The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2976 Guess possible

Chapter 2976 Guess possible
Regarding Linyin City, the City Master Lu Shan actually doesn't know much about it, so if he wants to know the situation in Linyin City, the only people he can ask are the aborigines of Linyin City.And the aborigines in the Lord's Mansion of Linyin City are naturally the best targets!

Therefore, Lord Yan Shan didn't mean to be vague, and he directly told Lin Qianye and the others about finding a book in the room outside the city lord's mansion to the aborigines of Linyin City, and then told They asked: "What do you know about the teleportation array in Linyin City?"

The aborigines of Linyin City shook their heads one after another, looked at each other, and then said to Lord Yan Shan: "This teleportation array has been useless for a long time, and we don't know much about the situation! It’s just that City Lord Yan Shan, you said that those people found the book outside the City Lord’s mansion, but we don’t quite believe it.”

"Don't believe it? Why?" Lord Yan Shan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he couldn't help frowning, and asked in bewilderment to the aborigines of Linyin City.

"All the books in our Linyin City were collected and hidden by Chen Guang. There is not a single book left in the whole city. How could they find books outside the City Lord's Mansion?"

"What are you talking about?" Hearing this, the city lord Yan Shan was shocked. He opened his eyes wide, looked at the aborigines of Linyin City, and asked with an expression of disbelief: "Everyone in the entire Linyin City The books were hidden by Chenguang?!"

"That's right!" The aborigines of Linyin City nodded in affirmation, and said to Lord Yanshan, "Chenguang is looking for things in this city when he has nothing to do. All the books are his favorites. He will collect all the books and hide them in places that all of us don’t know. We don’t need to read these things usually, so even if we find books, we will hand them over to Chen Guang to make him happy! So, Unless Chen Guang gave them the book, it is impossible for them to find any book in our Yin City."

At this moment, the city lord Yan Shan really doesn't know what's going on!
If according to the aborigines of Linyin City, Lin Qianye and the others tricked him into finding the book about the teleportation array, what good would it do them?They were eager to leave from the teleportation formation. If they really found clues to the teleportation formation, they would definitely go to the teleportation formation as soon as possible. This is reasonable!But now they say they have found a clue, but they can't activate the teleportation array, and even compiled a book to lie to him and Ye Shan. What are Lin Qianye and the others trying to do?
Lord Yan Shan frowned, walked back and forth non-stop, carefully thinking about the possible reasons, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure it out, and finally he could only say to the aborigines of Linyin City: : "Are you sure Chen Guang won't leave a single book behind?"

"Of course not!" The aborigines of Linyin City nodded immediately, and said to the lord of the city, "Chen Guang has nothing to do for a day, so we will let us search for him everywhere, as long as we find anything he is interested in. Things, we will send them to him! He will hide those things! Your Excellency City Lord, as you know, at that time, only Chen Guang was the most important thing in our Linyin City, and naturally everything was based on him. Lord, how could we keep books privately or not give them to him on purpose? Everything we do is based on his preferences!"

If what the aborigines of Linyin City said is true, then Lin Qianye and the others are the only ones who are lying!

Thinking of this, the City Lord Yan Shan rolled his eyes, and then said to the aborigines of Linyin City: "Okay! Since this is the case, let's go in and find them!"

"Who are you looking for?" The natives of Rinyin City looked at Lin Qianye in confusion, and when they heard that he was going to confront Lin Qianye and the others, they nodded without any fear. Then he said to City Master Yan Shan: "Then we also want to see where they found that book! What kind of book did they find again!"

Therefore, Lord Yan Shan brought the aborigines of Linyin City and broke into the City Lord's mansion in a mighty way, but happened to meet Lin Qianye and Lord Ye Shan who were about to go to the other side of the teleportation formation. .

"Xu Shan, what are you bringing so many people here for?" Lord Ye Shan couldn't help being a little puzzled when he saw the Lord Ye Shan and the others. They looked at it, then frowned, and asked the city lord, "Jin Shan, are you bringing these aborigines here to stop us?"

"Lord Qianye!" Lord Yan Shan didn't mean to answer Lord Ye Shan's words, but looked directly at Lin Qianye and asked them: "You said before that you are in the City Lord's mansion. I found a book outside, and it records some information about the teleportation array, right?"

Lin Qianye couldn't help frowning, glanced at You Si, nodded at You Si, and then said to Lord Yan Shan, "That's it, is there any doubts about you, Lord Yan Shan?" ?”

Lord Yan Shan suddenly sneered, and motioned to the aborigines of Rinyin City at the side, then saw an aborigine of Rinyin City stand up, and said what they had said to him before, Talk to Lin Qianye and the others again.

"So, it is impossible for you to find any more books in this cold city!"

"Master Qianye, did you hear that? As for the people who know about the Yin Yin City, they are the ones! They said that it is impossible to have books in the Yin Yin City, so it must be impossible! If they say, they say It’s all true, then you, Lord Qianye, are lying!” Lord Yan Shan looked at Lin Qianye and the others with a cold face, and said to them.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" You Si couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words, and shouted at Lord Yan Shan, and then said to everyone: "This book is a room outside the City Lord's mansion we Is it possible that we still have to lie? What does this mean to us, isn’t it just a book?”

"What's the impact? That's only you who know!" Lord Yan Shan sneered with disbelief, looked at You Si and said, "Who knows what you are trying to do now! I really don't understand , since you want to leave from this teleportation formation, go directly after you get the power stone, but you still want to run into our city lord's mansion, I don't know what else you want to plan! You have bothered to make up a book like this The book continues to toss, what is it for? Or, Lord Qianye, you have come up with some plan, want me and Ye Shan to fall into this plan, and then what is the purpose?"

