Chapter 2980 Guess

Xuan Mo felt a little strange in his heart, what did the guardian beast tell him to do in the past.

When Hesidi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, seeing that they were all busy arranging the teleportation formation and he had nothing to do, Xuan Mo still thought about it, then walked directly in front of the guardian beast, and stood up to it under the big mouth, looking up at it.

Facing such a huge guardian beast, it is impossible for Xuan Mo to say in his heart that he is not afraid with his small body facing him head-on!It's just that Xuan Mo knew very well that the guardian beast would never hurt him, so he dared to stand under its big mouth so calmly!

Sure enough, the guardian beast didn't intend to attack Xuan Mo at all, but tilted its head and moved its own claw that was cut by Xuan Mo to the front of Xuan Mo.

"What's the matter, guardian beast?" Seeing this, Xuan Mo looked at the guardian beast with a puzzled face, not quite understanding what it meant by its actions. At this moment, Xuan Mo discovered that he It seemed that he didn't know what was going on in the guardian beast's heart, and this realization instantly made Xuan Mo feel a little confused and puzzled.

Before, it didn't feel like this!
The guardian beast put its paws a little more in front of Xuan Mo, and then pointed its head in the direction of the teleportation array. , why I don’t know what you are thinking now? I don’t seem to understand what you mean! Are you trying to say something about the teleportation array?”

The guardian beast blinked, as if responding to Xuan Mo.

But Xuan Mo became even more puzzled!

What does the guardian beast mean by pointing to the teleportation array?Does it mean there is a problem with the teleportation array?
But looking at the current appearance of the guardian beast, it doesn't look like it!If there is really a problem with the teleportation array, wouldn't it be enough for the guardian beast to just wave its paw and stop everything?

"Guardian beast, do you want to say that there is a problem with the legend certificate?" Xuan Mo thought in his heart, but he still asked the guardian beast, seeing that the guardian beast didn't seem anxious or sure at all, thinking After thinking about it, he continued to ask, "Then, is it you who want to go to the teleportation array?"

Hearing what Xuan Mo said, it was the Guardian Beast that turned up its mouth happily, and then handed its injured paw to Xuan Mo to take a look.

So, this time, Xuan Mo seemed to have guessed everything at once, and immediately asked the guardian beast, "You mean, this teleportation array uses your blood, so do you want to go and have a look?" ?”

The guardian beast seemed a little dissatisfied with Xuan Mo's answer, but it still raised its neck, looked in the direction of Lin Qianye and the others, then tilted its head towards Xuan Mo, motioning for him to follow. walk on my own!
So Xuan Mo could only follow the guardian beast with a puzzled expression on his face, and walked to the side of the teleportation array together.

Lin Qianye and the others, who were busy at the moment, also had expressions of surprise on their faces. No one thought that the Guardian Beast would come to the teleportation array, and they all thought that it was sullen and fell asleep there!
So after seeing Xuan Mo with the guardian beast, Lin Qianye immediately asked Xuan Mo suspiciously: "Xu Mo, what's the matter with the guardian beast? What did it come here to do?"

Xuan Mo shook his head, expressing that he was not clear either.

At this time, Lin Qianye couldn't help but frowned, looked at Xuan Mo with a puzzled face and asked, "Why don't you know? Yu Mo, didn't you say that you knew what was going on in the heart of this guardian beast?" What are you thinking? If it comes to you, you should know what it wants to do! How could it not know?"

"Lord Qianye, I don't know why!" Yu Mo also frowned tightly, with a look of confusion on his face, and said to Lin Qianye: "I did know what the guardian beast was thinking before, and wanted to What are you doing! These thoughts came into my mind by myself, but now I don’t know why, I just don’t know what it is thinking, what it wants to do! It seems that all the previous feelings have disappeared, which makes I find it weird too!"

"I knew it before, but I don't know it now? I don't feel it anymore?" Hearing what Xuan Mo said, You Si couldn't help frowning, and his eyes moved back and forth between Xuan Mo and the guardian beast. After several times, I thought about it, and then said to Xuan Mo: "It can't be that what you thought of before was actually an illusion, but now the illusion is gone! If you think about it this way, it is actually quite understandable .”

