Chapter 2993 crowded
Ji Xiaoyan never imagined that the result would be like this. It should be a deserted town where no one has ever appeared, but now it looks extremely hot, which makes those adventurers and aborigines even more excited. You can't even squeeze in. Such a huge contrast really surprised everyone!
And judging from the words of the aborigine in front of him, there are more aborigines and adventurers who want to come in this town than they imagined!What's more, this Shacheng town can't accommodate them at all!
So Ji Xiaoyan was about to be satisfied with all the expressions he had done, and then restrained himself. After thinking for a while, he looked at the aborigine and asked: "So, there are quite a few people around this town now. Are the aborigines and adventurers here?"

"That's not it!" The aborigine nodded immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with absolute certainty: "My lord, you don't know that there are so many people queuing up outside the city every day to come in." What! And I heard from them that the number of people is still increasing, which is why the city lord is seeing the scene you are seeing now!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but smiled wryly when he heard this, nodded, and then Looking at the aborigine, he asked, "So, will the town be closed after dark?"

"How is that possible!" The aborigine shook his head immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with absolute certainty: "There are so many people outside our town who have not been able to enter the town during the daytime. We closed the town. How inhumane would it be if we didn’t let them in? Why can’t we shut them all out? Anyway, the mayor said, there are only those monsters around our town Ladies and gentlemen, after dark, arrange someone to guard them, just to protect those adventurers! The aborigines waiting outside the town are also a strength, and there is no need to worry about their safety. How great it is to use them to protect other people? As long as there are no Shacheng aborigines outside the town, everything is controllable! When the Shacheng aborigines find out about the situation in our town, It is impossible for them to attack immediately. Before the arrival of the army, someone will go back to Shacheng first, and after informing the Lord of Shacheng, they will attack our town again. It will take time, right? ?! It’s just that such a possibility is still extremely slim for the time being!”

"Why? If Shacheng finds out, it's not too complicated to attack the town. Why don't you worry about it?" When Xuan Mo heard this, he looked at the aborigine with a puzzled expression, holding back Can't stop asking him.

"Aren't the aborigines and adventurers outside our town now going to attack Shacheng? As long as they are there, they will be clear about any disturbances in those people in Shacheng!" The residents laughed, and said to Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan with a nonchalant expression: "At that time, as long as there is an army from Shacheng, they must be the first to know the news. At that time, our town will not know ?As long as we know the news, we can deal with it! There are some adventurers and aborigines outside this town. They are not from our town. It will be really dangerous at that time, so we don’t have to worry about them! They can just find their own way to leave It's gone!"

In other words, even if there is danger, their town doesn't have to worry about anything, there is always time to arrange it!If it's a big deal, just teleport away, just don't want this town!

This is a very simple idea!

"Aren't you worried about the disappearance of this town?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at the aborigine with some doubts, and asked him.

"Don't worry! Don't we have you, City Lord?" The aborigine suddenly looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and said to her very seriously: "If our town doesn't exist, isn't there still Qingcheng? City Lord Your lord will not ignore us! The mayor said, our town is different from before! Our town had no support before, but now we have Qingcheng standing behind us, so we don’t have to be afraid of anything!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard these words, she didn't know whether she should laugh or say something!The aborigines in this town have full confidence in her!
Ji Xiaoyan put back the surprised expression on his face, and after looking at the aborigine in front of him for a few times, he asked again: "You just said that your mayor is also helping in this town? Not in the mayor's mansion!?"

"That's right!" The aborigine nodded immediately, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I'm afraid the mayor is helping in a certain shop right now! Is the city lord looking for the town lord?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then nodded and said to the aborigine: "Well, I want to meet the mayor! Can you go and help us see if we can find the mayor? If possible, bring him here Come on, just say that we are waiting for him here!" The aborigine nodded quickly when he heard the words, but when he was about to rush out, he suddenly remembered something, and immediately turned to Ji Xiaoyan and the others and said: "The city lord My lord, what if the mayor doesn’t have time to come, or can’t come?”

"It doesn't matter if the mayor is really unable to get away and can't come. As long as you know where the mayor is, we can go to find him by ourselves! But, there will definitely be more aborigines and adventurers at that time , some are inconvenient!"

The aborigine nodded understandingly when he heard the words, and saw that Ji Xiaoyan had no other orders, then he sneaked out of the courtyard and directly merged into the relationship between countless aborigines and adventurers in the Shacheng town. In the figure, disappeared without a trace. "The aborigines in this town are all hiding their secrets!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing, but seeing Xuan Mo looking at him with contempt, he couldn't help but feel a little displeased. Compassionately asked him, "What do you mean by looking at me like that?"

"If you work harder, you'll be better than them!" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but complain to Ji Xiaoyan, "Your aptitude is much better than these aborigines. , and you have a lot of resources, and I haven’t seen that you are better than them! Why, don’t you know in your heart?”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo dumbfounded, but he didn't even dare to say a word of rebuttal!

