Chapter 3002

Regarding Ji Xiaoyan's doubts, Jiajia said that he didn't know anything.

"Why don't you know? Don't you remember anything?" Xuan Mo frowned when he heard the words, and asked Jia Jia in a puzzled way: "What did you do yourself? What's wrong with you? Don't you even remember?"

Jiajia tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head again: "Jiajia doesn't remember!"

"Why don't you remember?!" Xuan Mo frowned, couldn't help looking at Jiajia and asked, "Remember it again! What were you doing after Xiaoyan left?"

Jiajia blinked his eyes, as if he couldn't understand what Xuan Mo said.

"What else can I do? Just play around with Brick's potion! I have seen this with my own eyes!" Friesman looked at Jiajia immediately after hearing what Xuan Mo said. , "What? Jiajia, don't you remember at all?"

Jiajia tried his best to recall, then reluctantly nodded, and after thinking about it, he said to Friesman and the others: "It seems that there is such a thing!"

"What does it mean to look like it! Obviously it is!" Friesman stared at Gaga anxiously, and said to it: "I saw you tossing there with my own eyes! The guards of Qingcheng sent you cloth Rick's potion is here, don't you remember at all?"

"Potion! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Hearing this, Jiajia seemed to have just remembered, nodded immediately, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of excitement and said, "Yes! Xiaoyan, Jiajia thought Get up! There's Brick's potion! Those good potions!"

While talking, Jiajia began to search for those potions, but after looking for a long time without finding them, he suddenly asked the surrounding Qingcheng guards a little annoyed: "Where is Jiajia's medicine? Brick gave Jiajia Where's the potion? Have you been stolen by Jiajia?!"

"Jajia!" Seeing Jiajia like this, Friesman couldn't help shouting at it: "Jiajia, you drank those potions yourself! Who would take your potions!"

"Have you drank it?" Gaga couldn't help but frown when she heard what Friesman said, and asked Friesman with some disbelief: "How is this possible! Kaga Why don't you remember anything?"

"Then how do we know!" Friesman couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then asked Jiajia, "It's just Jiajia, why don't you remember these things about you?"

"Jiajia doesn't know!" Jiajia looked at Friesman with some innocence on his face and asked with some uncertainty: "Friesman, what you said is true, and Jiajia drank all those potions by himself? No? Was it stolen?"

"Jajia, this is Qingcheng! Who would steal your potion?!" Friesman couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and said something to Jiajia, looking at it still a little in disbelief, Then he said: "If you don't believe me, just ask Cenarion! Cenarion was there at the time!"

"You drank it yourself!" Cenarion immediately said to Gaga, his face full of dissatisfaction: "Besides, you started to go crazy after drinking the potion!"

"Jajia doesn't remember!" Hearing Cenarion's proof, Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some grievances, and whispered to her: "Xiaoyan, Jiajia doesn't remember!"

"Well! It's okay! There's nothing you can do if you don't remember!" Ji Xiaoyan could only smile, and said something comfortingly to Jiajia, and then said: "It's just, Jiajia, if you don't remember anything! Then we don't I know why this happened to you!"

"Let me tell you! It must be a problem with the potion!" Friesman said something directly, and then thought of something, and then continued: "Of course, I'm not talking about Brick's potion There is a problem! I just think that this change must be caused by the potion, maybe any potion can cause this to happen! It’s not just the potion given by Brick!"

"Well! I know what you mean!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"We've seen it all, and there's nothing wrong with those potions!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss also hurriedly said something, but they didn't seem to doubt Brick.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, but his eyes fell on the elder of the sub-god clan. After all, he was the one in charge, right?
"Master Ji, don't worry, our sub-god clan will definitely study it carefully, and we will definitely find out the reason for the change in Jiajia!" The aborigine who pushed the elder of the sub-god clan hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Now the Gaga clan Except for the changes in body and strength, we can’t see any other abnormalities. As for the crazy situation, we can’t be sure what the reason is, so we can only observe and observe! Therefore, what the elder means is, Next, our sub-god clan wants to keep a few aborigines here, and we have been guarding Jiajia all the time, I wonder if Lord Ji City Master would mind?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively when he heard this, and said to the aborigines of the sub-protoss tribe indifferently: "You can keep as many people as you want! "

In the past, Ji Xiaoyan was worried that if the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan stayed with Jiajia, if something happened, she would have no way to explain to the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan, but now the elders of their Sub-God Clan said , then it is considered that there is a person in charge, since someone is in charge, and they want to stay by Jiajia's side to see the situation, why are they not happy?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The vicinity of the tower was completely abandoned, and Jiajia didn't want to stay here anymore. After discussing with everyone, they decided to change a place for Jiajia to stay, but the most suitable place, after much deliberation, was the one where only the Lucie tribe lived. The place is spacious enough, and most importantly, Nimengsha can still be there. If there is any problem in Jiajia, at least Nimengsha can help calm down, right?

As for Cenarion, he didn't want to meet Nimengsha, so after hearing that Gaga's settlement location was determined, he flew away from the tower directly.

"Xiaoyan, is Cenarion angry with Gaga?" Gaga saw Cenarion's leaving back and couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan worriedly. Depressed: "But Jiajia feels that Cenarion doesn't seem to like Jiajia anymore!"

