The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 2999 One testimonial is fine

Chapter 2999 It's good to witness

After repeatedly confirming with Gaga many times, but still not getting any strange answers, Ji Xiaoyan could only nod, and led the people out of the tower, letting Gaga stay with Cenarion, and Let Cenarion take a good look at Gaga, and notify him immediately if there is anything.

"Otherwise, let's go to the sub-shen clan and ask again?" Yu Mo frowned, and suggested to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, think about it, this Jiajia was raised by the aborigines of the sub-shen clan before. What's wrong, the current aborigines of their sub-gods don't know, but there will always be some ancient books and other things in their sub-gods? We can find clues!"

"If there is, the aborigines of the sub-protoss must have looked for it a long time ago?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and couldn't help but said to Xuan Mo, "The reason why they sent Jiajia back to us Qingcheng came here because of the changes like Jiajia. They don’t know what’s going on, and the aborigines really have nothing to do! If they really knew the reason, how could they think of a way?”

"What if they know the reason, but they just have no way to solve it?" Friesman followed behind Ji Xiaoyan, but suddenly said: "Even if the aborigines of the sub-protoss will send Jiajia back, they won't be able to solve it." Worrying about what will happen to Jiajia in our Qingcheng, which will affect our attitude towards them, it must be because we know what kind of situation Jiajia can only have at most, and our Qingcheng can bear it, right?"

"What do you mean by that, the people of the sub-god race know something, but they didn't say it? Just want to leave Jiajia to us and pass this time?" Ji Xiaoyan seemed to be awakened, a little surprised He asked Friesman confidently, and after watching him nod, he said again: "Jajia's problem is just that the sub-protoss can't solve it. Let's clear the city, maybe there is no way?"

"That's right! So let's go ask!" Friesman nodded immediately, but said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Even if they really don't know anything, we have to tell them about Jiajia, so that they A little guilty, isn't it? This will be good for us in the future, right?"

"I think what Friesman said makes sense!" Yu Mo nodded quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan in agreement: "This sub-protoss doesn't want to form an alliance with us, so they insisted on robbing Jiajia and leaving. Throw it to us, Xiaoyan, you were thinking of them before, and you didn't let Jiajia know what their sub-gods were thinking. To their sub-gods, this is already doing the best of humanity! If they really still keep something from us and don't say anything , Then we are not counted by them? Even if they count us, why can’t we ask for some benefits? At least, we should let them be able to do something about the sub-protoss when we bring up the alliance in the future Isn’t there a reason to waver?”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at everyone with such an attitude, and after thinking about it, he could only nod his head, and waited for some Qingcheng guards and Xuan Mo to step on the teleportation array again, and teleported directly to the sub-god clan!As for Friesman and the others, they were left behind, waiting in the castellan's mansion, watching Jiajia carefully!

In case there is any movement in Jiajia, this Friesman's spell can still help Cenarion a little, can't it?

Returning to the sub-shen clan again, Ji Xiaoyan went straight to the gathering place of the sub-shen clan, randomly found an aborigine of the sub-shen clan to find someone, and found an old elder who was in charge of the sub-shen clan who stayed in the sub-shen clan up.

That elder had silver hair all over his head, his whole face was wrinkled together, the eyelids of his eyes were pulled up, it was impossible to see whether they were open or closed!
"Elder!" An aborigine of the sub-god race cautiously called out to the elder, and seeing his eyelids move, he quickly turned his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Master Ji, elder Wake up, if you have any questions, just ask!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the elder inquiringly, and then he opened his mouth and directly told about Jiajia's situation in Qingcheng and the news about Jiajia he heard from the aborigines of the sub-god tribe before, and then said to Looking at the elder, he asked: "Elder, we came here this time just to ask, this Jiajia was once raised by your former patriarch, and there must be some records left in the process of raising Jiajia. Is it right? Jiajia has such a situation now, why, and how to solve it, etc., you sub-protoss should have some records or passed down the words?"

"Master Ji, is he looking for something from the past?" The aborigine of the sub-protoss who was guarding the elder seemed to understand the meaning of Ji Xiaoyan's words immediately, and asked her in surprise, After seeing Ji Xiaoyan nodding his head affirmatively, he thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji also knows that the inheritance of our sub-god clan was broken at the place of the previous patriarch, and now the only one who can understand Those inheritances are only Jiajia, and we are all counting on Jiajia to retell those things! If we really want to say what the former patriarch left behind, only Jiajia can know! We have no way to understand of!"

What this means is that the sub-gods don't know anything, and they can't help them?

Ji Xiaoyan frowned suddenly: "What do you mean by that, you sub-gods don't know what's going on in the current situation?"

"That's for sure!" The aborigine of the sub-protoss immediately nodded affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If we find out, we will definitely tell the city owner about you when we send Jiajia to Qingcheng Ah! Even if our sub-god race didn't form an alliance with Qingcheng, we can't harm Qingcheng, can we?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, could only nod his head, and looked at the elder: "Does the elder also know nothing?"

The aborigine of the Sub-God Clan didn't interject. Following Ji Xiaoyan's gaze, he looked at the elder again, but he saw his head move slightly, and then a hand that had been resting on the chair But the fingers are curled up.

"Elder! Do you know?" The aborigine of the sub-protoss suddenly looked surprised, and couldn't help asking, then looked in the direction the elder pointed, and then nodded quickly, He said excitedly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord, wait a moment! The elder seems to know something, I'll go find it!"

