Chapter 2977 Unexpected
If anyone is willing to let something happen to Xuan Mo and Chen Guang, it is probably the Masters of the City Masters of Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan!

After all, both Panchi City and Linyin City depend on Xuanmo and Chenguang. If the two of them die and the town stone is broken, what will happen to Panchi City and Linyin City?Do you really want someone else to steal it?How is that possible! ?
"Xu Shan, you are telling me! What do you want?!" Lord Ye Shan stared at the Lord Ye Shan, seeing him silent for a long time, he couldn't help but shouted at him again, looking at Xi Shan City Lord Shan looked at him with deep eyes, and then City Lord Ye Shan said directly to Lin Qianye and the others: "Okay, okay! Lu Shan should know the importance! Next, we will follow what you said That's enough! Let's find the books hidden by Chen Guang first?"

Lin Qianye looked at City Lord Ye Shan, and seeing that he had no intention of objecting, she nodded, and then said to Lord Ye Shan, "Since you and the others were outside the City Lord's mansion back then. If the book is found in the house, then we will start from that house!"

"Yeah!" Lord Yeshan nodded, and said to Lord Yanshan who had been silent all this time: "Why are you still standing there? Let these aborigines help, everyone hurry to find it! This Momo He Chenguang's situation is very bad! If the time is delayed for a long time, and everyone's medicine is gone, the two of them will really die!"

"There's no way the potion will be gone!" Lord Yan Shan said to Lord Ye Shan with a face of indifference. Seeing Lord Ye Shan frowning and looking at him with a puzzled expression on his face, City Master Lu Shan Only then did the lord continue to say: "No, isn't there still City Master Ji? If there is really no potion, let City Master Ji die once, and go out to find the potion and bring it in, wouldn't it be all right?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, but he looked at the Lord of the City, and said to him: "Master of the City, it is very simple for me to die once to get the potion, but, even if it is You can enter the secret realm with the potion, but how can you enter the Yin Yin City? Chen Guang said that only he can open the gate to the Yin Yin City! Or, Have you tried it, City Master Yanshan? Can you drive it too?!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes fell on Lord Yan Shan.

The so-called gate of Linyin City, if we really want to talk about it, everyone knows that it is not a gate.Because after entering that gate, they saw the entire Rinyin City, the monsters outside Rinyin City, and the real Rinyin City!But the real gate of Linyin City has long since disappeared!
The city gate that Chen Guang closed, to put it bluntly, is just an entrance from the secret realm to Linyin City!Now, only Chenguang can open it!

Therefore, after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the City Lord Yan Shan's face darkened again, and then he took a deep breath and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Got it! Then go now Find it!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Lin Qianye and the others, took Xuan Mo together, and followed the crowd to leave the building of the City Lord's Mansion, first went to the room where they found the book, and carefully searched for it. After many times and still finding nothing, they were directly divided into several teams, and then began to search from the outside.

And that guardian beast has been staying near the teleportation array. It was supposed to wait for Lin Qianye and the others to pass by, see what arrangements were made, and then leave after helping, but the guardian beast fell asleep and woke up, woke up and After tossing and tossing and tossing for several times, I couldn't wait for Lin Qianye and the others to appear. I couldn't help becoming a little irritable. Then I stood up and looked into the Linyin City. After seeing Lin Qianye and the others Right after the city lord's mansion was near, the guardian beast impatiently prepared to find Lin Qianye and the others.

All the aborigines of Rinyin City were taken aback when they saw the movement of the guardian beast, and immediately scattered in all directions as if fleeing from a wilderness, and hurriedly made way for the guardian beast. Then he looked at the buildings in Linyin City with trepidation, and was very afraid that the guardian beast would accidentally destroy all the few buildings left in the Yinyin City!
And the guardian beast didn't know whether it had seen the worried gazes of the natives of Rinyin City, or it had some calculations in its heart. Every step it took did not destroy any buildings in Rinyin City, but They all stepped on the open space, cautiously, as if dancing on the tip of a knife, and it seemed that there was a sense of joy for no reason.

In the end, the guardian beast walked near the Lord's Mansion of Linyin City, raised its head and roared dissatisfiedly toward the sky.

This sound naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Qianye and the others naturally heard the cry, and immediately looked up, and saw the guardian beast. After watching the guardian beast's eyes fall on them, Lin Qianye still didn't understand that this was What do you mean? He immediately waved to the guardian beast, and after seeing it lowered his head slightly, he quickly said to the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, we are looking for something! You can wait a little longer ! When we find something, we will come to you!"

The guardian beast frowned, glanced at Lin Qianye, then shook its head, seemed to disagree, and seemed impatient, and then turned towards Lin Qianye and the others again. roared.

The roar was deafening, almost making Lin Qianye and the others unable to bear it.

"Guardian beast, wait a minute! Wait a little longer!" Lin Qianye also had a look of helplessness on her face. After thinking about it, she quickly said to the guardian beast, "We are now looking for some books hidden in the city lord's mansion. , Only after finding these books, can we know what else is needed to restore the teleportation array. If you know the guardian beast, you can help us find it together! As long as we can find this book earlier, we can put The teleportation array has been repaired, and you can go out and have a good rest! How is it? Do you want help?"

The guardian beast looked at Lin Qianye in confusion, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

So, Lin Qianye thought for a while, and quickly took out the book that Yousi found, held it in her hand, looked up into the air, and shouted at the guardian beast: "See? Guardian!" Beast, what we are looking for is the same thing as this book! It's just that we need to find more books! If you come and help us find it, our speed may be faster!"