Staying in this room, Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo waited for a long time before seeing the aborigine rushing back, but there was no one following behind him. It seemed that even if he found the mayor, he would come It's gone!
Sure enough, the aborigine looked at Ji Xiaoyan apologetically: "My lord, I found the mayor! It's just that the mayor is trapped in the shop and I really can't get out! So, I can only trouble the mayor." Go ahead."

"Trapped in the shop?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback, a little surprised.

"The main reason is that there are too many aborigines and adventurers in the store. It's crowded. It's impossible for the mayor to come out!" The aborigine said to Ji Xiaoyan with a depressed face, "I'll ask someone to come out." The mayor has sent a message, and the mayor said that he is waiting in the shop."

"Since it's so crowded, can we still squeeze in?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking the aborigine with a worried look on his face.

"The shop must not be able to enter, but there is a small window behind the shop! I have already made an agreement with the mayor, and when the time comes, you will have to go somewhere to see the mayor!" The aborigine was With a smile on his face, he said to Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of pride: "Although the mayor can't come out of that window, it's still okay to say something! I also asked someone to arrange it. Clear out the vicinity, and keep adventurers and other aborigines away, so as not to disturb the conversation between the city lord and the mayor!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he really could only smile wryly.It feels like she is visiting the prison!
"My lord, do you want to go there?" The aborigine looked at Ji Xiaoyan's face, which seemed a little uncomfortable, and asked her worriedly.

"Go!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded and smiled, and said to the aborigine: "Let's go! You lead the way!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The aborigine immediately responded happily, and quickly brought Ji Xiaoyan to the front of the shop.

When Ji Xiaoyan saw the name of that shop, she finally understood why the business of that shop was so booming!As a potion shop, as long as it is going to the wild, which aborigine or adventurer doesn't need this thing?

"My lord, please go this way!" The aborigine carefully squeezed away the crowd in front of him, and shouted at Ji Xiaoyan, leading her into a small alley, finally saw a small The window just appeared on the wall by itself.

"Lord mayor! Lord mayor! The city lord is here!" The aborigine yelled several times into the small window, and then he heard the movement, and quickly smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, the mayor is here!" Yes! I'll go outside and wait for you!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after watching the aborigine leave, he heard the voice of the mayor coming from the window.

"My lord! I really can't get out! I hope my lord doesn't mind!"

"It's all right! I'm just here to take a look!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looking at the small window, he really felt like he was going to visit the prison, and couldn't help but ask the town's adult is he What kind of feeling does it feel like? After chatting and laughing for a while, he asked him: "I just came here to ask, how is the situation in the town now? Is there any movement in Shacheng?"

"That's not true!" The town master said without hesitation, "If there is a situation in Shacheng, the aborigines and adventurers who came to our town will talk about it! As far as I know now In the current situation, these aboriginals and adventurers have been going to Shacheng, but the situation is not very good! Although Shacheng is not protected by the town protection barrier, as long as they find an opportunity, they can rush in. But the aborigines in Shacheng are not vegetarians! Most of the adventurers came back after being killed, and the aborigines have no intention of forming an alliance to attack together. Suddenly, if you can't beat it, you can run back to rest! There is no time for Shacheng to come to our side! Now everything is safe and sound!"

"That is to say, everything is normal now?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and couldn't help asking the mayor.

"Well, it's like this!" The mayor nodded, "Don't worry, the city lord, if there is anything, we will send you a message immediately!"

"That's good!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and couldn't think of anything else to ask, "Is it still convenient to go in and out of the town?"

"Leaving the town is optional, but if you want to come in, it is a bit difficult!" The mayor said to Ji Xiaoyan after thinking for a while, "Does the mayor want to go outside the town to have a look? Then you have to let the guards You can only follow, otherwise when you come in, you won’t be able to squeeze in! There are too many people in our town now. In order to prevent the town from being congested and chaotic, we have restrained the number of people staying in the town. Come in one! If the city lord goes out, let the guards follow, so that you won't be stopped when you come in."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, but agreed with the idea: "I want to go out and see the teleportation array."

"Then let the guards follow you! It's more convenient!" The mayor hurriedly said something, and after thinking about it, he said, "It can be regarded as protecting the city lord!"

"Well! Then I will arrange it myself! The mayor doesn't have to worry about it!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and after hearing that the mayor apologized again, he turned and left the alley, and then casually found a few A guard in the town walked towards the outside of the town all the way, attracting the attention of many aborigines and adventurers on the way.

After finally getting to the city gate, Ji Xiaoyan didn't have time to step out when he saw a crowd and noise outside the city gate. It seemed that someone was arguing!
"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked the guards beside the city gate, but he looked at the guards without worry.

"It's okay, Lord City Master! That's a dispute between some adventurers and the aborigines. Let's start fighting after a while!" The gate guards smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently: " This kind of situation happens many times every day! It’s all caused by queuing up to enter the town! Don’t worry, Lord City Lord, they won’t be able to make a fuss!”

"Does this happen every day?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and couldn't help asking the guards. Seeing them nodding their heads affirmatively, she felt inexplicably worried!

(End of this chapter)

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