"Do you think it's possible?" Lin Qianye couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him when she heard what You Si said, and said, "If what happened before was just an illusion, then how did Xuan Mo know this? The guardian beast agreed to let us take blood? Did he also agree to let him use the knife? If it was all fake, the guardian beast would have done it long ago, how could it be so quiet?! All the facts are placed in front of us, let us see for ourselves I saw it!"

"Then if it's not a hallucination, how can we explain it now?" You Si also looked at Lin Qianye with a puzzled frown, looked at Xuan Mo, and then said to him: "Well, even if it's not a hallucination It's true! If you could really know what this guardian beast was thinking before, then why does Xuan Mo not have such ability now, and what's wrong? Could it be that all this has changed inexplicably in such a short period of time? After all, there must be an opportunity! You didn’t do anything, how could you suddenly lose a certain ability? Or is it that the Guardian Beast was willing to let Xuan Mo know its thoughts before, but now it doesn’t want him to know? , so Xuan Mo can’t feel it anymore?”

Having said that, Yousi immediately frowned again, shook his head and said, "It's not right to think about it! From the current situation, it seems that this Guardian Beast just wants to do something, and also wants us to know its intentions. If it can really control its thoughts from being known by Xuan Mo, then he should let Xuan Mo know now, so that he can explain clearly to us!"

Therefore, this speculation is completely unfounded.

"Then if that's not the case, how could Xuan Mo's ability to know the thoughts of the guardian beast suddenly disappear?" Xing Dila also frowned and looked at Xuan Mo, but then her eyes fell on the guardian beast. On the beast, looking at its paws wrapped in cloth, after thinking for a while, he looked at the crowd and asked, "Do you think this is the reason why Xuan Mo took blood from the guardian beast?"

"What kind of reason is this! It's just a little blood! Then you can make Xuanmo not know what it's thinking? This ability disappears? This reason is a bit far-fetched!" But You Si shook his head in disbelief said.

"It's far-fetched, I think it's quite reasonable!" Xing Dila seemed to have thought of something, and said to the crowd: "Think about it, since the blood was taken, the guardian beast has been staying there without moving. But Xuan Mo also stayed with us, and nothing happened, but the ability of Xuan Mo to understand the thoughts of the Guardian Beast suddenly disappeared. Apart from this opportunity to draw blood, what else can there be? After all Before the blood was taken, Xuan Mo knew about it, didn't he!"

"Is that so?!" You Si looked at Xuan Mo and the guardian beast suspiciously, then took a deep breath, clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Forget it, let's not do it again." Too much speculation about this matter! Anyway, if you don’t know, you don’t know! Now let’s think about it, what is this Guardian Beast trying to do here!”

When this matter was mentioned, everyone immediately turned their attention to the guardian beast, only to see that its gaze was always on the teleportation array, as if it wanted to do something.

So Lin Qianye hurriedly stood over, looked at the guardian beast, and asked loudly to it: "Guardian beast, what do you want to do? It's okay to give us a little hint, you just stare at the teleportation array, right?" Because what's wrong with our teleportation array?"

The guardian beast just glanced at Lin Qianye indifferently, and didn't intend to give him any hints, so Lin Qianye could only turn her head to Lord Lushan City Lord and Lord Yeshan City Lord, and said to them : "You two city lords, you still have to come now! You guys should have a good communication with the guardian beast. See what it wants to do?"

Lord Ye Shan did not move when he heard the words, but the Lord Yan Shan on the side sneered, looked at Lin Qianye and Yousi, and then went forward proudly, facing the guardian beast asked.

Lord Yan Shan originally thought that everyone would watch how he had a good time with the guardian beast, how could he guess what the guardian beast wanted to do in the end, and how harmonious his relationship with the guardian beast was!However, what the City Lord Yan Shan never expected was that after he had just said a few words to the Guardian Beast, Lin Qianye and the others started doing other things on their own, with a look that they didn't want to care about at all. look!This made the City Lord Yan Shan feel a little annoyed, and couldn't help shouting at Lin Qianye and the others: "Master Qianye, don't you care about what the guardian beast is going to do?"

