Chapter 2989
Why didn't Ji Xiaoyan think that Xuan Mo would have such an idea?He wanted to use Xiye to lead Lin Qianye and the others to find Cheng!But thinking about Xi Ye's temperament, Ji Xiaoyan felt that it was impossible for Xuan Mo's plan and idea to come true.

So Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but analyzed his thoughts carefully with Xuan Mo, but looked at Xuan Mo and laughed, and said indifferently: "It's not necessarily true! Xiaoyan! Don't try it." If so, who knows that Xiye will not agree? Xiye has not received a clear answer to this, and the answer cannot be easily determined!" "But, I don't think Xiye likes trouble like that!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, really wondering where did Xuan Mo's current self-confidence come from?So, I couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo: "Think about it, Xuan Mo! It was not happy to let Xiye follow us back then, but now you still want it to help Master Qianye and the others find him, how can it do that?" Maybe he will agree? He is living a good life with his fellow clansmen, but now that he has been arranged, do you think Xiye will be willing to help?"

"Arranging things for Xiye to do, it is unhappy and unwilling, I believe it! However, if it is beneficial to help, I think Xiye will still agree!" Yan Mo smiled at Ji Xiao speaking. "Advantages, what are the benefits? We Qingcheng may not be able to provide what Xiye wants!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, but said to Xuan Mo with a bit of worry, but Looking at Di Mo, he smiled and shook his head, and said to her: "We don't need to prepare anything for Xi Ye, as long as Cheng can give it!"

"Xu Mo, what exactly do you mean? The more I listen, the more confused I become!" Ji Xiaoyan became even more confused when he heard what Xuan Mo said.She couldn't figure it out, what was going on in Xuan Mo's heart? "Xiaoyan, just trust me! Let's talk to Xiye first!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo, and could only nod his head. Then before leaving, he found someone in Qingcheng to inform Manager Qing Gong of his departure, and then left Qingcheng with Xuan Mo.When Director Qing Gong hurried back to the City Lord's Mansion, he could only see the empty City Lord's Mansion, but he shouted in the City Lord's Mansion with a very depressed face.

No idea!It's hard to wait for Ji Xiaoyan to come back, but how long has she stayed in the city lord's mansion?Here it goes again!Ji Xiaoyan has not done any of the things in Qingcheng now!How can this keep Manager Qing Gong from going crazy?

All the way from Qingcheng to the teleportation array, after being teleported to a town near the black rain land, Ji Xiaoyan followed Xuan Mo to leave the town again, heading towards the black rain land.I thought it was dark and the road conditions were unfamiliar, and it must have taken them a lot of time to get to the direction of the black rainy land this time, but following behind Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan saw that Xuan Mo was leading the way with ease, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being curious, and asked Xuan Mo, but he heard Xuan Mo smile and say: "It can't be helped! Before Xi Ye came back, I left Qingcheng to see I have passed it, so I am very familiar with this route! Xiaoyan, don’t worry, it’s impossible to get lost!”

"Xu Mo, you came out to see Xi Ye? Why didn't I know?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback when she heard this, and couldn't help looking at Xuan Mo in surprise. Why did she feel that she didn't know about these things?When did Xuan Mo leave Qingcheng?Why haven't I received any news at all?

"Of course you don't know Xiaoyan!" Xuan Mo also laughed when he heard the words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Isn't it sometimes boring, so I came out to play with Xiye, and by the way, look at it in this dark place. What is it like to live in the Land of Rain? It’s not an important thing, Xiaoyan, it’s normal for you not to know!” Ji Xiaoyan felt a little complicated when he heard this!She felt like she didn't know anything!
After looking at Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to continue to ask about this matter. After looking into the distance for a few times, he asked Xuan Mo: "Then Xuan Mo, Xi Ye is now How are you doing? In this land of black rain, Xiye should be pretty good, right?" "Well, not bad!" Yu Mo nodded, but smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Here It is indeed an excellent living place for Xiye and the others! It's just that the fallen demons and dark power carried in the black rain will become less and less with time, and after those fallen demons leave, they will also take this Most of the power of the land has been taken away. Therefore, Xiye and the others can barely live here now. If they really want to develop further, they still need to change places. There is not enough for them to develop here!"

"Change place? Where are you going?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard these words from Xuan Mo, and immediately asked a question, but when he asked the words, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help flashing After thinking about it, he looked at Xuan Mo and asked, "Xu Mo, don't you mean to tell me that Xi Ye and the others are going to find those members of the Fallen Demon Clan and take refuge in them?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing hahaha at what Ji Xiaoyan said. After a while, he shook his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Go to seek refuge with those fallen demons, how is that possible? Xiaoyan, you are completely delusional. Ah! What I mean is that they only need the power of the fallen demons and the dark power of the fallen demons this Xiye. After the land of black rain is about to be exhausted, they will have to find more fallen demons. Instead of doing this, why don't we find opportunities for them and let them do it by themselves!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and was extremely confused at him He asked cautiously, "Xu Mo, what exactly is your plan? Is it really related to Teng?" Think about it, the only thing that has anything to do with the power of the Fallen Demon, besides Teng, is the Fallen Demon. The aborigines of the clan, to be honest, are naturally the most powerful!After all, the land of black rain in front of me was also created by Cheng, wasn't it?Before, Xuan Mo also said that he wanted Xiye to find Teng, and Qingcheng didn't have to give the benefits, so if this purpose had nothing to do with Teng, Ji Xiaoyan didn't believe it at all!

