Chapter 2985
No one thought that things would take such a turn.

This old man Qingmi, who should not have appeared in Panchi City, actually showed up in Panchi City with people, and there were quite a few people with him!
Therefore, the Masters of City Master Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but widen their eyes, looked and looked at Old Man Qingmi with expressions of disbelief, and after a while, they couldn't help but question him Said: "Elder Qingmi, why did you appear here?"

The old man Qingmi raised his eyebrows, glanced at the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan, and asked with a relaxed face: "Why can't I be here? You are asking this question a little strangely?! "

"This is our Panchi City! How did you bring people in?"

Regarding this, the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan are the most perplexed!
Under normal circumstances, neither they nor Xuan Mo could get out of that secret realm, and Panchi City was in a state of closure, so it was impossible to let people in easily no matter what!However, this old man Qingmi could bring so many guards from Qingcheng and appear in Panchi City together with the disciples of Qingshimen, this situation is impossible no matter how you look at it!But the old man Qingmi didn't seem to care too much after hearing the words of the Lord of the City and the Master of the City, and directly glanced at the Lord of the City and the Lord of the City, and then said to the Lord of the City. Looking at them, they said calmly: "What's wrong with your Panchi City? You entered through the city gate, why can't I be here?"

"No!" Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at the old man Qingmi and said seriously: "We are not in this Panchi City, it is impossible for you to come in! You said to come in through the city gate? What is our Panchi City now? status, don’t we know? It’s impossible for you to come in!”

"What is the state of your Panchi City?" The old man Qingmi shrugged, and said impatiently: "Isn't it the state of closing the city? It's not that I don't know! You think that your Panchi City is closed. Once the city is closed, is it true that no one can enter? Tan, your Panchi City, Qingcheng City, and our Qingshimen Gate are all alliance cities, so there is nothing wrong with visiting here, right? Besides, Xiaoyan They have already entered your city of Panchi, so why don't I bring people to wait for them, can't I?" There are actually some loopholes and contradictions in old man Qingmi's words.

When Ji Xiaoyan and the others entered Panchi City, the protective barrier of Panchi City did not allow people to enter and leave easily, but old man Qingmi brought people in, and if he didn't have any ink on him, he would break it. How come the city lords Lushan and Yeshan don't believe in the protective barrier of this city?
So after thinking of this point, Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan immediately looked at Xuan Mo, seeing that Xuan Mo didn't say a word, just stood there so dumbly, and didn't dare to look at them. Lord City Lord and Lord Ye Shan, why don't Lord City Lord understand the reason for this?Although both of them were a little annoyed in their hearts, there was nothing they could do!

Right now, the situation was placed in front of them like this, either they would fight old man Qingmi and the others, or they would let Lin Qianye and the others go.But looking at Chen Guang in Xing Dila's arms, the City Lord Lu Shan was still a little bit unwilling.

"Okay!" Lin Qianye naturally understood what the Lord of the city was thinking at the moment, and said to him directly after thinking about it: "This time is just to be a guest in our Qingcheng. Worrying about what to do? It’s impossible for us to harm him, isn’t it? When did Tancheng mainly think that our Qingcheng is coming, can we not welcome it? Later, you two clean up and follow us directly to Qingcheng. Ah! Xiaoyan won't mind either!"

The City Lord Yan Shan frowned and watched Lin Qianye remain silent. He really wanted to snatch him away, and he was too lazy to listen to Lin Qianye and the others.But in the current situation, the city lord Yan Shan can't do anything at all!
"Since this is the case, then don't delay anything, let's go back to Qingcheng first!" The old man Qingmi didn't care what the Lord of the City and the Lord of Yeshan were thinking in their hearts. , Immediately looked at the crowd, and said to Lin Qianye and the others urging: "This Xiaoyan has been away from Qingcheng for too long, and now Chief Qing Gong is very worried! I have to deal with those people in the town later. Things, if you don’t go back, Chief Qing Gong will rush to this Panchi City to find someone! So don’t delay in this Panchi City! Xiaoyan, look at you like this, you should have done everything you need to do, right? ?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, but looked at Lin Qianye and the others expectantly.She really wanted to leave this Panchi city as soon as possible!
As for the old man Qingmi, he naturally knew what Ji Xiaoyan and the others were going to do, so he saw that there was an extra person in Xingdila's arms, so he didn't ask any more questions. If the extra person was not from Linyin City, old man Qingmi I don't believe it.

