Chapter 2996 Balance
In fact, everyone didn't understand why the aborigines in Shacheng in the past didn't have the ability to kill and attack like they do now, but now such ability suddenly appeared, and it hurt them so much!
But if you don’t understand, there’s nothing you can do about it. The strength and attack that caused harm to the aborigines are there. If the adults are taken away, the only plan now is to find a way to resist the attack and damage of the aborigines in Shacheng!
And the protective gear and potion researched by the towns outside the Shacheng will naturally be sought after by all the aborigines and adventurers after they have the ability to withstand this killing attack!

But now that the adventurer has suddenly picked up a prop that is more resistant to killing attacks, how can it not make those aborigines and adventurers go crazy?
Some things are just like that, there is no harm without contrast!
If it is said that the potions and protective gear in this Shacheng town have been of great help to these aborigines and adventurers in their invasion of Shacheng, then the thing that this adventurer is holding in his hand now clearly writes With the attribute of resisting killing, it makes all the aborigines and adventurers a little jealous!

Treasures are destined to be scrambled for!

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that in such a situation, the adventurer who picked up the item would definitely be besieged by other people and eventually killed, and then the item would be exploded for others to steal!But Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised. Whether it was the jealous adventurers or the aborigines, they all surrounded the adventurer, but they didn't have the slightest intention to grab it directly. Instead, someone immediately Starting from the price, I want to buy it from him at a high price.

Such a harmonious scene surprised the player Ji Xiaoyan!
You must know that in this game world, under normal circumstances, if someone picks up a good thing, they are destined to be chased and killed. It will not end until the thing is exploded and snatched away by the most powerful person. !But now such a friendly situation is really rare.

"Why didn't those aborigines and adventurers rush up and grab it?" Xuan Mo seemed to be very confused about this question, and couldn't help but ask the town guards directly, but looked at their faces with a smile on their faces. With a natural expression, he smiled and said to him, "They all know the rules! Master Xuan Mo, think about it, if this is really a move, the adventurer will be killed for no reason. , just to snatch the thing in his hand from him, then other people who don’t get that thing will have to be blacklisted by our town to prevent them from entering?”

When Xuan Mo heard this, he immediately understood everything.

"These adventurers and aborigines are very sober! Everyone is very clear in their hearts that there is only one thing. Even if they snatch it, they will have to rely on everything in our town in the future. If it is really stolen If you have been blacklisted, it will not be so easy if you want to enter the town in the future! Then why should you lose your future interests for such a thing? Who can guarantee that after snatching this thing, you will be able to go all the way? Go into Shacheng unimpeded, and bring out Master Lehe from the Resurrection Gate? So, obey the rules, and there are benefits to obeying the rules!" The town guards said with a relaxed smile.

So, at this moment, in front of that adventurer, all the aborigines and adventurers gathered in a circle, and started bidding one after another, wanting to take that thing from him!And for that adventurer, being able to pick up such a thing is not a hot potato, but a good opportunity to really make a fortune!This is really a great thing!
Therefore, the adventurer wanted to keep things for himself, so he just shouted and showed off!But now, after seeing so many aborigines and adventurers offering prices to him, and the price really moved his heart, the player quickly thought about it in his heart, and finally decided to sell this thing !
After all, as a person, it is almost impossible for him to take such a thing into Shacheng and capture an aborigine!so.If this thing is exchanged for money, it will be more cost-effective for him!

Thinking of this, the player immediately looked relaxed, and immediately changed his mood, as if he had let go of all the burden and pressure on the whole person, and then immediately raised the thing in his hand, and began to report to everyone. Then he said to all the aborigines and adventurers: "I know everyone wants this thing. I'm lucky, and I don't want to keep it for myself. It just so happens that I also need gold coins, so let's have one." The best of both worlds, the highest price wins, what do you think?"

"That's natural!"

Both the adventurer and the aborigines immediately nodded in agreement after hearing this, and followed the adventurer's asking price, and began to increase the price one after another!
Just such a thing, in the end, the adventurer earned thousands of gold coins for nothing, and then handed this thing to an adventurer. Seeing the man's extremely proud look, the adventurer But he smiled, put the gold coins into his bag, turned around and went back to line up outside the city gate.

"There are quite a few rich adventurers here!" The town guards who followed Ji Xiaoyan also saw this situation, and couldn't help but say something to Ji Xiaoyan, watching her turn her head and look at him in doubt. Behind him, the town guards immediately sighed and said: "Master City Lord, you don't know! These adventurers are extremely stingy when they enter our town to buy things! One silver coin can buy two bottles They insisted on negotiating with the mayor, and asked the mayor to reduce the price to three bottles. I don’t know where they got the courage to be so sure that the mayor would agree to them! We thought that these adventurers They are all so poor, so they can't afford too many potions. I really didn't expect that this move costs thousands of gold coins, but it has to catch up with our town's income for several days! Such adventurers are still there We are crying poor in the town, we really can't imagine it!"

"I can't even imagine it!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but shook his head, and said to the town guards: "I also can't imagine that such a thing can be sold for a sky-high price! I don't know this What kind of things did you spend thousands of gold coins on?"

