Chapter 2735 News

In the end, the aborigines of the fox tribe stood outside the town, but they had no intention of going any further.

Yunteng Wanli and the others were extremely confused. After discussing for a long time, they still didn't do anything. After staring at each other for a long time, they watched the aborigines of the Fox tribe turn around and leave!
"Just leave so simply? Then what are they doing here?"

"Maybe it's really just for a look?"

"It's not necessarily true. These fox people were teleported away from this town at the beginning. After robbing a lot of towns, they wanted to go back to their place from here, but when they ran back, they found that the town was taken away. We grabbed it! So they are all depressed outside!"

"There is a bit of truth in this statement! After all, the towns they captured by the Fox Clan and the Fallen Clan have all been destroyed. If there is no teleportation array, how can they go back? Here has always been If it has not been destroyed, it may not be that they stayed here to use the teleportation array!"

"Hahaha, in the end, this town was taken by us!"

The players of those families suddenly burst out laughing, but they all wore extremely smug smiles.It seems that the credit for this town being robbed is all theirs!
Yunteng Wanli looked at the players with disdain, and then coughed a few times and said: "Everyone, since the aborigines of the Fox clan have also left, we should hand over the town earlier. Let's go! We have to go back and rest!"

When this matter was mentioned, the players who had just been laughing tacitly at each other, who were good brothers and sisters, suddenly changed their faces, and immediately started arguing again.Yun Teng Wanli didn't have the heart to listen to what they said, so he turned his head and gave a glance at Yan Foil's wandering, and the two stood aside, waiting for the players of those families to finally argue. After the result, he took the confirmed candidate from the family to the mayor's mansion, let Yan Foil leave and gave the player the position of deputy mayor, and finally settled the matter.

"Master Yunteng, when are you going to build another town?" As soon as you came out of the mayor's mansion, the players from those families immediately gathered around and asked Yunteng Wanli: "We lost so much money!" There are many towns, and the meaning of the family is to let us make up for this loss as soon as possible!"

"Let's talk about it after we have a rest!" After all, Yunteng Wanli didn't mean to promise immediately, and after thinking for a while, he said to these players: "I will definitely notify you when the time comes. After all, we are all allies. To attack towns, we still need everyone’s help! But, aren’t the aborigines of the fallen demons still attacking our towns now? Personally, I think we should put this matter first, I think Figure out how to deal with it! Otherwise, the town that has just been tidied up will be destroyed by the aborigines of the fallen demons and foxes in a blink of an eye. What a pity! Everyone is right? "

"That's for sure! The family is already thinking of a way! The loss must be reduced and saved! It's just that this new town must be seized as soon as possible, right?"

"Yes! The more towns we rob, the more we can make up for these losses, right? The aborigines from so many destroyed towns are now crowded into our towns, waiting to find a place to resettle! We definitely need more towns!"

"Yes! Master Yunteng, after you grab this town, you don't need to worry about it! We will clean it up, and you can go to the next place! When we are all cleaned up, we will invite the displaced people. Just come and give us the position of deputy mayor!"

"Yes, yes, yes! This can save a lot of time!"

The players of those families laughed happily, and looked at Yunteng Wanli expectantly.

However, there was a light smile on the corner of Yunteng Wanli's mouth, and after looking around at everyone, he said coldly: "It's okay! Then when we need it, I will send you a message! Now Ah, everyone in our guild needs to find a place to take a good rest! Let's talk about this town later!"

After finishing speaking, Yunteng Wanli smiled and nodded to everyone in front of him, and then greeted the aborigines under him and directly stepped onto the teleportation array, ignoring the players from those families asking him where he was going to teleport , when to continue to attack the town, let the teleporter on the teleportation array teleport them away!Only the players of those families were left standing outside the teleportation array with sullen faces, not knowing what was going on in their minds.

After leaving the teleportation formation, Yunteng Wanli smiled and let the players of the guild move freely, while he wandered around with Yan Foil and chose a tavern at random, found a room to sit down, and asked him in detail Ask about the exile.

"Can't the location of this resurrection point be changed?"

"It can't be changed!" Nightmare foil shook his head, and said to Yunteng Wanli: "I asked Emek! He was imprisoned by the fox clan. Since he accepted me as an apprentice, Then there will be this limit!"

"Then, what if we kill him?" Yun Teng Wanli frowned, and asked Yan Foil Liuliu, "He's half-lived now!"

"If he dies, then my profession will never be able to be upgraded!" Nightmare Foil Liliu shook his head, and said to Yunteng Wanli: "Let's do this for now! As long as I'm careful, I'll die less often !"

Yunteng Wanli looked sad, looked at Yunteng Wanli, could only sigh and said: "Then what about your other things?"

You know, for the wandering Yanpao, in the past, they could only use some potions made by Ji Xiaoyan, but the aborigines couldn't use them. If they still want to ask Ji Xiaoyan for something, how can it be possible!
Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yunteng Wanli, but after a moment of bewilderment, he asked in confusion: "Brother, do you want me to find Xiaoyan?"

How is that possible!Yun Teng Wanli glared at Yan Foil Liuli, and said to him: "What are you going to do with her? Do you think she can give you potions and other things if you are still in the battle? What I mean is, let you think of a way , Prepare more things for yourself. After all, we have prepared, and we don’t know which ones you can use! Didn’t you say that you can also use some potions made by players now? Go buy more and prepare , otherwise what should I do if I can’t find it when I really need it urgently in the future?”

What's more, the quality of the things made by these players is not as good as those made by the aborigines. It is probably impossible for Yan Foil to get high-quality things!

"Well, I got it!" Yan Foil Liuliu nodded in disappointment, "I'll get ready in a while."