Therefore, the old man Qingmi didn't want to give the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan any more chances to stop him, so he directly looked at Lin Qianye and the others urged them, and after seeing Lin Qianye and the others nodded, they finally Quietly approaching Ji Xiaoyan, pointing to the huge guardian beast, he asked, "What about this monster? You also brought it out from Linyin City? Yours?"

"This is not mine!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly shook his head, and said to the old man Qingmi: "This is the guardian beast of Linyin City!"

"The guardian beast of Linyin City? You brought this out?" Qingmi old man couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan in surprise when he heard this Only then did they ask curiously: "Their complexions are so bad, it can't be that the guardian beast of Linyin City is going to follow you?"

"Master Qianye just wanted to bring this guardian beast to Qingcheng, but it was seen through by the lords of the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, so they might not be able to take it away!"

"So, the two of them haven't had a good face all the time?" Old man Qingmi nodded immediately, and stopped asking about Chen Guang's identity, and urged the teleporters in Panchi City to move again, and then Then he waved his hands towards the city lords of Kaishan and Yeshan, no matter how ugly their faces were and how unhappy they were, they took everyone and disappeared into the teleportation array.

Looking at the situation, Ye Shan City Lord frowned tightly, turned his head and glanced at Yan Shan City Lord, and finally walked towards Panchi City City Lord's Mansion without saying anything.

Seeing this, City Master Yan Shan was a little surprised and couldn't help shouting at City Master Ye Shan a few times. Seeing him turning his head and looking over in doubt, he asked him in a deep voice: "Ye Shan, is it possible that Don't you worry? And how did the old man Qingmi bring people into our Panchi City, don't you want to know at all?"

"What's so curious about this? Isn't that the same thing?" Lord Ye Shan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said to Lord Yan Shan, "They can enter our Panchi City for nothing more than Then you have almost guessed one or two reasons, so why bother to prove it? As for the fact that they took Chen Guang away, you want to open up a little! Although Chen Guang was taken to Qingcheng, but Look at the Guardian Beast, it hasn't left yet!"

Hearing this, the City Lord Yan Shan couldn't help but glanced at the guardian beast behind him, and saw that it was standing on the teleportation formation with a puzzled expression and a little impatience, as if it was also looking for Ji Xiaoyan and the others. , His brows were even more frowned: "The guardian beast is like this, and it doesn't want to stay!"

"Anyway, it's fine if you don't leave now! Just hurry up and coax the guardian beast! Besides, look at Xuan Mo, he just followed him without them taking him away. I didn't say much What! It is impossible for them to be killed in Qingcheng. What are you worried about? If you want to take Chenguang away, you can go to Qingcheng to see Chenguang now! Anyway, we and Qingcheng are allied cities! Just like Qing Old man Mi said, just go there whenever you want. Are you still thinking about something?"

Upon hearing the words, City Master Yan Shan immediately stared at City Master Ye Shan with staring eyes, and couldn't help but ask him: "Ye Shan, why do I not care about you at all?"

