Chapter 3004
Friesman watched Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo arguing all the time, and waited for them to say something, so he quickly waved his hands, but the two said: "Okay, okay! Actually, you don't need to argue! Anyway Cenarion is a giant dragon, he has certain strength, but if he wants to fight Nemontha or Gaga, no one can beat him now, that's the reason, right?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Friesman and nodded.

"Okay, I just need to know this!" Friesman immediately looked relieved, and said directly to Ji Xiaoyan: "Now it seems that Jiajia should be the most powerful in Qingcheng, right? "

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia who had knocked Nimengsha away again, and could only nod silently, and said to Friesman: "From now on, Jiajia will only be more powerful in the future. !"

"Isn't it?!" Friesman had a look of approval on his face, and quickly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Look at how many times Jiajia has knocked Nimensa away? Nimensa is also in this posture." It won't last long, and you will be defeated! From now on, Jiajia will be able to run amok in our Qingcheng! No one can beat it!"

Xuan Mo couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, looked in the direction of Jiajia with some worry, and said to everyone: "Jiajia has become stronger now, it seems to be a good thing, but from another perspective, this But it is also a very worrying thing! If there is no way to solve the situation that Jiajia will go crazy from time to time, if it becomes more powerful, it will not be a good thing! If Jiajia is launched again in Qingcheng Crazy, but no one can stop it, this is a big problem! I am very worried, what if this one day knocks down our Qingcheng?! "

"Isn't this place not bad?" Friesman pointed to the surroundings directly, and said to Xuan Mo: "If it really doesn't work, why not just let Jiajia live here? This is our Qingcheng place, but it will not damage any buildings in our Qingcheng, or hurt any aborigines. Even if there are casualties, it is only those monsters and some adventurers! They are all fine! If I want to say Why don't you just let Jiajia stay here and wait until we find out the reason for his madness and we can solve it before we talk about it!"

"You can't stay here for a long time!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head directly when he heard what Friesman said, and said to him: "It's okay to come and stay like this once in a while, but it's not okay to let Jiajia stay here for a long time! "

"Why!? Xiaoyan, how nice is this place!?" Friesman couldn't help but widen his eyes and frown when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "If Jiajia doesn't stay here, if he stays on the side of the Lusi'er tribe, he will really go crazy. It seems that Nimengsha may not be able to stop it! What will we do then? Let it kill everyone from the Lusi'er tribe. Are you hurt?"

"Don't worry, we will stay and take care of Jiajia!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss stood up when they heard Friesman's words, and said to him seriously: "Since Master Ji said It won’t work here, there must be a reason for it! We can all understand! As for the situation after Jiajia, we sub-gods will never shirk it, and we will definitely help take care of it!”

"You don't shirk it? If you don't shirk it, will you let Jiajia go back to Qingcheng to stay?" Friesman heard the words of the aborigines of the sub-god race, but he rolled his eyes directly and looked at him with some repulsion. They said: "You sub-gods didn't know that Jiajia has become a hot potato now, so you sent it back to us! If Jiajia didn't go crazy, could you send it back so easily?"

The aborigines of the sub-protoss all showed embarrassing expressions when they heard what Friesman said!

Ji Xiaoyan also looked at Friesman with some amusement in his heart, and then looked at the expressions of the aborigines of the sub-protoss. Then he cleared his throat twice, and then said solemnly: "Friesman, this Kaka is also We Qingcheng, since everyone from the sub-protoss is willing to let Jiajia come back to raise him, and Jiajia is also willing, then it is right for us to bring Jiajia back! If the sub-protoss is not found, Jiajia will go crazy, why don’t we just keep Jiajia stay at home?"

"I'm just saying that!" Friesman curled his lips, glanced at the aborigines of the sub-protoss, and then closed his mouth.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled at the people of the Sub-God Clan, and said nothing more.

The battle between Jiajia and Nimengsha, just as everyone guessed, finally ended with Nimengsha exhausted!As for the various bruises on Nimensha's body, it didn't care at all.

"Did Jiajia strike too hard?" After seeing Nimensha's injury, Jiajia looked at Nimensha with a look of guilt and asked guiltily, "Nimengsha, do you feel pain?"

"It's okay! Jiajia has really become very powerful!" Nimengsha looked indifferent, and said directly to Jiajia with a smile: "From now on, Jiajia, you will be the most powerful in our Qingcheng!"

"Really?" Gaga looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of joy, and shouted at her, "Xiaoyan, did you hear that? Gaga will be the most powerful in the future! Gaga must be able to protect Xiaoyan, protect Qingcheng!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled and nodded, glanced at Nimengsha, and asked about its injuries worriedly. After confirming that Nimengsha said it was fine, she looked at Jiajia and said, "Jiajia, look at it now, It seems that I can control my own power, right?"

"Yeah! Jiajia has always been fine!" Jiajia nodded affirmatively, completely unaware of what she looked like when she went crazy, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan happily, making everyone unable to say anything about it.

"Since the comparison has been made, let's go back first!" Ji Xiaoyan asked the crowd, making sure that no one had any objections, so he said something directly to Jiajia, thinking that Jiajia would readily agree, but He didn't expect that Jiajia looked reluctant to leave, so Ji Xiaoyan could only look at Jiajia suspiciously, and asked to it: "Jiajia, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Xiaoyan, the monsters here also look quite powerful!" Jiajia looked expectant, and couldn't help but ask Ji Xiaoyan.

