Chapter 2995
What Ji Xiaoyan couldn't figure out was that for those town guards who were used to seeing all this, they knew it all clearly.So after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, those town guards immediately laughed, then looked in the direction of the town, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Your Excellency, you will understand after thinking about it." So many aborigines are the main force to attack that Shacheng! If they don’t carry enough things on their backs, how can they rush into Shacheng? Today’s Shacheng does not have a town protection barrier, for them These aborigines are very beneficial! As long as you can rush into Shacheng to find the Master Lehe from the Resurrection Gate, then this is equivalent to being able to directly knock on the gate of the Resurrection Gate and benefit from it for life It’s a great thing! Isn’t it? So as long as they can buy the potion earlier, they can enter Shacheng earlier and capture that Lord Lehe from the Resurrection Gate! This is definitely more important for them It's better, isn't it?"

Everyone understands the principle of first come, first served!
"But they don't have to guard our town!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and asked those town guards, "They can go to other towns to replenish! For these aborigines, their The needs should be different from those of adventurers! As long as they can use it, it’s the same in any town you buy it from! Aren’t the potions and things in our town just different for those adventurers?”

"You don't know anything about this city lord!" The town guards couldn't help laughing when they heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said seriously to her: "The potion sold in our town, But it has a special effect on attacking Shacheng! That's why these aborigines and adventurers desperately want to enter our city to buy potions and armor! Otherwise, they don't have to queue up here no?"

"It's good for breaking into Shacheng? Why didn't I find out?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, and tried hard to recall the attributes of the things she bought in this town, but she frowned at the town the guard asked.

Those town guards still smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This is after the city owner established the teleportation array outside, the aboriginals in our town researched it! The purpose is to let our town Play an important role when those adventurers and aborigines attack Shacheng, and can also earn more gold coins for our town and Qingcheng!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard such an official statement, he couldn't help laughing immediately, and asked the town guards, "Your mayor said this, right?"

"That's right!" The town guards laughed, nodded affirmatively at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "The mayor said that our town has become like this thanks to the support of the city lord." With such an appearance, it is natural to try every means to repay the city owner! Our town can't do too much for Qingcheng, so it is good to only earn more gold coins for Qingcheng! Otherwise, wait until one day Shacheng reacted, if our town is destroyed, if we go to Qingcheng to avoid it, we will lose face!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he really could only laugh hahaha, not knowing what to say!She is also very lucky to have the support of the aborigines in such a town!

So, nodding his head, Ji Xiaoyan immediately said to the town guards: "Okay, then I don't care about the things here, you just watch it. As long as the adventurers and the aborigines don't make too much trouble, Just let them go!"

"Yes!" The town guards also squinted their eyes and nodded with a smile, then sent Ji Xiaoyan and the others away from the city gate, and watched them go in the direction of the teleportation array outside the city.

It's just as crowded as the inside of the town, and the teleportation array outside the city also had aboriginals and adventurers pouring out, looking around excitedly, and then divided into two groups, one group went straight One group came from the direction of the town, and the other group went directly to the direction of Shacheng.

After avoiding a lot of people, Ji Xiaoyan and the others took Xuan Mo and the town guards to the direction of the outer wall of the teleportation array, and then found a door to get in, and saw the extremely crowded crowd inside. coming and going crowd.

"Master City Lord, shall we continue to move forward?" The town guards who entered the teleportation array looked forward, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan, "If Lord City Master wants to use the teleportation array, Let's take a detour for you! There's a teleporter over there!"

"No, no, no! I'm just looking!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled while standing there, waved at the town guards, and leaned against the tall wall next to the teleportation array to look inside. Then he asked the town guards: "Is there no one making trouble here?"

"No!" The town guards were stunned for a moment, but they said to Ji Xiaoyan with affirmation: "We are the only teleportation array near this Shacheng that they can use! Even if they have any dissatisfaction or something Yes, it is impossible to show it to us or the teleporters, and it is even more impossible to cause trouble here! If we don’t use the teleportation array for them, then they have to cross thousands of mountains and rivers to get here. How much energy and time will be spent during this period is immeasurable! These aborigines and adventurers are not that stupid!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, with a look of gratification on his face, seeing the crowded crowd that kept coming in and out, and after standing in place with Xuan Mo for a long time, he signaled to the town guards to take them from the teleportation Coming out of the formation, ready to go back to the town, it can be regarded as giving the town a tour.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that before they got close to the city gate, they were stopped by a huge crowd, and there was no way to squeeze back.

"My lord, let's find a way out for you!" The town guards behind Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned serious, and said something seriously to Ji Xiaoyan, but they didn't move, but looked at him. Ji Xiaoyan waved his hand, then glanced at the teleportation array behind him, and asked, "I remember that our teleportation array was set up at the beginning, so it can be directly teleported back to the town?!"

"It's possible! It's just that most of the teleportation arrays are teleported here now. It's not easy for the city lord to squeeze in and teleport to the town!" The town guards frowned, looking worriedly at Ji Xiaoyan said.