Ji Xiaoyan also nodded with some anticipation, quickly thanked the elder, then sat down on the chair, watched the aborigine of the sub-protoss rush to the far wall, and rummaged through it.

"In this way, the people of the sub-divine race really don't know anything!" Yu Mo couldn't help but sighed and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan, then looked at the elder and said: "They The elder is also very good! I can hardly move, but I can still think of clues!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and couldn't help but smile.

At least, as long as the sub-protoss didn't disappoint her!

The aborigine of the sub-protoss kept searching from place to place in the house. It seemed that every time he found one place, he would be reminded of the next place. After searching for a long time, he finally hugged a bunch of put the scroll in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a happy face: "Master Ji City Lord, I found everything I could find! There are a lot of things, and you won't be able to read them all in a while, Why don't I go find someone now, let's look for clues together?!"

"it is good!"

As long as the sub-gods didn't deliberately hide anything, Ji Xiaoyan still felt that they were very credible!
The aborigines of the sub-god race came very quickly. They spread out all the piles of scrolls, took up their positions and began to search. After searching for a long time, they finally found some clues.

Ji Xiaoyan looked through all the things he found excitedly, and frowned after sorting them out carefully.

"That is to say, Gaga grew up like this before?!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at two images of Gaga with completely different body shapes drawn on a scroll, but said with some concern: "But this scroll says Yes, it takes a long time for Jiajia to grow! But looking at it now, the speed of Jiajia's growth every day is completely different!"

"Could it be because Jiajia was resurrected?" The aborigine of the sub-protoss guarding the elder thought about it, and said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "Master Ji, think about it." , Is there such a possibility? After Jiajia died in battle, the former patriarch sent him to the Resurrection Gate, which was intended to revive Jiajia directly. But Jiajia had some problems at the Resurrection Gate, not only became smaller Now, it has become even weaker! This is why the Resurrection Gate returned all the things to our sub-protoss! Could it be because of this that Gaga became different?"

"But it's been a long time since Jiajia's resurrection! I haven't seen Chang before?!" Yu Mo frowned, couldn't help but refute, and then frowned and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "No, it's actually because of the potion. Bar?"

"Potion?" The aborigine of the sub-protoss who was guarding the elder shook his head, and said to Xuan Mo: "This is impossible! The potion of our sub-protoss, all the Mabunsha beasts If there is a problem with the potion, then all the Malu sand beasts in our sub-shen clan will have problems! How could it be that only Jiajia has problems?"

"Could it be Brick's potion?" Yu Mo frowned a little more, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jajia has always said that Brick's potion is delicious, and he likes it very much." ! Will the problem appear here?"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and said after a while: "I can only go back to verify this!"

"Master Ji, if you need help from our sub-gods, just ask for help!" The aborigines of the sub-gods thought about it for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Speaking of it, it can be regarded as our sub-gods." Now that the patriarch is not here, we can't suppress Jiajia, so we can only leave Jiajia to you, City Lord Ji, to worry about. We talked about it! As long as our sub-protoss can help, we will definitely not refuse!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at those scrolls, and then asked the aborigines of the sub-god race: "Can I take these scrolls back to Qingcheng first, and then have a look at them?"

"Yes, yes!" The aborigines of the Sub-God Clan were very generous, nodded directly, and then helped Ji Xiaoyan put away all the things, watching Ji Xiaoyan say goodbye to the elder and prepare to leave At that time, the aborigine of the sub-god clan who was guarding the elder said to Ji Xiaoyan again: "Master Ji, do you need some people from our sub-god clan to help Qingcheng? Although we don't have many people in our clan, but However, there is a problem in Jiajia, and there is a lot of trouble in Qingcheng, so we, the sub-gods, still need to help!"

Ji Xiaoyan originally wanted to refuse, but Xuan Mo immediately nodded and agreed, so Ji Xiaoyan was inconvenient to say anything more, so he could only smile and say: "Then I'll have to work!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" The aborigine of the sub-protoss looked relieved, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and then immediately turned around to arrange people.

Only then did Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Xuan Mo with a puzzled expression and asked, "Xu Mo, even if the people from the sub-god race go to help, it won't be of much help! Why let them go to Qingcheng again? What if If something happens to them, I can't explain it."

"I let them go, that's all I want them to see!" Yan Mo winked at Ji Xiaoyan slyly, and then said: "If no one is watching, this Jiajia is going to be big in our Qingcheng. It’s changed, what happened, we have no way to explain to the patriarch of the sub-god clan! Now let the aborigines of the sub-god clan go together, just as a witness! What’s more, Xiaoyan, if these Kaka’s The change was really caused by Brick's potions, if the aborigines of the sub-protoss didn't see it, I don't know how to explain it clearly!"

"What needs to be explained?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback, and asked Xuan Mo with a frown: "Brick can't hurt Jiajia!"

"Impossible! But this potion has an effect on Gaga, who knows? Let the aborigines of the sub-protoss go, just let Brick show them the potion, taste it, at least it can prove this. One point, save people from the sub-god race from making trouble in the future, right? They’re just going to be witnesses!" But Yu Mo thought clearly, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then looked at the aborigines of the sub-god race After they were brought, they closed their mouths, and together with Ji Xiaoyan, they smiled and teleported them directly to Qingcheng!
(End of this chapter)

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