The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2998 Don't dare to stay

Chapter 2998 Don't dare to stay
For the aborigines of the sub-god race, they definitely don't want to lose Kaka.

Now that Jiajia has made them, the aboriginals, live a bad life, they can only send it to Qingcheng first, but that is also temporary. After their patriarch comes back, how Jiajia will arrange it next is all up to necessity. Negotiable again.If it is because of the current incident that Jiajia is not willing to come to their sub-protoss in the future, the aborigines of these sub-protoss will not agree.

So, after hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, the aborigine of the Sub-God Clan immediately nodded, thanked Ji Xiaoyan quickly, and then took her to the settlement of the Sub-God Clan, with other After some discussion, they reappeared on the grassland of the sub-protoss, and asked the Malu sand beasts to find Jiajia.

After discussing with the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan, Ji Xiaoyan gave Jiajia a very simple reason, that is, the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan took people to find the Fox Clan and hadn’t returned for a long time, so the rest of them The people will send some more to find the patriarch of the sub-shen clan and others, so Ji Xiaoyan can take advantage of this opportunity to take Jiajia back to Qingcheng to live for a while. The aborigines of the sub-shen clan have agreed to this matter .

Jiajia didn't show any curiosity about it. When he heard that Ji Xiaoyan was willing to let him go back now, Jiajia was very happy. He nodded and agreed, and then looked at the aborigines of the sub-protoss. His complexion was not very good, and after thinking about it, he reassured them and said: "After your patriarch comes back, you can come to Qingcheng and tell Jiajia, and Jiajia will come to the sub-protoss to have a look at that time! Don't worry, Jiajia I will not abandon you!"

The aborigines of the sub-god race were all so relieved when they heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, they almost cried out of excitement!

"Then let's go back!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced in the direction of Xuan Mo, and saw that his face was not looking well, so he hurriedly said something to Jiajia, and after waving goodbye to the aborigines of the sub-god race He immediately stepped onto the teleportation formation, and took Jiajia back to Qingcheng directly, which shocked the aborigines and adventurers near the transmission formation in Qingcheng.

"Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan! See? Jiajia is very powerful now, they are all afraid of Jiajia!" Jiajia looked extremely excited, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jiajia can protect Xiaoyan now!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan could only smile, and nodded to Jiajia, indicating that it had entered the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion together, and then asked Jiajia in a bit of embarrassment: "Jiajia, how long are you now?" It’s a bit older, maybe I can only go to the tower and be with Cenarion.”

"Okay! Jiajia knows!" I thought that Jiajia would be unhappy, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that Jiajia agreed immediately, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan eagerly and asked: "It's just Xiaoyan, Jiajia has been here recently The sub-protoss are very obedient, and Brick hasn't got the potion yet, can Xiaoyan let Brick supply the potion to Jiajia?"

"Of course it is possible!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and after agreeing to Kaga, he sent it to the tower to stay temporarily, and then on the way away with Xuan Mo, he couldn't help asking him Said: "Xu Mo, I looked at you as if you had stayed with Jia Jia for a while before, and your complexion was a bit uneasy! Did something happen?"

Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some resentment, then took a deep breath, and said to her: "I think Gaga may have to continue to grow, and our City Lord's Mansion may not be able to accommodate it!"

"What do you mean by that?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, but looked at Xuan Mo with a puzzled face.Chairman Jiajia, that is a must!

However, Xuan Mo glanced behind him, and after confirming that he was far away from the tower, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, you left with the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and I ran around with Jiajia, I found that Jiajia is different from before! Its speed and strength are more powerful than before, and in the process, I found that Jiajia has been growing!"

"It's impossible!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Xuan Mo with a puzzled face and said, "We gave Jiajia the potion before, didn't there be any response? It's only been a long time, but It’s been growing rapidly all the time! This seems to be something wrong! Have you ever asked Jiajia what’s going on?”

"I must have asked!" Xuan Mo nodded, with a confused look on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jajia said, it is staying in the sub-protoss, and when it is hungry and thirsty, drink some The potion will do! The rest, there is nothing special! It doesn't know anything by itself!"

"The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan don't even know what to say!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little bit more, and said to Xuan Mo with a worried face: "I'm worried now, what will happen to Jiajia?" Not a good situation."

"You mean, it grows too fast?" Yu Mo also understood this truth, and immediately frowned and asked Ji Xiaoyan. After watching her nod, he thought for a while, and then asked: "This matter is not only related to the sub-shen race." The aborigines of the sub-shen clan, we can't find anyone to ask, and now the patriarch of the sub-shen clan is not here, and the aborigines of the sub-shen clan don't know the reason, we want to ask, but we can't find anyone to ask!"

"Yeah! That's the most important thing!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, with a look of worry on his face, "Now we can only look at the situation first! Pay more attention to the situation of Jiajia, as long as there is something uncomfortable about it Let's go take a look and find the problem!"

Xuan Mo nodded, and then went back to his room to rest.

Ji Xiaoyan arranged for someone to go to Brick to bring the potion to Jiajia, and then returned to his palace. He and Chief Qing Gong, who had already received the news and was waiting there, took care of some Qingcheng matters. some.

I thought that there wouldn't be too many troubles in the next time, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that she wouldn't have much time to rest.

Before dawn, there was a sudden roar in the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng, which woke up all the aborigines in the city lord's mansion.

"What happened? Did the guards go over to check?" Ji Xiaoyan was also taken aback, and quickly asked the maids in the palace, and then rushed out of the palace immediately. I happened to meet the guards who came to report the news.

