Chapter 2730
The fox family's reply letter was sent back quickly.

Everything was just as the aborigines of the Fallen Demon Clan expected. Those Fox Clan people went to their Fox Clan Saintess to ask for the water liquid of the Fallen Demon Power, but they couldn't take it away!Only the aborigines of the Fallen Clan can take the water liquid of the Fallen Clan's power.They foxes don't have the power of fallen demons, so they can't touch the water!
The face of the elder of the fox tribe who received the reply letter turned dark immediately, and his mood was instantly bad!
"Elder, are we going to let those members of the Fallen Clan go back?" Everyone in the Fox Clan was also a little unhappy. Think about it, they are planning to keep all the members of the Fallen Clan here. Don't let them go back to get the water liquid of the power of the fallen demon, and then let them, the foxes, hang here and wait.Now that the water liquid of the fallen devil's power can't be taken back, is it possible to really let those fallen devils go back?
If this is said, then what kind of face will the Fallen Demon Clan look at their Fox Clan?
"Elder! Those members of the Fallen Clan knew this would happen a long time ago, so when you said that you wanted to get someone to help bring the liquid of the Fallen Power, those Fallen Clans deliberately did everything Didn't say, let us send the letter out! They are waiting for this time, waiting to see the jokes of our fox clan!" The aborigines of the fox clan reacted immediately, and immediately shouted at the elder of the fox clan He said something, but his mouth was covered as soon as he finished speaking.

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!"

"That's right, do you think we haven't guessed it?"

A few members of the Fox Clan yelled reproachfully at the native Fox Clan who was speaking, and then carefully looked towards the Fallen Demon Clan. Sure enough, someone in the Fallen Demon Clan heard the movement and twisted their heads. He turned his head and looked in their direction.

"The people of the Fallen Demon Clan can't hear it?" The aborigine of the Fox Clan suddenly asked nervously, and said with a frown: "They are probably laughing at us now, just wait for us to tell us They, we can't get the water liquid of the power of the fallen devil, we will let them go back and get it by ourselves!"

"Let them go back and get them by themselves? How is that possible!?" The elder of the fox clan sneered when he heard this, and said to the people around him: "No matter what, we can't let them go back! Otherwise , our Fox Clan will become their laughing stock in the future!"

"The elder, what do you mean?" All the aborigines of the fox clan looked at the elder of the fox clan.

"Send the news back!" The fox elder said to the fox aborigines around him very seriously, "Send the news back to the patriarch, tell the patriarch about this matter, and ask the patriarch to find the saint My lord, let those members of the Fallen Demon clan send someone to bring over the water liquid of the Fallen Demon power!"

"The elder means that those who fell into a certain clan will be sent back?" the aborigine of the fox clan suddenly asked in surprise.

"Our Fox Clan can't touch the liquid of the power of the Fallen Devil, only the people of the Fallen Devil Clan can touch it, and they are not allowed to give it away, so what can we do?" The elder of the Fox Clan also had a depressed expression on his face. , and said to the crowd: "The ones who are fighting with us now are not the entire Fallen Clan, but the people of the Fallen Clan over there! So, if they want to go back, we will not let them go back! Even if they are the Fallen Clan in the end! People from one clan sent the water over, so they can only wait here! Want to see jokes about our fox clan? Hmph, that's not what they want!"

Everyone in the fox family thinks about it, this is the only way to do it now!
At any rate, we can't let them be too disadvantaged by the fox clan, right?The water liquid of the power of fallen demons, they fox clan really can't get it!Now that's the only way to get back a little face!

"Go, send the news back!" The elder of the fox tribe nodded to an aboriginal fox tribe, motioning for him to write a letter immediately, and after releasing another butterfly, he turned to the rest of the fox tribe. The aborigines of the fox clan said: "Let's go! It may take some time until the patriarch arranges the people of the fallen demon clan to come over. At this time, let's take a good look at this town and save it." In the next time, I was fooled by those fallen demons! What kind of way do they destroy the town? We have to think about how to deal with it!"

