Chapter 2988
Lin Qianye and the others never imagined that Xingdila actually took Chenguang to Panchi City together and took the guardian beast away!In their eyes, all of this should be the wrongful names of the city lords Lu Shan and Ye Shan!But I never thought of it, but this fact is true!

So how do they step down next?How can we still have a chance to turn around when facing the city lords of Lushan and Yeshan? !Thinking of this, not only Lin Qianye frowned, but Yousi and Pudi couldn't help but also frowned, with worried expressions on their faces, they all looked in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, and didn't care. I don't know whether I want Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo to give an explanation, or give a solution.

It's just that Xuan Mo is not worried at all at the moment, but smiled, and said to Lin Qianye and the others comfortingly: "Lord Qianye, you don't have to worry! Even if Lord Yan Shan and Ye Shan know about it, It’s also impossible to come to our Qingcheng to make a fuss! With me, they won’t do anything!”

"Xu Mo, that's not necessarily true!" You Si frowned when she heard the words, looked at Xuan Mo and said, "The Lords of the City and the Lord of Yeshan will not do anything to you, we believe it! But they may not Do it with us! Xing Dila is with us, as long as they confirm that Xing Dila took the Guardian Beast away, the two of them will hate us if they are appointed! What is destroyed, that is the most troublesome thing!" Hearing what you said, Xuan Mo smiled, and said to Lin Qianye and the others seriously: "Did Master Xingdila put I hid myself, didn't I leave any handles for the masters of the city lords Lushan and Yeshan? Why did they dump the city to make a fuss!? Let alone! Now Lord Xingdila and the others have left from the teleportation array, Even if the Masters of City Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan want to chase after them, it will take time! Not sure, they will not be able to catch up with Lord Xingdila and Chen Guang at all! And Lord City Master Yan Shan and the others will not catch up. It may be too far away from Panchi City, so as long as Master Xingdila and the others walk fast and far, they will not be able to catch up with Lord Yan Shan, and naturally they will not be able to use any excuse to clear the city! This point, Qian Qian Master Ye, you can rest assured!"

Lin Qianye and the others frowned, still worried! "If there is a problem at that time, Lord Qianye, don't worry! I'll go and talk to City Master Yan Shan and City Master Ye Shan, and I will definitely not let them come to Qingcheng to make trouble!"

When Lin Qianye and the others heard what Xuan Mo said, they could only choose to believe it in the end!What else could be done?Is it possible that he still has to go to the front of the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan and admit all of this?

Thinking of this, Lin Qianye could only take a deep breath, then sat down on the chair, and after thinking for a while, she said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo: "Since you all know this, why didn't you stop Xing Dila at the beginning?" What!? No matter what, send me a message, and I can persuade her! Letting her go away with Chen Guang and the guardian beast is really troublesome!"

"We just think that it doesn't matter if Master Xing Dila wants to take Chen Guang out to see him!" But Mo Mo smiled, and said to Lin Qianye: "After all, Master Xing Dila promised Chen Guang , Now it's just fulfilling the promise, and Chen Guang is willing to follow her. I don't think there is any need to stop them, is there? As for the town beast, it is to protect Chen Guang, as long as it is happy, that's fine! At least now that Master Xingdila is with the guardian beast, we don’t have to worry about Chen Guang’s safety, do we?” “Of course there is no need to worry about the guardian beast! It’s just that if they go to the mainland like this, they will definitely be very conspicuous Yes!" You Si frowned and couldn't help but said with some worry: "As long as the news comes back, won't you worry about City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan finding them?! In the end, it's all trouble!"

Xuan Mo laughed when he heard the words, and said indifferently: "Your Majesty Yousi, don't worry about this! Guardian beasts can't only maintain such a huge size!"

"Hey, what do you mean, Xuan Mo? Could it be that the guardian beast can still be the same as Xi Ye? Change its body shape?" You Si looked at Xuan Mo in surprise when he heard the words, and after seeing him nod, Immediately couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Really? Yu Mo, what you said is true? We haven't seen that guardian beast change any size before. Thinking about it desperately trying to go to the teleportation array It’s so funny, I still think it’s funny! I can’t figure it out, it can change its shape!”

However, Xuan Mo had a smile on his face, and said to You Si: "That's because in Linyin City, the Guardian Beast can't use it! So we can only keep it like that!"

"I can't use it? I can't use it. What do you mean? The environment in Linyin City is quite big!" You Si frowned and asked Xuan Mo, but looked at the expression on Xuan Mo's face. The smile grew stronger.After thinking about it, he asked with some uncertainty: "Xu Mo, are you talking about the lack of mana in Linyin City?"

Xuan Mo nodded immediately when he heard the words, and said to him as if he had guessed right: "Isn't it because of this reason! No matter what power it is the guardian beast uses, it still needs mana To recover and maintain it! So it is very normal that it cannot shrink in size! Now that even Chen Guang can quickly return to normal after leaving the Yin Yin City, the guardian beast can naturally absorb more power, let alone It is said that it is still eating so much food in Panchi City, and its physical condition has recovered better than we imagined! So it is not impossible to change its body shape!"

Hearing what Xuan Mo said, not only Yousi was happy, but even Lin Qianye couldn't help laughing. "So, since the Guardian Beast followed Xing Dila and the others to wander around the continent, if City Masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan wanted to send a message to people to find them, they might not be able to find them?"