"Jajia, what do you want to do?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia in surprise when he heard the words, and couldn't help but ask it: "Jiajia, don't you still want to fight those mutant beasts?"

"Is it possible? Xiaoyan!?" Jiajia looked expectant and excited, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Jiajia just wants to try, can he defeat them all!"

"Jajia, why do you have such an idea?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning, but said to Jiajia with some doubts: "The abilities of these mutant beasts are different from those we met on the mainland. Monsters are still different! Even if you can beat them, it's meaningless!"

"Jajia just wants to try!" Jiajia tilted his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jiajia just saw those monsters, and they are very powerful in attacking those adventurers! So Jiajia wants to try, if he and Ji Xiaoyan If they fight, can they win quickly!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned and thought about it, and said to Jiajia with absolute certainty: "Jiajia, I can't promise you this matter!"

"Why!?" Jiajia looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a look of disappointment and asked.

"These mutated beasts are for the adventurers here to deal with! Kaka, if you defeat them all and accidentally kill them, those adventurers will have no mutated beasts to deal with! In this way, you understand?"

"Xiaoyan means that Jiajia will steal their monsters, so that's why Jiajia is not allowed to fight those monsters?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Okay!" Jiajia was a little disappointed, but still listened to Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to her: "Then Xiaoyan! After we leave, you can find a place for Jiajia and let Jiajia deal with some monsters!"

"Do you like fighting very much now?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing when he heard Jiajia's words, and asked Jiajia. After watching Jiajia nod, he thought for a while, and then said: " If you want to deal with monsters, there is a good place! It is the town on the other side of Shacheng, do you still remember? "

Kaka nodded, but began to recall.

"Where the monsters are very powerful at night! When the time comes, I will take you there, and I can help them clean up those monsters by the way! How about it?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Jiajia with a smile, looking at it After nodding happily, he gestured to the crowd and told everyone to step on the teleportation array again and teleport back to Qingcheng again.

"Xiaoyan, those adventurers and aborigines now know that there are things that reduce the killing of monsters outside the town. If you go over to fight monsters with them, aren't you afraid that they will be angry?" Thinking of something, I couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, "What if they all rebel then?"

"Xu Mo, you are wrong to think that way!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and said to Xuan Mo: "For those adventurers and aborigines, there are certainly things they want in those monsters. , but in our town, don’t they still have them? Besides, let them deal with those monsters, they also need to consume a lot of energy and physical strength, will it take time for the physical strength and energy consumed? To make it up?"

Xuan Mo nodded, looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and motioned her to continue.

"With this wasted time, why don't you save your physical strength and energy, buy those things that reduce the damage of killing, and go to Shacheng, don't you think so?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Xuan Mo asked.

"You mean, we go to kill those monsters, and if we really get those things that reduce killing, we can sell them directly to those adventurers and aborigines?" Xuan Mo figured it out immediately, looking at Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, then laughed, and then said: "Yes! Xiaoyan! You can also think this way! There are so many monsters outside the town, whether they are adventurers or aborigines, they are all monsters. It's the first time I heard that there are things that reduce killings. Even if they have enthusiasm and want to try their luck, they will know that those things need to be lucky. If you can’t get it, it’s better to just wait and spend money to buy something if you have something, and save some effort!”

"Yeah! So, as long as they all understand this truth, they won't care about what monsters Jiajia is going to fight with them! They will wish that Jiajia can kill more monsters and find things that reduce the killing, so that they can buy them directly." Go!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Xuan Mo with a smile, "When the time comes, Jiajia will be happy too, and the aborigines and adventurers will be happy too! Kill two birds with one stone, how wonderful!"

Xuan Mo laughed hahaha, nodded and finally happily followed Ji Xiaoyan back to the City Lord's Mansion!
As for the time to go to the town of Shacheng, it was naturally set after dark.

Everyone was worried that Jiajia would go crazy again, but they didn't expect that Jiajia had waited until dark and nothing happened again, but they waited for Ji Xiaoyan with great excitement, urging her to let her take him to that evil place. city ​​of towns.

And the aborigines of the sub-god race were also worried, and dozens of people were left to watch Gaga. Only the elder of the sub-god race was sent back by a group of aborigines of the sub-god race.

After the sky was completely dark, Ji Xiaoyan finally appeared in front of the impatient Gaga, and brought it to the town teleportation array in that evil city, but he didn't appear in the town.

"Xu Mo, open up the wall a little and let Jiajia go out!" Ji Xiaoyan stood in the teleportation array, looking at the empty teleportation array because of the darkness, he felt a little lucky that he didn't have to be seen by other adventurers or aborigines, He said something directly to Xuan Mo, and asked Xuan Mo to choose a direction with his back to the town, and then walked out with Jia Jia, barely letting Ji Xiaoyan say anything, after seeing a monster looking in their direction, Jia Jia , Immediately rushed out!

"Jajia, slow down! Be careful!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss had no time to react when they saw this situation, they could only shout nervously in the direction of Jiajia, and then followed immediately, without even saying hello. It was too late to call Ji Xiaoyan.

"Be careful!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile on his face to the people behind him: "Your task is to clean up all the monsters that were killed by Kaka, and see if you can get rid of them. Find something useful on your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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