The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2967 The message left

Chapter 2967 The message left

In fact, for everyone present, that guardian beast is still very dangerous. After all, the illusion that Chenguang showed Ji Xiaoyan and the others was deeply imprinted in everyone's minds, not to mention the previous city lord. My lord and Ye Shan city lord were even slapped by the guardian beast. This strength is not in vain.

And the Guardian Beast, which is still sleeping now, is extremely dangerous!Waking up to be angry with this thing is scary!If the Guardian Beast is woken up and starts to toss about, who knows what will happen?If you can't avoid it, what should you do?
So no matter whether it is the Lords of the City Lords Lushan and Yeshan, or Lin Qianye, they did not dare to act rashly before!At this moment, the reason why Lin Qianye let Xingdila take Chenguang to wake up the guardian beast was all based on the guess about the relationship between Chenguang and the guardian beast. price!Therefore, when watching Xingdila approaching the guardian beast, everyone was still very worried!

It's just that they can only worry and can't do anything else.There is no suitable potion on Ji Xiaoyan's body to attract the guardian beast, so they can only try and start with Chen Guang. After all, he is also the township stone of Linyin City. If it is the Guardian Beast of Linyin City, from a certain point of view, his sense of closeness to Chen Guang must be higher than that of Lord Lushan City Lord and Lord Yeshan City Lord!
So if Chen Guang passed by, even if the Guardian Beast wanted to do something, it would be scrupulous!

Of course, these are just Lin Qianye's guesses, as to whether it is right or not, you can only try.

It's just that regarding this matter, Ji Xiaoyan and the others are a little more pessimistic than Lin Qianye thought!If Chen Guang was awake, they could still look at the situation safely, but now Chen Guang is in a coma, as if he couldn't even move. , then, how should this awakening be done?Let Xing Dela come?

But if Xing Dila was asked to do it, then if the voice was wrong, wouldn't it be possible for the Guardian Beast to attack?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan and the others became even more worried.

Lin Qianye didn't seem worried at all, and after watching Xingdi move, she looked directly at Ji Xiaoyan, and continued to order her: "Xiaoyan, prepare all the potions on your body. That guardian beast has woken up, so hurry up and give it the potion to smell! As long as it is willing to drink, we can lure it towards the teleportation array!" Ji Xiaoyan clicked without any hesitation. Nodding, he put all the potions he could find on the ground, then looked at Lin Qianye worriedly, and asked him, "Master Qianye, all the potions are here! But, can that Guardian Beast really be attracted?"

"Then it depends on luck!" Lin Qianye smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The worst outcome is that we find a way to leave by ourselves! As soon as this day wakes up, we want to leave this place Yin City is an easy task, and it’s no big deal!”

"Then what if Chen Guang doesn't wake up?!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help pouring cold water on him, and said worriedly to Lin Qianye: "Master Qianye, you have also seen that Xing Dila is holding Chen Guang now, but Chen Guang didn't respond at all! Xuan Mo also said that if Chen Guang wants to recover, he still needs a lot of effort, but now Linyin City has been locked up in this secret realm for so many years, and at the exit of the secret realm was blocked by Chen Guang again. It is sealed, and it is extremely difficult to penetrate some mana from the outside! Therefore, it is almost very difficult for Chen Guang to rely on mana to recover as soon as possible!"

So Ji Xiaoyan was worried that after doing so much, they still couldn't achieve their goal, which made people a little crazy.

Lin Qianye smiled indifferently, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If it is God's will, then there is nothing we can do! At worst, we can stay in Linyin City and wander around to see how this newly tossed city will turn out. What does it look like? You may not be able to find some treasures left by the former city lord!"

"The former city lord?!" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Lin Qianye with a puzzled face, and asked him: "Master Qianye, what do you mean by this? This Lin Yin City How could there be any other city lords before?" "Why not? There must have been! Otherwise, how did the Yin Yin City be built?" Lin Qianye immediately laughed when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words. Then he said to her: "It's just that! The former city lord of Linyin City must be gone, so the inheritance will be slowly broken, and finally it will fall into the hands of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan. inside!"

"Didn't it mean that Rinyin City was integrated with Panchi City before? Then the former Lord of Rinyin City should also be the Lord Lord of Panchi City!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned with disbelief on his face. Asked Lin Qianye in an understanding way.

"This is different!" Lin Qianye shook her head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Before the twin cities appeared, there was a city lord, but after the twin cities appeared, the last city lord must have been in the two cities. They have stayed in every city. But if you think about it, the city lord Yan Shan mentioned it, and their father didn't know the specific news about the Yin Yin City. So, there is no information about the Yin Yin City? "

"Master Qianye, do you think so?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and couldn't help asking Lin Qianye, but he was very puzzled in his heart!Why does it feel like Lin Qianye knows a lot!

"There must be!" Lin Qianye didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, but nodded directly, and said to her: "Every city has its own things. This Linyin City has no No exception! But now, if you can’t find everything in Linyin City in Panchi City, where do you think the things should be hidden?”

"Is it hiding in Linyin City?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes! There is no other place except here! Think about it, if all the information is hidden in Panchi City, why have so many city lords never seen anything related to Linyin City for so many years? ? Why did the city lord of Jinshan only find a map of Linyin City in Panchi City!?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, not knowing what to say.She also didn't know if Lin Qianye's guess was right or not!But I have to say that what Lin Qianye said still makes sense!