Yun Teng Wanli nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Yan Foil Liuli mysteriously: "Do you know that in Ji Xiaoyan's Qingcheng, there is a place called the training ground?"

Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yunteng Wanli with a puzzled expression, and silently shook his head: "What's wrong?"

"I heard that the training ground is specially for the federal government to train mutant beast hunters!" Yun Teng Wanli whispered to Yan Foil Liuli, seeing Yan Foil Lili's eyes widened in surprise and looked at his expression. Immediately raised eyebrows and said: "How is it? Don't believe it?"

"Shouldn't the training of mutant beast hunters be in places like Cloud City? How could it be in the game?" Yan Foil Liuliu asked with a puzzled frown, "What can be trained in this game?"

Moreover, where did Yunteng Wanli hear this news from?It feels very unreliable!
"You don't know that!" Yun Teng Wanli said to Yan Foil Liliu with a look of affirmation on his face, "I heard this from the people in the family with my own ears! It can't be wrong !"

Nightmare Foil Wandering still didn't believe it.

"How real this game is, don't we players know it?" Yun Teng Wanli thought for a moment, and said to Yan Foil: "I heard that all the mutant beasts in the real world are synchronized in that training ground." The information! All the mutant beast hunters who go in are inside, just like the real world, relying on their own reactions to kill mutant beasts, synchronizing their own spirits first, and then going to the real world to train real In this way, even if you are killed by a mutant beast in the game, you will not die, and you will still have the opportunity to start over and accumulate experience!"

"Brother, who did you listen to?" Yan Foil Liuli frowned in disbelief, and asked Yunteng Wanli.

"People in their families are talking about it!" Yunteng Wanli said to Yan Foil Liliu with a positive face, "Don't believe you! This thing is true! I'm also looking for someone I went to testify!"

"Well, even if it's true, so what?" Yan Foil Liuliu thought for a while, and asked Yunteng Wanli, "The matter of the mutant beast hunter is none of our business!"

"It's none of our business! But, how can we say that this matter has nothing to do with us?" Yun Teng Wanli hooked the corner of his mouth, and said to Yan Foil Liuli: "Liuli, think about it carefully! You go to Qiyu City now, and with those family members, you only have some ordinary bodyguards with you. If they encounter mutant beasts, it is impossible for them to be of any use at all, except to give mutants What else can they do when the beast fills their stomachs?"

Yan Foil Liuli looked at Yunteng Wanli with a puzzled expression, always feeling that he must have something to say when he brought up this topic.

"Let's put it this way!" Yunteng Wanli thought about it again, and said to Yan Foil Liliu: "Our current strength is just like this, and we have to rely on other families, but we can't be like this forever! Wait for us If we accumulate more strength and snatch the family back into our hands, don't we need other things in the future? It is said that the number of mutant beast hunters is very limited now, and people from the federal government want to Sending people in is limited. Not to mention these families!"

"Brother, don't you want to go in?" Yan Foil Liuli couldn't imagine Yun Teng Wanli's thoughts, and couldn't help asking him.

"Me? What am I going to do in that kind of place? Is it possible that I will be asked to kill mutant beasts in the future?" Yun Teng Wanli shook his head immediately when he heard Yan Foil's words, and said, "I mean, these People in the family are now trying to find a way to send someone to the training ground, if we can help, maybe we can get something unexpected."

"Help them? Brother, what can we help? Didn't you say that the number of places to enter the training ground is very limited?" Yan Foil Liuli frowned and asked Yunteng Wanli, thinking But there was a bad feeling.

"I told you, the training ground is in Qingcheng!" Yun Teng Wanli sighed, looked at Yan Foil Liuli, and then said: "I don't know if it's true Anyway, I heard from those in the family that the training ground is now in Qingcheng, and Ji Xiaoyan is almost in charge. Think about it, since Ji Xiaoyan is in charge, then the matter of the quota Can't Ji Xiaoyan decide how many more to add?"

"So, brother, you agree with me to find Xiaoyan!?"

This is the second time Nightmare Foil Drifter asked with some expectation.

"I said you don't want to see her, so don't go!" Yun Teng Wanli stared directly at Yan Foil Liuli, and then said to him: "What I mean is, you send Ji Xiaoyan a flying pigeon Go, ask her if she can give us a few places! If possible, how many gold coins do you want, and we can just give her!"

Anyway, these quotas are all for people from those families now, and whoever should pay the gold coins at that time will just do it!All he wants from Yun Teng Wanli is favor!Of course, it would be even better if there was still a reward!

Yan Foil Liuliu frowned, watching Yunteng Wanli without saying a word.

"Did you hear what I said?" Yun Teng Wanli patted Yan Foil's shoulder, and said to him: "Don't tell me what you don't want to say. You have sold our favor, and then Only when we come down can we get what we want! Otherwise, we only have the ability to rob the town of the Fox Clan now, and we don’t know when we can get those families to give us what we want! Now this is the matter of the training ground , I saw a lot of families trying to get some people in! If we can really provide such an opportunity, think about it, what will they think of us? Displaced, it's all for us!"

Yan Foil Liuli pursed his lips tightly, looked at Yunteng Wanli, and really wanted to say something, he always said it was for them, but now he didn't feel anything at all!

"Brother, let me think about it!"

"What else is there to think about! It's just sending a flying pigeon out!" Yun Teng Wanli shook his head directly, and said to Yan Foil Liuli: "You send Ji Xiaoyan a flying pigeon first, and ask her about it." As for the number of places in the training ground, and other things, you can think about it slowly after the pigeons are sent out! Can I still harm you?"

(End of this chapter)

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