"After all, there are much fewer people there than here!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the town guards, and then said: "Let's go! We'd better go back to the teleportation formation and let the teleporter teleport us back directly." All right."

Naturally, those town guards would not refute Ji Xiaoyan's decision!So the group protected Ji Xiaoyan and they returned to the vicinity of the teleportation array, ready to teleport away!

But before Ji Xiaoyan and the others entered the gate of the teleportation array, they heard another commotion outside the town, turned around and saw a large wave of monsters had joined the adventurers and aborigines who were waiting in line outside the town They fought.

"What's going on here?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking the town guards in surprise as soon as he saw this situation.

"It's just a daily attack!" The town guards looked calm and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, you know that there are always monsters outside our town, and occasionally those monsters They will be killed by those adventurers and aborigines, and they will appear again after a while. Then there will be a scene like this! It is not a very rare scene, these monsters will appear in a while We don’t need to do it by those aborigines and adventurers!”

"Do these monsters appear frequently?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked the town guards.

"If they are all killed, they will appear at least a dozen times a day! It is even more powerful at night. Those adventurers and aborigines have complained to us, so at night, our town will also send out guards to help Let them resist these monsters together, but during the daytime, they don’t care about it!" The town guards said something seriously to Ji Xiaoyan, watching her look worriedly at the direction of the commotion in the distance, and then Continued: "However, those adventurers like the appearance of these monsters very much. If the aborigines kill the monsters, those adventurers will rush to grab things. Some are lucky. Still picked up a lot of good leather!"

I'm afraid it's not just leather and the like!If more good things didn't come out, how could those players be so active?
"They're not afraid to kill monsters by themselves, won't they be able to line up in the city?" Yu Mo frowned, and couldn't help but ask the town guards, but smiled when he saw them up.

"You don't have to worry about this, Master Xuan Mo! These adventurers and the aborigines are still very disciplined! They all remember who they are around, and unless those adventurers are killed and disappear, otherwise there will be no queue jumping. something like that!"

"Such a rule? Are there no exceptions?" Xuan Mo's eyes widened, and he asked the town guards in disbelief.

"It wasn't like this before!" The town guards smiled and said to Xuan Mo, "But isn't our mayor here? When it was chaotic before, the outside of this town was a mess. Fighting and robbing, the mayor looked a bit outrageous, so he set rules for all adventurers and aborigines, but if they found someone jumping in line, they would be disqualified from entering the town! Those adventurers For the supplies in our town, you and the aborigines can only obey the rules! That's why the city lord looks like you are seeing now!"

Xuan Mo finally understood, and couldn't help laughing immediately: "From this point of view, your mayor has spent a lot of thought!"

"That's right! It's all for the sake of the town!" The town guards also nodded proudly, smiled at Xuan Mo and Ji Xiaoyan, and then signaled them to continue in the direction of the teleportation formation.It's just that Xuan Mo wanted to stay and watch the excitement, so he asked Ji Xiaoyan to wait together, watching the adventurers fight with the aborigines and those monsters.

As the town guards said, after killing all the monsters, the aborigines returned to the team to line up. They immediately rushed up cheerfully, each chose their own position, and began to clean up, but they didn't mean to fight for the things that those monsters exploded at all.

Everything looks in order!

Ji Xiaoyan had to admire the mayor, it was not easy to toss these aborigines and adventurers into such a well-mannered state!

"The monsters are also killed, let's go!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Xuan Mo, gave him a look and was about to leave.

But at this moment, an adventurer suddenly stood up from behind the monster, and shouted in great surprise: "Fuck, I found the treasure! I found the treasure!"

"What kind of treasures do these monsters have?" Someone couldn't help shouting, but the voice of that adventurer still attracted the attention of all the aboriginal language adventurers queuing outside the city, which made Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo They all looked in his direction.

"Killing resistance! It's killing resistance!" The adventurer yelled loudly, raised a piece of paper-like thing in his hand, and shouted to everyone: "This thing, you can Resist Shacheng's slaughter!"


For a moment, everyone looked at the adventurer in shock and couldn't help asking him.

Ji Xiaoyan also frowned, and asked the town guards beside him, "What is Killing Resistance?"

"It's not surprising that the city lord doesn't know!" Those town guards also had serious expressions on their faces. After looking at the adventurer, they said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This Shacheng has no town protection barrier now. After that, there is an inexplicable killing attack on the body, which is independent of their attack! As long as we non-Shacheng aborigines and adventurers get close to them, these killing attacks will automatically start to damage us. The two superimposed, this damage is very big! The reason why the potions and protective gear sold in our town are sought after by these adventurers and aborigines is because they carry a little Killing and resisting will allow them to take less damage when fighting against the aborigines in Shacheng! However, this is the first time we have seen such a thing appear on these monsters! This adventurer is very lucky! "

(End of this chapter)

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