Chapter 2981 Try it

It has to be said that the city lord Yan Shan has a very big brain, and he can think of these things after hearing a few words.

But more importantly, the city lord Yan Shan was able to guess right, and he really guessed Lin Qianye's thoughts right!

Therefore, after Lin Qianye heard the words of the city lord Yan Shan, her face immediately showed a bit of surprise, not to mention a bit of embarrassment.

However, even so, Lin Qianye knew that she couldn't really let the city lord Yan Shan affirm her idea, otherwise, they would really fight and cause more troubles!
"What did City Lord Yan Shan say? This guardian beast is the guardian beast of your Linyin City. How could it be abducted so easily? City Master Yan Shan has no confidence in the guardian beast at all! What's more , We have never thought of such a thing! The meaning of the words I just said is also because we promised the Guardian Beast at the beginning, but we wanted to give it delicious food! You also know these things before, City Lord. Now we are just fulfilling the promise we made to the Guardian Beast at the beginning, so how can it be as you think, Lord City Lord Yanshan?" Lin Qianye said to Lord City Lord Yanshan with righteous words on his face.

"Is that so?" Lord Yan Shan sneered when he heard the words, looked at Lin Qianye, and then continued: "If it's not what I guessed, then this guardian beast will eat it in the future. You don’t need to worry about the things you have, Lord Qianye! Since it is the guardian beast of our Linyin City, then naturally everything will be handled by our Linyin City and Panchi City, so I don’t need to bother you, Lord Qianye. Thinking about it!"

When Lin Qianye heard this, what else could she say?I can only smile.

After all, he really has such a little thought, and wants to use that little food to trick the guardian beast of Linyin City to Qingcheng!Think about it, as long as this guardian beast goes to Qingcheng and knows that Qingcheng is very good, they may not be able to make this guardian beast stop leaving, and gradually become the guardian beast of Qingcheng Woolen cloth!Lin Qianye would be very happy to add any strength to Qingcheng.

It's just that the temptation didn't work, so Lin Qianye could only smile, then looked at the guardian beast, and said to it: "Since this is the case, then we don't have to worry about it! Guardian beast. What do you need next?" For food, you can look for the city lords Lushan and Yeshan, anyway, they are also the city lords of Linyin City, and it is only right and proper to raise you, it is a matter of course, you don’t need to be polite to them!"

Hearing the words, the guardian beast really took a look at the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, and saw that they all looked at him flatteringly, but didn't say anything more, just moved its paws towards it. The direction of the teleportation array moved two points, as if it was urging Lin Qianye and the others.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this legendary formation will be restored soon!" Lin Qianye quickly smiled at the guardian beast, then pointed at the energy stones that had been placed, and pointed at the guardian beast Said: "Now we have done all the preparations, and then we only need a teleporter to do a little work, and then the teleportation array can be used immediately."

"Teleporter? Where is there a teleporter in this Linyin City?" Lord Yan Shan frowned when he heard the words, looked at Lin Qianye and asked him: "Didn't you also ask Lin Yin before?" The natives of the city, are there no teleporters in this city? Now it is said that teleporters are needed, Lord Qianye, what do you mean by all this?"

Think about it, if there is no teleporter in Linyin City, then they have done all the preparations for this teleportation formation, and everything is ready, but in the end there is no way to reactivate the teleportation formation, then Wouldn't all this be in vain?
Thinking of this, the city lord Yan Shan suddenly had some complicated thoughts in his heart.He wanted Lin Qianye and the others to stay in Linyin City, so that he could vent their anger every day in the future!However, after looking at the situation of Chen Guang and Xuan Mo, Lord Yan Shan also hoped that they could be sent away from Linyin City as soon as possible so that they could recover. If there is really no teleporter, what would happen to Xuan Mo and Chen Guang? manage?
"This teleporter! You don't have to worry about it, the city owner. You can always find a teleporter in this Yinyin City. As long as you can reactivate the teleportation array, wouldn't it be enough? There is no requirement To rebuild, just find a teleporter! There are no too many requirements! It should be very easy!" Lin Qianye smiled relaxedly when she heard the words of City Lord Yan Shan, and looked at the After the Masters of City Master Jia Shan and Lord Ye Shan looked at him questioningly, Lin Qianye smiled, pointed at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to Lord City Master Jia Shan and Lord Ye Shan: " The two city lords don’t know yet! Xiaoyan also went to Taoism before and learned some things about Taoism! As far as the current situation is concerned, it’s not impossible for Xiaoyan to act as a teleporter.”