"It's so simple!" Xuan Mo smiled at Ji Xiaoyan immediately after hearing the words, and then said, "If you want to know, why don't we just go to the buyer and take it for a look? Xiaoyan, you are the city lord." Well, don’t you need to worry about such a small matter?”

"If the aborigines who bought this thing, I think I can give it a try! But if you are an adventurer now, it may not be able to get friendship, let them show me!" Ji Xiaoyan heard Xuan But Mo sighed, and then said to him: "Besides, we used to be useless in the past, anyway, we will not go to Shacheng to do anything, since these adventurers like to toss , let them toss about it! Let's just watch it as a show!"

When Xuan Mo heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he couldn't help frowning, and after looking at her over and over again, he asked Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously: "Xiaoyan thinks that if you are an adventurer, you won't Is it easy to deal with?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but shook his head, and couldn't explain clearly!She just felt that if she went to those adventurers and asked for that thing to take a look at, maybe they would not agree to it at all, and what a shame it would be!After all, she is not a complete aborigine, and she still has the characteristics of a player!No matter how gorgeous the clothes are, as long as the adventurers think she is a player, it is impossible for them to agree to show her such an important thing at will!

However, Xuan Mo didn't think so!
Seeing Ji Xiaoyan frowning, Xuan Mo didn't say much at all, and walked towards the player who bought the item. As soon as Ji Xiaoyan saw this situation, he immediately shouted at Xuan Mo, and then He wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Xuan Mo waving his hand.

"Xiaoyan, you just wait here, I'll just go over and have a look!" Xuan Mo seemed to understand Ji Xiaoyan's thoughts, and immediately smiled at her, and then said: "Don't worry, I'll be able to get all of you out soon." I have heard all the information!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he also looked at Xuan Mo with a surprised face. He wanted to catch up with him, but he gave up after seeing that Xuan Mo had already accelerated and approached the adventurers. Xuan Mo went over and whispered to the adventurer.

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan saw that the adventurer handed the item to Xuan Mo very straightforwardly, and asked him to look at it carefully, then carefully took it back, and chatted with Xuan Mo again After saying a few words, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo and returned.

"See clearly?" Ji Xiaoyan wrinkled and did not ask.

After seeing Ji Xiaoyan's appearance at this moment, Xuan Mo couldn't help but smile smugly, and then told Ji Xiaoyan about the appearance and attributes of that thing.

Speaking of that thing, it’s actually just a crude armor!It is not very unusual!

As for how the thing fell from the monster to look like armor, all the aborigines knew tacitly that they should be attributed to the masterpiece of the Lord God!So it doesn't mean that people want to get entangled in this matter.And the attribute of that thing is very simple, there is only one attribute that resists [-]% of killing, but such a single attribute, for these adventurers and aborigines, it is really very important!

You know, the potion and protective gear in this town can withstand the killing attacks of the Shacheng aborigines, only between [-]% and [-]%, such a low probability has made all adventurers Since the hunters and aborigines have sought after it so far, then this thing that can kill and resist [-]% of the attributes is naturally worth the high price!

then.After Ji Xiaoyan finally clearly expressed his understanding, he looked in the direction of the adventurers who bought the item, and said, "If you think about it this way, this item is worth the price."

"That's right!" Xuan Mo also nodded immediately, and then whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, you don't know, those adventurers just told me that the aborigines in Shacheng are carrying The killing attack is very powerful!If they weren't protected by these killing and resisting things, they would have suffered heavy casualties!I don't know what happened to the aborigines in Shacheng, how could they develop such abilities?Or are you saying that the city lord of Shacheng did all of this?Is it because Shacheng doesn't have the protective barrier of the town, so she handed over all these abilities to the natives of Shacheng? "

"Maybe it is!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought for a while, and after looking in the direction of Shacheng, he said to Xuan Mo: "Anyway, no matter what, the aborigines in Shacheng are now There have been changes, and this monster has also changed, allowing adventurers to pick up such good armor, I believe there will be more such situations in the future! This is also true for the aborigines of Shacheng. There are more checks and balances! Think about it and there is nothing!"

At least it guarantees the balance of the game, doesn't it?This is also a good thing!

Xuan Mo nodded, but looked at the aborigines and adventurers, and said with a smile, "But! It will be even more lively outside this town! Even at night, these The aborigines and adventurers will no longer ask the guards of our town for help! They may have to do it themselves, and clean up after killing every monster!"

That is to say, the aborigines who would not rob the adventurers in the first place will not give in in the future!

So it is inevitable that this town will become more lively!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, and ordered the town guards in a low voice to tell their mayor about the situation, and then he took Xuan Mo back to the city with peace of mind. In the teleportation array, after tossing for a long time, he finally took the position, teleported to the town, and then returned to Qingcheng from the teleportation array in the town.

I thought I could rest for a while, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that she had just sent Xuan Mo away to rest. She hadn't had time to rest in the palace in the city lord's mansion when she heard the guards of Qingcheng report that there was something wrong. The aborigines of the sub-protoss came to ask for a visit!

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning immediately, her face was full of confusion, she couldn't figure out what the aborigines of the sub-god race came to find her for!It seems that I didn't hear what happened!

(End of this chapter)

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