The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2982 Will you go or not?

Chapter 2982 Will you go or not?
In fact, Ji Xiaoyan didn't learn much in Taoism, after all, it's impossible for someone from Taoism to teach her anything!Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan herself is also worried that if the teleportation array in Linyin City cannot be activated, everyone will be left here, and then she can only hang up and resurrect herself to leave, and then go to Qingcheng or Pan Only when Chi Cheng brings a teleporter back can he solve the urgent need!
But even after bringing people into the secret realm, whether they can enter the Yin Yin City again is another matter!Who made Chenguang do so many things?Therefore, the best way right now is for her to directly restore the teleporter, then everything will be fine.I thought it would be difficult!But when the light on the teleportation array was all lit up, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but get a little excited, she really succeeded!

It's an incredible feeling!

"It's really possible! It's really possible! This teleportation array can be used again!" Seeing the light on the teleportation array, you couldn't help but screamed excitedly, and rushed towards Ji Xiaoyan Pointing at the teleportation array excitedly, he shouted to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan! Look, you really activated this teleportation array! This is really great, we can leave this ghost place It's gone!" Hearing what You Si said, Lord Yan Shan cast a blank glance at him with some displeasure, but didn't say much, and waited until all the lights on the teleportation array lighted up. Looking at Ji Xiaoyan, he asked her, "City Master Ji, is this teleportation formation usable now?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little uncertainly, then shook his head at City Master Yan Shan Said: "Can this teleportation array be used? Where can it be teleported? Now I don't know too well. After all, I am not a person from the Taoist sect. I still don't know how to position this teleportation array! So , I can’t answer your question, City Lord Yan Shan!”

"City Master Ji, what do you mean by that?" Lord Yan Shan frowned and asked Ji Xiaoyan when he heard the words: "Is this teleportation array usable or not?"

"I'm really not too sure about this!" Ji Xiaoyan said seriously to the City Lord Yan Shan, then looked at Lin Qianye and the others who also cared about this issue, and said, "What I'm doing now is just to let It's just that the teleportation array has been reactivated. As for where this teleportation array can teleport and whether it can really teleport, I really don't know!" "Xiaoyan, what you mean is that in this situation, we can only try Did you know?" Yousi seemed to understand the meaning of Ji Xiaoyan's words, and asked suddenly: "You have only successfully activated the teleportation array now, but the aborigines of Xuanmen will know, determine the destination of the teleportation array You don’t know the ability! So, now that you are using the teleportation array, you don’t know where it can be teleported to, and you have no way to be sure whether it can be used!?” Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then pointed to the teleportation array , and said to everyone: "After all, I am not from the Xuanmen, and some things will not be returned at all! Now that the light on the teleportation array has come out, it can only prove that the teleportation array has been activated again, and it should be usable. But it can No one knows where the teleportation will go. Right now, we can only find out bit by bit! And all we can do is go up and try to see where we can teleport! But I am more worried, if this is teleported to What kind of dangerous place is not so good!" "Actually, I don't think there is anything to worry about!" Lin Qianye thought for a while when she heard this, smiled and said to everyone: "I think this teleportation array should only There will be a destination, we just need to teleport there!"

"There is only one destination?!" Lord Yan Shan frowned immediately when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking Lin Qianye suspiciously, "Lord Qianye, what do you mean by this? Where is the destination? Where did you know it from?" Lin Qianye smiled faintly at Lord Yan Shan, and then said: "Master Yan Shan, think about it carefully! At the beginning, Lin Yin City and Panchi City What's the relationship? They are two twin cities, and then Linyin City was divided and hidden, obviously you don't want other cities to find it, right?"

The city lord Gu Shan could only nod his head.

Then I heard Lin Qianye continue to say: "Since I don't want to be found, and this teleportation array exists. Then City Lord Yan Shan thinks that the teleportation array of Linyin City will be connected with the teleportation array of which city?"

"I know!" Ye Shan City Lord laughed suddenly when he heard the words, and said quickly: "Rinyin City can only be connected with the teleportation array of Panchi City! After the teleportation array is activated, there is only one place that can be teleported to, and that is Panchi City!"

Lin Qianye nodded approvingly with a smile, looked at Lord Yan Shan, and said to him: "Did you hear that? Lord Yan Shan! There will only be one destination, and it is the only one! So right now we only need Stepping on the teleportation array, you can teleport directly to Panchi City, and the teleportation array in Panchi City leads to other places. At that time, we can just go from the teleportation array in Panchi City, which is just a little more turning point. It's not a big deal!"

After hearing the words, the City Lord Yan Shan looked at the teleportation array, then at Lin Qianye and the others, and after thinking about it, he said to them, "Since Lord Qianye is so sure, please teleport away!"

Lin Qianye raised her eyebrows, nodded without saying anything, looked directly at You Si and the others, and then said to them: "In this case, let's take a step first!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little worried, Can't help but look at Lin Qianye, but looked at Lin Qianye and said to her relaxedly: "Xiaoyan, don't worry, there can only be such a result, even if this teleportation array really teleports us to Where we don’t know, with our strength, is there still danger?” Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and it seemed to be the same reason, so he nodded and stood on the teleportation formation himself.

But at this moment, the aboriginals of Linyin City hurriedly shouted, and shouted at Xingdila: "Are you going to take Chen Guang away? You can't take him away!"

"Chenguang's current state can only go with us, and come back after his body recovers! You don't have to worry!" Xing Dila heard the words of the original residents of Rinyin City, but said affirmatively to the original residents of Rinyin City. The residents said, "Don't worry, we can't hurt Chenguang. Isn't there still City Lord Yanshan and City Lord Yeshan? They will definitely protect Chenguang, you don't have to worry!"

