Chapter 2979 Taken
In fact, everyone agrees with Lin Qianye's words.

After all, the guardian beast has such a huge size. It is actually quite easy to draw a small mouth on its body to get a little blood and soak those energy stones. It's really not too difficult!

But the guardian beast obviously didn't think so. After hearing Lin Qianye's words, it immediately stretched out its claws angrily again, ready to slap towards Lin Qianye again.

After seeing this situation, the aborigines of Rinyin City hurried to protect Lin Qianye and the others, and hurriedly shouted at the guardian beast: "Guardian beast! You can't beat them down, you can't hurt them! They also want to save Chenguang! If you hurt them, who can save Chenguang? Do you also want Chenguang to have an accident? Guardian beast, they really have no malicious intentions, and you should be very clear ah."

The guardian beast stared at the aborigines of Linyin City, as if very annoyed that they didn't help him, and immediately waved its paws higher, as if it wanted to send everyone flying generally.

But at this moment, Xuan Mo stood up and waved at the guardian beast.

"Xu Mo, be careful!" Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly yelled at Xuan Mo, thinking that the guardian beast would not be able to restrain its claws and land the attack on Xuan Mo's body, hurting Xuan Mo's body .But Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that the guardian beast's claws stopped a few meters away from Xuan Mo.

Xuan Mo closed his eyes, feeling the powerful energy of the wind blowing on his face, and worried that he would be shot flying!Only after waiting for a few seconds without feeling any harm, Xuan Mo breathed a sigh of relief, quickly looked at the guardian beast, and said loudly to it: "Guardian beast, you have to trust us! If you I'm afraid they'll hurt you, so I can do it! I'm sure I won't hurt you, okay?"

The guardian beast looked at Xuan Mo with staring eyes, and roared at him as if very sad.

"I know! I know!" Xuan Mo hurriedly said to the guardian beast in a comforting manner, "You have to trust me! We don't mean to hurt you, but we must take your blood before we can send this Only when the formation is activated can we leave here! Think about it carefully, if we can't leave Linyin City, then the mana here is not enough for me and Chenguang to recover. You also want to save Chenguang, don't you? Guardian beast, you Look at me! My current mana is also exhausted, if I can't leave the teleportation circle, then Chen Guang and I will die! You don't want such a thing to happen, do you?"

The guardian beast's wide-eyed eyes looked at the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, and then growled at Xuan Mo twice with resentment, and then retracted its claws unwillingly. On the contrary, he simply lay down on the ground with a bit of self-destruction, as if he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Seeing this, Yan Mo breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Lin Qianye and the others and said, "That's fine! Lord Qianye, just tell me how much blood you need to take? But let me do the blood collection, otherwise The Guardian Beast will not agree to you using a knife on him."

Lin Qianye still didn't believe what Xuan Mo meant, and couldn't help asking him: "Xu Mo, are you sure!?"

Su Mo nodded affirmatively.

Therefore, Lin Qianye glanced in the direction of Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, seeing that the two of them did not intend to speak, then nodded to Xuan Mo, and took the He took out a dagger and handed it to Xuan Mo, and said to him: "Okay, Xuan Mo! Then you come! I will put all the energy stones away now, and there is not much blood to be drawn. You need to ensure that these energy stones are all stained with the blood of the Guardian Beast! It’s just that, Xuan Mo, you have to make sure that the Guardian Beast will allow you to do this! From what it looks like now, it seems that it just doesn’t want to entangle with us anymore It's just a fight, and I didn't say I would agree!"

"Lord Qianye, didn't I say that? I can know what the Guardian Beast is thinking, so I know it is like this now, it is considered as acquiescing, and I agree! It's just that I have to take the blood, he I don't trust you."

Lin Qianye was somewhat skeptical about what Xuan Mo said, but after seeing the guardian beast lying motionless on the ground and Xuan Mo's unwavering gaze, Lin Qianye could only Nodded, and then said to Xuan Mo: "That's fine, then it's up to you! But you have to be careful, Xuan Mo, if the guardian beast moves slightly, you must avoid it, and you can't let it really hurt you!"

Xuan Mo nodded, but looked at Lin Qianye with a comforting face, then took the dagger from his hand, and then slowly walked in the direction of the guardian beast.

And everyone also saw that the guardian beast still looked lazy and didn't want to move after seeing Xuan Mo approaching, it was not as irritable as it was to Lin Qianye before.

"Guardian beast, I'm here to draw blood! Don't move around!" Xuan Mo said to the guardian beast carefully, and after seeing that the guardian beast didn't seem to attack him, he moved to one of the guardian beasts. Next to the paw, he turned his head and looked at Lin Qianye and the others. After Lin Qianye had placed all the synthesized energy stones on the ground, he said to the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, look , it’s just those energy stones, they can’t take much of your blood, just bear with it, I will be careful, I will definitely not cause you too much pain, okay?”

The guardian beast looked in Lin Qianye's direction with an unhappy expression, but it didn't intend to answer Xuan Mo.

After observing the guardian beast for a few seconds, seeing that it did not make any other movements, Xuan Mo finally stepped forward, stretched out his hand and touched the guardian beast's paw, and then chose a spot with thin skin and thick flesh. place, leaning on the dagger in his hand.

"Xu Mo, be careful!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but yelled at Xuan Mo worriedly. Seeing that Xuan Mo turned his head and smiled at him, he gently slashed the dagger towards the guard with a relaxed face. After the beast's paws were on the ground, he couldn't help becoming nervous immediately, as if he would rush forward if there was any situation.

It's just that the next scene made Ji Xiaoyan feel relieved immediately.

Seeing that Xuan Mo's dagger pierced into the paw of the Guardian Beast, bringing out the profuse blood, but the Guardian Beast did not deal with Xuan Mo like Lin Qianye did, all the people suddenly became happy .