"City Lord Ji? Lord Qianye, what joke are you kidding?!" City Lord Yan Shan immediately widened his eyes when he heard the words, looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction suspiciously, and then questioned Lin Qianye : "Lord Qianye, do you know what you're talking about? How can City Master Ji act as a teleporter! You're just playing with us!"

"City Lord Yan Shan, what you said is not quite right! Who said that Xiaoyan can't be a teleporter? She has been in the Taoist sect before, and Xiaoyan knows some basic things used in the Taoist sect! Let her activate the teleportation array, what's wrong? If you don't believe it, then you can ask Xiaoyan!" You Si also couldn't help standing up, and said to the Lord of the city said a word.

After hearing the words, the City Lord Yan Shan immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and after seeing her nodded with certainty, he still didn't believe it in his heart.

"Master Ji, are you sure? This is no joke!"

"Just give it a try!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and said to the City Lord Yan Shan: "Anyway, there is nothing to lose if you try it. If it doesn't work, let's think of other ways! If possible , then everything has been settled! What’s wrong with that? Lord City Lord, what do you think!?”

Lord Yan Shan frowned, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan hesitantly for a long time, then he heard Lord Ye Shan sneer and opened his mouth, signaling for Ji Xiaoyan to try. The Lord City Master glared at Ye Shan Lord with some annoyance.

"It's nothing, Yan Shan! Just let her try it, and you won't lose anything!" Lord Ye Shan shrugged his shoulders, and said to Lord Yan Shan: "Anyway, if this is really successful, we will It's easy too, isn't it?"

Now that the matter is up to now, what else can the city lord Cheng Tan say?After all, they couldn't find any other teleporters in Linyin City, so Ji Xiaoyan can only try in this situation.

Therefore, the City Master Xie Shan could only glance at Ji Xiaoyan, and then walked away from the teleportation array for two steps, and then signaled Ji Xiaoyan to go forward!
I thought that with Ji Xiaoyan, everything was just deceitful words from Lin Qianye and the others, but City Lord Yan Shan never thought of it. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan operating near the teleportation array, he said again After casting some incantations that they didn't understand at all, some light gradually appeared in the patterns on the teleportation array that didn't have any light at all, as if they were really about to be activated.

"This is actually true!" Seeing this, Lord Ye Shan suddenly couldn't help but widen his eyes to look in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, and said to Lord Yan Shan, "Why does Ji Xiaoyan know everything? What has the sect learned? Can the head of the Xuan sect watch her learn their skills like this, and ignore her?"

"Then how do I know?!" Lord Yan Shan also frowned, looked at Lord Ye Shan and said, "From this point of view, this Ji Xiaoyan is much more powerful than we imagined."

"What's the matter? Yan Shan, listen to your tone, are you still going to take care of her in the future?" Lord Ye Shan gave him a funny look, and whispered to him Asked: "Xu Shan, tell me, do you actually have some plans for them! Now do you feel that you want to give up?"

"What can I have planned!" Lord Yan Shan rolled his eyes, and didn't intend to continue talking, but Lord Ye Shan sneered after hearing the words, and said to Lord Yan Shan: " Shan, you are wrong! No matter what kind of dispute we have, we are still twins! If there is something to do, we need to advance and retreat together! If you really have any ideas, why not tell me? Maybe I will hurt you You, run to join Ji Xiaoyan and the others?!"

