Chapter 2986

In fact, regarding the words Xuan Mo said, both the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan didn't quite believe it in their hearts!

Obviously there is a connection between Zhen Mo and Chen Guang, so how could he not know where Chen Guang is?

Now Yu Mo refuses to say, either to help Ji Xiaoyan conceal it deliberately, or there are other reasons!After all, I just don't want to help them!

The city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan knew this very well in their hearts, but they couldn't say anything more!
After all, Xuan Mo has his own thoughts, not to mention that he is the township stone of Panchi City in essence, and they can't do anything to Xuan Mo, otherwise if they accidentally make Xuan Mo unhappy, he will directly What should I do if I run away from home and never return to Panchi City?Why make Xuan Mo unhappy about such a trivial matter?

So in the end, the city lords Lushan and Yeshan could only carry their anger and start wandering around in Qingcheng, hoping to find Chenguang.

It's just that if Chen Guang was really easy to find, Ji Xiaoyan and the others wouldn't let the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan go around by themselves!
Xing Dila likes Chen Guang very much, and she doesn't know when she saw the right eye in Linyin City, so after returning to Qing City, she learned that Chen Guang had really improved, and her whole situation began to change. Afterwards, Xing Dila offered to take Chen Guang around, first let him see what the other cities outside Linyin City look like!

However, because Chen Guang's physical condition was still relatively weak, Xingdila greeted Ji Xiaoyan after returning to Qingcheng, and left the City Lord's Mansion with Chenguang, and went directly to Qingcheng District!As for where they went to hang around, no one really knows!

Therefore, when the city lord Yan Shan and the city lord Ye Shan met many people in Qingcheng, they didn't get any news about Chen Guang, and they even met Lin Qianye and You Si, but they didn't see Xing Dila and Chen Guang either. At that moment, their complexions became even uglier.

"Where did you hide the Chenguang?" Seeing Lin Qianye and Yousi wandering around in Qingcheng, the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan couldn't help but stop in front of Lin Qianye and the others. They asked loudly: "Why isn't Chen Guang with you? Didn't City Lord Ji say that you took Chen Guang away? Where are you now?"

"I said, City Lord, can you change your temper? Don't be so angry if you don't come to meet us, as if we owe you something!" You Si couldn't help but frowned. Frowning, he said something to the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan, and seeing that they still looked annoyed, he continued: "It's not like we took Chen Guang away, and it's not like you don't know about Chen Guang! Now that I have a good relationship with Xing Dila, naturally Xing Dila took Chen Guang to look around and look around! Didn't we also come out to look for them because we saw that they didn't go back for a long time?"

"Aren't you all supposed to be together?" City Master Ye Shan couldn't help frowning when he heard what Yousi said, he glanced at Yousi and the others, and then asked a question.

But Yousi shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "We are always together! But isn't this back to Qingcheng now? Everyone is safe and sound, so naturally they are doing their own things! We can't Are they still stuck together? Besides, do the two city lords think that Qianye and I have nothing to do and just wander around all day long?"

"Aren't you just wandering around now?" Lord Ye Shan immediately interrupted You Si with a sneer, and seeing that You Si couldn't help frowning at him, he snorted again, and then continued : "Where Xingdila took people, you must know!"

"I've told you all and I don't know! If we knew, what are we looking for here?" Yousi was speechless, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Lord Yeshan, and looked at He said: "We are also looking for Xing Dila for something. Didn't we see no one, so we hurried out to look for it? However, since you are also looking for someone, then hurry up! Don't quarrel with us here Crooked! We don't agree with each other, it's better not to get together!"

Just in case there is a disagreement, there will be a fight!
"Since we are all looking for someone, let's go together!" Lord Yan Shan moved his eyes, as if he had thought of something, he said something directly to You Si and the others, but squeezed out a Ugly smile here!Yousi was so scared that he couldn't help but widen his eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

The Master of the City Lord Yan Shan thinks very clearly!
If they and Lin Qianye and the others go looking for someone separately, who knows if Lin Qianye and the others find Xingdila and Chenguang, will they notify them and let them hide it so that they won't find it!Rather than doing this, why not just follow Lin Qianye and the others, and when the time comes, if Xingdila and Chenguang can be found, they will find them together; if they cannot, then everyone will not be able to find them!In the end, the big deal is to go directly to the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng and wait, isn't it all right?It also saved that if Xing Dila took Chen Guang to hide from them, wouldn't he and Lord Ye Shan have to wander around the Qing city without finding anyone?Aren't they just going to be played as fools?

Thinking of this, the Master of the City Lord Yan Shan immediately gave a glance to the Master of the City Master Ye Shan, and the two of them understood it, so there was no need to say more!
"Yes! What Yan Shan said is right! Since our goals are the same, let's find them together!" Lord Ye Shan also sneered, and said to everyone.

"What's the same goal? It's good for each of you to find your own. What are you trying to do if you insist on getting entangled with us?" When you heard the words of Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan, you couldn't help it. Zhu frowned, and said to them with displeasure on his face, but he didn't expect that the lords of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan had no intention of changing their words at all, so they could only look at Lin Qianye helplessly, and looked at Lin Qianye. Some anxiously said: "Qianye! We don't want to be with them!"

"It's not because you said you don't want to be together, you won't be together!" Lord Yeshan sneered, and raised his eyebrows at Yousi and said, "Nowadays we are looking for someone, Chenguang is from our Panchi City and Linyin City, and Xingdila is one of yours. Since the two of them are together, what's wrong with us getting together to find them? Or, do you actually have any plans? You are going to leave us alone, and when the time comes, Xingdila will be found. And Chenguang, just hide them and prevent us from finding them, right?"

