Chapter 3003
For the aborigines of the sub-god race, everything in front of them really surprised them.

How powerful the mutated beasts in the training ground are, even if the aborigines of the sub-protoss didn't try it themselves, they can still tell a thing or two, those mutated beasts are not something to mess with!But they just couldn't figure it out, under such circumstances, how could those mutant beasts listen to Ji Xiaoyan!

After all, those mutant beasts don't look like they were raised by Ji Xiaoyan.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and didn't mean to explain. He pointed to the aborigines of the sub-protoss and said to them: "Let's go forward! We should be able to find an open space !"

The aborigines of the sub-god race were stunned for a moment, and didn't dare to ask any more questions. They just nodded, and then followed behind Jiajia and Ni Mengsha, all the way to the distance.During the period, some mutated beasts rushed out and wanted to attack them, but after seeing Ji Xiaoyan, they all disappeared in a flash as if they were frightened!

"Master Ji, those monsters seem to be very afraid of you?!" The aborigine who pushed the elder of the sub-god clan looked curiously at the direction where the mutant beasts disappeared, and couldn't help asking Ji Xiaoyan. Said: "Master Ji City Lord, these monsters also look very powerful, why are they afraid of you?"

"Because they can't hurt me!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and didn't intend to explain further.She brought these aborigines of the sub-god race to the training ground, not to let them know everything about the training ground, but just to let them know that their strength in Qingcheng is very strong.

The aborigine who pushed the elder of the sub-god tribe seemed to understand something when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, smiled at her, and said nothing more!

Just as Ji Xiaoyan said, the open space soon appeared in everyone's sight, and there were quite a few mutant beasts standing nearby, constantly looking at Ji Xiaoyan's direction, as if they were ready to have a chance at any time It's like jumping over.

"Don't be afraid! They dare not come over!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman's worried expression, smiled immediately, and said to him, "Just stay by my side!"

"Xiaoyan, these monsters look very powerful!" But Friesman couldn't help but took out a piece of dragon meat from the package and stuffed it into his mouth, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If it really pounces, I will But some people can't bear it!"

"Don't worry! I will protect you!" Ji Xiaoyan finally gained confidence, and hurriedly said to Friesman.

However, when Friesman heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he looked at her suspiciously, and then said in disbelief: "Come on! Xiaoyan! You don't sound very credible! You This strength is not as high as mine!"

"It's like this outside! But here, I'm the best!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but said to him when he heard what Friesman said: "Why do you think those monsters dare not come?" Attack us? Will you still listen to me? That's because I scared them!"

"It's true!" Friesman was full of disbelief.

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, as long as Xiaoyan can protect you from harm!" Seeing Friesman's expression of disbelief, Yan Mo couldn't help but say something to him, Then he pointed to the direction of Jiajia and Nimensha, and said to them: "Don't argue about these irrelevant things anymore! We are here to see how strong Jiajia is! Now it and Nimensha are going to fight Already! You just have to take a good look at it!"

Freesman snorted, and quickly looked in the direction of Jiajia and Nimengsha, but he did not forget to tell Ji Xiaoyan: "However, Xiaoyan! I have lost a lot for Jiajia this time." Dragon meat is in stock! Later, you have to help me stock up some more, otherwise I won’t be able to throw out any spells in the future, and I will become a waste!”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman helplessly, then nodded and said, "Okay! If there is a chance, I will definitely help you!"

Only then did Friesman close his mouth in satisfaction, watching the battle between Gaga and Nimengsa with relish!
Even though this battle was a duel, with Nimensha's ability and Kagana's size and strength, no matter what, it couldn't be just a simple fight!
Therefore, when everyone saw Ni Mengsha rushing towards Jiajia, they all retreated a few steps tacitly, for fear of being implicated!But even now, when Jiajia and Nimengsha collided together, a powerful airflow was generated, and it rushed to everyone, almost blowing everyone down.

"Jajia is really that strong!"

Friesman couldn't help saying something loudly, and when he looked at Jiajia and Nimengsha again, he saw that Jiajia had completely lost his usual cute look, and a terrifying aura erupted all over his body Come on, the thorns growing on the back also stood up, roaring, and rushed towards Ni Mengsha.

"Xiaoyan! Xiaoyan! Can't Jiajia go crazy again?"

"Probably not!" Ji Xiaoyan was also very worried when he heard what Friesman said, and couldn't help but said to him: "Didn't it mean that when Jiajia went crazy, his eyes would be red? Look at Jiajia's eyes , isn’t it all right now?”

"But it looks scary like this!" Friesman couldn't help but frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Look at its eyes, it's completely different from before!"

Ji Xiaoyan also frowned, seeing that each of Jiajia's claws landed hard on Nimengsha's body, she was a little worried, whether Nimengsha would not be able to bear it anymore!
"Otherwise, let them stop fighting!" Yu Mo was also a little worried, and couldn't help looking at Ji Xiaoyan to suggest something, but he didn't expect that just after he finished speaking, he watched Nimengsha being slammed. Flying headlong, he flew out and hit a distant mountain wall, causing a large mountain wall to collapse instantly, splashing a cloud of dust.

"It's over! Nothing will happen to Nimengsha, right!?" Friesman couldn't help becoming a little nervous when he saw this situation.

However, Jiajia didn't intend to stop. After seeing Nimengsha flying out, she immediately used her hind legs and ran in the direction Nimengsha flew out. Before everyone could react, At that time, he got into that piece of dust!

