Chapter 2987 Really

Regarding Xing Dila's decision, Ji Xiaoyan has no possibility of shaking her or making her change her mind!So in the end, Ji Xiaoyan could only acquiesce in Xing Dila's thoughts, and after watching Xing Dila leave with Chen Guang with a smile, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xuan Mo, and asked Xuan Mo, "Xu Mo Are you saying that it is appropriate for us to let Uncle Xingdila and the others go? Uncle Xingdila said that he would go to Panchi City to take that guardian beast away! If you know, I’m afraid you’ll come to Qingcheng to fight yourselves!”

"That depends on Master Xingdila's ability!" Yu Mo was not worried at all, and smiled directly at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her: "After all, Xiaoyan, you can't stop Master Xingdila, Isn't it? It's not up to you, it's up to Master Xingdila and Chen Guang! I think when they go to Panchi City to take away the Guardian Beast, they will either do it in a more concealed manner, or they will leave some messages to let them know. The aborigines of Panchi City have conveyed the message to the city lords Lushan and Yeshan! At that time, as long as they know that this matter is decided by Chenguang, they will not say anything more even if they are angry! Unless they want to chase them out , Chase Lord Xingdila back! Besides, as long as I accompany Xiaoyan and you in this Qing City, it is impossible for Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan to dare to do anything! They will not hurt me!"

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan seemed to have the same reasoning, so he could only nod his head, and then sighed faintly.

After it got dark, sure enough, the city lords Ji Shan and Ye Shan rushed to the city lord's mansion angrily, caught Ji Xiaoyan, and then angrily questioned her: "City lord Ji! Where did Master Xingdila and Chen Guang go, why didn't you send someone to find them? Or did you hide them already?"

"Your Excellency City Master Yan Shan, Lord Ye Shan City Master! You have been wandering around Qingcheng for so long but still haven't found Lord Xingdila and the others?" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes and rushed to ask Lord City Master Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan. After seeing them looking at him with ugly faces, he spread his hands and said to them: "When the two city lords left before, Xiaoyan sent someone to find Lord Xingdila and Chen Guangli. It’s just that there is no news yet! How about the two city lords take a rest in the city lord’s mansion first, or go back to Panchi City to rest first, and we will come to invite you when we have news later?”

"No need! We'll just wait here!" Lord Yan Shan said to Xuan Mo with a serious and annoyed face, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with burning eyes, and said to her: "If we return here After leaving Panchi City, who knows if they will be found in the future?"

"What do you mean by the words of the Lord Yan Shan? Can we still hide Xing Dila and the others? Don't let you see them?" You Si immediately couldn't help but turned towards him when he heard the words of the Lord Yan Shan. Rolling his eyes, he said coldly.

"If you hadn't tipped off the news, how could we not be able to find anyone up to now?!" Lord Ye Shan also glanced at Yousi with an unhappy face, and said directly: "Don't cover up here too. What's the matter, if you knew about them earlier, let them come back quickly! How is Chenguang's current situation? It doesn't matter what you say, we have to see it to know, and then we will believe it! What if Chenguang came out No matter what the problem is, I will always ask you to settle accounts, don't forget this point."

"What can happen to Chenguang? Nothing will happen in our Qingcheng!" Ji Xiaoyan could only smile, what else could he say?
You can't just tell the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan directly, Xing Dila has already taken Chen Guang to Panchi City, and is going to take away the guardian beast of Lin Yin City, right?When the time comes, the two city lords won't blame her for not stopping him?
"Whether something will happen to Chenguang, it's not up to you, City Lord Ji!" Lord Yan Shan looked at Ji Xiaoyan coldly, and said seriously to him, "But if anything happens to Chenguang, City Lord Ji, you But it is inevitable! They are in your Qingcheng!"

"The two city lords don't have to worry about this. As long as they are within the scope of our Qingcheng, Uncle Xingdila and Chen Guang will have nothing to do!" Ye Shan City Master said something, and was thinking about whether to say something to persuade them to calm down, but he saw a few guards from Qing City rushing into the hall anxiously.

"Master City Master, the guards of Panchi City are here! They said they have something to see the two Lord City Masters!"

"Let them come in!" Ji Xiaoyan knew that the news that they should come had been delivered!When the guards of Panchi City came over, they must have said news about the guardian beast, so they couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan, without saying a word.

Soon the two guards of Panchi City rushed into the main hall, with expressions of panic on their faces. When they saw City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan, they immediately rushed to their place. He knelt down in front of him, and then shouted loudly: "My lord, Lord Yanshan, my lord, Lord Yeshan! It's not good! It's not good!"

"What's wrong, what happened?!" The city lord Yan Shan couldn't help but thump in his heart. Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two Panchi City guards in front of him, he had a bad premonition in his heart. !
Think about it!Their Panchi City is currently in a state of closure, it is impossible for someone to attack!So, what else could have happened?
"Could it be that the guardian beast couldn't stay in the city and caused trouble?!" Lord Ye Shan's mind was spinning quickly, as if he had thought of something, he immediately asked the two guards of Panchi City He said, "Did the Guardian Beast destroy something in the city? Or did it hurt someone? Let you all prepare food for the Guardian Beast, have you all done it?"

"It's all done!" The two guards of Panchi City hurriedly nodded vigorously, and said something to Lord Yanshan and Lord Yeshan with panicked faces, and then continued: "We have always been careful with the guardian beasts. They are all very respectful, and they also raised the guardian beasts very well, the two city lords, we did nothing wrong! But! But now the guardian beasts are gone!"

"Going away? What do you mean by that?" Lord Yan Shan immediately widened his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at the two guards of Panchi City with disbelief, and couldn't help but took two steps forward. , stepped directly in front of them, tightly grasped the shoulder of one of the guards of Panchi City, and asked excitedly, "What does it mean that the guardian beast has left? Where did it go?"