Xuan Mo smiled, and after thinking about it for a while, he nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Yes! Xiaoyan, you probably thought of it too! That's why I said it, while Lord Qianye and the others were going to find Cheng, why not arrange for Xiye and the others to go together, maybe Xiye and the others can get some convenience, and finally help Master Qianye and the others! Isn’t it better that this is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?” Ji Xiaoyan understood now up!
Xuan Mo planned to do this, not just for Lin Qianye and the others!To put it bluntly, he was also thinking about Xi Ye!This is really a way to get the best of both worlds!I just thought about it, but Ji Xiaoyan still didn't quite understand, and couldn't help asking Xuan Mo: "What I don't understand now is, if Xiye and the others really go to find Teng, what benefits will they get?" ? If they want to get more fallen demon power from Teng, they must follow Teng all the time! Could it be possible, Xun Mo, you really want Xiye and the others to seek refuge with Teng and the Fox Clan? Are there people from the Fallen Clan? That’s not allowed!”

"How is it possible? Xiaoyan! Didn't I tell you everything? Xiye and the others wouldn't do that! Even if I let Xiye go, Xiye would never agree! It's not that it doesn't know, we and the Fox Clan There are contradictions over there!" Hearing this, Xuan Mo smiled and shook his head.

"Since we don't go to rely on them, how can Xiye benefit from them?"

Ji Xiaoyan was full of confusion, looked at Xuan Mo and asked, "I don't understand it!"

"Is there anything you don't understand?" Xuan Mo laughed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As long as you stay near Teng, you can always get benefits! What's more, if Xiye and the others can really help Qianye If the adults take down that Teng together and bring it back, won’t Xiye and the others have a better life in the future? As long as Teng says a word, the power of the fallen demon revealed by flicking fingers can make Xiye and the others support a lot It's time!"

"But I don't think things will be that simple." Ji Xiaoyan frowned, shook his head and said to Xuan Mo, "Xu Mo, think about it, Lord Qianye and the others have gone to find him many times, Did it have a good result that time? Even if you really found Teng, Teng may not be able to restore the original memory. At that time, Teng will still stand on the side of the fox clan and become our enemy What's more, if you want to get close to Cheng, there are people from the Fox Clan and those from the Fallen Demon Clan, how can it be so easy to get close? Xiye will definitely be discovered by then!"

"If you don't try, how will you know?" Xuan Mo smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Actually, Xiaoyan, let Xiye and the others handle these things by themselves, don't worry about it." Now we just need to find Xiye, talk to it about these things, let it know what the benefits are, and then prepare quickly, and follow Master Qianye and the others to find Cheng? As for whether it will be successful or not? , That's not something we can care about!"

As the saying goes, it's up to man to make things happen!Ji Xiaoyan thinks about it too!

Even if it is something they think is infallible, there may be some accidents to destroy it!Not to mention such an unlikely thing? !The worst outcome, at worst, is that Xiye and the others are discovered, fight with the Fox Clan and the Fallen Demon Clan, and then run away!
With Xiye's ability and nothing else, the escape is definitely safe!There will be no casualties!
"It's not bad if you think about it this way!" So Ji Xiaoyan nodded in a relaxed manner, and then followed behind Xuan Mo obediently, holding the umbrella used to block the black rain all the way, and slowly walked towards the black rain. Enter the land of rain.

After walking for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan finally saw traces of dark shadow beasts in the land of black rain.

Xuan Mo didn't mean to be polite, and he didn't care whether the dark shadow beast they saw was in a state of berserk or not, so he yelled at it and asked the dark shadow beast to find Xi night.The dark shadow beast seemed very upset when it heard what Xuan Mo said. It turned its head and glanced in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and Di Xuanmo, but slowly approached them with a bit of anger, grinning its teeth. , with a fierce expression of wanting to eat them, finally stopped in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others.Seeing this, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly stopped in front of Xuan Mo in fright, Xin Xin took out the dagger in his hand, shielded it in front of his chest, and looked at the approaching dark shadow beast.

He thought he would be attacked, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that the dark shadow beast didn't really intend to attack them.

After staring at Ji Xiaoyan and the others for a long time, the dark shadow beast snorted dissatisfiedly, then raised its head and gave Ji Xiaoyan and the others a condescending look, then turned and left! "Leave now?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned by the action of the dark shadow beast, and couldn't help asking Xuan Mo.

"It's okay, Xiaoyan!" Seeing this, Yu Mo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "That dark shadow beast didn't dare to attack us in the first place, so naturally we can just watch it! I should be going to report to Xiye in a while! Let's just wait!"

"Really? Why do I feel that it doesn't look alike!?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said to Xuan Mo: "Xu Mo, if you came here before, you would encounter such a situation. The situation? Haven't those dark shadow beasts attacked you?"

Xiye nodded immediately, and said with a smile to Ji Xiaoyan: "These dark shadow beasts won't attack! They all know what kind of relationship I have with Xiye! What's more, even if they dare to attack me, so what? I He is also capable and able to protect himself! No matter how I make a wall or two to block it, I can do it too! I am not the same as Chen Guang."

Hearing what Xuan Mo said, Ji Xiaoyan could only smile and nod, and then obediently stayed where he was and waited.After about a few minutes, the ground in the land of black rain began to tremble slightly.Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Don't worry! Xiaoyan! This is probably Xiye bringing those dark shadow beasts over! The movement is louder, and there may not be too few dark shadow beasts coming!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, thinking of Xi Ye, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, after thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan asked Xuan Mo, "However, Xuan Mo, we Isn't this infringing on Xiye's territory? Are you sure they came to see us, didn't they come to drive us away?"

(End of this chapter)

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