"What do I care about?" Lord Ye Shan shrugged his shoulders, and said to Lord Yan Shan with an indifferent face: "Anyway, they will be fine! What are you afraid of?! If something really happens, we will Isn’t it enough to trouble Ji Xiaoyan? Let’s ask, the most important thing for us now is to quickly arrange the affairs in the city, and then see how the teleportation array can be teleported to Linyin City. If not If so, you have to find a way to find a teleporter to go back from the secret realm with us, and connect the teleportation array from Panchi City to Linyin City! Also, you have to coax that guardian beast! With so many things, you don’t Are you ready to do it?" "Guardian Beast asked to know! But it may not be so easy to give the transmission certificate to the connected thing!" The Lord of the city also frowned, and after thinking for a while, he turned to the night. Lord Shancheng said: "What if we go into the secret realm again and can't find the entrance to the gate of Linyin City? Chen Guang was taken away by them!"

Hearing this, Lord Ye Shan clapped his hands in a sudden realization, glanced in the direction of the teleportation array that was empty except for the guardian beast, and said, "Don't say it! Remind me, I forgot about this. That's right! We still have to find Chen Guang! Otherwise, we'll clean up and go to Qingcheng to ask for someone!"

These words are naturally in the hands of the city lord Yan Shan.

"Then I'll go and coax the Guardian Beast first, settle it down, and then go to clean the city?!"

Ye Shan City Lord didn't have any opinion, after nodding in agreement, the two of them got busy with their own affairs.I also don't know how the Master of the City Lord Yanshan settled the guardian beast, but he left it in Panchi City after all. Afterwards, the Lord of the City of Yanshan and the Lord of the City of Yeshan immediately teleported to Qingcheng, but they couldn't find it. Unexpectedly, when they arrived in Qingcheng and found Ji Xiaoyan, they were told that Chen Guang was not with her. "Where did the sun go?"

Ji Xiaoyan spread his hands with an expression of ignorance, and said to the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan, "The two city lords also know that Uncle Xingdila left with Chen Guang! They also He didn’t leave here in Qingcheng! As for where he went and what he did, I’m not quite sure about that.”

"Why don't you know? This is your Qingcheng?!" Lord Yan Shan questioned Ji Xiaoyan angrily. After seeing Ji Xiaoyan insisting that he didn't know anything, he suddenly became a little annoyed. , couldn't help shouting at Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji! You don't want to hide the town stone of our Linyin City to protect them, do you?"

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows and shook his head helplessly, and then said to his lord, "What am I doing Zang Chenguang? Isn't Xuan Mo still here?" If I want to hide, I have to hide the two of them together?" Hearing this, Lord Yan Shan frowned, couldn't help but glanced at Xuan Mo beside Ji Xiaoyan, but gritted his teeth , swallowed what he wanted to say, turned his head to Xuan Mo and asked: "Since City Lord Ji doesn't know, then you should know where Chen Guang went!"

But Xuan Mo also shook his head, and then said to Lord Yan Shan: "Master Yan Shan, I only know that Xuan Mo was taken away by Master Xingdila! As Xiao Yan said, they don't I will leave Qingcheng, and I guess I will stay somewhere in this city! If the two city lords want to find Chen Guang, they can only wander around in this city!"

"There is no target, let us turn around?!" The city lord Yan Shan suddenly yelled at Xuan Mo angrily, and then said to him: "Where do you want us to find Chen Guang?"

Xuan Mo also shrugged his shoulders, and then said to Lord Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "We really don't know this well, we only know that they are in Qing City! After returning to Qing City, Chen Guang said that the spirit It was getting better, and I wanted to look around, saving time in the future, so Master Xingdila agreed to Chen Guang and took them away! As for where they went, I really didn't say, I don't know! "City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan could only stare at Xuan Mo angrily for a few times, and after a while, they left with their sleeves, but left a sentence to Ji Xiaoyan: "If we can't find Chen Guang, City Lord Ji, you have to be careful!"

After Ji Xiaoyan watched the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan leave, he couldn't help but sighed a little depressed, then looked at Xuan Mo and said, "Look, neither of these two city lords Easy to deal with!"

However, Xuan Mo smiled: "Actually, it's not true anymore, Xiaoyan! Chen Guang and I are their weaknesses now, as long as we are by your side, Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan can't do anything to you at all. You don't have to worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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