Chapter 2983 Entangled

For the aborigines of Linyin City, they actually hoped that the city lord Lushan or Yeshan could stop Ji Xiaoyan and the others from taking Chen Guang away!After all, with the strength of these aborigines, it is still very difficult to stop Lin Qianye and the others. The aborigines of Linyin City are very self-aware about this, and they also know that under such circumstances, Who should they go to!
However, these aborigines of Linyin City never imagined that now, even the Lords of City Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan have no intention of stopping Lin Qianye and the others, but instead want to teleport away with them!In other words, although they now have a city lord in Rinyin City, even the city lord and the town stone will be teleported away soon, and only the aborigines like them will be left here. How can I feel at ease?What's more, the Guardian Beast wants to leave. Isn't that the only aborigines left in Linyin City?

Thinking of this, the aborigines of Rinyin City immediately widened their eyes, looked at the Lords of the City Lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, and kept shouting at them, hoping to make them change their minds.

But for the city lord Yan Shan, deep down in his heart he also wanted to leave!Today's Linyin City is like a sealed bottle. They finally found an exit to leave. Naturally, they want to leave, go out to recover, and think about what they will do in the future!Regardless of whether it is the Lord of the City of Lushan or the Lord of the City of Yeshan, they all want to go back to Panchi City.

So after hearing the objections from the aborigines of Linyin City, Lord Yan Shan waved his hand at them, and then said: "Don't worry, we will watch Chenguang. When we teleport back to Pan After Chicheng, a teleporter will be invited to check the teleportation array again soon. As long as there is nothing wrong, you can teleport to Panchi City freely in the future. I’m staying in Linyin City!” The natives of Linyin City didn’t listen to such a promise, they just stared wide-eyed as if they couldn’t believe it, looking at the Lord of the City, as if they really couldn’t believe that the Lord of the City was so flirtatious The ground said these words!

So, soon a few natives of Rinyin City changed their target, rushed to the side of the guardian beast, hugged one of the guardian beast's legs, and shouted at the guardian beast: "Guardian beast, are you leaving us too? You have been in our Yinyin City for so many years, are you willing to leave us? If you leave, what will we do in Yinyin City?" The guardian beast was naturally There was no way to speak, but he could only watch the natives of Rinyin City clung to it, frowned with displeasure, and then turned towards the natives of Rinyin City with a bit of disgust. The residents looked at it, as if they wanted to shake them off, but they couldn't bear to really hurt them!So, the guardian beast could only tilt its head, stretched out a paw, and gently pushed the natives of Rinyin City, letting them escape from its body.The aborigines of Linyin City who saw this situation suddenly panicked even more, and shouted at the guardian beasts: "Even the guardian beasts are leaving us, are we all abandoned? What's the point!? The sky is going to kill us in Yinyin City!" Lord Yan Shan couldn't help frowning when he saw this, and looked at the aborigines in Yinyin City, feeling a little helpless He turned to them and said, "What are you talking about? Didn't we all tell you? We just teleported back to Panchi City, and sent Chen Guang there for a good treatment! After Dao Chenguang woke up, the guardian beast , Chen Guang, and I and Ye Shan City Lord will all come back! And after the teleportation array confirms that there is no problem, you can also teleport to Panchi City in the future, but you still need to wait for a while, and you will be able to transfer to Panchi City in the future. Compared with the waiting time, it is just the time to sleep, why are you so worried?" "My lord, you lied to us!" The aborigines of Linyin City were all wide-eyed when they heard the words He yelled at the city lord Yan Tan with his eyes.

"I lied to you? What can I lie to you?" This is what the city lord Cheng Shan said, with a confused face, he couldn't help but look at the aborigines of Linyin City, and asked them with a frown said, "When did I lie to you? What are you talking about?"

The aborigines of Linyin City stared wide-eyed, looked at Lord Yan Shan with a serious face, and said to him: "Master Yan Shan, if you teleport away, it is impossible to come back! we all know!"

"How is this possible?" Lord Yan Shan frowned and said unhappily to the aborigines of Rinyin City, "I am the Lord Lord of Rinyin City, how could I not come back to you? You guys Do you know how much time and energy I spent trying to find you at the beginning? After such a hard time, how could I give up on you after I found you?"

"Maybe it's because our Linyin City is not as good as you imagined, my lord, so you have to give up on us!" The aborigines of Linyin City stood up and looked at him seriously. The lord of the city lord Yanshan said something to him, and seeing the frowned expression of the lord of the city, the aborigines continued to shout, "In fact, we also know in our hearts that Linyin City is no longer what it used to be. Well, when you came to look for it, City Lord Yanshan, you must have imagined that our Linyin City will be the same as Panchi City, and will be the same as before, but who would have expected that our Linyin City will become like this now, Even the teleportation array needs the help of others to reactivate it. You just want to give up on us, and we can figure it out! But if you want to give up our Linyin City, Master Cheng, then leave Chenguang to us! But since he was raised by us, we can't just watch you take him away like this!"

"Yes, and there is also a guardian beast that has always been with the aborigines of Linyin City! You, City Lord, cannot leave us with the guardian beast!" "Give us back the guardian beast and Chenguang!"

