Chapter 3001 Check!

Regarding Cenarion's words, Ji Xiaoyan knew clearly!It's just that some people who are not used to the sub-protoss throw such Jiajia to Qingcheng, and let them suffer losses in Qingcheng!From this point of view, Cenarion still regards Qingcheng as his own city!

Therefore, after hearing Cenarion's words, Ji Xiaoyan smiled instead, and told it that it was fine.

"What do you mean it's okay!" Cenarion's eyes widened when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and he said with an angry face: "If this ice melts, the tower I will live in from now on will be gone. Is it still all right?"

"Don't worry about this!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss did not change their expressions, and said to Cenarion with a smile: "All the destroyed places in Qingcheng Gaga will be rebuilt by our sub-protoss in the future! No It will cause Qingcheng to suffer losses!"

"Really?" Cenarion asked Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously.

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and after seeing Cenarion's face improved, he said to it: "So Cenarion, you don't have to worry about these things! At that time, the high The tower was built for you!"

Only then did Cenarion move his mouth, and nodded unhappily.

"By the way, are you injured?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly asked Cenarion, and after seeing it shook his head to indicate no, he said with relief: "That's good! Then you can take a rest, we Let's take a look at the situation in Jiajia first."

"It!? I didn't hurt it!" Cenarion suddenly said to Ji Xiaoyan a little unhappy, "It just bumped into the wall and tossed a bit, just because of its rough skin and thick flesh now, I guess It doesn’t have any wounds either! What’s so interesting about it!”

"Let the people of the sub-protoss take a look, we have to find out next, what is the reason for this Gaga!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled helplessly at Cenarion, watching it sit down unhappily After resting on the ground, he turned to look at the aborigines of the sub-god race.

Jiajia is cute now!Lying obediently on the ground, letting the aboriginals of the sub-god race crawl on it, it didn't even feel a thing!

"Has Brick come?" Ji Xiaoyan turned his gaze away from the aborigines of the sub-god race, and turned to ask the guards in Qingcheng.

"On the way! It should be here soon!"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Xiaoyan watched several Qingcheng guards appear outside the ruins with Brick.

"Brick!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly shouted at Brick, and when he approached, he called two aborigines from the sub-god race together and asked Brick, "What do you want?" Have you brought all the potions that Jiajia drank?"

"I brought it!" Brick nodded quickly, took out a bunch of potions from the package, and handed them directly to the two aborigines of the sub-protoss, "That's all! You can take a look, try it. Taste it."

"We don't suspect anything!" The two aborigines of the sub-protoss looked at Brick cautiously, and then said, "We just want to find out the reason why Jiajia became like this!"

"Well! I know!" Brick looked indifferent. After watching the two aborigines of the sub-protoss take the potion away for inspection, he couldn't help but glance at the fallen Jiajia. Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked, "Xiaoyan! How long have you been sober? Why did you go crazy again? It won't be like this in the future, right?"

If there are more such states in the future, he should prepare some more potions to make him fall asleep!That potion is not so easy to make!

"I don't know now!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to Brick with a sigh: "We went to the sub-protoss to see it, and found some scrolls, but there is nothing special recorded on them. Stuff! We speculate that these situations in Jiajia may be due to the resurrection at the Resurrection Gate!"

"Resurrection Gate?" Brick frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Then Xiaoyan, are you planning to visit the Resurrection Gate?"

"I don't know yet! I should go there!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned tightly, sighed and said to Brick: "Now we guess, Gaga's situation has something to do with it's liking to drink potions Yes! It's just that if after drinking the potion, there are only changes in the body, and it doesn't go crazy, it's nothing! Now it has such a crazy state, we still need to investigate first!"

"Those sub-protoss don't really think there is something wrong with my potion, do they?" Thinking of this possibility, Brick couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that they don't think so!" Ji Xiaoyan was actually a little worried, but seeing Brick's expression, he could only smile and say to him: "When Jiajia was in the sub-protoss clan With such a change, it is also because of some crazy situations, and the aborigines of the sub-protoss who are disturbing have no choice, so they are sent to Qingcheng! Speaking of drinking potions, the sub-protoss also gave them a lot of potions of!"

Brick nodded, and looked at Jiajia with some concern: "I think, if this situation really happens in Jiajia, otherwise, I should send it to the Resurrection Gate to have a look! Say no Definitely, the Resurrection Gate still has some clues!"

"It's not certain!" Ji Xiaoyan was not very optimistic, and said to Brick: "Resurrection Gate also went to look for the matter of Jiajia back then, and almost all the people who participated in Jiajia's resurrection are gone. ! If anyone really knows, the only one left is the head of the Resurrection Sect! But I don’t think that the head of the Resurrection Sect is so willing to see us!”

You know, if they hadn't gone to the Resurrection Gate last time, maybe the master of the Resurrection Gate had cultivated a successor for so many years, and Master Lehe would not be wanted by all continents as he is now!
From this point of view, Ji Xiaoyan felt that the head of the Resurrection Sect would not welcome her to trouble him again!
Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan sympathetically, and finally he could only sigh and said, "Then Sui Xiaoyan, please be happy! I'll go back and prepare some more potions that can make Jiajia fall asleep! If in the future it If it goes crazy again, just feed it medicine and sleep more! It’s just that the dose of this medicine can only be increased!”

"Well! If you need anything, I went to arrange for Manager Qing Gong to prepare it!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and whispered to Brick: "If Manager Qing Gong's place is not complete, I will inform those sub-protoss Indigenous people, let them prepare! I don’t think they will refuse!”