Most importantly, where can the Guardian Beast go?Back to Linyin City?Can it communicate with those teleporters?
"The guardian beast followed the others!" The two guards of Panchi City also had tears on their faces, looking into the eyes of Lord Yan Shan, and said to him in panic, "You two Lords! We In fact, I don’t know what happened! Even if someone came to our Panchi City, they found the Guardian Beast for some reason! We also thought that the two of them were a bit strange, and we were also worried that the Guardian Beast would hurt them. I wanted to go forward to stop it! But I didn't expect the Guardian Beast to follow them directly after hearing them say a few words!"

"Let's go, where are you going?" Lord Yan Shan also had a shocked expression on his face, as if he never expected such a situation to happen.

"It's leaving our Panchi City!" The two guards of Panchi City hurriedly said to the Lords of the City Lords Lushan and Yeshan, "We also want to stop it! But the Guardian Beast has no intention of stopping at all! We don't know what's going on, and the Guardian Beast followed them and left our Panchi City easily! We have no choice but to come to Qing City immediately to find the two city lords, please go back and have a look!"

"The guardian beast has left Panchi City now? Did it go out from the city gate?" Lord Ye Shan frowned, and immediately looked at the two guards of Panchi City, and asked him seriously, looking at the two guards. After the guard nodded immediately, he turned his head to look at the Lord of the City, and said to him in a deep voice: "Then what are you doing in a daze, let's go back and have a look! If we run fast, we may be able to catch the Guardian Beast!" Get it back!"

"Do you know who is the one who took away the Guardian Beast?" Lord Yan Shan didn't move immediately, but his complexion became darker. He looked at the two guards of Panchi City and asked. Yu Guang couldn't help but glanced at everyone present in the main hall, and then asked the two Panchi City guards: "But a woman and a child?"

"There is a child!" The two guards of Panchi City thought for a while, then quickly nodded and said to the Lord of the City, "As for the other person, he is wearing a black cloak, so it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman."

"Xin Shan, you are suspecting that Xing Dila took Chen Guang to take away the Guardian Beast?" Lord Ye Shan suddenly widened his eyes as if suddenly enlightened, and looked at Xie in disbelief. Lord Shancheng asked, and then immediately looked at Lin Qianye with sharp eyes, and questioned him: "Master Qianye, what do you mean by this? You actually asked Xing Dila to bring Ren Chenguang to us Panchi City, you took away the Guardian Beast, what exactly do you want to do?"

"City Master Ye Shan, you are responsible for what you say! What do you mean we asked Xing Dila to take away the Guardian Beast? How can you prove that that person is Xing Dila? How can you prove that The child is Chenguang? It’s just a child, and it’s not necessarily a coincidence! It’s not good for you to place charges at will! What’s more, we have been with you all the time before, and we are looking for Xing Dila and the others. , When did you arrange for them to go to Panchi City to take away the Guardian Beast? Don't talk nonsense and wrong the good people!" When you heard this, you couldn't help but turn to the city lord and night. Lord Chan City Lord roared.

"Wronging you, how could we wrong you?" Lord Yan Shan suddenly sneered, looked at Lin Qianye and the others, and said to them: "Now that we know that there are guardian beasts in our Panchi City, only You guys! If Xing Dila hadn't brought Chen Guang to trick the Guardian Beast away, would the Guardian Beast have left with them?"

"The two city lords have no evidence now! What's the use of saying so much?" Lin Qianye sneered, looked at the lords of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan and said to them, "If the two city lords If you want to pin this matter on Xingdila, then show evidence! Didn’t you guards of Panchi City also say it? At this time, the guardian beast just left, since the two city lords want to smash this matter Xingdila’s head, then hurry up and chase after him! As long as you catch the person and get the real evidence, we welcome you to come to us for a theory at any time!”

"Okay! Lord Qianye, you all wait!" Lord Yan Shan immediately said to Lord Ye Shan and the two guards of Panchi City when he heard Lin Qianye's words, and then warned He said to Lin Qianye and Ji Xiaoyan again: "If we catch them, then we have to have a good chat about how to solve this matter. At that time, if Lord Qianye and City Master Ji can't give We have a satisfactory answer, hum! Don't blame us for being rude!"

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you!" You Si sneered, and rolled his eyes at City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan, seeing them leave the main hall of Qing City, he felt a little dissatisfied. He said happily: "The city lords of Yanshan and Yeshan are in trouble! Any bad things will fall on our heads! How could Xingdila take Chenguang to take the guardian beast away! If she brought the Guardian Beast to our Qing City, it would be okay, but we snatched the Guardian Beast, what can they say? Now only City Lords Lushan and Yeshan can think so wildly!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help laughing wryly. After looking at Lin Qianye and the others, he sighed and said, "Actually, Uncle Xingdila and Chen Guang have come back before!"

"Have you been back? Where have they been? Have you found a place to hide in the city lord's mansion?" You Si was taken aback when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and immediately asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Where did they hide?" ? Let's hide the Chenguang now, and let Xingdila follow us to Panchi City to watch the fun! Then let's see what City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan have to say!"

"I think I might not be able to find them!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled helplessly, and then said to Lin Qianye and the others: "The one who went to Panchi City to take the guardian beast away is Master Xingdila He Chenguang! They are going to go around the mainland, and they should have set foot on the teleportation town and left by now!"

"What did you say?!" Lin Qianye couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and asked Ji Xiaoyan in amazement: "Xiaoyan! Xing Dila and Chen Guang really did this! What? Let them go, what are you doing taking away the guardian beast?"

(End of this chapter)

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