Hearing these words at this moment, the City Lord Yan Shan really had a face full of helplessness!He suddenly felt that he and the aborigines of Linyin City might not be able to explain anything clearly!Why do they think so stubbornly that they want to abandon them and take Chen Guang and the Guardian Beast away from Rin Yin City to prevent them from coming back? "What are you arguing with them for?" Lord Ye Shan looked at the embarrassment on the face of Lord Yan Shan, thought for a while and stood up, and shouted to the aborigines of Linyin City: "Okay! Don't you think about it anymore, aren't you just worried that we don't want you? In fact, this matter is easy to handle! Anyway, we are going to teleport back to Panchi City. Why don't you just choose some of you and go with us? "

"Follow you?" The aborigines of Linyin City were taken aback when they heard this, as if they never thought that Lord Yeshan would make such a suggestion. They all looked at each other, and then He looked at Lord Yeshan with some worry, and asked him: "Master Yeshan, what you said is true? Are you going to take us out of Linyin City? But, what if we can't come back?" manage?"

"There's nothing we can't come back!" Ye Shan City Master rolled his eyes directly, and said to the aborigines of Linyin City, "Aren't you just worried that we won't come back? Now you send some representatives Follow us to Panchi City. After we confirm that the teleportation array can communicate with each other and can be maintained in the future, you can teleport it back and tell everyone that everything is okay? Besides, isn’t it equivalent to protecting Chenguang? What's wrong?"

The aborigines of Linyin City stood there hesitantly, repeatedly thinking about the feasibility of Lord Yeshan City Lord's proposal, but Lord Yeshan City Lord didn't want to give these aborigines of Linyin City any more. Thinking about the thought, he urged them directly: "Okay, don't dawdle! Could it be that we, as the Lord of Linyin City, can still harm you? Take you away and kill you? Hurry up and choose A few people go with us, or you go back immediately to discuss with the people at home, and all of you can teleport away with us! Anyway, this teleportation array should still be able to accommodate a few of you!"

That's what it says!But when Lin Qianye heard the words of Lord Ye Shan, she looked at the teleportation array helplessly, and finally fell on the guardian beast. Sure enough, she saw that the guardian beast was hearing Ye Shan. After the city lord's words, he looked displeased, and quickly squeezed his body into the teleportation array, as if he was a little afraid that he would not be able to fit into the teleportation array.

But no matter how hard the guardian beast tried, it couldn't hide its entire body in the light of the teleportation array.Seeing this situation, the guardian beast immediately snorted twice in dissatisfaction. After seeing the city lords Lushan and Yeshan looking at it strangely, the guardian beast took a deep breath, and then ruthlessly He squirted fiercely, and spit all the air on the body of Ye Shan City Lord. He couldn't even open his eyes, and he could only stabilize his body in embarrassment. Then the guardian beast hummed in satisfaction. He snorted twice, and tilted his head to stare at City Lord Ye Shan, as if telling him his dissatisfaction.

"What is it doing? What do you mean?" Lord Ye Shan seemed to understand nothing, straightened his hair and clothes, and couldn't help but glance at Lord Xi Shan and Lin Qianye. , and then asked them: "What is the Guardian Beast doing to me like this? It's not happy with me?" "City Master Yeshan, don't you understand?" Looking at Lord Yeshan City Lord, he said: "The guardian beast is saying that this teleportation array can't even accommodate it, and you still want all the aborigines of Linyin City to stand in, what will it do? What do you think? I want to see, if the Guardian Beast can't leave with us when we teleport later, what kind of mood will it have?" After hearing the words, Lord Ye Shan suddenly looked at the Guardian Beast and looked at its half body. They were all still outside the teleportation formation, unable to squeeze into the comical appearance, quickly smiled, and said comfortingly to the guardian beast, "You don't have to worry about the guardian beast! As long as a part of your body is in the teleportation formation Here, the teleportation array must be able to teleport away with you! You can rest assured! We will not keep you here! Besides, if the first teleportation fails, we will send you away a second time. Teleportation is also possible!"

"The second time? What do you mean by City Lord Yeshan?" You Si immediately shouted at Lord Yeshan when he heard the words, "Xiaoyan is going to follow us? City Lord Yeshan, don't you still think about it?" , you want us to leave Xiaoyan here for the second teleportation, is it okay to be a free teleporter for you? I can tell you, Yeshan Chenghu, if you want to go from the second batch, then wait for it first. Come on, wait until we go to your Panchi City, and find a few teleporters for you before leaving!" "Isn't it okay to ask City Lord Ji to stay here in Linyin City and help out?" Lord Ye Shan heard you Si's words immediately frowned, and asked You Si with an unhappy face, then turned his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan, and asked her directly: "City Master Ji, don't you want to?"

To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan was originally a little unhappy with Lord Yeshan and the others. Although he usually didn't care about it because everyone was considered an alliance, but in this situation, it is impossible for Ji Xiaoyan to beat Yousi and the others. face!Yousi and the others wouldn't let her stay, but she insisted on agreeing just out of face, isn't that a fool?

So Ji Xiaoyan could only smile awkwardly, and then said to Lord Yeshan: "Master Yeshan, I think it's better for me to go to Panchi City to find some professional teleporters for you! After all, the guardian The beast is so huge, if I stay here, I won’t be able to send it away, so what should I do? How embarrassing it will be then?”

"City Master Ji, do you mean that you disagree?" Lord Ye Shan frowned when he heard the words, and asked Ji Xiaoyan with an angry expression on his face.

"Let me tell you! City Lord Ye Shan, this Xiaoyan is very courageous, don't frighten her like this, we are still here!" When you saw this, she immediately turned towards Ye Shan. The Lord City Master shouted, and after seeing Lord Yeshan looking at him with a cold face, Yousi couldn't help puffing out his chest, and said to Lord Yeshan: "What's the matter? City Lord Yeshan still wants to Fight? Come on! Who is afraid of whom? If anyone loses, whoever stays, how?!"

(End of this chapter)

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