"That's for sure!" Friesman looked not afraid of things getting bigger, and said directly to Jiajia: "Jiajia, see for yourself what you have become now? If you continue to grow bigger Become stronger, Cenarion will not be able to defeat you in the future, do you think it will be happy? It is a dragon! It was unable to defeat Nimensa before, if it can’t defeat you now, do you think Cenarion Can you still have status in Qingcheng?"

Jiajia blinked and seemed to understand what Friesman said. After thinking about it, he said aggrievedly: "But if Jiajia stays the same and becomes stronger, there is no way to protect Xiaoyan in the future!"

Friesman couldn't help but glanced at Gaga, and then said with a smile: "Well, you're right! So, Gaga, don't worry about Cenarion! Instead of worrying about you being stronger than it, it's better to be yourself Make it even stronger! Let it think about it for itself! Don't worry about it!"

Jiajia nodded with a half understanding.

A group of people walked towards the place where the Lu Si'er tribe lived, and when they arrived, they saw that all the Lu Si'er tribe had gathered together, looking up at Jiajia in amazement.Nimensha was also standing not far away, looking at Jiajia, she was also a little confused.

"Jajia?! How did you become like this?" Sure enough, after everyone approached, Ni Mengsha flew directly in front of Jiajia, raised her head and asked Jiajia, "Why did you suddenly become so huge? I'm even taller?! What's going on here?"

"Jajia has become stronger!" Jiajia had a proud expression on his face, he quickly twisted his body and showed it to Ni Mengsha.

"Really?" Nimensa had a different attitude from Cenarion. When she heard Gaga say that she had become stronger, she was a little pleasantly surprised. She quickly walked around it twice, and then said with a smile: "That's good! Gaga, come here! Let me see how powerful you have become!"

"Is Nimengsha going to fight Gaga?" Gaga became a little excited when he heard Nimengsha's words, and quickly asked, seeing that Nimengsha nodded affirmatively, then immediately turned to look at Looking at Ji Xiaoyan, he asked her excitedly: "Xiaoyan Xiaoyan! Can Jiajia try it with Nimensha?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Lusi'er people worriedly.

You know, there are so many aborigines of the Lucie tribe living here, if Jiajia and Nimengsha fight here, in case someone accidentally hurts those aborigines of the Lucie tribe How to do?What's more, if they accidentally destroy their settlement, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

Ni Mengsha knew Ji Xiaoyan's worry, and said directly to Jiajia with a smile: "We can't fight here! It will destroy their house!"

"Then where are we going?" Jiajia frowned suddenly, with a look of confusion on his face, "Otherwise, let's go to the tower! Cenarion has already left, and the tower has been destroyed a lot by Jiajia. It’s okay if we go again!”

"Jajia, are you joking?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak yet, but Friesman jumped up and said to Jiajia: "There is a limited space in the tower, which is enough for you to wreak havoc on your own." How could it be possible for you to fight with Nimensa? Do you really want to tear down the tower before giving up? Then Cenarion knew it, and he vomited blood in anger!"

"Then where can Jiajia and Nimengsha go!" Jiajia was even more aggrieved when she heard what Friesman said!

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and it seemed that he could only go to the training ground in the end!Only where the place is big enough.

"Jajia, do you really want to fight Nimensa?"

"En! Jiajia wants to see how much it has changed!" Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Jiajia must have nodded incomparably. After thinking for a while, he asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Otherwise, Jiajia and Nimensha just go outside Qingcheng!"

"That's not necessary!" Jiajia shook her head, and said to Jiajia and Nimengsha: "Nimengsha can't leave Qingcheng too far! You can stay in Qingcheng!"

"But there seems to be no place in Qingcheng!" Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, but couldn't help looking in the direction of Friesman, as if he was a little worried that Friesman would scold him.

"There is a place!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled indifferently, then turned to look at the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and asked them: "It's just that this place is a bit special, do you want to go together? "

"If we can go, of course we want to go and see!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss had expressions of affirmation on their faces, and hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We also want to know how much Jiajia has changed. It's amazing!"

"That's fine! Then let's go and have a look!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, also wanting to let the aborigines of the sub-protoss see their strength in Qingcheng, so he nodded directly and motioned to Nimon Sha and Jiajia followed her together, and went directly to the training ground.

Because Jiajia and Nimengsha are too big, it is difficult to enter the small courtyard of the training ground, so Ji Xiaoyan asked the teleporters in Qingcheng to build a small teleportation array as quickly as possible, which is directly connected to the training ground. The teleportation array on the field allowed everyone to teleport to the training ground without entering the small courtyard!
Naturally, as soon as Ji Xiaoyan and his group appeared, they immediately frightened the adventurers and squeezed them all out of the teleportation array!Then it was easily killed by those mutant beasts who had been lurking nearby.

"What kind of monsters are these?!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss were also shocked, and they were about to attack with the weapons in their hands, but they were stopped by Ji Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan asked: "Master Ji City Lord, what is this place and how does it look, it's a bit different!"

"Here is also a place in our Qingcheng!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't say much, and directly stepped out of the teleportation formation, seeing how those mutant beasts were carefully looking at her, he waved his hand and pointed at those mutated beasts. The mutated beasts said: "Okay, you all go away!"

The mutated beasts carefully checked Ji Xiaoyan for a moment, but they all disappeared into the bushes obediently, and they all listened to Ji Xiaoyan's words, making the aborigines of the sub-protoss stunned!
"Master Ji City Lord! These monsters, do they listen to you?!"

 I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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