Chapter 2992
After that, things went very smoothly.Xiye took Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo together, and soon arrived at the town near Qingcheng. All the dark shadow beasts stepped into the town of Qingcheng without any obstacles, and then teleported all the way to Qingcheng In the City Lord's Mansion.

When Lin Qianye and the others were about to leave Qingcheng, when Xiye and the others saw so many dark shadow beasts appearing in the city lord's mansion, Lin Qianye couldn't help being a little shocked, not sure what happened. After looking at Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo for something, he asked them, "Xiaoyan, what's going on? Why did Xiye bring so many dark shadow beasts with them? Are they all here?"

But Ji Xiaoyan laughed immediately, and quickly shared Xuan Mo's idea with Lin Qianye, then looked at Yousi and Pudi, and said to them: "I think Xuan Mo's idea is still Very good. At least, Master Qianye, you can have someone to take care of you along the way, right? If Xiye and the others are together, in case of any danger, Xiye and the others can help! How convenient!"

Yousi and Pudi immediately nodded in agreement when they heard the words, but looked at Lin Qianye and frowned without saying a word, as if a little unhappy, and then Yousiyu Pudi looked at each other, After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said to Lin Qianye: "Qianye, I think Xuan Mo's consideration is very thorough! We are here to find Ting, she is not alone, but she is still accompanied by the Fox Clan and As for the members of the fallen demon family, if we really meet again at that time, then we will not be the same as before. We can only look at it from a distance, and we can’t get close. Let you talk to Cheng! Let me tell you , let's not ignore their kindness, Xiye has brought so many dark shadow beasts here, we can't just let them go back like this, can we? Let them go with us!" "It can also be done on the road There is a help, I think this idea is not bad!" Pu Di also hastily added.

Lin Qianye frowned and looked around at the many dark shadow beasts, finally looked at Xiye, and said to it: "Xiye, actually, you don't have to follow us! Just stay in the That's where you should be, right?"

Xiye raised his eyebrows, looked at Lin Qianye immediately, and said to him: "Master Qianye, this is not only for you, but also for the future life of our dark shadow beasts!" You?" Lin Qianye frowned when she heard Xi Ye's words, as if she didn't understand, and then she heard Xi Ye say: "Master Qianye should know! We were all in that black rain before. Isn't it for the power of the Fallen and the dark power in the Land of Black Rain? But now the members of the Fallen Clan are gone, and the saintess of the Fox Clan is also gone, leaving only The land of black rain, which is getting less and less powerful, may not last long! One day, after the power of fallen demons and dark power in that land of black rain are exhausted, we will What should we do with so many dark shadows? We also want to find a way out for ourselves in advance? What's wrong with Master Qianye, he shouldn't have stopped us! If we can find the fox clan saintess Cheng, we will find a way out in advance. It would also be good to absorb a little more of the power of the Fallen Demon!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I think Xiye, your idea is very good!" Hearing this, Yousi immediately nodded and said seriously to Xiye, and after seeing Xiye nodded with a smile, he hurried Looking at Lin Qianye, he said to him: "Qianye, I don't think there's anything wrong with us going to find Cheng with Xiye and the others! This is the best of both worlds, isn't it? Don't If you hesitate, just take them with you!"

Lin Qianye frowned and didn't say a word. She looked and looked at the many dark shadow beasts, and finally she glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, then sighed and said, "I didn't want to bring So many people left! The matter of going to Cheng is only my business, you don’t have to do this!”

"We didn't do anything!" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and quickly said to Lin Qianye, "This is also for Xiye and the others, killing two birds with one stone! Master Qianye, don't shirk anymore! "

Where did Lin Qianye not understand the reason for this?It's just that Ji Xiaoyan and the others have said so, so he can't say anything more, he can only nod his head, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo: "Okay! Then do it according to your arrangement. You don't have to worry about us No matter we can find Ting or not, we will come back when the time is up!"

Lin Qianye also set a time to come back and rest, so Ji Xiaoyan will not worry that he will go away and never return.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, looked at Lin Qianye with a smile on his face, and after blessing them all, he watched them set foot on the teleportation array in Qingcheng, and finally watched them all disappear in the After entering the teleportation formation, he shrugged his shoulders, looked at Xuan Mo with a relieved face, and said to him: "It's all right now, everyone has been sent away, and there is no need to worry about anything else .”

However, Xuan Mo laughed, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "This is not certain! We have to go and see the teleportation array near Shacheng! This is a serious matter!"

When mentioning the teleportation formations in the towns near Shacheng, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help crying, looked at Xuan Mo weakly, and said to him: "I don't know if there are aborigines on the teleportation formations. Teleportation, if there are too many people teleporting there, I am also worried that the city lord of Shacheng will notice something? But if no one teleports there, I am also worried! This Shacheng stands there like that, and there is no one Going to attack, this is not a good thing for us!"

Thinking that if no one is going to attack Shacheng, then Master Lehe might hide in Shacheng without being caught, Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little bit, while leading Xuan Mo towards Qingcheng City Lord After returning home, he asked him suspiciously: "Xu Mo, do you think Mr. Lehe is still hiding in Shacheng?" "Why? Xiaoyan, do you think he will leave?" Looking at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, he couldn't help asking her.

If Master Lehe is not hiding in Shacheng, where else can he hide?

