Chapter 3005
Ji Xiaoyan actually thinks that it is actually a very good thing to have such a powerful horse and sand beast like Jiajia to clean up the monsters outside the town of Shacheng!All you need is to fight all the way out of Jiajia, and almost all the monsters can't hold on. In the end, the guards of Qingcheng only need to follow behind Jiajia to collect all the things that the monsters exploded. There needs to be something to worry about, and there is no need to worry about those monsters hurting Jiajia!
So this trip is almost beneficial and harmless!This is a very good thing.

Ji Xiaoyan stood in the teleportation array, watching all the guards of Qingcheng rush to the direction where Jiajia ran to chase after, and then watched the countless monsters being slapped on the ground immediately after being discovered by Jiajia, Then flashes of white light to hang up, the mood is very good.

Xuan Mo was standing beside Ji Xiaoyan, seeing the plight of the monsters that Gaga had easily dealt with, he couldn't help but be a little surprised and depressed and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, judging from this momentum, Gaga will indeed Become the most powerful in our Qingcheng!"

"What's wrong with this?" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head to look at Xuan Mo when he heard the words, and then asked him.

"Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages to this matter! After all, Jiajia is not unique to us in Qingcheng now. Xiaoyan, you have to remember this!!" Yu Mo turned towards the origin of the sub-protoss behind him who had not had time to leave the teleportation array. The residents glanced at it, and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "If Jiajia really loses his mind one day, or if it will go back to the sub-god clan in the future, it will not be a good thing for us in Qingcheng!"

But Ji Xiaoyan looked not worried, looked at Yu Mo and asked him: "Xu Mo, do you think Jiajia will leave our Qingcheng. Or leave the sub-shen clan?"

Xuan Mo frowned when he heard the words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with some uncertainty: "I know what you mean, Xiaoyan! However, there are some things that need to be taken just in case! Jiajia's current state of madness is all No one expected it, who knows what it will really look like in the future!"

"But I think that if there is such a day, Jiajia will also clear the city towards us." Ji Xiaoyan looked optimistic.

But Xuan Mo shook his head: "I think you, Xiaoyan, are too optimistic!"

"Shouldn't we be more optimistic?" Ji Xiaoyan said to Xuan Mo with a smile, "In fact, we don't need to worry about these things for the time being, after all, none of us know what caused Jiajia to go crazy Yes! I only suspect that it is related to the potion, but no one knows what it is! As far as the current situation is concerned, Jiajia is still facing our Qingcheng. After we find out the reason for its madness, maybe we can have There is a solution! At that time, there is no need to worry about these! As long as Jiajia doesn't lose his mind, I believe it will always stand by our Qingcheng side!"

However, Xuan Mo frowned, couldn't help but sighed at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her: "Forget it, it's up to you!"

Ji Xiaoyan could only smile at Xuan Mo, and then urged him to follow out of the teleportation formation, heading towards the direction where Kaka left.

Just as Ji Xiaoyan imagined, it was very easy for Jiajia to deal with the monsters near the Shacheng town!Even if these monsters are in the state of madness, the number of superpositions is large, and they are no match for Kaka!
So wherever they passed by, basically those monsters turned into white light and disappeared!
So after running all the way, Jiajia felt a little bored and stopped directly. When the aborigines of the sub-protoss chased Jiajia, Jiajia looked at them with some dissatisfaction, and then looked at those sub-protoss. The aborigines of the protoss asked: "Why do you keep following Gaga? Don't you think that such a monster can be defeated by them? Is there any danger?"

The aborigines of the sub-protoss were a little embarrassed when they heard what Jiajia said, and someone immediately stood up and said: "Jiajia, we didn't follow you because we were worried about you, we also listened to the words of Lord Ji. That's why I came here to pick things up!"

"Xiaoyan? What did Xiaoyan ask you to pick up?" Hearing what the aborigines of the sub-god race said, Jiajia glanced in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and the others in surprise, and asked the aborigines of the sub-god race road.

"Isn't it the things that these monsters carried on their bodies after they died?!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss hurriedly smiled at Jiajia, and said to it, looking at Jiajia's expression of disbelief, those sub-protoss The aborigines of the Protoss immediately took out something from a monster, handed it directly to Jiajia, smiled flatteringly at it and said, "Look, Jiajia! These are the things! These monsters The things you carry are more or less usable by Lord Ji, so let us collect them by the way, otherwise it would be a waste, right? We really have to wait until the aborigines and adventurers in that town come to pick them up If so, wouldn't this be a loss for you Qingcheng? We are helping Lord Ji City Lord with things, and we definitely didn't intend to follow you deliberately!"