"Then Master Qianye, what do you think the former Lord of Linyin City will leave behind in this Linyin City?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but couldn't help asking Lin Qianye curiously, "Gold, silver and jewelry are still precious potion ingredients?"

"Those things are useless to us!" Lin Qianye shook her head with a smile, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you really find those things, you won't be able to take them away. The city lord Jin Shan still counts on There are so many things to rebuild this Linyin City!"

"Then what else can we look for!" Ji Xiaoyan became a little disappointed when he heard the words, and couldn't help but said to Lin Qianye, "Could it be to help the city lord Xie Tan to find it? Isn't that a waste of money?" Is it time?"

"That can't be done!" Hearing this, Rusi quickly shook his head and said, "I don't want to let the City Lord Yanshan take advantage of it!"

Lin Qianye glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and Yousi helplessly, and then said: "Think about it! This Linyin City and Panchi City are exactly the same, although now this Linyin City is ruined , but a lot of things are still there? For example, this teleportation array?! If we find the information about the teleportation array of Linyin City, we may not be able to find other ways to leave Linyin City! Since it is hidden in this secret realm, then there must be information related to the secret realm! Otherwise, do you think that Chen Guang, who was thrown into this secret realm by City Lord Yeshan, could know how to do it without a teacher? Hiding the exit of this secret realm, how do you control the secret realm?"

"Qianye, what you said makes a lot of sense!" You Si immediately nodded and said after hearing this, and then looked down at Xing Dila walking cautiously towards the guardian beast. He asked in a low voice, "Qianye, in other words, if we find those materials, we can leave here easily?"

"I think it's definitely possible!" Lin Qianye nodded, "Chenguang himself said at the beginning that he learned the skills from reading a lot of books in Linyin City! That is to say, these books may be his predecessor's What the city lord left behind! As long as we find it, we can leave without Chen Guang waking up!"

"Not necessarily, we can still fight against the city lords Lushan and Yeshan!" You Si said excitedly without knowing what he thought of. "I don't think this idea is very likely!" Lin Qianye frowned unfavorably when she heard what you said, and said, "The possibility you imagined is possible, but the chances are not. It will be too big! After all, the City Lords Lushan and Yeshan have already become the Lords of Linyin City! Many things, they have officially taken over, and there should be nothing to counter them!"

"It's okay, don't we know if we go and have a look?" You Si smiled all over his face, "It's all a goal I set for myself!"

After finishing speaking, Yousi was about to pull Pudi to leave, but was stopped by Lin Qianye again.

"Do you know where to look for it? What kind of things are you looking for?"

You Si was stunned for a moment, and after thinking carefully, he said to Lin Qianye: "It's probably books! Didn't Chen Guang say that what he reads is books?!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Lin Qianye shook her head, looked at You Si's puzzled expression, and then said: "No one has stipulated that only books can store these materials!"

"Then I'll just look for all the suspicious things I see!" You Si frowned suddenly, and said seriously to Lin Qianye.

Lin Qianye sighed, and after thinking for a while, she said to Yousi: "Then it's up to you! Just one thing, you have to be careful, if you really can't find it, it doesn't matter, just come back "I'm sure we'll find it! Qianye, don't you believe our skill in finding things?" When you heard Lin Qianye's words, Yousi rolled her eyes and smiled directly at him: "Qianye Don't worry, it's just a little information, we will definitely find it for you! There will be no danger at all!"

Lin Qianye rolled her eyes, and said seriously to You Si: "You can't be so careless, and underestimate the Lord Lord of the former Linyin City! If those books are really related to Linyin City, it must be It will be hidden tightly, and equipped with traps and the like, it is impossible for you to find it so easily!"

"Didn't Chenguang find it before? Not sure, he has helped us carry it if there is any danger, and he simply put away the things?! However, no matter whether it is dangerous or not, we still have to try it." You Si didn't care, and said directly to Lin Qianye: "If there is no way out after trying it, it doesn't matter if you give up at that time!" If you just give up without even trying, Then what is the meaning of this life?
Lin Qianye frowned, and after exhorting you a few more words, she said, "No matter how you do it, it's right to be safe!"

"Got it! Got it!" You Si looked joyful, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and quickly pulled Pudi away, leaving only Ji Xiaoyan and Lin Qianye standing in place.

"Master Qianye, is there really any danger?"

"Maybe!" Lin Qianye frowned, thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Since Linyin City can leave such a guardian beast, besides protecting the aborigines, it must still Guarding other things! So, I guess, there should still be other secrets in this Yin Yin City!"

"Other secrets?!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lin Qianye with some puzzlement. She thought that Linyin City was just a clone city of Panchi City!What secret could there be? !

"I think so!" Lin Qianye thought for a while, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "But these are all my guesses, yes, I don't know if it's true!"

Ji Xiaoyan could only hum, and followed Xingdila closely, watching her finally stop a meter or two away from the guardian beast, and handed Chenguang in the direction of the guardian beast.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!" City Lord Yan Shan couldn't help but panicked, and shouted at Lin Qianye.

"If you wake it up, we won't be able to protect you at that time!" Lord Yeshan City Lord seemed to know what Xingdila wanted to do, and hurriedly shouted.

It's just that no matter how they warned, Xingdila's actions didn't mean to stop at all!
(End of this chapter)

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