clan, and then said with a smile: "What are you talking about! What does the Fallen Demon Clan need? , as long as our fox clan has something, it must be given to everyone! Why do you need to go back and replenish it! The elders can settle the matter and see what you lack, and tell our fox clan directly, we It will be ready for you immediately!"

"Ordinary things don't matter. When our fallen demons are not so poor that we have nothing, it's just that the Holy Son gave us things for our fallen demons, but we need to go back to get them! The power of the fallen demons Shui Ye, I think the Fox Clan can’t provide it for us, right?” The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan squinted his eyes, looked at the elder of the Fox Clan with a smile and said, “Since the elders, you are not in a hurry to leave now. In the next town, why not just wait here for us! I took people back to get the water first, and when the time comes when the Fox Clan needs our help, we, the Fallen Demon Clan, can be more confident, right?"

Let the fallen demons go back?Who knows when they will come back after they go back?

The elder of the Fox Clan frowned immediately, looked at the elder of the Fallen Demon Clan, and then said with a smile: "Everyone of the Fallen Demon Clan has helped our Fox Clan take back so many towns, this must be exhausting That's right! Now that you are asked to go back to get things, doesn't that seem like our Fox Clan is going too far? Let me tell you, elders, you rest here, and we will leave it to our Fox Clan to go back and get things. Just do it! Isn’t it just to go to Lord Shengzi to get the water liquid of the power of the fallen demon? Our Fox Clan will send someone to get it right away!”

"Oh?!" The elder of the fallen demon clan suddenly laughed, and looked at the elder of the fox clan with a very strange look, and then said after a while: "Since the elder is willing to go to the place of the holy son It’s okay to get things for our Fallen Clan! Then I’ll have to trouble the elders!”

"Don't bother, don't bother!" The elder of the fox clan squinted his eyes. Although he was a little surprised by the expression and gaze of the elder of the fallen demon clan, he kept smiling and said, "It's fine for the elder to wait here. Now, I will arrange for someone to deliver the letter back, and someone will pick up the things and send them over!"

"Okay! Then our Fallen Clan will be waiting here!" The elder of the Fallen Clan looked relaxed, and nodded without worrying at all, watching the elder of the Fox Clan immediately arrange people After sending the butterfly away, he turned around and went back, casually found a seat on the ruins of the town, and stayed with the other aborigines of the Fallen Demon Clan!
"Elder, what the hell is going on with these fox people? Are they trying to force us to stay here?" An aborigine of the fallen demon clan couldn't help asking in a low voice, "And, we all After destroying so many towns, these people from the fox clan actually didn’t intend to get mad at us after they came here, it doesn’t seem normal at all!”

"Yeah! Elder, I thought they would start blaming us as soon as they arrived, yelling! I had prepared my lines, but it turned out that their hippie smiles were all right, which made me think about it for a long time. There is no way to say it! This is really abnormal!"

"I'm guessing! It must be what the fox patriarch said!" The elder of the fallen demon clan thought for a while, and whispered to the crowd: "The fox clan has colorful butterflies, and they can send news to the clan at any time. Go back! Think about it, after the aborigines of the fox clan who came to find us went back, wouldn't they tell the elders of the fox clan about the situation?"

"It will definitely!"

"It's not necessarily that I'm adding oil and vinegar!"

Many aborigines of the Fallen Clan immediately nodded and said to the elder of the Fallen Clan.

"So, after the aborigines of the fox clan go back, can the elder of the fox clan not know anything? After he knows, he will come to us with a smile without doing anything? Then why? Maybe!" The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan suddenly sneered, glanced at the members of the Fox Clan who started wandering in the ruins of the town in the distance, and then continued: "I guess, the elder of the Fox Clan must be After knowing the news, he sent someone to send the news back to the Fox Clan, and he also sued us on the way, wanting the patriarch of the Fox Clan to make a fuss in front of our patriarch and the young patriarch, but unfortunately, things did not go as they wished That's all!"

"The elder means that the head of the Fox Clan didn't go to our Fallen Demon Clan?" Hearing this, everyone in the Fallen Demon Clan couldn't help but get a little excited!

Is this fox clan also afraid of their fallen demon clan?

"Shouldn't have gone!" The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The elder of the Fox Clan can't figure things out, the head of the Fox Clan must be able to figure it out! Our Fallen Demon Clan This clan is here to help their Fox clan, and they dare to blame us for doing something? Are you not afraid of us making trouble? No matter what the Lord Son of God ordered, we can’t let our Fallen Demon clan suffer forever, right? Besides, Fox The Fallen Clan only asked us to rob them of the town, and now we have done it. As for the process and some incidental consequences, is it possible that our Fallen Clan should be responsible? Guaranteed? Then this town can be so easily robbed Come down? If it's easy, the Fox Clan will come!"

Everyone immediately nodded, deeply agreeing!is not that right?If people from the fox clan come here, how many towns can they grab?

