The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2991 Where did it come from

Chapter 2991 Where did it come from
In fact, after hearing Xiye's words, Ji Xiaoyan had imagined what the teleportation array built by the aborigines who had been invited by those fallen demons would look like in this land of black rain!But in any case, what Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect was that the construction of this teleportation array surprised her so much, it was much better than she imagined!
At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, looking at the huge teleportation array in front of him, and the faint white light that was always on in the teleportation array, Ji Xiaoyan blinked his eyes several times, and still couldn't believe it He looked at Xiye anxiously, and asked it: "Xiye, this is the teleportation array you mentioned, the Xuanmen did it? Are they really?"

"That's right! Who else could it be if it wasn't them?! We watched the Taoist people build this with our own eyes!" Xi Ye nodded, but said to Ji Xiaoyan with an affirmative face: " How is it, this teleportation array looks very beautiful, doesn't it!?"

"It's more than beautiful! It's amazing! This is definitely the most beautiful and magnificent teleportation formation I've ever seen!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, his face was full of admiration and surprise, and he walked towards the legendary formation. After looking at it again and again, I couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo: "Look, this is the teleportation array created by the people of Xuanmen for the fallen demons! This is much better than the teleportation array built by our Shacheng. That's too much! It seems that people from the Xuanmen have a good relationship with the fallen demons!"

Otherwise, how could it be so dedicated? !
Xuan Mo also nodded, looking at the exclamation on the face of the teleporter in front of him.

If the teleportation arrays they had seen before were of ordinary level, then the teleportation array they saw now was definitely the most advanced one!

The overall area of ​​this teleportation array is very large, almost reaching the size of some ordinary towns in Qingcheng!And the patterns on the teleportation array are also extremely complex and gorgeous. Anyway, a layman like Xuan Mo sees them as brain-intensive feelings, that's right!And the teleportation array in front of them is not as good as the teleportation arrays they have seen before. There needs to be a teleporter stationed nearby to help the teleportation array at any time, and it will only emit white light when the teleportation is in progress!The teleportation array in front of me is surrounded by pitch black, but inside the inner circle of the teleportation array, there is always that shining white light shining, and there are some light spots like starlight from time to time. Constantly emerging from the bottom of the teleportation array, flying into the sky with incomparable lightness, and then slowly disappearing, this scene looks more gorgeous than any teleportation array they have seen before.

"This teleportation array is really powerful!"

Xiye also seemed to have seen the surprised expressions on Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo's faces, and couldn't help but raised his chin proudly, and said to them, "I can tell you, this teleportation array is not just what you see. It’s big! It still has a magical place!”

"Xiye, what do you mean by that?" Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Mo immediately widened their eyes when they heard the words, as if they couldn't imagine what Xiye meant, and couldn't help being surprised and puzzled by it asked.

"You don't know it! The size of the teleportation array you see now is just a normal time when it has not yet started to be used. When we put the energy stone on it and need to teleport, this teleportation array can be used according to the step. The number of people going up and the size of the place occupied will expand and shrink!" Xi Ye squinted and said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, and she was even more surprised when she saw their expressions.

"This teleportation array can become bigger and smaller, isn't it impossible?" Not only did Ji Xiaoyan not believe it, but Yu Mo's eyes widened, and he looked at Xi Ye with a face full of disbelief and said, "We never I have never heard of it, but the teleportation array has such a use!"

"You're ignorant." Xi Ye immediately said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo with a proud face, and then walked towards the direction of the teleportation array, standing on the edge of the teleportation array. Looking at Ji Xiaoyan and the others, they said: "We didn't know that the teleportation array was like this before! But after we actually set foot on the teleportation array and discovered its changes, we quickly tried it, so we were sure! We didn't know those How did the Taoist people do it? Anyway, this teleportation array is so powerful! If there are few people, it will immediately shrink the circle when teleporting, and minimize the use of teleportation energy. When there are too many people, it will It will consume more energy, and then expand the teleportation array to ensure that everyone can be teleported away at once! I have also guessed that the establishment of this Xuanmen teleportation array is so magical, mostly because of those The aborigines of the Fallen Clan helped out, but this is just my guess, and I have no way of confirming whether any of the Fallen Clan did anything there! However, those Fallen Clan The aborigines who stood in this teleportation town were teleported away at one time! This is true!"

"Did you know when the people from the Fallen Clan teleported away?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xi Ye in surprise when he heard the words, and couldn't help but asked curiously at it, "Did those people from the Fallen Clan be sent away?" Haven't found you?"

"Are we so easy to be found?" Xi Ye raised her lips slightly when she heard the words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, "In this dark rainy land, if we want to hide, we can't. No one can find it, let alone the aborigines of the Fallen Demon Clan! But if anyone can find us, the only one who can find us is the Saintess of the Fox Clan! After all, we are living in Under her nose, if she wants to know, it's okay!"

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan seemed to have the same reason, but after looking at the legendary formation, he still couldn't help but asked Xiye curiously: "Since the legendary formation needs to use energy stones, But there seems to be no monster in this black rainy night that can provide you with such energy stones?"

"Monster? What kind of monster does this energy stone need?" Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Xi Ye glanced at Ji Xiaoyan in a strange way, and then said to her, "Why do I hear what you mean?" Does that mean, can those monsters hide power stones? Xiaoyan, don’t be joking! How could there be power stones from the teleportation array on monsters?”

