Chapter 2984

The aborigines of Linyin City did not expect things to turn out like this!

Obviously they want Lord Yeshan and Lord Yeshan to stop Lin Qianye and the others, just don't let them take Chen Guang and the Guardian Beast away, why did it suddenly become City Lord Yeshan who wants to fight with Yousi? ?Isn't this a mess?Seeing the postures of Yousi and Yeshan City Lord, the aborigines of Linyin City couldn't help but panic, and quickly shouted to the two, "My lord! Lord Yeshan City Lord, can you Don't fight! This is not the place to fight!"

Yousi and Yeshan City Master didn't intend to listen to the natives of Linyin City, they just rolled up their sleeves and prepared to start.

At this time, the guardian beast stretched out a paw as if it was a little impatient, and put it in front of You Si and Lord Ye Shan, and then turned towards them with an unhappy face. After taking a deep breath, he groaned twice. It seemed that he was very unhappy and did not activate the teleportation array, and Lord Yeshan City Lord and Yousi were going to make trouble here!

When you saw this, you couldn't help turning your head to look at the guardian beast with some amusement, then glared at Lord Yeshan City Lord and said: "Forget it! Yeshan City Lord! This time I won't bother with you The guardian beast is still waiting for us to teleport away, so I will not delay the time of the guardian beast! When there is an opportunity in the future, Lord Yeshan, let’s have a good discussion! At that time, the Lord Yeshan should not hide What!" Ye Shan City Master naturally has an angry expression on his face, and he really wants to directly retaliate a few times, but he also knows that there is no way for them to fight now that there are guardian beasts staying here, unless another place!After looking at the aborigines of Rinyin City at night, Lord Yeshan withdrew his hand, and then said to the aboriginals of Rinyin City: "Okay, you don't have to do any more!" It's delayed. If you want to go with us, hurry up, or we'll teleport away!" The aborigines of Linyin City were also a little hesitant and didn't dare to move.

From their point of view, it's enough to just leave people behind, but it's just a matter of talking and hooking them up? !
These aborigines who have never left Linyin City, how could they have the courage to say go, so they can leave with Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan like this!
Therefore, after seeing Lord Yeshan City Lord gesturing towards the crowd, the natives of Linyin City took a look at you, and I looked at you, and they all took a step back, and none of them were willing to teleport away with them .Seeing this situation, the city lord Yan Tan couldn't help frowning immediately, and asked everyone: "What do you mean? You don't want to teleport away with us?"

The aborigines of Linyin City hurriedly shook their heads tacitly, looking very scared.

"What are you afraid of? It's just teleported to our Panchi City. What's there to be afraid of?" Lord Yan Shan asked again, "Are you afraid that we won't succeed?" Shaking his head, after thinking for a while, he said to the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "You two city lords, it's not that we don't want to go! Now that it's suddenly mentioned, we haven't told our family yet. ! What if the teleportation is gone and you can’t come back?”

"Yes! Yes! Yes! What if I can't come back? Let the two city lords leave first!!"

"Everyone is as timid as a mouse!" Seeing this, Lord Yeshan couldn't help but cast a blank glance at the aborigines of Linyin City, and then said: "Forget it, I won't force you! We But just teleported away, if there is anything, we can talk about it later when we send the teleporter over!"

The aborigines of Rinyin City looked at the direction of the Guardian Beast and Chen Guang, and wanted to say something more, but thinking about the situation that the Lord of the City of Lushan and the Lord of the City of Yeshan were going to take them away together, these original residents of Rinyin City The residents quickly swallowed their words again, nodded to everyone immediately, and then shouted loudly to the Lords of the City Lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan: "Respectfully send off the two Lords of the City, I hope you will come sooner! Sent Chen Guang and the Guardian Beast back!" Lord Ye Shan snorted coldly, without saying anything, immediately signaled Ji Xiaoyan to start the teleportation array immediately.

But the Guardian Beast couldn't help moving its body a little irritably because most of its body was still outside the teleportation circle, as if it wanted to squeeze into the teleportation circle again.

