The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2968 See who has thick skin

Chapter 2968 See who has thick skin

All the people present were staring at Xingdila's movements nervously at the moment, afraid that if they were not careful, the guardian beast would suddenly jump up and shoot Xingdila away or kill them. There is no chance of rescue!For Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan, it is selfish not to let Lin Qianye and the others leave, but they don't want Lin Qianye and the others to have any accidents in Linyin City or the secret place, or It's the thought of dying.Therefore, regarding Xing Dila's current actions, whether it is the Lord of the City of Lushan or the Lord of the City of Yeshan, I still can't help but feel a little worried!

However, everyone present did not expect that when Xingdila was approaching the guardian beast, the guardian beast was awakened by her movement, and opened its eyes immediately, and there was a flash in both eyes. As everyone imagined, he shot out a strong killing intent!But after the next second, the guardian beast saw Chenguang in Xingdila's hand, and immediately withdrew the murderous look in his eyes, then looked at Xingdila with some doubts, and finally put His eyes fell on Chen Guang's body, then he tilted his head and sniffed at Chen Guang's body.

Seeing this, Xing Dila quickly suppressed the panic in her heart, and said to the guardian beast: "Chen Guang has passed out from exhaustion now, and needs a lot of mana to recover. But now the force in Linyin City is relatively strong. Thinness is very detrimental to Chenguang's recovery. That's why we thought of asking you to help us repair the teleportation array in Linyin City, and then we can take Chenguang to other places to make more efforts. Rest and recover in the rich place! Guardian beast, would you still like to help Chen Guang?"

When the guardian beast heard Xingdila's words, it stared at her closely for a long time, as if it was considering how much sincerity and truth there was in her words. Tilting his head, he looked in the direction of Linyin City, but in the end he put his head back on the ground under the nervous eyes of everyone, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Looking at it like this, he would rather pretend to be asleep than help Lin Qianye and the others!
This guardian beast seems to care a little bit about Chenguang, why is it unwilling to help Chenguang now?Xing Dila looked puzzled, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Lin Qianye and the others.But at this moment, the city lords of Lushan and Yeshan were full of joy when they saw this.

At least to say that all that this guardian beast has done has satisfied the results they wanted, so even though they gave that guardian beast a lot of food, they did not lure it away, but judging from the current situation, Come on, for the city lords Lushan and Yeshan, they have still reached their goals, which is very worthwhile.

Therefore, after looking at each other, the city lord Gu Shan and the city lord Ye Shan did not speak immediately.

Seeing such a result, Lin Qianye couldn't help frowning, and after thinking about it, she hurriedly urged Ji Xiaoyan, watching Ji Xiaoyan immediately open all the prepared potions, this time Then he shouted loudly in the direction of the guardian beast: "Guardian beast! Come and take a look, we still have a lot of potions here, many of which are very good potions, with excellent taste and effect , would you like to come over and have a taste?"

The guardian beast didn't move, it didn't even open its eyelids, as if it didn't care at all.

Lin Qianye frowned suspiciously, and looked at the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan for a long time. After thinking about it, she asked Ji Xiaoyan to randomly pick out a few bottles of potions, and took them with them. Walked directly in the direction of Xing Dila and the others, then stood in front of the guardian beast, put the potion in the air and turned around, and then said to the guardian beast: "Guardian beast! You heard When you smell the smell of these potions, there should be one or two that you like, right? You smell it carefully, if you like it, we can give it to you!"

The guardian beast didn't intend to respond to Lin Qianye's words, but after a few seconds, it opened its eyes to look at the potion in Lin Qianye's hand, and then closed its eyes again. "Guardian Beast, do you really don't want a bottle of potion? The effect of these potions is very good! If you really don't want it, we will put it away!" Lin Qianye frowned tightly, and looked towards the The guardian beast looked and looked again, and could only say something to the guardian beast with a hint of threat, hoping that this matter would turn around.

Everyone is a little worried at the moment, that guardian beast will not be persuaded again!
Even Lin Qianye couldn't help but want to give up when she saw that the guardian beast had no intention of moving after he finished speaking!

But what Lin Qianye really didn't expect was that just when he was about to give up, the guardian beast suddenly opened its eyes, and then looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction.

"Guardian beast?!" Lin Qianye yelled at the guardian in a bit of surprise.

But the guardian beast straightened up, condescendingly looked down at Lin Qianye and Xing Dila, and then threw the potion in Lin Qianye's hand directly into it with one paw. He took it into his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach without hesitation.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being a little frightened.

Think about it, if one day they are caught by this guardian beast, will they be sent directly into its stomach like this potion, and then even the corpse will not be found?
"Guardian Beast, come with me! Let's go over there, okay! Look, we have placed so many potions on the ground, all of them are for you!" Lin Qianye quickly suppressed all the thoughts in her heart Going back, trying to put on a smiling face, said something to the guardian beast with a smile, then pointed to the countless potions placed beside Ji Xiaoyan, and continued to seduce the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, if you If you are willing to help us restore the teleportation array in Linyin City, there will be more and more things like this in the future! You can have as many as you want!" "Lord Qianye! What are you doing here?" After hearing Lin Qianye's words, the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan couldn't help shouting at him, and then said: "We have already fed this guardian beast a lot. , now it is already resting with enough food and drink, but you, Master Qianye, insist on waking it up. Isn’t this a bit too much? Besides, even if you want to ask the guardian beast to help, you still have to wake it up. Wait for it to digest it! What's more, Lord Qianye, you just want the guardian beast to help repair the teleportation array, so why not wait a while? Why are you in such a hurry? Or, Qianye Sir, do you actually have any other purpose?" "I said, Lord City Lord, don't you feel ashamed when you say this? We told you at the beginning that we will teleport if we find the teleportation array." I left, and you agreed. Is it possible? Don’t the two city lords still remember?" Xing Dila rolled her eyes, and looked at the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan sarcastically, Instead, he said bluntly: "If the two city lords go back on their word, can you be more straightforward and just say it directly! We can also find a way to leave ourselves, as long as the two city lords don't interfere!"

