Chapter 2978
In the following day, almost all of Lin Qianye and the others spent in this pile of books. It would be very difficult to find one or two ways to reactivate the teleportation array from such a large pile of books. It's not easy, and naturally it will take more time!

So, after the guardian beast visited Lin Qian and the others several times, it finally looked at it impatiently. The aborigines of Linyin City raised it and made offerings to it, and the guardian beast had no intention of worrying at all.

Finally, when it was about to get dark one day, Xuan Mo grabbed a book and flipped through it a few times. His face was filled with excitement, and he couldn't help but shouted loudly at the crowd: " I found it! I found it!"

"Found it?" Lin Qianye couldn't help but look at Xuan Mo in surprise when she heard the words, and quickly struggled from the pile of books to the direction of Xuan Mo, and gave the book he was holding high to him. Holding it in his hand, after looking carefully at it, he suddenly smiled and shouted at the crowd: "I really found it! I really found it!"

The Masters of City Master Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan were also taken aback when they heard the words, they rushed forward and snatched the book from Lin Qianye's hand, after reading it, they frowned and looked at Lin Qianye Ye asked: "Master Qianye can see clearly what is written on it, can we have a chance to realize it?"

"Is there no chance?" Lin Qianye smiled nonchalantly, looked at Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, and said to them: "Now this guardian beast is outside, As long as we have a good discussion with it, what is impossible?"

City Lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan had worried expressions on their faces, looked at Lin Qianye, and said to him: "Master Qianye, you should think clearly, this is not just about asking the patron saint to help you make some It can be done easily with only one power stone! The Guardian Beast is unlikely to agree!
"Will you agree? You still have to try to know the result!" Lin Qianye looked relaxed, showing no signs of worry, and shouted directly at the crowd: "Let's go, let's go Try to find the Guardian Beast, it may not be easy to convince the Guardian Beast! At that time, we will open this teleportation array as soon as possible, and we can go out earlier."

Ji Xiaoyan, however, looked at Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, and waited for You Si and the others to read through the book that Xuan Mo had found, then looked at Lin Qianye with a frown. Back view, after thinking for a while, he asked Xing Dila beside him: "Uncle Xing Dila, can we really succeed like this? I think the Guardian Beast may not agree so easily."

"That's not necessarily true! As Qianye said, what if after discussing with that guardian beast, it agrees for the sake of Chenguang?" Xing Dila also smiled, but she had the same attitude as Lin Qianye. Zhuo Ji Xiaoyan said: "Since it is a guardian beast, it should very much hope that we can leave so that Chen Guang can be saved! Then no matter what it does, as long as it is not difficult, that guardian beast will agree! Besides, it's not too difficult, is it?"

"It's not difficult?!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and looked at Xingdila, and said to her: "This book says to protect the blood of the beast, how could it be so easy?" Let us draw blood?"

"I've said I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work, let's talk. It's not impossible for us to fight it, but the chances of this should be very small. As long as Chen Guang is moved out, the guardian beast will agree to it." It’s just taking a little blood from it, and it’s not too difficult to make a small cut for its size!” Xing Dila said optimistically.

Ji Xiaoyan was not optimistic about this at all, frowning, he could only follow behind Lin Qianye and the others, and walked all the way to the vicinity of the teleportation array in Linyin City, watching the guardian beast suddenly heard their movements. Waking up from sleep, straightening up and looking at them, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help becoming more worried.

Taking blood is probably not that easy!
"You two city lords, should you go over and talk to the guardian beast next? Or should I go over there?" Lin Qianye looked at the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan with a smile on her face, and said to her. After asking them a question, Lin Qianye sighed after seeing both the city lords Jia Shan and Ye Shan frowning at the guardian beast, not optimistic at all. He said to the two of them: "Forget it, it seems that the two city lords don't seem to want to go there to try, so I should go there! But, after I went to tell the guardian beast about this, the guardian beast If the beast gets angry, the two city lords will help me!"

City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan looked at Lin Qianye quietly, and they really didn't intend to respond immediately, and Lin Qianye didn't mean to wait for their answer, but just turned towards City Master Lu Shan and City Master Ye Shan. Lord Ye Shan took a look, then walked directly towards the guardian beast, not knowing exactly what he had said to the guardian beast, everyone watched the guardian beast's expression change instantly , his gaze also became a little scary, and he raised his paw and swung it directly in the direction of Lin Qianye.

Looking at it like that, it meant that Lin Qianye must be shot to death immediately.

So, seeing this situation, all the people rushed up immediately, and hurriedly helped to resist the attack of the guardian beast, so that Lin Qianye could have a chance to avoid the attack and escape.

But with the strength of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, how could they easily block that guardian beast back?
So the crowd could only disperse immediately, and threw all kinds of attacks towards the guardian beast's paws one after another, which seemed to be a fight with the guardian beast.

All the aborigines in Linyin City were shocked when they saw this.They couldn't figure out why City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan brought Lin Qianye and the others to attack the guardian beast of Lin Yin City!
Under normal circumstances, the Lord of the City, Lord Yanshan and the Guardian Beast are all on the same boat, and they should be in a state of mutual love. Even if they want to fight, they must help the Guardian Beast beat Lin Qianye and other strangers like them. It shouldn't be like this situation!
Immediately, someone shouted loudly: "Stop beating, stop beating!"

"My lord, Lord Yanshan, Lord Yeshan, don't attack the guardian beast, it is the guardian beast of our Linyin City."

"Stop it, stop it! You will destroy this Linyin City."

