The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2736 Planning and calculation

Chapter 2736 Planning and calculation
Naturally, it is impossible for Yunteng Wanli to cause Yan Foil to drift away, but this cannot stop Yunteng Wanli from not using him!
This point is also very clear in the heart of Yan Foil Liai, so after Yun Teng Wanli said this, Yan Foil Li Li had no intention of moving for a long time!He didn't want to send this flying pigeon a letter to Ji Xiaoyan at all, and asked about the training ground!He didn't want to use these things to wipe away Ji Xiaoyan's goodwill towards him.


However, Yunteng Wanli didn't think so.In Yun Teng Wanli's imagination, Ji Xiaoyan was not able to climb high in terms of the condition of being displaced. Therefore, if they can use everything she has now, it is because they think highly of her!As for the future, Yan Fou will marry someone with higher status and better conditions. In Ji Xiaoyan's case, at most, he will just be a lover!

Yun Teng Wanli felt that such a result was the best he could give to Yan Foil!
"Liaoli!" Yunteng Wanli looked at Yanfoil Liliu, and couldn't help shouting at him again, and then said: "Listen to brother! Go and ask Ji Xiaoyan to send a flying pigeon! This is a matter related to our future, you Don't you want us to get better?"

Yan Foil Liuli pursed his lips tightly, wanting to shake his head.

"Think about Ji Xiaoyan!" Yun Teng Wanli couldn't help but squinted his eyes, and said to Yan Foil Liuliu: "When we have the capital and strength, you can give Ji Xiaoyan more in the future." ! Do you think I'm right?"

Nightmare Foil Liuli was a little moved, looked at Yunteng Wanli, and knew that there were very few real thoughts in Yunteng Wanli's words, but Yan Foil Liuli had to admit that Yunteng Wanli's statement made him true Have the urge to do it.

"Go and ask!" Yun Teng Wanli looked at Yan Foil's wandering expression, and continued to persuade him: "It's nothing to ask! If Ji Xiaoyan really replied to your message, you can also chat with her Chat and communicate, and I won't stop you. It's just that there are some things that you have to take care of yourself! In our current situation, you really can't be with Ji Xiaoyan, do you understand? Brother, it's for your own good."

Yan Foil Liuli pursed his lips and looked at Yunteng Wanli, then nodded after a while, and agreed to send Feige a letter to Ji Xiaoyan.

Therefore, Yunteng Wanli immediately smiled happily, and after thinking about it for a long time to help Yan Foil Liuli decide the content of the Flying Pigeon Letter, he went with him to send out the Flying Pigeon Letter!

The flying pigeon flew all the way, but it didn't land in Qingcheng, but flew directly to Ji Xiaoyan's current location, on a vast plain.

The ones with Ji Xiaoyan at this moment are naturally Cenarion, Jiajia and Xuan Mo!

After the group of them flew out of Qingcheng, they went directly to the foot of the resurrection gate, let Jiajia follow the memory to find the forest when they were left behind, and then walked around in it, let Jiajia think about the original forest The direction that its master left, a group of people walked out in this direction!

A group of people set foot on this vast grassland for a while, and the flying pigeon landed on Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder.

"Where's the pigeon! Can I eat it?" Jiajia seemed to have turned into a foodie in no time. Seeing the pigeon landed on Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder, he couldn't help asking excitedly.

"Impossible!" Ji Xiaoyan gave a sharp look, "This is a pigeon delivering a letter. After taking the letter, it has to be sent back."

Jiajia was a little disappointed, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan aggrievedly, and silently took two bites of a piece of meat that Xuan Mo handed to him, and then said: "It's not delicious!"

Yu Mo gave a sharp look: "It's good to have something to eat, do you still dislike it?"

Jiajia looked at Xuan Mo aggrieved again, did not dare to say anything, but looked at the flying pigeon in Ji Xiaoyan's hand with longing eyes.

"Who sent you the letter?" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan unfolding the note on Feige's leg and frowning, Xuan Mo couldn't help asking her.

"A friend!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Xuan Mo, put the note back into the package, and said, "It's nothing, we'll talk about it after we go back to Qingcheng!"

Xuan Mo let out an oh, and didn't ask any more questions, but looked forward, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Otherwise, it would be great to let Cenarion fly with us! Why do we keep walking by ourselves like this? !?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Cenarion.

"I'm flying, am I not tired?" Cenarion glanced at Xuan Mo lightly, and said to him: "Otherwise, you can use your spells! Can't you also travel?"

Xuan Mo glanced at Cenarion, but immediately smiled flatteringly and said: "Forget it! My mana can't support it! Cenarion, you are so tired, you should take a rest!"

"Hmph!" Cenarion snorted coldly, glanced at Xuan Mo, and stopped talking.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the crowd with some amusement, and said after a while, "I don't know where I am after I walk out from here! I have never been here before."

"You'll know when you get to the end!" Cenarion answered coldly, seeing Ji Xiaoyan and others looking at him suddenly, he said with some dissatisfaction: "Did I say something wrong?"

Originally, it didn't want to come, and after spending so much time now, Cenarion just wanted to go back to his dragon's lair and lie down. Naturally, he couldn't be in a good mood, so his tone of voice was a bit offensive.

Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, looked at Cenarion, and knew in his heart that it was a bit reluctant to toss so long to find the clues of Gaga's former owner, but if they don't look for it now, then they So he had no choice but to go back to Qingcheng, and then was taken by City Lord Yan Shan to find the person from Linyin City.

Comparing the two sides, Ji Xiaoyan still feels that the current situation is better.At any rate, they also wanted to give City Lord Yechang some time to prepare, didn't they?Otherwise, would the city lord Yan Shan really find the Linyin City? !