"Quick, quick! Jiajia must be crazy! Everyone, go and stop it!" Friesman was startled, and without hesitation, he took out his staff and shouted directly at the aborigines of the sub-protoss In a word, I want to rush out to save Nimengsha.

But at this moment, Gaga's body staggered back from the dust, and before he could stand still, everyone saw Ni Mengsha's figure clearly appearing from the dust, and she threw her front paws on Gaga's body, Push it back two more steps.

Jiajia shook his head, grasped the ground with his limbs without hesitation, managed to stand still, and was not knocked down by Nimensa again, and in the next second, Jiajia bumped his head into Nimensa again , while Nimensa was dodging, a paw hit its body, causing Nimensa to fall crookedly to the ground.

"Cenario really can't beat Kaga!" Friesman looked at the pictures in front of him, and couldn't help muttering after a while, "It wasn't afraid of hurting Gaga before! It couldn't beat Gaga at all, Afraid of getting hurt, afraid of being known by us!"

When Xuan Mo heard what Friesman said, he couldn't help laughing immediately: "Friesman, did you really think that Cenarion was very powerful before?"

"It's a giant dragon, how could it not be powerful?" Friesman said to Xuan Mo with a serious face when he heard what Xuan Mo said: "The dragon on this continent is not powerful at that end ?”

"Maybe Cenarion is not that good!" But Mo thought for a while, and said to Friesman seriously.

"How is this possible?!" Friesman didn't believe it, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and said, "If Cenarion isn't powerful, Xiaoyan can still choose him as a mount?"

"You're wrong!" Xuan Mo laughed, and said to Friesman, "If Cenarion is really powerful, he wouldn't agree to be Xiaoyan's mount! Friesman, Think about it carefully, how did Cenarion come to our Qing city? How did he become Xiaoyan's mount?"

Friesman frowned, as if he still didn't understand what Xuan Mo said.

"Didn't Cenarion come to Qingcheng to ask for help because those two giant dragons robbed his den of the Dark Forest? Afterwards, he was defeated by Nimengsa again, so he had to agree to become Xiaoyan's mount and stay with him. In Qingcheng, let us gather adventurers and aborigines to kill the two giant dragons together? If Cenarion himself is strong, he still needs to come to our Qingcheng for help? Will he be defeated by Nimengsa? Is it?" With a smile on his face, Yan Mo saw the expression of astonishment and disbelief on Friesman's face, and then continued: "Think about it yourself, is this the truth?! "

Friesman looked shocked, and didn't know what to say!
"So, don't think that Cenarion is really powerful in the future!" But Mo smiled, and said to Friesman: "It's powerful, it's only for certain situations! For now, it's still Can't beat Nimensha!"

But now, when Jiajia and Nimengsha fought, they had the upper hand!One can imagine the strength of Cenarion!

Friesman figured this out, and immediately looked like he had been deceived.

"Friesman, don't listen to Xuan Mo's nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan saw Friesman's appearance, thought for a while and said to him: "Cenario and Nimengsha are not too powerful compared to each other. But compared with other people, it is still very powerful! As a giant dragon, it is not weak!"

"If it's really not weak, when we went to the sub-protoss, we wouldn't be afraid of being attacked by those green aborigines with bows and arrows, right?!" Ji Xiaoyan said.

"Is Cenarion really scared by the aborigines?" Friesman's eyes widened, with a shocked expression on his face.

"There are too many aborigines!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but still tried his best to maintain Cenarion's image, and said to Friesman: "Cenario is also worried that we will be injured, so he didn't dare to get too close Those aborigines! What's more, those aborigines are hiding in the mountains and forests, Cenarion has to destroy the entire mountain to catch them easily, which is unnecessary!"

"Xiaoyan, is what you said true?" Friesman asked Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and after seeing her nod with affirmation, he sneaked another look and curled his lips, revealing a look on his face. Xuan Mo, who looked down on his expression, took a look, thought for a while and said, "Think about it, Cenarion, no matter how you say it, is still a giant dragon. Compared with us, he is still very powerful!"

"Hmm! Your idea is still very right!" Ji Xiaoyan could only bite the bullet and smiled, and said to Friesman: "So, after you return to Qingcheng, Friesman, don't use Cenarion again. What nonsense are you talking about in front of you! You know its temper!"

"Yeah! I understand! I understand!" Friesman nodded quickly, he was also afraid of being attacked by Cenarion!Cenarion is weak, but the comparison objects are Nimengsha and Gaga. If he really gave him a claw, he, a weak mage, would just burp and die!
He Friesman cherishes his life very much!
"Xiaoyan, it's not good for you to protect Cenarion like this!" Yu Mo frowned when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her with an unhappy face: "In this case, Cenarion will But you won't have any idea of ​​making progress! Don't you still expect Cenarion to become even more powerful?"

"It will know by itself!" Ji Xiaoyan said something to Xuan Mo with an unworried expression on his face. Seeing that Xuan Mo frowned in disbelief, he continued: "You think Cenarion's own heart Don't you know that Jiajia is stronger than it now? Doesn't it have any ideas?"

"Just like Cenarion, I don't think it will have more thoughts!" But Mo Mo curled his lips in disbelief, and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"It knows it in its heart!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Xuan Mo with certainty, "Didn't you see that Cenarion was very unhappy at the tower before? Knowing this fact, I am angry! Otherwise, do you think that Cenarion was really angry because he was afraid of hurting Gaga, and watched Gaga destroy the tower? In his heart, he longed for the tower If it doesn’t exist, it can live in the dark forest all the time! How could it be possible to get angry because of this!?”

(End of this chapter)

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