"What happened?"

"My lord, it's the tower! It's Jiajia!" the Qingcheng guard immediately said to Ji Xiaoyan, and then led her towards the tower, and said to her, "Jiajia seems to be A little irritable, he knocked down a part of the wall on the other side of the tower, and now he was stopped by Lord Cenarion, and he was yelling over there!"

"Jajia?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned suddenly, and hurried towards the direction of the tower, and soon saw Xuan Mo and Friesman staying with the guards of Qingcheng, hiding outside the tower wall, looking in.

"Why are you all here?"

"Xiaoyan, there is something wrong with Jiajia!" As soon as Yu Mo saw Ji Xiaoyan, he immediately said to her, then pointed to the tower, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jiajia seems to have gone crazy!"

"Crazy?! What's going on here?" When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, she couldn't help becoming a little nervous, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the tower, and saw that Gaga was being held down by Cenarion at this moment. He fell to the ground, struggling constantly, and there were still many ice cubes hanging on his body.

"I looked at Jiajia as if I was not sober, so I quickly lost a few spells!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him, Friesman hurriedly said something, seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't intend to blame him, and then said: "It's just that Jiajia is like this, it looks like it's really crazy! I'm frozen, it doesn't seem to get better at all! And, when did Jiajia grow bigger than Cenarion? Today's Cenarion looks like, It seems that I can't suppress Kaka anymore!"

Naturally, Ji Xiaoyan also saw this situation, so he frowned a little bit more.

The previous Gaga was much smaller than Cenarion, so to say he was bullied by Cenarion, that would be appropriate!But now, Gaga's size has become huge several times, and this Cenarion's weight on it also looks a bit petite!If it wasn't for the power of the dragon, it is estimated that Cenarion would have been thrown away by Kaga!
"Go and help, see what's going on with Jiajia!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked in the direction of Jiajia, and then gave instructions to everyone, watching everyone rush to Jiajia, this time Only then did he look around and saw that Brick was also in the crowd, so he hurriedly shouted at him: "Brick, is there any potion that can make Jiajia quieter?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Brick seemed to have just reacted, and quickly took out some potions from his arms and handed them to Ji Xiaoyan, and then watched Ji Xiaoyan immediately rush to Jiajia, grabbing the gap and directly pouring the potions It was poured into Jiajia's mouth.

Gaga, who was still a little bit uncontrollable for Cenarion, finally calmed down slowly under the effect of the potion, and finally lay motionless on the ground.

"What the hell is going on?!" Cenarion heaved a sigh of relief, couldn't help but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some complaints, and asked her, "Is this Kaga? How did it become this What does it look like? What happened to it?"

"We also want to know what happened to it!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked helpless, said something to Cenarion, and then asked: "When did you rush over to Cenarion? What happened without seeing it?"

"What can I see!" Cenarion rolled his eyes directly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I was just going to come back to take a look, who knew that when I came back, I saw that Gaga just hit the wall. I didn’t recognize it, and thought it was some kind of monster rushing into the city, so I immediately fought with Jiajia, and then I heard the guards say it was Jiajia, so it didn’t hurt it!”

"We came here only after we heard the movement!" Xuan Mo and the others hurriedly said something, then looked at the Qingcheng guards aside, and asked them: "You are guarding here, are you here?" Did you see what happened?"


Those Qingcheng guards shook their heads in tacit understanding, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "We have been guarding outside all this time, and suddenly we heard Jiajia moans that seemed to be uncomfortable, so we hurried over to take a look. It yelled a few times, but it seemed like it couldn't hear anything, and then it didn't take long to hit the wall directly!"

Then, Cenarion appeared!
"That is to say, no one knows what happened?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned tightly, looked around the crowd, and became even more depressed after seeing everyone nodding.

In other words, if you want to know what happened, maybe you can only ask Jiajia.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan is worried, even if he asks Jiajia, he still doesn't know.

Brick's potion is still very useful!At least, let Gaga lie quietly on the ground and sleep for a long time, only to wake up when it was almost noon!Moreover, by the looks of it, all the anomalies have been resolved!

"Xiaoyan? Why are you all here?" Jiajia seemed to know nothing and didn't remember anything. He opened his eyes and saw Ji Xiaoyan and the others appearing beside him, and immediately looked at them with a puzzled expression. asked in a circle.

"Jajia, don't you remember what happened?" Cenarion frowned and asked Jiajia unhappily.

"What happened?" Jiajia looked innocently at everyone, and then asked in puzzlement, "Why are you all like those sub-protoss? Something weird!?"

"The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan asked you too?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned when he heard this, and an idea popped into his mind instantly. After watching Jiajia nodding his head affirmatively, he understood everything immediately !
All right!Co-authoring the noise that would occur in the middle of the night in Jiajia did not just appear in Qingcheng, it should have appeared in the sub-protoss a long time ago, and even appeared every day. The sand beasts have been tossed to death, that's why the aborigines of the sub-protoss asked to send Jiajia to Qingcheng to let them recover!
Xuan Mo also thought of this, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan knowingly, and then asked Jiajia: "Jiajia, do you feel any discomfort in your body now?"

"Uncomfortable? No!" Jiajia moved his body, moved briefly, and then seriously said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Jiajia feels very comfortable! It's just Xiaoyan, it seems that Jiajia has grown up a bit, yes?"

Ji Xiaoyan could only nod her head when she saw her current body shape, but she was even more worried in her heart!
This growth of Jiajia is really abnormal!

(End of this chapter)

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