"We just want to know what the Guardian Beast wants to do, so we asked the Lord of the city to ask?" Lin Qianye nodded affirmatively, looked at the Lord of the city with some surprises, and said to him: " We just need to wait for the result of the communication between you and the Guardian Beast, City Lord, isn’t it enough? Otherwise, what else does City Lord want us to do?”

"Can't you take a good look at it?"

"City Master Yan, what's the point of us not seeing it? Besides, we have time to stare at it, so we might as well arrange the legendary array as soon as possible! Maybe you will understand it clearly after a while, City Master Yan. When the Guardian Beast wants to do something, our teleportation array is also set up! That's the way to go, isn't it?"

That's what he said, but Lord Yan Shan knew very well that Lin Qianye and the others didn't care what he said to the guardian beast at all, whether he could figure out what the guardian beast was thinking!It is enough for them to only think about leaving this Yin Yin City!
Thinking of this, City Master Yan Shan could only take a few deep breaths, desperately comforting himself in his heart, suppressing the anger in his heart that was ignored by Lin Qianye and the others and almost spewed out like a volcanic eruption. , then looked at the guardian beast again, settled down and chatted with the guardian for a while, but in the end, nothing was communicated, and he could only stand in front of the guardian beast with a depressed face, staring into its eyes. !
On the other hand, Xuan Mo has been standing aside watching the communication between Lord Yan Shan and the guardian beast. When Lord Yan Shan was about to give up, Xuan Mo stepped forward, looked at the guardian beast and asked, "Guardian beast?" , or do you actually want to go to this teleportation array?"

The Guardian Beast, who had been communicating with the Lord of the City, had no expression at first, suddenly heard what Xuan Mo said, and suddenly regained his spirits. He widened his eyes and watched Xuan Mo's mouth curled up, as if there really were so many. After a lot of anticipation, Xuan Mo laughed, turned his head to look at Lin Qianye and the others shouted: "Master Qianye, you have asked, you have asked!"

"Ask it? Then what does this guardian beast want to do!" You Si looked at Xuan Mo in amazement, and after glancing at the guardian beast, he couldn't help asking: "This guardian beast won't Do you want to take back these power stones?"

Xuan Mo quickly smiled and shook his head, and said to everyone: "No! The Guardian Beast just wants to go to this teleportation array!"

"Want to go to the teleportation formation?" Lin Qianye was stunned when she heard the words, and couldn't help turning her head to look at the same surprised Yousi and Pudi, then rolled her eyes, and shouted at the guardian beast Said: "Guardian Beast, do you want to leave the Yin Yin City from the legendary formation with us? Go eat those delicious foods, right? Are they the ones we promised you?"

This time, the guardian beast immediately showed a happy expression towards Lin Qianye. After looking at Lin Qianye for a few times, its eyes became gentler, and then it moved its injured paw towards Lin Qianye. Qianye moved in the direction, and scratched at the teleportation array with the small nail on his paw.

"It seems to be like this!" Lin Qianye was also very satisfied that she had guessed the idea of ​​the Guardian Beast, and quickly nodded to it and said, "Don't worry about the Guardian Beast! When we can leave, we will definitely take you with us." Go! We promised you at the beginning, as long as you are willing to help, we will give you a lot of delicious food! We will honor all these, and we will never break our promise! When you arrive in our Qingcheng, we will definitely provide you with delicious food and drink !"

"Lord Qianye, what do you mean by that?" City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan immediately widened their eyes when they heard Lin Qianye's words, and turned towards Lin Qianye and the others angrily. Shouted, "This guardian beast belongs to our Linyin City, what do you want to take it to Qingcheng? Could it be possible, Master Qianye, you want to use some food, so you took the guardian beast of our Linyin City Can it become your Qingcheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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