Seeing this situation, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at the guardian beast with some amusement, and said to it: "Guardian beast, it doesn't matter! As long as you have a body in this teleportation array, it will definitely be able to teleport you away Don't worry, and don't squeeze any more!" The guardian beast tilted its head and glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, as if knowing that she was the key to activate the teleportation array, so it didn't make any more fuss and honestly stopped. and then quietly watched Ji Xiaoyan's movements.

When the white light of the teleportation array suddenly appeared, and everyone in the bright hall couldn't help but close their eyes, the figures of the group finally disappeared on the teleportation array.However, the aborigines of Rinyin City burst into tears after watching everyone disappear, but Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't know about all of this.

When Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes, he heard a burst of cheers.

It's them.

At this moment, they were standing on the teleportation array of Panchi City, and everyone breathed in the air of Panchi City excitedly.

"Great! Great! We are finally back! I will never go to this Linyin City again, and I will not go to this secret realm of Panchi City! Who will let me go to this kind of place again in the future? Absolutely will not agree!" You Si complained all over his face.

Lin Qianye also glanced at You Si with some amusement, then looked at Chen Guang who was being held in Xing Dila's arms, and then asked Xuan Mo: "Xu Mo, how do you feel now? "

But Xuan Mo shook his head, and said to Lin Qianye: "I don't feel anything yet. But I have to go back to Qingcheng to find some potion to drink, maybe it will be better! It will take time to recover!"

"Okay, let's go back to Qingcheng!" Lin Qianye nodded directly, and asked the teleporters on the teleportation array in Panchi City to send them back to Daoqing City.

However, City Lord Yan Shan stood up, stopped Xing Dila directly, and said to her: "Master Xing Dila, you can go back to Qingcheng, but Chen Guang has to stay." But he held Chen Guang and did not move, frowning and looking at City Lord Yan Shan, it seemed that he didn't want to make friends.

Seeing this situation, Lord Yan Shan suddenly sneered twice, and then said to Xing Dila: "Master Xing Dila, this morning light is the town stone of our Linyin City, since we have all returned to Panchi City now, You have fulfilled your promise to Chen Guang, so you can just give Chen Guang to me, and I will do the rest of the work!" "City Lord Yan Shan, you are turning your face and denying others. It's gone!" Seeing this situation, You Si hurriedly stood up, looked at the city lord Yan Shan with his hips crossed and said to him: "Now the time has not recovered, thanks to us bringing him back to Panchi City , why do we have to wait for Chen Guang to wake up before handing him over to you? Otherwise, Chen Guang doesn't even know that we brought him back, so what kind of fulfillment of the promise?! City Lord Yan Shan, you The demolition of the bridge across the river is too severe, can't we wait for the time to recover before robbing people?"

However, Lord Yan Shan sneered and said: "Your Excellency, don't forget! This Chenguang is from our Linyin City. Since we have all returned to Panchi City now, Chenguang should stay in Panchi City." , What do you mean you want to take him to your Qingcheng? You said before that you promised Chenguang to bring him out of Linyin City. Now that he has come out, your promise will be fulfilled. Leave it to us! Do you still think that you have any qualifications to take Chen Guang away?" "That's what I said, but we just want to wait for Chen Guang to recover before sending him back to Panchi City. How are you doing?" You Si also asked the City Lord Yan Shan in a somewhat unreasonable manner.

Seeing the frown of the city lord, Lin Qianye hurriedly stood up, and after thinking about it, he said to the lord, "Actually, city lord, which city is Chenguang going to? It’s better for Xuan Mo to have the final say!” “Xu Mo has the final say? Why??” The city lord Yan Shan immediately glanced at Xuan Mo when he heard the words, and then asked Lin Qianye, “Qian Mo Lord Ye, don’t forget, I am the Lord of Linyin City! Since Chenguang is the town stone of our Linyin City, I will be the one to decide!”