"So, the head of the Fox Clan is also afraid of offending our Fallen Demon Clan!" The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan laughed suddenly, and said to the crowd: "Since you want us to do things, then naturally you have to follow our example. This town was destroyed. They didn't know about it before. We did it, and we can barely say it. After that, they all followed us. If we do this again, they have a reason to go to Lord Shengzi Where did you file the complaint! So, I guess, that’s what the Fox Clan chief must have told the Fox Clan elder, telling him to follow us and supervise our fallen demon clan! If we destroy the town again , They will definitely sue in front of Lord Shengzi! As for the previous incident, the Fox Clan patriarch probably let them pretend that nothing happened!"

"Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense!" "What does it mean to make sense! What the elder said makes sense!" An aborigine of the fallen demon clan stretched out his hand, and directly followed the fallen devil who had just spoken. The aborigine of the clan slapped the head, and then continued: "It's just that these fox clan people have been staring at us, it's a bit difficult to do!"

"Not easy to do? Not good to do?" The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan was not worried, and said with a smile: "The water liquid of the Fallen Demon Power given by the Holy Son, do you think the Fox Clan can do it?" Bring it back?"

"That's definitely impossible! That's the water liquid of the power of the fallen devil! Only people of our fallen devil clan can take it!" When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing, "These The people of the Fox Clan are also stupid, thinking that this will keep us all here!"

"Besides, let's go grab the town next time. Is the liquid liquid of fallen demon power given by Lord Son of God that our fallen demon clan can control?" Opened, and continued to say to the crowd: "Our fallen demons can only use the water liquid of the power of fallen demons, how can we control them! We have not controlled the town in front of us, let Those waters flowed everywhere, and finally caused those towns to be destroyed by the power of the fallen demons in those waters? So, we can only do our best in the future! We really want to ensure that they will not be destroyed It is simply impossible for the slightest bit of the town! Even if we bring this matter up in front of the Holy Son, our Fallen Demon Clan will be able to say it! Tell me, right!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The members of the Fallen Demon Clan immediately became happy when they heard the words, and they didn't have the depressed expressions that were blocked by the Fox Clan just now!
This arena belongs to their Fallen Demon Clan!
Thinking of this, the members of the Fallen Demon Clan look at everyone in the Fox Clan differently!

At this moment, the members of the Fox Clan have been paying attention to the situation of the aborigines of the Fallen Demon Clan. Seeing the smiles on their faces, they are all unhappy.

"Elder, what do you think these members of the fallen demon clan are laughing at? Do they have some kind of conspiracy!?" Several aborigines of the Fox clan couldn't help asking the elder of the Fox clan, "How do we Do you always feel that those members of the fallen demon family are trying to set a trap to trap us?"

"Hit? What else can you do?" The elder of the Fox clan also looked sad, and said to the aborigines of the Fox clan beside him: "The patriarch told us that nothing happened. Looking at those Fallen Demon Clan, let them take back the town for our Fox Clan, but tell me, what else can we argue with them? The town that was destroyed in the past will be rebuilt when we have the opportunity , if there is no chance, forget it!"

"All these were destroyed by those members of the Fallen Demon Clan, why not let them compensate our Fox Clan! This is too cheap for them!" The aborigines of the Fox Clan couldn't help but look angry said in a low voice.

"Then what can we do?" The elder of the fox clan also looked unhappy, and sighed: "If the patriarch doesn't speak, what else can we do to these fallen demons? Is it possible that you still want to fight with them?" Can't you hit it once?"

The members of the Fox Clan pursed their lips and stopped talking.

"I also want to beat them up, but we are allies with these fallen demons! If there is a real fight, it will be unpleasant, and if we go back to the clan, what will happen to the patriarch's face? ?Now these fallen demons have completely pushed the responsibility away, what else can we argue with them? We can only keep an eye on them in the future and let them handle things well for our fox clan It's gone!" The elder of the Fox Clan frowned with melancholy on his face, and then said, "The Fallen Demon Clan are thinking that they can run back and drag us down. Hmph, they think it's beautiful! I'm going to let people Bring over the water liquid of the power of the fallen demon they said, and then stare at them to rob the fox clan of towns! They caused our fox clan to lose so many towns, we can't blame them for the fallen devil clan What, but in the next time, I will let them the fallen demons know what this feeling of aggrieved looks like!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Let these Fallen Demons know that our Fox Clan is not easy to mess with!"

The elder of the fox clan nodded silently, and looked towards those members of the fallen demon clan with a smile on his lips, but he was still a little uneasy!Just like what the aborigines of the fox clan said, the people of the fallen demon clan can still laugh under such circumstances. If it is said that there is no plan, he does not believe it.

However, what else can these fallen demons plan now?The elders of the fox clan couldn't figure it out, but they knew very well in their hearts that this matter was probably aimed at their fox clan!
He didn't want their fox clan to suffer any more!Otherwise, if you go back to the clan, you won't be able to explain to the patriarch!

(End of this chapter)

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