"It seems that everything is really as Xuan Mo said, that guardian beast will not attack him!"

Thinking of this, Lin Qianye quickly shouted at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, asking them to help send the energy stones to the direction of Xuan Mo, and watched as Xuan Mo used a small bottle to bottle the guardian beast's blood one by one. After collecting the bottles and handing them to them, Lin Qianye hurriedly told everyone, "Be careful, soak these energy stones with the blood of this guardian beast!"

"You don't need to tell me, we all know it!" The city lord Yan Shan heard Lin Qianye's words, but said to him with some dissatisfaction, and then quickly took the bottle of blood in his hand, all They all poured on those energy stones, and soon all the prepared energy stones were soaked in blood.

Seeing that everything was ready, Lin Qianye shouted to Xuan Mo: "It's enough, Xuan Mo! It's enough, no more."

Xuan Mo nodded quickly, took out a long piece of cloth from the bundle, wrapped it twice around the wound he had cut on the guardian beast's paw, and after confirming that the blood was no longer overflowing, then smiled and looked at the The guardian beast said to it: "Look! Guardian beast, I didn't lie to you, did I? Does it hurt?"

The guardian beast looked at Xuan Mo with some grievances, then closed its eyes directly, and didn't mean to leave Linyin City, and naturally didn't mean to get angry, as if it was tired and wanted to sleep Generally, just lie down and stay still.

"Lord Qianye, do you want to feed the Guardian Beast?" Seeing this situation, Xuan Mo looked at the Guardian Beast with some distress, and quickly asked Lin Qianye.

"Xu Mo! You are asking the wrong person about this!" Lin Qianye hadn't answered yet, but You Si beside him laughed and said to Xuan Mo, "This guardian beast belongs to Linyin City, and now the two All the city lords of Linyin City are here, even if they want to make up for the guardian beast, it should be the matter of the two city lords, you asked Qianye, but you asked the wrong person!"

When Xuan Mo heard the words, he immediately turned his gaze to the Lords of the City Lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, as if waiting for their reply.

What you said is actually true!
Originally, the ones who agreed to let Lin Qianye and the others leave the teleportation array were the City Masters Lu Shan and Ye Shan. It's settled, it's really meaningless to go back on it!So, now that blood is taken from the Guardian Beast to repair and activate the teleportation array, then the city lords Lushan and Yeshan should be responsible for this matter!

It is only natural to ask them to make up for the Guardian Beast and give them something.

The aborigines of Rinyin City also recognized what you said, and immediately turned their attention to the direction of the masters of City Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan, without waiting for them to say anything , and directly told them all about what the guardian beasts like to eat and so on, and told Lord Yanshan City Lord and Lord Yeshan City Lord all about it, which made them feel like they were riding a tiger.

"Are the two city lords unwilling?" You Si didn't know what to think, seeing that both the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan had no intention of moving, he couldn't help but asked them, Then he immediately looked at the guardian beast, and yelled loudly at it: "Guardian beast, take a look first! Look at how stingy the two city lords of Linyin City are! With so much blood, they didn't even say to give you something delicious to mend."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" City Lord Yan Shan did not allow You Si to tarnish his reputation like this, and it was still in front of the Guardian Beast and the aborigines of Lin Yin City.

So when I heard You Si's words suddenly, the Lord City Master Yan Shan couldn't help but yelled at him angrily, but seeing the playful smile on You Si's face, Lord City Master Yan Shan couldn't bear it in his heart. It was a little more annoyed, and then looked at the guardian beast that had opened its eyes and looked at him probingly. The lord of the city could only take a deep breath, and quickly took out a lot of it from his baggage. He said to the guardian beast, "Guardian beast, these are all for you to eat, take whatever you like!"

Seeing this, the guardian beast was really interested. He raised his head, glanced at the things that the city lord Yan Shan took out, and finally shook his head a little bored, and then started again. Lie back.

"Tsk tsk, City Lord Xishan! From this point of view, the Guardian Beast doesn't seem to be very satisfied with the things you gave! If there are any good things, you have to take them out! Or is it that City Lord Xishan is willing to keep the good things?" Are you hiding everything, and you don’t want to give it to the guardian beast?” You Si said something to Lord Yan Shan with an expression of not being afraid of the seriousness of the matter, and looked at the Lord Yan Shan angrily looking behind him. You Si hurriedly laughed, waved his hands vigorously and said: "Forget it! I won't tell the truth anymore! If you are willing to take something to protect the beast, it is your wish, City Lord, and it is not right to say it. It's none of our business, let's restore and activate the teleportation array earlier and leave! After all, there are still so many things waiting for us to do outside, so we can't waste any more time."

While talking, Yousi greeted Lin Qianye by the way, and asked how to deal with the energy stones soaked in the blood of the guardian beast, and then hurriedly helped Lin Qianye start the arrangement, which seemed like The one who just said these words is not like him.

Therefore, the city lord Gu Shan is really very angry at this time.

Originally, his relationship with the Guardian Beast wasn't too close, but now that the incident of taking blood happened, he was still thinking about how to build a good relationship with the Guardian Beast in the future!But these things have not been done yet, but You Si provoked his relationship with the Guardian Beast with a little food, what should he do in the future?This is simply intentional!
Together, they are all thinking of leaving this Linyin City, and leaving him with a lot of troubles?
Thinking of this, the complexion of the city lord Zhu Tan suddenly turned darker.

As for the guardian beast, it didn't mean to care too much about the city lord Yan Shan. After taking his eyes away from the food, he looked in the direction of Xuan Mo and Chen Guang. Xuan Mo snorted twice, and after watching Xuan Mo turn his head to look over, he tilted his head to signal him to go over.

(End of this chapter)

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