Everyone thought that after Lin Qianye's explanation, the Guardian Beast must be able to understand it!

But the Guardian Beast snorted through its nostrils, turned its head away unhappily, and then walked back at its original pace, disappearing from everyone's eyes.

"It seems that this guardian beast does not agree to help!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, couldn't help but glance at Lin Qianye, and said to him: "Besides, I see that this guardian beast looks , very dissatisfied with us."

Lin Qianye shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and then said: "It's normal if it doesn't understand! As for dissatisfaction, that night is understandable! Originally we asked it to help restore the teleportation array, but it kept Waiting here for nothing, it's not happy, it's normal! Forget it, let's find it ourselves."

"Why don't I go talk to the Guardian Beast?" Yu Mo didn't know what to think of, looking at Lin Qianye and Ji Xiaoyan and suggested.

"You? What are you going to say?" Lin Qianye looked at him in surprise when she heard what Yu Mo said, and couldn't help frowning and asked him, "That guardian beast is just It’s nothing if you don’t want to help us find books! This is our own business, and we can find it ourselves! Besides, do you think that Guardian Beast can really understand what I said?”

"It understands it!" But Mo Mo nodded affirmatively, and said to Lin Qianye: "Master Qianye, that guardian beast understands, and knows what you are looking for! It's just that it just I got a little impatient, so I left!"

"How do you know?" Lin Qianye looked at him in surprise when he heard what Yu Mo said. Before he could answer, Lin Qianye looked at him with a guessing expression on his face. Asked: "Is it possible that this is also because of the town stone?!"

"It should be!" Xuan Mo thought for a while, and said to Lin Qianye, "Anyway, I know what it thinks!"

"Can you know what it's thinking?" Lin Qianye asked Xuan Mo with a slightly surprised expression, and after thinking for a while, he asked again: "You can know what it's thinking?"

"That's not true!" Xuan Mo was stunned, but shook his head in embarrassment, and said to Lin Qianye: "It's just that I probably know what it means, just like just now, I can see that the guardian beast is listening I understood what you said, Lord Qianye, but I felt a little impatient in my heart, so I left!"

"That's meaningless! It's useless to us!" Lin Qianye thought for a while, and then said to Xuan Mo: "Let him have it. When we find the book, we will also find it. After this method of activating the teleportation array, just go and look for it!"

Seeing that Lin Qianye really didn't have much interest in the guardian beast, Xuan Mo nodded, and then followed Lin Qianye and the others to continue searching around the city lord's mansion, but after finding nothing, the group of people waited. We met, and we were going to go back to the city lord's mansion to look around.

But at this moment, the figure of the guardian beast reappeared outside the city lord's mansion. When Lin Qianye and the others looked at the guardian beast in confusion, they were looking at the guardian beast. A paw was raised high, and then piles of things were thrown down, hitting everyone's bodies in an instant.

Before Lin Qianye and the others could see clearly what the guardian beast threw out, they were immediately buried under the pile of things. After a lot of effort, everyone finally showed their heads and hurriedly yelled. After taking a few breaths, they all looked at the guardian beast dissatisfied.

"Guardian beast, what are you doing?" Lin Qianye couldn't help but yelled at the guardian beast angrily, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but she heard Ji Xiaoyan shouted in surprise He got up, and when his eyes fell on Ji Xiaoyan, he saw that she was already holding several books in her hand!
"What is this? Where did you get the book?" Lin Qianye asked intuitively. Before she could finish her question, she saw that she had been submerged in a sea of ​​books, and she couldn't help being a little shocked. , "These are all books?!"

"That's right! They're all books!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and said to Lin Qianye with some excitement.

"Guardian Beast!" Lin Qianye quickly grabbed two books to read, couldn't help looking up at the Guardian Beast, and then asked loudly after a long while: "Guardian Beast, Where did you get these books? Are these books hidden by Chen Guang?"

The guardian beast didn't answer Lin Qianye, but just glanced at them indifferently, then tilted its head, signaling Lin Qianye and the others to find something quickly, then turned around and left, disappearing from everyone's sight middle.

"We don't need to look for books anymore?" The city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan also looked surprised at the moment, they couldn't help but look at Lin Qianye and the others, and said to them: "This time, what? Everything is saved?"

"I've saved more than half of it!" Lin Qianye also laughed, and said to the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, "At least, I don't have to look around in this city lord's mansion anymore! I don't know that this guardian beast Where did you find these books from!"

"Maybe, Chen Guang didn't hide the book in the city lord's mansion!" Ji Xiaoyan said to everyone while holding the book in one hand: "The guardian beast left the vicinity of the city lord's mansion just now, and brought these book!"

"Hmm! It should have found the book from other places!" Lin Qianye nodded, looked in the direction where the guardian beast disappeared, and said, "I'm a little curious now, what is the time of day?" Where did you hide these books! It is impossible for the Guardian Beast to get these books so easily in the house!"

Otherwise, if the Guardian Beast rummages like this, the house must have been scrapped long ago.

"Where it is hidden! Our first task now is to find out everything about the teleportation array hidden in these books! This is a huge project!" He waved his hands at the crowd, and after saying a word, he turned his eyes to the direction of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan, pulled a smile on his face, and said to them: "The two city lords should be more careful about this matter." Strength is what it is!"

(End of this chapter)

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