When Xiye heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she couldn't help laughing, she gave Ji Xiaoyan a blank look, and after seeing her surprised and puzzled expression, she continued: "Your whimsical idea, it's really It's really beyond my imagination!"

"Xiye, the energy stones you use are not obtained from monsters, so where did you get them from?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, looked at Xiye, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"Where did it come from? Naturally, it was dug out in this black rainy land!" Xiye blinked, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a face of course, and looked at her in surprise. After looking at the expression on the ground, he couldn't help but frown, and asked Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo strangely: "Why do I look at you like this, I seem to be surprised! What's the matter, Do you really think that this power stone can be taken from the monster? This is simply a fantasy! How did you come up with it?"

"This is not a fairy tale!" Xuan Mo shook his head, and said to Xi Ye with a sure face, "When we were in Linyin City, the energy stones needed for the legendary formation were all given to that Only the guardian beast of Rinyin City killed the nearby monsters, and got it. Otherwise, how do you think we can teleport out of Rinyin City?"

"This is impossible!" Xi Ye still didn't quite believe it, she frowned and looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo suspiciously, and said to them, "How could this energy stone be obtained from a monster? ? You saw the guardian beast kill the monster and get the power stone?"

"That's not true!" Xuan Mo thought for a while, then shook his head at Xi Ye and said, "This thing was done by the guardian beast that Lord Qianye invited, and these things were done by Lord Yousi and the others in the dark. It was recorded in a book found in the city! How can there be any mistakes?"

"That's not necessarily the case. You didn't see the guardian beast take out the energy stone from the monster with your own eyes. How can you be sure that the guardian beast really got the energy stone in this way? What if the guardian beast really got the energy stone? Did the Guardian Beast go outside the city and dig up the energy stone?" Xi Ye shook her head, analyzing to Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan seriously.

"That's not really possible! At that time, the city lords Lushan and Yeshan also went out of the city, following the guardian beast! They even snatched the power stone from the guardian beast, if those power stones If it wasn't for the Guardian Beast that got it from those monsters, then the Masters of City Lord Yan Shan and Lord Ye Shan should have known about it! But they have never mentioned this matter since then!"

"I didn't mention it, but it doesn't mean it's not! Anyway, they didn't confirm it in front of you. The guardian beast found the energy stone from those monsters, right?" Xi Ye raised his brows, serious Asked to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, seeing Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo frowning suddenly, also a little uncertain, then smiled, and then said: "I'll tell you! It is impossible for this energy stone to have There will be monsters, and the guardian beast of Linyin City must have been dug out from somewhere outside the city, or near the city! As for the pursuit of Lord Lushan and Yeshan, you said It’s easy to understand if you saw something when you went out! Either the city lords Lushan and Yeshan watched the guardian beast dig up the power stone at that time, and didn’t want to tell you how the power stone was obtained, or It's because they didn't see what the guardian beast did at all. They rushed to grab it after seeing that the guardian beast got all the power stones! So, none of you saw it with your own eyes. But what did that guardian beast do, and now I say that those power stones were obtained from monsters, but I don't believe it at all!"

Hearing Xiye's analysis, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't believe it!After all, Xiye's analysis is so reasonable, the energy stones of Linyin City are probably only known to the Guardian Beast where they got them!

However, after thinking about it again, this is a game after all, and Ji Xiaoyan thinks it is reasonable to say that the monster has energy stones on it!It's just that there is really no point in arguing with Xiye about where the Linyin City Energy Stone came from, so Ji Xiaoyan smiled after thinking about it, and then said to Xiye: " Forget it, there is no way to prove anything about the Rin Yin City, so that’s it. It’s all over! Anyway, we don’t need to go to Rin Yin City to find any energy stones now.”

Xi Ye shrugged his shoulders, and felt that it was pointless to discuss this matter, so he nodded, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, "Then, do you want to teleport it with me now?"

"Teleporting out now? Where are you going?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, looked at Xi Ye with a puzzled face, and couldn't help but ask it, "Didn't you just say that this legendary formation can only Send it to the wild? It's dark now, if you encounter other monsters, it will be very troublesome!"

"What's the trouble, isn't it me?" Xi Ye raised her brows, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo: "With me protecting you, what are you worried about? Otherwise, I will find a few more people from the same clan Why don’t we just go together? I’ll take you guys to experience whether this teleportation array is different from other teleportation arrays? What’s wrong? Anyway, there’s nothing to do right now!”

"No need, no need!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head and said to Xi Ye, "After all your fellow clansmen have arrived, we will teleport to Qingcheng together, don't we have to follow Master Qianye and the others to find Cheng Is it? If we delay the time at this moment, after returning to Qingcheng, Master Qianye and the others will leave, it will not be easy for you to catch up with them."

Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan seemed really not interested in trying the teleportation formation with it, Xiye could only nod, then simply sat on the ground, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, "That's fine, no Try it or not. Then we will wait here, and when all our fellow clansmen are here, we will be sent directly to Qingcheng, and it will be okay to experience it at that time."

Ji Xiaoyan just smiled, and after thinking about it, he and Xiye chatted about the things that these dark shadow beasts stayed here after all the fallen demons left the land of black rain, and waited until all After all the dark shadow beasts gathered together, the group of people stepped onto the teleportation array built by Xuanmen, and teleported directly to a field teleportation not far from Qingcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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