Many aborigines of the fox clan nodded quickly and followed behind the elder of the fox clan.

"Remember! Those members of the Fallen Demon Clan must have seen our colorful butterflies come back, and must have known that our Fox Clan already knew that they would not be able to get the water liquid of the Fallen Demon Power, and were still dying! "The elder of the fox clan suddenly thought of this matter, and hurriedly said to the people behind him: "So, in order to give them a 'surprise', we have to be more angry now, more angry, more depressed, more Depressed! We wandered around the town, but we couldn't swallow this breath, and we were still trying to find a way to save face and not let them leave! We want to make them from the Fallen Clan laugh in their hearts, thinking that our Fox Clan will lose this time , they can go back! Do you understand?"

"Understood! I understand! Elder, don't worry!" The aborigines of the fox tribe immediately nodded to the elder of the fox tribe when they heard the words, and then said: "This time, why don't our fox tribe It is to give them a surprise for the Fallen Demon Clan!"

The elder of the fox tribe immediately smiled and nodded, and then led a group of "depressed" and "extremely depressed" fox tribe aboriginals, deliberately avoiding those aborigines of the fallen demon tribe, slowly walking in the town. wandered up.

Sure enough, the members of the Fallen Demon Clan immediately became happy after seeing the expressions of everyone in the Fox Clan.

"My lord elder, look at those members of the Fox clan! Hahaha, they just took in a butterfly just now. It is estimated that the members of the Fox clan have already informed them of the result. Now they all know the power of our fallen demon clan. The water liquid, they Fox Clan can't even touch it!"

"Look at the expressions of those fox people. Just now, they looked like they were waiting to see us suffer. Now it's better. It's their turn to suffer! Hahahaha, it's so refreshing to watch!"

After the elder of the fallen demon clan glanced at the expressions of everyone in the fox clan, he couldn't help laughing: "This is the result of being too self-confident! These fox clan members should be punished by us." Cleaned up!"

Everyone in the Fallen Demon Clan nodded immediately, and all of them looked happily at the elder of the Fallen Demon Clan, and then asked: "Master Elder, when do you think these Fox Clan people will let us go! If they keep doing this Delaying time, don't you still leave us here?"

"What's the rush! We've already said that our Fallen Clan doesn't have the power of the Fallen Son, but it can't help their Fox Clan attack towns at all. They want us to attack like this Town, how is that possible?" The elder of the fallen demon clan sneered, and said to the people in front of him: "If there is no such liquid, we can just stay still. At that time, even if we want to stab Lord Shengzi We don’t need to be afraid if we go in front of him! We Fallen Demons are not Lord Lord God, if we want to attack that town, we can go naked like this!”

"That's right!"

The aborigines of the Fallen Demon Clan nodded immediately when they heard the words, and said one after another: "Now these Fox Clan people are just trying to be brave, and they still want to come over in the end, begging us to go back! Hahaha!"

"Look at the expressions of those fox people, hahaha."

"And that fox clan elder! I don't know what his mood is like now! Not reconciled? Or depressed?"

The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan curled up his mouth, and seeing the depressed and unwilling faces of the Fox Clan, he couldn't help but feel better: "The Fox Clan will definitely have to struggle a little bit more. If they just admit defeat like this, they How would you want to! Didn’t you see it just now? They sent another colorful butterfly away! Most likely they went to ask the patriarch of their fox clan for advice, let’s see how they can come and tell us so as to hurt their fox clan’s face smaller!"

"Hahaha!" The members of the Fallen Demon Clan couldn't help laughing out loud when they heard the words. The laughter had nothing to worry about, and it resounded wildly over the entire ruined town in an instant, attracting those The aborigines of the fox tribe looked sideways, and the bitterness on their faces became more serious.