"I just think he shouldn't stay in Shacheng for too long!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought for a while, then said seriously to Xuan Mo, "Think about it, Xuan Mo, if he stays in a city The time is too long, if he is discovered, the aborigines will definitely hunt him down for the reward of the Resurrection Gate. No matter whether he can be killed or not, it will always be troublesome!"

All mouths make gold!What's more, there may be so many aborigines chasing and killing them!It was a rough day! "Think about it, there are still so many forces on this continent, just like us now, they all know his news and have released the news! As long as he keeps hiding in Shacheng, there will always be One day everyone will know! At that time, even if he doesn't leave, what will the master of Shacheng do? He might as well hide everywhere. It will be very easy to come to Shacheng again at that time, and he won't be disgusted no?"

"But if he leaves Shacheng, where can he go? There are not many places on this continent that can be more powerful than Shacheng!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Yu Mo couldn't help frowning , I don't know if I am worried about the meaning of Ji Xiaoyan's words, or I am worried about Mr. Lehe.

"No matter how many, there are still some!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, sighed after thinking for a while and said, "Forget it, let's go and see the current situation of the town first! Too much is useless! Everything depends on the actual situation."

Xuan Mo nodded, and didn't say anything more, and went back to the City Lord's Mansion of Qingcheng together with Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that Ji Xiaoyan was only going to ask about the situation, but was pulled by Chief Qing Gong, and gave all the things in Qingcheng After reporting everything, Xuan Mo yawned impatiently. Taking advantage of Manager Qing Gong's spare time to find something, Xuan Mo hurriedly took Ji Xiaoyan and sneaked out of the city lord's mansion together, and directly sent To the town near the Shacheng.

It's just the situation in the town that surprised both of them.

Everything is as reported by Manager Qing Gong, there are quite a few aborigines and adventurers in the towns near this Shacheng at the moment.The deserted and deserted towns in the past are now like a bustling market, crowded with people, and there is almost no chance to easily squeeze out of the teleportation array!

Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo couldn't help but widen their eyes at this scene, looking at the scene in front of them in shock. After waiting for a long time, the two finally squeezed out of the crowd. Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly took Xuan Mo hid in a residential house in a town, and then found an aborigine who happened to be free, and quickly asked what was going on in the town!

When the aborigines in that town heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, they suddenly showed a face of dumbfounding, but couldn't help complaining to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, you really don't know! We are now It's very painful!"

The aborigines of that town saw Ji Xiaoyan's confused expression, and hurriedly continued: "It's still the city lord, you will find a place, and you didn't go to other places in the town to ask for information! If you want to enter this town Any shop can’t be squeezed in! Nowadays, there are too many adventurers or aborigines in our town, and almost our entire town is almost full! My lord, what do you want? Don't think about it? Arrange some guards to stop them first?"

"Why stop!?" Ji Xiaoyan hadn't spoken yet, but Yu Mo frowned and said to the aborigines in that town: "Your town used to be so deserted that you couldn't even sell anything, but now there are so many people here, isn't it normal? Does it suit you? Hurry up and take out all the old things and sell them to the aborigines and adventurers, otherwise if they don’t come in the future, do you think this thing can still be sold?”

The aborigines in that town frowned even more when they heard what Xuan Mo said, with a depressed expression on their faces: "Master Xuan Mo, you don't know! Many shops in our town are too busy now. Now, all the things are in short supply, and all of them have been robbed! If possible, we are not willing to sell things, and we have long wanted to close the door! However, everyone knows that the current situation, but the city lord has finally given We fought for it, if we don’t grasp it properly, we will regret it in the future! So, Master Xuan Mo, look, now many aborigines in our town have begun to help various shops and they are desperately making things! We But I didn’t even mention the reward! Our mayor also said that if everyone really can’t bear it and wants to close the door, they should just kill themselves and apologize! It will save us from disappointing the help of the city lord to our town. !"

"Uh, it's not that serious, is it?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking worriedly when he heard what the aborigines said.

"Why not! Lord City Lord, you don't know! Now our Lord Mayor helps out in the town every day. If you want to find him, you can't find him in the mayor's mansion. You have to find him in the town. You can only find him by looking in the shop!" The aborigine of that town said to Ji Xiaoyan with a sigh, "Our town boss is the most tired one! He hasn't closed his eyes for several days!"

Hearing these words, Ji Xiaoyan was a little at a loss!She didn't understand, was the aborigine in front of her praising her for helping her, or was she wrong?
"Can you tell me why there are so many aborigines and adventurers, and they all flock to the town? Don't they go out?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and then asked about the topic she cared about Come.

"Why else! Don't you know, Lord City Master?" The aborigine in that town blinked, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled expression, and after seeing her nodding her head affirmatively, expressing that he didn't know, he said: " Isn’t that the teleportation formation that you built, Lord City Master? After those aborigines and adventurers teleported over, some of them would come to our town to add supplies immediately, and some would come back after rushing directly to Shacheng! There is only one town near here that can provide them with a rest, so, if these aborigines and adventurers don’t come to our town, where else can they go? This has caused our town to look like it is now! As for the city owner It is wrong to say that they will not go out! Those adventurers and aborigines have gone out batch after batch! These days, they are all lucky, squeezed in, and they will soon Do your own business and leave, and let other adventurers and natives come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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