All the aborigines of Rinyin City suddenly became flustered, and kept shouting at the masters of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan, but after seeing that they had no intention of stopping at all, those residents of Rinyin city The aborigines immediately discussed it, quickly took their weapons, and hurriedly stood on the side of the guardian beast, but they all shouted at Lin Qianye: "Don't attack the guardian beast anymore! If you attack the Guardian Beast again, we will be rude to you."

"Are you being rude to us? Are you planning to attack us? Are you planning to rebel?" City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw the posture of the natives of Linyin City. He asked them, "I am now the Lord of your Linyin City, but you are pointing at me with weapons. Are you trying to kill me and rebel?" No such meaning!" The aboriginals of Linyin City also looked worried and scared, and said to Lord Yan Shan, "You want to attack the guardian beast, we just want to protect it! The guardian beast is with us Linyin City has stayed in Linyin City for so many years and has such a deep relationship with us, so if you want to hurt the Guardian Beast, Lord Yanshan, we will definitely not agree."

"That's right! You two city lords, do you know that if the patron saint is gone, what will happen to our Linyin City? You shouldn't attack the guardian beast?!"

Hearing the words, Lord Yan Shan frowned and looked at the aborigines of Linyin City, and then said to them: "We have no intention of hurting it, but now we have to make a hole in it. Come, just take some blood!"

"We don't understand what you mean!" The aborigines of Linyin City frowned, looking seriously at the Lords of the City Lords, Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan, watching them still bewildered under the attack of the guardian beast. Unbearably running away, he shouted at the guardian beast again: "Guardian beast, that is our Lord City Master, don't hurt them!"

It's just that the guardian beast didn't seem to hear what the natives of Rinyin City said. It waved its paws at Lin Qianye and the others self-servingly, as if swearing not to beat them to the ground. give up.

"Have you seen that! It's not that we are going to fight the guardian beasts, but the guardian beasts are going to be relentless to us!" Lin Qianye couldn't help shouting loudly at the aborigines of Linyin City: " If you help the guardian beasts to deal with us, we will die in this Yin Yin City! When the Lord of the Yin Yin City is gone, the town stone will also be gone!"

Hearing Lin Qianye's words, the aborigines of Rinyin City saw Chen Guang being hugged by Xing Dila, and the two were constantly avoiding the attack of the guardian beast.

That's right, the aborigines of Linyin City also panicked, and quickly turned their heads and shouted at the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, don't fight anymore! It will hurt Chenguang."

At the beginning, the guardian beast didn't hear the words of the aborigines of Rinyin City, so it waved its paws a few more times, watching Lin Qianye's position after they all avoided being given by the aborigines of Rinyin City. After occupying it, he reacted, and then looked in the direction pointed by the aborigines of Linyin City. After seeing Xingdila and Chenguang, the guardian beast put away its claws, and its face was full of tears. Angrily, he spat two breaths at Lin Qianye and the others, and finally calmed down.

"Okay, okay!" Seeing this, the aborigines of Linyin City breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly shouted to the Lords of the City Lords, "It's all right, you don't have to fight anymore!" .”

"But we still need to draw a hole in the claw of the guardian beast!" The lord of the city, the master of the city, insisted on looking at the aborigines of Linyin City, and said something to them, and they all stared at them. He widened his eyes and looked unhappy, and then looked at the guardian beast again, but saw that the guardian beast raised its neck again angrily after hearing his words, as if it was preparing to attack again. Attack him.

Therefore, the Master of the City Lord Yan Shan hurriedly shouted at the guardian beast: "Guardian God, don't fight any more, we have something to discuss."

"My lord, how can we discuss this? You are going to hurt the guardian beast! Could it be that the guardian beast can't resist?" Hearing this, the aborigines of Linyin City immediately turned towards the guardian beast dissatisfied. Lord Chan City Lord shouted.

"You have to know that there is a reason for us to do this!" Lord Yeshan City Lord frowned and said to the aborigines of Linyin City after hearing the words.

"It's wrong to hurt the Guardian Beast. What's the reason?" The aborigines of Linyin City stood by the Guardian Beast again, and couldn't help shouting at the City Masters Lushan and Yeshan.

"You have to be clear, this guardian beast belongs to our Linyin City, and we are the city lords of Rinyin City, how could we indiscriminately hurt the guardian beasts of our own city without complaint?" The city lord Yan Shan frowned. Frowning, he said to the aborigines of Linyin City: "The reason why we do this is that we need some blood of the guardian beast to pour on those energy stones, so that after the energy stones are placed in the teleportation array, the teleportation array can be restored. It was activated, thus returning to normal use. Otherwise, the teleportation array of our Linyin City will not be able to be opened in this life, is it possible that you all hope that such a thing will happen?"

"You need to use the blood of the Guardian Beast to restart the teleportation array?" When the aborigines of Linyin City heard the words of Lord Yan Shan, all of them had expressions of surprise on their faces, as if they turned their heads in disbelief towards that place. Only the Guardian Beast took a few glances, and then asked the City Masters Lu Shan and Ye Shan, "You two City Masters, are what you said true?"

"Of course it's true! We are your city lords! Is it possible to lie to you and hurt the guardian beasts of your own city for no reason?" The city lord Yan Shan looked helplessly at the original people of Linyin City. The residents said something to them, then looked at the guardian beast, and said what they just said to the guardian beast again, looking at the guardian beast with a displeased and very angry look , and then continued: "Guardian Beast, you have to think clearly, if you don't want to, then Chenguang will have no way to leave, and there is no way to wake up again! He will eventually die due to the exhaustion of mana! Do you want something like this to happen? Now, we only need to cut a small incision on your paw to get some blood, which should be nothing to you! It may not be that the knife cuts your paw, You don't even feel a little bit, why are you so angry with us for this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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