"Okay!" Brick nodded, and stood with Ji Xiaoyan, waiting for the aborigines of the sub-protoss to check the Jiajia and the potions carefully, and after confirming that there is no problem , Brick left with confidence.

"There is no problem at all, and we can't figure out why this happened in Jiajia!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss frowned tightly, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with depressed expressions, and said: " There is no clue at all!"

"Then why don't we wait for Jiajia to wake up and ask about the situation?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then asked the aborigines of the sub-god race, and after seeing that they all nodded in agreement, he immediately asked Qingcheng's The guards are making arrangements!
"Master Ji City Lord, we still need to send a letter to the patriarch! Just tell him about the situation in Jiajia!" An aborigine of the sub-god clan immediately said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and after watching her nod in agreement, he followed The guards of Qingcheng teleported back to the sub-shen clan, but when they came back, they brought a group of aboriginals from the sub-shen clan, and even brought the old elder to Qingcheng.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the elder with a look of surprise, and couldn't help but look at the aborigine of the sub-god race who pushed the elder with doubts.

"Master Ji!" The aborigine of the sub-god tribe who pushed the elder hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan knowingly, "The elder also heard about the situation of Jiajia, so he wants to come and see for himself! Lord Ji City will not mind, right? ?”

"I don't mind! I don't mind! Jiajia is also a Malu sand beast of your sub-protoss! The elder wants to come and see it anytime!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hand and said something to the aborigine of the sub-protoss. Looking at the elder worriedly, he asked them, "Is it convenient for the elder to look like this?"

"It's okay!" The aborigine of the sub-protoss smiled, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The elder just looks at it and doesn't do anything. I just push the elder over there!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and watched the aborigine of the Sub-God Clan bring a few people together, pushed the elder and walked to Jiajia's side. He didn't know what they were looking at, but they just saw the Sub-God Clan The aborigines kept talking in front of the elder, and they returned after a long time.

Ji Xiaoyan was about to ask, but he heard the Qingcheng guards guarding Jiajia yelling: "My lord, Jiajia is about to wake up! Jiajia is about to wake up!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he quickly greeted the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan and asked them to take the elder of the Sub-God Clan to stay away first, and then looked at Jiajia with the others.

I saw one of Jiajia's paws started to move, then lifted it up, grabbed it in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, splashing a large amount of dust immediately, then his head started to move, and he opened his eyes slowly. Eyes opened.

"Everyone, be careful!" The aborigines of the sub-god race couldn't help but shouted loudly.

Cenarion on the side immediately stood up vigilantly, as if he would pounce on him if he tried to make a move.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Friesman looked in the direction of Jiajia, and immediately shouted to everyone: "Jiajia's eyes haven't changed color, everything will be fine!"

The aborigines of the sub-god race quickly looked in the direction of Jiajia, and they were relieved when they saw that Jiajia's eyes were clear at this moment, without any red at all.

Jiajia tilted his head, got up from the ground as if in a daze, then shook his body unhappily, then seemed to see the crowd, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others strangely and asked, "Xiaoyan? You guys?" Came back from the sub-god race?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

Only then did Jiajia seem to see that everything around him had changed, and he looked around in surprise, then looked at Friesman and asked, "Why are there so many ice cubes? Friesman, you What was it doing here? Was it a fight with Cenarion?"

Friesman looked at Jiajia dumbfounded, and couldn't help rolling his eyes!
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing, then looked at Jiajia and asked, "Jiajia, don't you remember what happened?"

"What happened? Jiajia doesn't know!" Jiajia looked confused, blinked his eyes and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, as if realizing something, he quickly opened his eyes and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Don't worry, Xiaoyan , Jiajia definitely did not participate in the fight between Friesman and Cenarion! Jiajia is very good!"

"Jajia!" Friesman was really depressed when he heard this, and couldn't help shouting at Jiajia: "This is not me fighting with Cenarion, it's you! It's you!"

"Is it Jiajia? What did Jiajia do? Jiajia didn't do anything!" Hearing what Friesman said, Jiajia immediately widened his eyes, shook his head vigorously, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, Jiajia is very obedient! He has never done anything! Friesman wronged Jiajia!"

"Wronged! We didn't wrong you! It's just that you don't remember!" Cenarion seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Kaga's refusal to admit anything, and said directly to it: "I should hit you a few times, Now I can show you how you bully us!"

"Cenario, you are talking nonsense! You are a giant dragon, it is impossible for Gaga to bully you!" Hearing this, Gaga shouted at Cenario angrily, but looked at Cenario and looked at himself. After the expression of disgust, Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and asked with some disbelief: "Xiaoyan, is what Cenarion and the others said true?"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, seeing Jiajia's shocked expression, and then continued: "Jiajia, haven't you noticed that your body has changed again?"

When Jiajia heard this, he quickly looked around at himself, but shouted with some surprise: "Yes! Yes! Jiajia seems to have grown up again! Xiaoyan! Jiajia seems to have grown up again, this Is it great again?"

"Yes! If you grow any longer, Cenarion will almost be unable to beat you!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded at Gaga with some amusement, and then said: "When you are changing, it seems that you can't do anything Remember! That’s why you, Friesman, and Cenarion fought, so you don’t remember anything! But, Jiajia, we really want to know, what did you do before, and do you have any special feelings?”

(End of this chapter)

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