"But! But the light of time has always been in our Linyin City!" The aboriginal residents of Linyin City still shouted, and kept looking in the direction of Lord Lushan, a little bit wanting to let him go. The meaning of the city lord's words to stop it.

However, Lord Yanshan frowned and said to Xingdila: "Master Xingdila, I did not promise you to take Chenguang away! Since the aborigines of our Linyin City do not agree now, Xingdila Lord Dila should give me back Chenguang!" While speaking, the city lord Xing Shan walked towards Xing Dila, as if he wanted to snatch Chenguang back from her hand. Zhuang hurriedly stepped forward two steps, directly stopped in front of Lord Yan Shan, and said solemnly to him: "Master Yan Shan, what are you doing? Are you planning to rob people?"

"I would like to know, what do you all want to do? Chen Guang is the town stone of our Linyin City. Is it appropriate for you to snatch him away like this?"

When you heard the words, you sneered, looked at the Lord of the city, and said: "Master of the city, you are wrong! This Chenguang is the town stone of your Linyin City, isn't it? City Lord Ye Shan didn't want to doubt our intentions, so what do you mean? Could it be that we can take away Chen Guang and not return it to you? Xuan Mo has always been free! Don't you know this? ? Besides, we took Chen Guang away, isn't this also for the sake of Chen Guang's current physical condition? Since you are worried, City Lord Yan Shan, why don't you just teleport to Panchi City with us?"

"Chenguang's matter, of course we are concerned about it! Even if there is something to do, you don't need to do anything!" Lord Yan Shan sneered at Yousi when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to pat Yousi away, and stared at Xing Dila said: "I don't want to say anything about Xuan Mo's matter. He has his own ideas and can go wherever he wants! But Chen Guang is now in a coma. If he has any ideas and is willing to follow you, no one can." I don’t know! You forcefully took him away like this, even disregarding the intentions of our two city lords, but it’s really not appropriate! Master Qianye, think about it, is this the truth!?”

"City Master Xishan, you are turning your face and denying people!" You Si's eyes widened when he heard the words, and he couldn't help but asked the Lord City Master Xishan: "City Master Xishan, you promised to let me Chen Guang went with us, and now we won’t take him anywhere, just take him to Panchi City to restore his physical condition, what you say, it seems like we are doing something bad! If you don’t Don't worry, just follow us! Why are you talking so much? What are you trying to do when you want to steal the time and go back?"

"I just want to ask you, what are you going to do after taking away the time? It is the town stone of our Linyin City, even if it has to be sent to Panchi City, just leave it to me. Why are you so persistent?"

You Si couldn't help frowning immediately after hearing this.

Really think about it, it is really inappropriate for them to persist like this.After all, Chen Guang is from Linyin City, so it is only right and proper to hand it over to the real city lord of Linyin City!

However, after turning his head and looking at Xingdila, Yousi shook his head, and said loudly to Lord Yanshan: "We will take Chenguang to Panchi City, that is the promise we promised him at the beginning. We can't Because you broke Lin’s promise with just one word, City Master Cheng. If Chen Guang finds out about this in the future, won’t he blame us? We don’t want to be such dishonest people! So if you are worried, City Master Jin, follow us back to Pan Chicheng will be fine! Don’t say any more about the rest!” The city lord Yan Shan frowned, with an urge to grab someone immediately.

But before he had time to act, the guardian beast on the side roared impatiently, and then put a paw on the teleportation array, directly covering up the light on the teleportation array, causing everyone to look at the Guardian Beast.

Seeing this, Lord Yan Shan had no choice but to frown and shout to the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, what are you doing?"

The Guardian Beast didn't care what the City Lord's thoughts were, and tilted its head directly, and was about to squeeze its whole body into the teleportation array. It looked like it wanted to teleport away with Lin Qianye and the others immediately!
Seeing this situation, You Si's displeased expression suddenly changed into a full of smiles, and immediately shouted at the Lord of the City, "Look! Look! Lord of the City! Now you are in Linyin City! All the guardian beasts are going to follow us, why don't you worry? As long as there are guardian beasts, can something happen in this day and night? Let me tell you, you don't have to worry about it, or just yourself Stay in Linyin City and wait for us to teleport away. When I feel better, I will tell you where the teleportation array leads. Or, you can figure it out yourself! But, if we are in a bad mood If you want to go out, you will have some difficulties! There are no teleporters in Linyin City! If you want to activate the teleportation array and leave, I’m afraid you can only wait until we go to Panchi City to send you two The teleporter can come here! There is only one thing, you must know, if we are in a bad mood, this matter can only be pushed! Moreover, if we don’t have time, this matter must also be pushed. It was pushed back! I think the two city lords should be able to understand when the time comes, right?"

How can the Lord of the City of Yanshan fail to hear that this man is threatening him!

Now their Linyin City is in such a situation, there is no teleporter, and if they are lucky enough to meet You Ji Xiaoyan, that is a stroke of luck!Now if Ji Xiaoyan and the others are really let go like this, if there is no teleporter sent to Linyin City, and Chen Guang is also taken away, then they will really be trapped here!

So what's the point?
Thinking of this, the complexion of the city lord Zhu Tan turned even darker.

"Okay! We all know what you mean!" Lord Ye Shan's expression was flat. Hearing what you said, he said directly to them: "I will follow you to teleport away! Chen Guang still needs to be in our Take good care of it under your nose!"

"Master Yeshan City Master!" The aborigines of Linyin City couldn't help shouting when they heard the words.

(End of this chapter)

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