"We haven't done anything to regret it! We just want the Guardian Beast to have a rest!"

"That's right! We promised you to let you go out, and we will definitely do it! What are you talking about? Are you saying that we have no credibility?!"

The expressions on the faces of the Masters of the City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan were a little unnatural at the moment, but they insisted on shouting at Xing Dila and the others, as if they felt that if the voice was too low, the credibility would be too low up.

"Won't regret it? If you don't regret it, then the relationship is good! Then please, the two city lords, best fulfill your promise now, first help repair the teleportation array of your Linyin City, and let us leave what!"

City Lord Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan heard what Xing Dila said, but they looked at each other, and after thinking about it, they laughed tacitly, and said to Xing Dila and the others: "Speaking of it, we But I haven’t figured it out yet! Sir Qianye, you are in such a hurry to leave our Linyin City, is there something we didn’t treat well?”

"That's right! Lord Qianye, is there anything bad about our Linyin City? If so, please tell us about it, Lord Qianye. Maybe we can still get your advice. This Linyin City has been cleaned up even better!"

"It's better to tidy up the Yinyin City? Then you have to work hard, City Lord Yanshan! Otherwise, if the Yinyin City is found and then it will be abandoned not long after it is found, isn't everything you have done in vain?" Lin Qianye was not afraid of offending people at all, and sneered directly at City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan with a sneer. After seeing the complexion of Lord Yan Shan, he continued to curl his lips and said: "So, City Lord Xishan should spend more time on building the city, don't waste it on us! Now, I'd like to advise City Lord Xishan to let us leave quickly!"

After hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan stared closely at Lin Qianye for a while, and then asked him back, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"What else can I do?!" Lin Qianye shrugged, but with a relaxed expression on his face, he said to Lord Yan Shan: "I just want the teleportation array to work again, and then we all leave here Ah! If you really want to talk about things that you don’t understand, I just don’t understand what the two of you two want to keep us here!” “Master Qianye, what do you mean? Do the same!" Ye Shan City Master couldn't help but sneered.

"That's right! I just want to ask the two city lords, what exactly do you want to do to us!" Lin Qianye looked at Lord Yeshan without worry, and then said to Lord Yanshan: "It's best for the two city lords to let us go before we repair the teleportation array, or else we won't be able to blame us if anything happens in the future if we really leave the Yin Yin City by ourselves. It's coming!" The threatening tone in Lin Qianye's words was very serious, and the lords of the city lords Lu and Yeshan might not be able to hear it, so the two immediately looked at each other tacitly, and then they looked serious. , muttered in a low voice, not knowing what they were discussing.Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but moved to Lin Qianye's side with those potions, and asked him: "Master Qianye, can you do this? Can the two city lords allow us to leave? "

"It depends on luck! If they can really be frightened, it's not bad!" Lin Qianye had a relaxed look on her face.He said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As long as the two of them still want to own one more city, then they will definitely take care of more! Now we have torn our face, if they still don't let us go, After that, I won't give them a good face, and they know it in their hearts! If they want me to help in the future, and add a possibility to them in their future fights, then they have to be good! Think carefully about what to do!" "Can they really agree?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Lin Qianye worriedly.

Think about it, if it is said that the city lord Yanshan and the city lord Yeshan have become the official city lords of Linyin City, that is to say, everything in Linyin City can be deployed by them now. My lord and Ye Shan City Master really want to trap them in this Yin Yin City, there is no way out!
This is much better than letting Lin Qianye and the others go out to cause sabotage in the future!Lin Qianye also seemed to have thought of this problem, so she looked at both sides, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Don't worry. Don't we still have Chenguang in our hands? As long as he is here, the Yin City will The protective barrier can't trap us. It is very difficult for the city lords Lushan and Yeshan to stop us! As long as we get out of this protective barrier, we will go back to the secret realm at worst. Xiaoyan, can you break it? Open those barriers on the edge of the secret realm? Then we can go out, what are we afraid of?!"

Ji Xiaoyan was still a little uneasy, but seeing Lin Qianye's affirmative expression, he could only nod his head, then he suddenly remembered something, and quickly looked at Xing Dila and asked, "Master Xing Dila, huh?" Where's Mo? Why didn't he come out with you?"

"Xu Mo?! Xuan Mo is in the teleportation formation!" Xing Dila was not in a hurry, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "The aborigines in Linyin City seem to know the identity of Xuan Mo, looking at I took Chen Guang away, so I insisted on letting Xuan Mo stay for them to see more, don't worry, Xuan Mo will be fine!"

(End of this chapter)

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