"No! City Lord Yan Shan, what you said is a bit wrong!" Lin Qianye shook her head, and said to the Lord Yan Shan: "Xuan Mo is also the town stone of this Panchi City, but look, as Pan Chi The City Lord of Chicheng, Lord Ye Shan, never interferes with where Xuan Mo is going, why do you interfere with Chen Guang? What's more, in terms of relationship, the relationship between Xuan Mo and Chen Guang is probably closer than you, City Lord Yan Shan. So, now that Chen Guang is in a coma, it is only natural for Xuan Mo to decide whether he will stay or not, isn't it?"

However, the Master of the City Lord Yan Shan suddenly snorted coldly, and after saying something nonsense, he raised his hand and wanted to snatch him from Xingdila, but was stopped by Lin Qianye again: "City Master Yan Shan, you Do you really want to fight with us?" "I think it's true that you want to snatch the town stone of our Linyin City!" Lord Yan Shan also lost his temper, and immediately turned coldly towards Lin Qianye and the others. They all took a look, and then said: "Master Qianye, you have to see clearly! It is no longer in Linyin City. Now we are in Panchi City! This Panchi City belongs to me and Yeshan! This is not your Qingcheng , you have to find out the place! If you really want to fight us here, you can't get it right." "Yo yo yo, City Lord, what you mean is that we will be afraid of you. You Si couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words, looked at Lord Yan Shan, and said to him: "From today's point of view, we can't let it go without a fight! Lord Xi Shan, why don't we fight here How do you feel about exercising your muscles and bones?" Lin Qianye glanced at You Si helplessly, before she could speak, she heard Xing Dila yell in surprise, looked up, but saw Chen Guang opened his eyes.

"Your Excellency City Lord Yan Shan!" Chen Guang looked at Lord Yan Shan weakly, ignoring his surprised gaze, and said directly: "I'm going to clear the city!"

"Chenguang! You're awake!" When Xuan Mo heard Chenguang's voice, he couldn't help crying out in surprise, and then said to him, "You're recovering very quickly!"

Chen Guang smiled wryly, smiled weakly at Xuan Mo, lay comfortably in Xingdila's arms, and continued to say to Lord Yan Shan, "Master Yan Shan, I would like to go to Qingcheng to have a look. "

"Chenguang, if you want to go to Qingcheng, I'll send you there after you recover!" Lord Yan Shan frowned, and couldn't help but said to Chenguang. "No!" Chen Guang shook his head, and said to Lord Yan Shan, "I want to go with them!"

"Chenguang, do you know what you are talking about?" Lord Yan Shan asked Chenguang very unhappy when he heard the words, "You are from our Panchi City, and you are also from our Linyin City. !"

"I know!" Chen Guang smiled brightly, and said to Lord Yanshan: "I told you when the two Lords found us in Linyin City, I wanted to leave Linyin City and go to the mainland. I’ve been going around everywhere, so wouldn’t it be good to start with Qingcheng now?”

"Even if you want to go to the mainland, you have to go back to Panchi City to recuperate first! This is our city! You haven't even visited Panchi City yet, what are you going to do in Qingcheng?" City Lord Yan Shan My lord couldn't help getting angry, and yelled at Chen Guang, without waiting for Chen Guang to say anything more, he stretched out his hand to snatch him from Xing Dila's arms, but Lin Qianye and You Four stopped.Seeing that the swords were on the verge of breaking out, a group of people were about to fight again.

At this time, there was a burst of shouting!When everyone turned their heads to follow the prestige, they saw that the old man Qingmi had brought a group of people to appear near the teleportation array of Panchi City, and then looked around with surprise on his face, and finally looked at City Lord Yan Shan. My lord and City Master Ye Shan asked them, "City Master Yan Shan, City Master Ye Shan, what are you doing? Are you going to fight?" "Uncle Qingmi, why are you here?" Ji Xiaoyan saw The old man Qingya couldn't help asking in surprise.In the current situation, it is not a situation where City Masters Lu Shan and Ye Shan can force Ji Xiaoyan and the others!

(End of this chapter)

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