"Cenario, I also know that you are a little reluctant to come out with us for a run, but there is nothing we can do about it?" Ji Xiaoyan said to Cenarion after talking, "You are a giant dragon. Well, wherever we go, we are majestic. If we are not with you, if we encounter any danger, we will definitely be outnumbered and be bullied! What if we die? I don’t care, but what about Jiajia and Xuanmo, no one took their corpses away, how to revive them? Are you right?”

Cenarion pouted, but didn't say anything.

"I want Nimensha to come with us, but you also know that Nimensha cannot be too far away from our Qingcheng, and there is no way for this matter to come, right? So, we can only Let you come!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Cenarion with a smile and said, "You just want to open it! Can't you just treat it as us coming out to play?"

"But I want to go back and lie in the nest!" Cenarion said sullenly.

"When we find out about the former owner of Jiajia, we will go back immediately!" Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to comfort him, "If we keep walking like this, we will definitely find clues!"

"Hmph, what if you still can't find anything if you keep walking?" Cenarion poured cold water on him and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "How long will it take to walk like this? Are you planning not to return to Qingcheng for several years?"

"That's impossible! Where have you been for a few years!" Xuan Mo suddenly said with a smile.

"If you can't find it all the time, what's so strange about walking for a few years?" Cenarion said to Xuan Mo coldly, and after watching him frown in depression, he said to Ji Xiaoyan : "Anyway, I don't want to go for such a long time! I still need to go back to guard my dark forest!"

"Then it's impossible for us to go back as soon as we come out!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Cenarion helplessly and said to it.This forced Cenarion to come together. On the one hand, as she just said, it was for deterrence and safety. Let's fly!Even if it is to escape, it can be faster, no! ?
So, appease Cenarion, that is what must be done!

"Then how about this!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said to Cenarion: "Let's keep going, if you encounter a town, you can go back to the Dark Forest directly from the teleportation array in the town to have a look. We How about waiting for you in town?"

Cenarion frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and asked, "You mean, after you find the town, you stay in the town, and I will teleport back! If there is nothing wrong in the dark forest, then teleport back? Then Keep going!?"

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, and said to Cenarion: "In this way, you can keep an eye on the situation in the dark forest at any time, and you can accompany us again! The best of both worlds! What do you think?" ,right?"

Will Xuanmo and Jiajia shake their heads?That is naturally impossible!
"Then it doesn't mean I have to run around all the time?" Cenarion still frowned, and said unhappily: "Then I won't be very tired?"

"Go from the teleportation array, no way! It's more troublesome to run!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "Isn't there no way? Cenarion, do you think about it?"

What else could Cenarion say?It's just Ji Xiaoyan's mount now!

Therefore, Cenarion, who looked unhappy, could only follow Ji Xiaoyan and the others to go on in silence. Apart from not wanting to carry them, he didn't have any objections!

After passing through the wild land, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw a high mountain, and the mountain was naturally covered with dense forests.

"Otherwise, Cenarion, think about it and take us to fly there?" Yu Mo smiled and suggested to Cenarion with a little flattery: "In this way we don't have to fly in this forest anymore." Isn’t it a waste of time here? What’s more, with your huge body, it is not easy to follow us through the forest!”

"If I can't pass through, can't I fly over?" Cenarion gave Xuan Mo a blank look.

"Didn't I mean to let you fly over?" Yu Mo laughed even harder, and said to Cenarion: "So, Cenarion, you are going to fly over anyway, take Can't we go together?"

"I can't tell?" Cenarion said with a sneer, looking at Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo was a little speechless, immediately put on an aggrieved look, looked at Cenarion and asked, "Cenario, do you hate us so much?"

Cenarion didn't say anything, but looked at Xuan Mo with a frown, not knowing what he was going to do!
"Cenario, why don't you like us! What did we do wrong?" Tears began to gather in Xi Mo's eyes, and he looked at Cenarion pitifully, as if he had done something huge. Bad things are generally: "Cenario, what don't you like about us, just tell us, and Jiajia and I will change! But you can't dislike us like this! We will be very sad if we do this!"

Cenarion's brows trembled again, looking at Xuan Mo, he felt a little dull in his heart for no reason.

"I don't dislike you!"

After holding back for a while, Cenarion said helplessly.

"But, you don't even want to fly with us!" Yu Mo looked at Cenarion with great aggrievedness, and said to it: "If you like us, it won't be like this!"

"I don't like anyone riding on my back! I'm the dragon lord, not a riding object!" Cenarion had a displeased expression on his face, and said to Xuan Mo and the others seriously: "I've already carried I’ve passed you once! It’s impossible to carry you every time, what do you think of me as a giant dragon?”

"But, Cenarion, if we want to climb these mountains now, it will take a lot of time!" Xuan Mo doesn't care, they really don't want to waste time in the mountains like this, they can only look at Cenarion helplessly Said: "Can't you just give us another ride? We are all from Xiaoyan, and we are not outsiders, right? If I can, I'd like to fly with you too!"

Cenarion narrowed his eyes, but did not answer, he could only stare at Xuan Mo and Jia Jia, and after a while, he said lightly: "Unless it is necessary, I will not carry you again." Let's go! If you feel that you are walking slowly, just let Jiajia run with you on your back! It still has this ability! As for Ji Xiaoyan, she is my master, as long as she wants, I can naturally Take her away! But you two, no!"

"Cenario, can't you?" Yu Mo looked at Cenario even more aggrieved, still wanting to fight for it.

"No!" Cenarion's attitude was very resolute, he flapped his wings twice, and said to Xuan Mo and Jiajia: "If you want to go, go by yourself, don't come to my idea again!"

(End of this chapter)

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