Chapter 2966

Whether it is Lin Qianye, Lord Yanshan, or Lord Yeshan, they never thought that this guardian beast of Linyin City would do such a thing!After eating everything on both sides, he just fell down and fell asleep, and didn't care about anything!
what is this?Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?Or do you turn your face and deny people after eating? !Lin Qianye frowned tightly, looking at the sleeping guardian beast, there was really nothing she could do about it!Even if they wanted to lift such a huge Guardian Beast, it would be impossible for them!What's more, if this disturbs again, if the guardian beast directly attacks them with its claws, will they be able to resist it?
Lin Qianye didn't want to encounter such a scene!

On the contrary, the Lords of the city, Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan, were very happy to see the result. They looked at the sleeping guardian beast with a smile on their faces, and looked at Lin Qianye with a somewhat smug expression. them!
Anyway, as long as the Guardian Beast doesn't help Lin Qianye and the others, City Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan will feel happy in their hearts!
You Si was also frowning at the moment, looked and looked at the guardian beast, couldn't help but tugged on the corner of Lalin Qianye's clothes, and asked Lin Qianye anxiously: "Qianye, next What are we going to do!? If this Guardian Beast really sleeps like this, we won’t be able to get rid of it! What’s going on with it? Just like that, shouldn’t it just agree to follow us to help? Even if you eat something from City Lord Jin Shan and the others, you can’t do both things and just fall asleep like this, right? Or is it that City Lord Jin Shan and the others put medicine in the food?”

Thinking of this possibility, You Si's eyes widened immediately, with an expression of excitement that something must have happened.

Lin Qianye frowned and thought about it, and finally shook her head at You Si and said, "Prescribing medicine or something is impossible, so don't think about it! Let's wait and see now!"

"Wait? What are you waiting for! Do you really want to wait until the guardian beast wakes up before trying to find a solution?" You Si frowned tightly, and couldn't help but glance at the Lords of the City Lord Yan Shan and the Lord Ye Shan. Zhuo Lin Qianye said in a low voice: "Qianye, you need to know! If the guardian beast is waking up, the City Lord Yan Shan and the City Lord Ye Shan will definitely follow the same pattern and bring out food to lure the guardian beast again. Guardian beast, if the guardian beast is not coaxed away by them at that time, or it will sleep after eating like it is now! For us, what we do is useless! The purpose is to prevent that guardian beast from helping us restore the teleportation array! There is no way they can just let us succeed like this!"

"It doesn't matter!" Lin Qianye sneered, glanced at the Lords of the City Lords Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, and whispered to You Si: "There will always be a way! We will wait now Pudi go and bring Xiaoyan over and talk about it later!"

"Where can Xiaoyan really do something?" Yousi asked Lin Qianye suspiciously, "Qianye, no matter how much food there is in Xiaoyan, this guardian beast is already lying on the ground and sleeping. It’s caught, we also need to think about how to wake it up! If it doesn’t wake up, how can it find that there is something to eat?! It’s impossible for us to force it to wake up!” "Don't worry, just wait and see!" Lin Qianye was not in a hurry, she said something to You Si, looked at You Si's worried face, and after thinking about it, she said again: "Okay Don’t worry too much. The worst result is to stay in the Yin Yin City for a while, and it’s not a big deal!”

You Si said with an unhappy face: "What do you mean it doesn't matter if you stay a little longer? This has a lot to do with it, okay? Qianye, look at the current appearance of the city masters Lu Shan and Ye Shan. The ghost knows that they want to force us to stay, what kind of thoughts and plans do they want to do! If we really stay, do you know what they want to use us for?"

"Maybe they won't do anything!?" Lin Qianye said with a smile.

"How is that possible! They are trying so hard to keep us here, and they don't want us to do anything. How is that possible? They don't seem to be trading at a loss! Could it be that they force us to stay like this just because they want to take revenge? Us? Let's highlight that they are now the masters of the Yinyin City, and they are very capable?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?!" Lin Qianye smiled, and said to Yousi, "Think about it! Today's Linyin City hardly needs our help, we just need to leave this place Linyin City, what will become of Linyin City in the future is the final decision of the two city masters! It is impossible for us to help any more, so what else do they need from us? So, now that We are left with nothing to do, so the only possible explanation is probably that City Lord Yan Tan wants to take revenge on us and get back the lost face!"

"Are they really so naive?" You Si couldn't help but frown immediately when he heard this, and glanced in the direction of the Lords of City Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, and then said to Lin Qianye: " I thought they wouldn't be so naive! This matter is over, how can they still remember it?!"

"That's what we think is over, how can they say it's not sure!" Lin Qianye smiled, and said to Yousi: "So, let's not guess what their thoughts are now, so as not to be upset We'll wait here until Xiaoyan arrives!"

"What if we still can't let this guardian beast go with us after Xiaoyan arrives?" You Si looked at Lin Qianye worriedly and asked him.

Lin Qianye smiled, and comforted Yousi with a nonchalant face: "If it really doesn't work, forget it!"

"Forget it? Are you not going out?" You Si's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at Lin Qianye in disbelief.

You know, he, Pudi and the others don't have anything urgent to do, even if they stay in Linyin City for another ten days and half a month, it's fine!But Lin Qianye is different from Ji Xiaoyan!Lin Qianye was still looking for Zheng. If Ji Xiaoyan hadn't asked Lin Qianye to come and help find Lin Yin City, Lin Qianye would have left Qing City long ago. Why would there be such a long delay?What's more, Ji Xiaoyan still has a lot of things to do in Qingcheng, and it's impossible to delay too long in this Yinyin city!Therefore, in their view, Lin Qianye wanted to leave Linyin City in a hurry, because she should have gone out to find Zheng earlier, and Ji Xiaoyan left earlier, and needed more time to deal with those things in Qingcheng. Messy things, how can there be so much time wasted in this cold city?They don't want to waste time here either, do they?