"That's natural!" Xuan Mo nodded immediately, and said to the crowd with a smile: "After all, no one has ever told the Lord of the City and the Lord of Yeshan about this matter! So they don't know! Even if they After posting the news, you may not be able to find the Guardian Beast! Therefore, as long as the Masters of City Lord Lushan and Lord Yeshan cannot catch Lord Xingdila and the others now, it is almost impossible to catch them again. That's why I said, Lord Qianye, you don't have to worry." "If that's the case, we hope that Xingdila and the others can run faster!" Everyone said something, and after seeing everyone laughing happily, they looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Lin Qianye, and then said to them: "If you think about it this way, all these things are almost the same, we will go to our own Go back and have a rest, and make other arrangements tomorrow?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without any problem, but saw Lin Qianye frowning, as if she had something to say, so she asked him a question, and then heard Lin Qianye said that as long as she stays in Qingcheng for two days, she will leave! "

"Master Qianye wants to leave, why?" When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, looked at Lin Qianye and asked, "Are you going to find Cheng?"

Lin Qianye nodded, but smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said comfortingly: "Don't worry! Nothing will happen. I just want to go and have a look, and maybe I can find something. Help Cheng! We have been delayed in Linyin City for a long time, and it is almost time for me to set off."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lin Qianye worriedly, and said to him: "But Master Qianye, isn't he always staying with the Fox Clan now? And now the Fallen Demon Clan is also added! Master Qianye, you If this is the past, what if we are attacked by them?"

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool! If I can't fight against them, can I still get entangled with them?" Lin Qianye smiled and comforted Ji Xiaoyan and said: "I just want to see, if there is a chance or what can I do?" , The one that reminds Cheng of something is naturally the best! If it doesn’t work, at least you need to know her current situation?! Those people from the Fox Clan and the Fallen Demon Clan are not easy-going lamps. Follow them together, sooner or later something will happen!"

"It's okay!" You Si also looked at Ji Xiaoyan's worried face, quickly smiled, patted Lin Qianye's shoulder, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Isn't it, there are us? We It's impossible to let Qianye go alone, so Xiaoyan, you don't have to worry! You just need to take care of the Qingcheng affairs! Don't forget, there are still people in your evil city. What about the teleportation array? You have to see for yourself what the situation is now! If we leave here, we won't be able to help you at all."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, but didn't say anything more. He just told Lin Qianye and the others to pay attention to safety after they left, then watched them leave, then sat on the throne with a worried face, and looked around Xuan Mo, beside him, couldn't help but sighed, and then said: "I think it's possible that I won't be able to find him! It's just that Master Qianye has never been reconciled!"

Xuan Mo also understood this truth, nodded, and didn't know what to say, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, but suddenly remembered something, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a little excitement, and said to her : "Since we're talking about guardian beasts, Xiaoyan, have you thought about Xi Ye recently?"

Ji Xiaoyan was also taken aback for a moment, but he didn't understand why Xuan Mo suddenly mentioned Xi Yelai?
"Why do you suddenly think of Xi Ye?"

"I just thought of it!" Xuan Mo shrugged, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This Xiye also came back to Qingcheng last time, but there has been no news since he left! Xiaoyan, you said we Do you want to take a look at it? Although it defected from our Qingcheng at the beginning, it did not do any bad things after that, and even helped when there was trouble! The place they chose was not made by Teng Is it a place where not a single blade of grass grows, if I stay here for a long time, I don’t know if I will starve to death!”

"Starve to death!? It shouldn't be possible, right?!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing when he heard what Xuan Mo said, "Do you think Xiye is that stupid? It's because his group starved to death , I don’t think it will starve to death!”

"Just go and have a look!" But Xuan Mo couldn't help laughing, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "By the way, let's tell Xi Ye about the Shacheng teleportation array!"

"What are you talking to it for?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand anymore!

"Let Xiye go and see the excitement!" Xuan Mo said seriously, "I don't know what kind of bargain Xiye can get! Besides, if Xiye and the others go, they will definitely cause Shacheng a lot of trouble." Some troubles! Why not do it?"

"I thought you really wanted Xiye, Xuan Mo, and were going to take care of it! But now, it seems that you want Xiye to go to Shacheng to cause trouble! What if there is an emergency? ?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked Xuan Mo with a frown.

"What could be the matter? The ability to seek good luck and avoid disasters at happy nights is better than any of us! What are you worried about?" Yu Mo winked at Ji Xiaoyan and said with a smile : "It's most convenient to find Xiye while it's dark!"

"Now?!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect Xuan Mo to be so impatient, and couldn't help but said: "The monsters in the wild are more powerful now, and it's more dangerous for us to go out now Woolen cloth!"

"It's okay! I'll protect you!" Xuan Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, "Xiye is of the dark type, and this is the time when it likes to move around the most. It's easier for us to find it at this time Ah! If we really wait until after dawn, who knows if they will hide in some corner, wouldn’t it be a waste of time then?”

"But I don't think it's necessary to go, right?!" Ji Xiaoyan hesitated, wondering why Xuan Mo wanted to find Xi Ye so eagerly!
"It's necessary! It's necessary!" Xuan Mo nodded to Ji Xiaoyan affirmatively and said, "Master Qianye and the others are going to look for Cheng tomorrow? If we find Xiye as soon as possible, when the time comes Let it help, or let it arrange one or two dark shadow beasts of the same race to follow Master Qianye and the others. Wouldn’t it be possible for Master Qianye and the others to find Teng faster? How can we not be in a hurry! It should be done earlier, Tomorrow we can let Xiye and the others go with Lord Qianye and the others! Otherwise, let them go find Lord Qianye and the others by themselves, how will we find them!?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he finally understood what Xuan Mo was thinking!What he planned was to ask Xiye and the others to lead Lin Qianye and the others to find Cheng!
(End of this chapter)

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