"Be happy! Just let them be happy!" The expression on the face of the elder of the fox clan was so ugly and ugly, especially when he saw the elder of the fallen demon clan looking at him, the elder of the fox clan showed his expression on purpose. With an angry expression, he glared fiercely at the elder of the fallen demon clan, then turned his face away, showing a slight smile, and said to the people behind him with ease: "At this moment, let Let them be proud! If they see their fallen demons coming, they won't be in such a good mood!"

The people of the Fox Clan are very powerful in acting, and they successfully fooled the people of the Fallen Demon Clan.

Then the two groups of people were like this, some of them wandered around the ruined town, as if they were delaying time, while the other group of people gathered together, telling jokes and laughing with unknown meaning.

The colorful butterflies of the fox clan flew back quickly, and this time they brought good news, because the patriarch of the fox clan had already gone to find their lord saint, and let the members of the fallen demon clan bring the power of the fallen devil The water liquid is rushing to the side of the town!
As a result, the moods of the Fox Clan improved immediately, with expressions and moods of waiting for the show, waiting for the arrival of the new aborigines from the Fallen Demon Clan.

And after discussing with the fallen demons here, they decided to call those fox people over and tell them to go back.After all, the stubbornness of the fox clan to delay time is stronger than they imagined!Why should they waste time with them here!
The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan looked at the Fox Clan people from a distance and saw them standing in the same place without any intention of moving, and immediately ordered impatiently to the people beside him: "Go over and see them together." People, let those fox people come over! If they don't want to, we can go there!"

An aborigine of the Fallen Demon Clan heard the words, nodded immediately, and ran towards the Fox Clan members, and successfully called the Fox Clan members over.

As soon as the elder of the fallen demon clan met with the elder of the fox clan, the two immediately greeted each other with a half-smile.

"Elder, we've been waiting here long enough!" The elder of the fallen demon clan spoke first, "You fox clan can't send the water liquid of the power of the fallen demon for a long time, so let us have so many It's not a problem for people to wait here! If you want me to say, we should go back by ourselves, and come to help you after we get the things!"

The elder of the fox tribe could only laugh a few times, and said: "Elder, don't worry! Our patriarch said that we can definitely find a way to deliver things to you! Just wait a little longer! Wait a little longer!" !"

The elder of the Fallen Demon Clan sneered coldly when he heard the words, looked at the Fox Clan elder in front of him and said coldly: "Elder! The things from our Fallen Demon Clan may not be delivered so easily, right? I advise the elders that you should not be so brave, lest you wait until the end and fail to step down!"

"What is the elder talking about!?" The elder of the fox clan looked at the elder of the fallen demon clan with a hard look on his face and said: "Our fox clan said that we would send you something, so it must be possible Figured out a way! You just wait here!"

"According to what the elder said, if you fox clan can't think of a way to send us the water liquid of the power of the fallen devil for ten days and a half months, everyone in our fallen devil clan will have to wait here? "The elder of the fallen demon clan suddenly sneered, looked at the elder of the fox clan and said: "Elder, don't you think this is too much?"

"I didn't say that, I just asked everyone to wait here! The things will definitely be delivered!" The fox elder pretended to be angry and glared at the fallen demons in front of him, and said to them: "It's hard No, don't you Fallen Demons even have such a little patience?"

"We are patient, but what we are afraid of is that after waiting for a day, your fox clan will not be able to send us anything, and it will waste so much of our time!" The elder of the fallen demon clan also lost his politeness, and looked at him coldly. The elder of the fox tribe said: "We don't have so much time to waste here, it's better for the elder to be clear about this!"

"Elder, you don't have to worry! Our Fox Clan said that we would send the water liquid of the power of the fallen devil, so we must be able to find a way! I just hope that after the things arrive, the elders will not break their promises and help us wholeheartedly." The Fox Clan will continue to take down the town!" The Fox Clan elder couldn't help but sneer, and said something to the elder of the Fallen Demon Clan, looking forward to those who came with the power of the Fallen Demon. The scene after the aborigines of the fallen demons appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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