"Only you guys think that way!" You Si rolled her eyes in embarrassment when she heard the words, and after a pause, she said to Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan: "Forget it!" I'm too lazy to argue with you! It's up to you! If you want to be together, we will be together, we are not afraid of you!"

There is no other way!

If you say that you really have no intention of hiding Chen Guang and Xing Dila in your heart, it must be impossible!Now that this idea has not been expressed yet, the city lords Gu Shan and Ye Shan have guessed it, and if they continue to refuse to find someone together, will these two people fight with them in Qingcheng?

If this was changed to Panchi City, Yousi and the others would not be afraid at all, after all, the things that were destroyed were not theirs!But now this is in Qingcheng, if there is a real fight, all the things in Qingcheng will be destroyed!It's all Ji Xiaoyan's!

At that time, wouldn't it be very cost-effective.

Lord Yan Shan immediately sneered when he heard Yousi's words, then he gestured to Lord Ye Shan, and then urged Lin Qianye and the others, "Which direction should we go next?"

Lin Qianye smiled indifferently, pointed in a direction casually, and continued to wander around the city with everyone!

But no one thought that when Lin Qianye and the others were searching for Xingdila and Chenguang in Qingcheng City, the two of them had already returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

When Ji Xiaoyan saw Xing Dila and Chen Guang, he also had a look of surprise on his face, and couldn't help asking them: "Master Xing Dila, haven't you met City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan in the city?" Your Excellency? They came to our Qingcheng to look for Chen Guang!"

"Are they here? So fast?!" Xing Dila also looked surprised, and after seeing Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, she said indifferently: "Come on! Come on! Anyway, we didn't find the topic. ! We just took a tour of the entire Qingcheng, so we came back here to take a break!"

"Otherwise, you guys should go to a more secluded place to rest! Otherwise, the city lord Yan Shan and the city lord Ye Shan came back and bumped into each other. If you find Chen Guang, you will take Chen Guang away." Xuan Mo also said. With a look of worry on his face, he couldn't help looking at Chen Guang, and said to him: "Master Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan came here specially to look for you and wanted to take you back. It's okay if we don't meet, I see, if you don’t follow them, they won’t let it go! At that time, it will definitely be very troublesome!”

"I'm not going back!" Chen Guang quickly shook his head, but said to Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan with absolute certainty, "I want to go around the mainland with Lord Xingdila, if I don't have enough shopping, I won't go back!"

"You want to go to the mainland with Uncle Xing Dila?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at Chen Guang in surprise when he heard this, then turned his head to look at Xing Dila, who smiled affirmatively at Xing Dila After nodding his head, he couldn't help asking: "Uncle Xingdila, is what you said true? Are you really going to take Chen Guang to wander around the mainland? You have to know that this is a great responsibility. ! If something happens to Chen Guang, Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan will look for us desperately!"

Chenguang is the township stone of Linyin City!The masters of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan would not let him go out and take risks so easily!
"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Xing Dila smiled, and said comfortingly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Before we leave, we will go to Panchi City and take that guardian beast with us! As long as there is a guardian When the beast and Chen Guang are together, nothing will happen."

Now, Ji Xiaoyan was even more shocked!It never occurred to her that Xing Dila wanted to take Chen Guang away, but she still wanted to remember the guardian beasts of Panchi City and Linyin City!If the city lords Jia Shan and Ye Shan knew about this, wouldn't they go crazy?

This is simply impossible!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Xing Dila, and persuaded her: "Uncle Xing Dila, do you want to think about it again? Your abduction of Chen Guang has already made the city lord of the city and Ye City Lord Shan can't accept it anymore, and now we have to take this guardian beast away too! This is simply the rhythm of making City Lord Lu Shan and City Lord Ye Shan chase and kill you! This is really not acceptable! This pair For them, the stimulation is too strong! It is impossible for them to agree!"

"If you don't have a guardian beast, what will Chenguang do? Aren't you all worried about his safety?" Xingdila said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, "As long as there is a guardian beast, this pair of Chenguang It is also very safe in terms of safety! In this regard, even if the city lords Lushan and Yeshan know about it, they should think that this decision is good! Otherwise, if I go alone with Chenguang, What do you do if you are in danger?"

"I thought you would be with Master Qianye and the others!" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, seeming to understand the meaning of Xingdila's words, and couldn't help but ask her, but looked at her. Xing Dila shook her head with certainty, and suddenly asked in surprise: "Uncle Xing Dila, you don't just want to take Chenguang alone, do you? Why don't you go with Master Qianye and the others?"

"This is a decision made by Chenguang and me. Naturally, we can go alone! Qianye still has things to do! And if we let him go alone, no one will I won’t be at ease! I’m leaving with Chenguang, just let Yousi and Pudi accompany him! This way I can feel more at ease! What’s more, I just took Chenguang to go around the mainland, If there is any danger, we can just turn around and run! In this way, there is no need to worry! Compared with Qianye and the others, the danger factor on our side is very small!" Xing Dila looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and said yes She continued to say: "Besides, if I take that guardian beast with me at that time, then I don't have to worry about this safety issue! So, I can just take Chen Guangshi out for a walk alone. There is no need for Qianye and the others to follow! And it won’t delay any major events, how nice it is?”

(End of this chapter)

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