"Could it be that you can't do it?" Lord Yan Shan suddenly sneered when he heard the words, and while watching more and more rays of light on the teleportation array, he said to Lord Ye Shan, "Okay! Shan! Don't waste too much thought on me! After the teleportation array is repaired in a while, we will take the guardian beast to Panchi City! But you have to remember clearly, after arriving in Panchi City, you have to Prepare some food for the Guardian Beast, no matter what, you must satisfy the Guardian Beast!"

"I'm going to prepare food for the Guardian Beast?" Lord Ye Shan was stunned when he heard the words, and then he frowned, and said to Lord Jia Shan with some displeasure: "Ji Shan, what you said is not right. Well, even though the Guardian Beasts belong to our Panchi City and Linyin City, our two cities should be responsible for the delivery of food! Now, how do I hear what you mean? The guardian beast was thrown to me directly? What's the matter, you are the city lord, are you going to ignore everything?"

"I didn't say I don't care!" Lord Yanshan rolled his eyes, and said to Lord Yeshan, "It's just that our Linyin City can't give anything good to the guardian beast now! After the teleportation array is restored, and after Rinyin City is rebuilt in the future, the big deal is that this guardian beast can be raised in our Rinyin City, and there is no need to waste any resources in your Panchi City. You can do a favor now and raise it. What's wrong with raising a Guardian Beast?"

"No, no!" Lord Ye Shan suddenly became a little annoyed when he heard the words, he looked at Lord Xi Shan and said to him, "I think you are plotting against me! Xi Shan! Now you let me raise I have no objection to the guardian beast, but I just ask us Panchi City and Linyin City to share the responsibility! But now, you said that you will send the guardian beast to your Linyin City to raise it in the future. What are you talking about? What do you mean? It is obviously the guardian beast of our two cities. Now you are going to let me feed the guardian beast first, and let us Panchi City take care of it alone. After the guardian beast is matured, you will always guard it. Can’t you succeed in Yin City? Good job, you bastard! You’re planning very well!”

"I didn't count on you!" Lord Yanshan frowned and glanced at Yeshan Lord, and said to him: "I'm obviously listening to you, I don't want to keep the guardian beast for too long, so I'm going That’s what you said! What’s the matter, I’m not happy if I let you keep you, and I’m not happy if I don’t let you keep you, Ye Shan, just tell me what you want to do.”

"Don't lie to me! You are twins! What are you thinking in your mind? Is it possible that I still don't understand the meaning of what you said?" Lord Ye Shan suddenly sneered, and turned to the city owner Xi. The lord said something, and after watching the city master frowned and did not dare to say anything, he sneered and continued, "No matter what you think! The guardian beast must stay in the two cities in the future. It is divided equally, otherwise you can see how I settle accounts with you."

"It's not something that you and I can just say!" Lord Yanshan sneered, and said to Lord Yeshan, "What this guardian beast wants to do and where it wants to go are beyond our control. Yes, everything needs it to act according to its own preferences, where we can control it, if you want the guardian beast to go to Panchi City, then you can let the guardian beast go by itself! Anyway, I will not stop it! Of course, if the Guardian Beast is always willing to stay in our Linyin City, it is impossible for me to drive it to Panchi City!"

"You can use the Guardian Beast, and you are ready to push the responsibility away!" Lord Ye Shan's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he said something to Lord Yan Shan, looking at the corner of his mouth. With a sneer, he immediately sneered, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay! I'm just saying this to you, just wait and see! I will always leave the guardian beast in our pan Chicheng, don't complain to me when the time comes, you'll regret it!"

"If you want to be capable, you can do it!" Lord Yan Shan did not intend to continue arguing with Lord Ye Shan, watching the light of the teleportation array light up along all the lines, and then connected After arriving at those energy stones, all the energy stones lit up immediately, and then the city lord Yan Shan said seriously: "It seems that this teleportation array can really be restored to use!"

(End of this chapter)

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