Yousi frowned, looked at Lin Qianye again, and then asked in a low voice: "Qianye, otherwise we should find a way to get out of here as soon as possible! This teleportation array can't go, at worst we leave You can leave this Linyin City with Xiaoyan! Since the city lords Yanshan and Yeshan are so dishonest, then we don't have to give them any more face! Let Xiaoyan take care of this secret realm. It’s okay to destroy it!”

"Well! I know!" Lin Qianye nodded lightly, and said casually to Yousi: "Don't worry now, let's take a look! After all, Panchi City and Linyin City are also considered Xiaoyan is the city of the alliance in Qingcheng, if you can not tear your face, you should bear it!"

Hearing this, You Si frowned tightly, and could only shut up and not speak.

It wasn't until Ji Xiaoyan's figure appeared in the distance that the smile on Lin Qianye's face increased a bit.

After Ji Xiaoyan followed Pudi to the front, Lin Qianye immediately gave her instructions: "Xiaoyan, now we have to find a way to wake up the guardian beast first, and then lead it to the teleportation array." Go away. Can you do it?" Ji Xiaoyan was also a little confused at the moment, asking her to wake up the guardian beast?This seems to be so difficult!
Looking at Lin Qianye, and then at the huge monster, Ji Xiaoyan didn't nod for a while.She knew very well in her heart that the Guardian Beast would not listen to anyone easily, so could she?It wouldn't matter if it disturbed the sleeping guardian beast and she was slapped to death, but if Lin Qianye and the others were to be harmed together, it would be over!
"Don't worry about anything, Xiaoyan!" Lin Qianye seemed to see Ji Xiaoyan's worry, and immediately said to her with a smile: "I don't want to let you do anything to that guardian beast, you just need to put your body on your body. It can attract that monster Guardian Beast. Or, you can take out all the things that can attract it to wake up, and then let it agree to go to the direction of the teleportation array!"

"But Master Qianye, I didn't bring any delicious food with me! We ate most of the food before, and now there are only some potions left in my luggage! I think that the guardian beast I'm afraid I won't be able to attract you!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lin Qianye with a worried face and said worriedly.

Lin Qianye smiled when she heard the words, and shook her head directly at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "There is also a potion! You don't have to worry about this, we have tried it, and this monster also needs to drink the potion! You put Take out the potion and try it, maybe it will like it!" "Really? "Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words. He looked at Lin Qianye and asked a question. After seeing Lin Qianye nodding his head affirmatively, he thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, we There is still a chance! "

"Isn't it?" Hearing the words, You Si nodded vigorously, and then urged Ji Xiaoyan to find out all the potions stored in the bag, then opened a few more bottles of potions and put them on the ground, facing the The Guardian Beast, whose eyes were closed and didn't know if it was really asleep, cried out.

Seeing this scene, the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan couldn't help becoming nervous immediately!What if the Guardian Beast really opened its eyes and was tricked by Ji Xiaoyan?However, after Yousi yelled several times, the guardian beast didn't seem to move at all. Only then did the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan secretly heave a sigh of relief, looked at each other and smiled, but it wasn't too much. As he spoke, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others as if they were watching a play, watching Ji Xiaoyan take out a lot of potions to open, and tried to attract the guardian beast to wake up, but he didn't seem to be able to succeed at all. , the face of the city lord Cheng Tan couldn't help but put on a smile.

"Master Ji! Don't waste your time here! This guardian beast of our Linyin City has already eaten and drank enough, and it needs to rest! Now even if you use more potions to attract it, it will not You might wake up! So we still advise you, City Lord Ji and Master Qianye, to take a good rest, isn’t it? It’s just a waste of time to be obsessed with this matter! If you really want this guardian beast to help, next time Alright! Next time I think about it, I will eat less!"

"Next time? Where is the next time?" Hearing this, Rusi couldn't help but said angrily to the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan, "We will have ten or twenty more times." Opportunity, you are still trying to make trouble!"

"That's not right! We didn't cause trouble!" Lord Yan Shan laughed, and said to Yousi and the others: "We were helping you Lord Qianye just now! We were just thinking about it." , since this Guardian Beast likes to eat, I will help you Lord Qianye to feed it more, maybe it will help you even better! We are kind!"

"Bah!" You Si couldn't help but spit in annoyance, and wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Lin Qianye, and couldn't help but look at Lin Qianye in confusion: "Qianye, what are you doing?" What am I doing?!"

"Needless to say, it's fine!" Lin Qianye shook her head at You Si, then turned to look at Xing Dila who was holding Chen Guang behind her, and said to her, "Try, hold Chen Guang over , See if the child guardian beast reacts!"

"Hold him over, what's the reaction? This guardian beast is not familiar with the people in Linyin City! What's more, Chen Guang is still in a coma!" You Si looked at Lin with a puzzled expression. Qianye asked, but didn't wait for an answer, but looked at Xingdila and nodded without hesitation, then walked towards the guardian beast with Chenguang in his arms.

"Xing Dila, be careful!" Seeing this, You Si couldn't help shouting at Xing Dila, and then said: "This guardian beast is very powerful, be careful, don't be hurt by it! "

(End of this chapter)

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