"My lord, you are thinking too much!" Lin Qianye smiled and said to the Lord, "What can we do? What we want most now is to leave This Linyin City is gone, you all know this very well! If we can leave now, we will leave immediately! But now, the teleportation array cannot be used, and everything we have now is based on saving Chenguang and Xuanmo, so There is no such thing as wanting to frame you! Don’t think too much, City Lord Yan Shan! Besides, what are we doing if we have nothing to frame you?"

"Then who knows!" Lord Yan Shan sneered, then turned his eyes to Lord Ye Shan, and asked him: "Ye Shan, what do you think?"

Ye Shan City Lord blinked his eyes, and seemed to be a little confused for a while.

"What on earth are you thinking? Speak up!" Lord Yan Shan frowned, and couldn't help asking another question.

Only then did Lord Ye Shan look at Lord Yan Shan, then he looked at Lin Qianye, but in the end he frowned, looked in the direction of Xuan Mo and said, "I don't care if you want to What to do, anyway, I only have one request, I just want Xuan Mo to be good."

For a moment, everyone frowned and looked at each other without speaking.

This is obviously divided into three factions, how to argue next?

Ji Xiaoyan looked at everyone, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Actually, I think there is another possibility! Have you ever thought that the book that Uncle You Si and the others found may be Chen Guang's intentional book?" left."

"It was left on purpose? What do you mean by that?" City Lord Yan Shan questioned when he heard the words. He looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked her, "What did Chen Guang leave this book on purpose? City Lord Ji, Don't you think that Chen Guang is in a coma now and has no way to answer, so just make up some facts here!"

"What's the use of me fabricating the facts?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled helplessly, and then said to Lord Yan Shan, "I believe that Uncle Yousi and the others are not lying, and the aborigines of Linyin City are not lying. I’m not lying! But, after all, the book is really found now, and the things recorded on it are all about the Yin Yin City. If we want to fabricate the origin or content of this book, it’s impossible Ah! We don't know anything about Linyin City! Lord Yan Shan, you should be clear after thinking about it!"

Lord Yan Shan frowned immediately, staring at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Now they, the aborigines of Linyin City, have said that if they usually find anything in this Yinyin City, they will hand it over to Chen Guang, and they will definitely not miss it! I also believe this! So, now All the books in Linyin City are in the hands of Chen Guang. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to miss one book. So, besides Chen Guang’s intentional release of the current situation, what else could be the reason? Can you still be Lord Lord God?"

"Maybe you guys forged it!" Lord Yan Shan frowned, and couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"The point is that we forged the book, and it's not good for us! Then what else are we going to do?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly had a funny look on his face. After seeing the expression on his face changed slightly, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lord Yanshan. Then he continued: "Actually, thinking about it now makes sense!"

"What reason can there be?" Lord Yan Shan frowned, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with displeasure.

"Chenguang should be clearer than anyone else about the situation of the teleportation array in Linyin City. He must have thought about it too. After you and Yeshan City Lord, you and Yeshan City Lord arrive in Linyin City, you will eventually find a way to activate it. This teleportation array, since this is the case, he must make preparations first, and it is understandable to take out this book to study the teleportation array, right?"

Everyone nodded and signaled Ji Xiaoyan to continue.

"And later, because he wanted to verify the identities of the city lords of Yanshan and Yeshan, you, the city lords of Linyin City, Chen Guang also knew that he would become what he is now! Then think about it, he knew that he would be in a coma , and I don’t know when it will recover, is it possible that you are all trapped here and can’t leave? If you want to leave, you can only go through the teleportation array, right?” Ji Xiaoyan laughed again Laughing, after seeing everyone frowning and nodding, he continued, "Since Chen Guang has expected everything, it must leave some clues for us to restore the teleportation array, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I think what Xiaoyan said is very reasonable!" You Si nodded immediately when he heard the words, gave Ji Xiaoyan a thumbs up, and then said to everyone, "If you think about it this way, everything makes sense Yes! That book is actually Chen Guang specially left it for us, let us find it, and then give the teleportation array a clue to restore it."

"If that's the case, then why didn't Chen Guang leave all the books to us, at least, tell us where he kept them! Now there is only one book left, but we still have to find other things. It doesn't make sense after thinking about it! Isn't it?" Lord Ye Shan frowned when he heard this, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others with some doubts.

"I think this is probably Chen Guang's bad taste!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and said to everyone with a relaxed face, "Think about it, everyone, how did we come to Linyin City in the first place? It's perfectly normal for us to have a little difficulty, isn't it?"

Everyone fell silent when they heard the words, and after looking at each other, You Si stood up and looked at City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan and asked, "Do the two City Lords think Xiaoyan's guess is reasonable? "

"There is a point of truth!" Lord Ye Shan nodded, and just after saying this, he saw that the knife had already been handed over to Lord Jia Shan's eyes, and couldn't help but said to Lord Jia Shan, " Shan, there is nothing you can do if you stare at me like this! Is this the case now, or can we verify it only after Chen Guang wakes up?! What we need to do right now is to find a way to restore the teleportation array as soon as possible , sent Chen Guang and Xuan Mo to leave here, and go outside to recover, this is the most important task now! Could it be that you still want Chen Guang and Xuan Mo to die because of exhaustion of mana?"

(End of this chapter)

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