Jiajia heard the words of the aborigines of the sub-god race, and then looked at the things they held in their hands, and slightly believed it, and then stood there waiting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to walk in front of them, and then turned to Ji Xiaoyan again. Xiaoyan asked a question, and after getting confirmation from Ji Xiaoyan, Jiajia asked Ji Xiaoyan a little happily: "Then Xiaoyan, does it mean that Jiajia actually helped Qingcheng do something?"

"Isn't it!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled suddenly, and said to Jiajia, "Look at the monsters you kill now, don't they all benefit us?"

"Then if Jiajia continues to kill these monsters, can I pick up more things for Xiaoyan?" Jiajia blinked suddenly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, and after watching her nod with a smile, she became happy, and then Talking to Ji Xiaoyan: "Jajia didn't want to kill these monsters anymore, they are too weak! But if it is good for Qingcheng and Xiaoyan, Jiajia can still continue to kill them!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and asked Jiajia: "If Jiajia doesn't like it, or doesn't want to kill these monsters anymore, we can change places! It doesn't matter!"

"Another place? Where are you going?" Jiajia was stunned when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and couldn't help but asked Ji Xiaoyan curiously, but after watching Ji Xiaoyan pointing in another direction , Jiajia asked suspiciously: "Xiaoyan, is there a more powerful monster over there?"

Jiajia blinked his eyes twice, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some doubts and asked, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, Jiajia remembers, is that the direction of Shacheng? "

Ji Xiaoyan smiled and nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said to Jiajia: "I heard from the aborigines that there are many monsters in Shacheng today. Their strength is stronger than ours now. The monsters you saw are even more powerful! If you want to go there and try, Jiajia, we will accompany you!"

Hearing the words, he suddenly looked excited, and immediately nodded his head in agreement.

On the other hand, the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and hurriedly shouted at Ji Xiaoyan to stop.

So Jiajia looked at the aborigines of the sub-god race with some displeasure, and couldn't help asking them dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean? Don't you want to make Jiajia more powerful?"

The aborigines of the sub-god race immediately showed helpless and depressed expressions, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and then hurriedly said to Jiajia: "No, Jiajia! That's not what we mean! It’s just that this Shacheng cannot be easily provoked! If we pass by, Jiajia, have you ever thought about what to do if the aborigines of Shacheng or the Lord of Shacheng get misunderstood? ? This will cause trouble! You don’t want to cause trouble for Lord Ji, do you?”

"But Xiaoyan is the deputy city lord of Shacheng, don't worry! The aboriginals of Shacheng will definitely not be able to beat Jiajia!" Seeing them showing even more helpless expressions, he frowned and said to them: "You are actually afraid, aren't you?"

"No! Jiajia, we just don't want Jiajia to make more enemies for Qingcheng!" The aborigines of the sub-protoss could only say something helplessly to Jiajia, and couldn't help looking at Ji Xiaoyan, wanting her It's persuasive.But after everyone looked at Ji Xiaoyan, their expressions became even uglier.

You know, this proposal was made by Ji Xiaoyan!They still want Ji Xiaoyan to persuade Jiajia, isn't it impossible?
Thinking of this, the aborigines of the sub-god race immediately frowned. After thinking about it, they immediately signaled Ji Xiaoyan to take two steps to the side. Said: "Master Ji City Lord, you also know that we have always believed in you! And we also know that you definitely don't want Jiajia to encounter any danger. But now you suggest that Jiajia go to Shacheng to kill monsters, If this really causes something to happen, it will be bad for us and for Jiajia! We really want to know, Lord Ji, what is the reason for your proposal?"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and said to the aborigines of the sub-protoss: "Actually, I don't have any other intentions!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the aborigines of the sub-god race and frowned. After thinking about it, he said seriously to the aborigines of the sub-god race: "The monsters over there are really as I said. , It is indeed more powerful than here. If Jiajia wants to practice hands and the like, it is really suitable to go there! As for what you are worried about being discovered by the aborigines in Shacheng, I would like to say, don’t hurt too much Brain! Do you know why we built such a large teleportation array here, and there are so many aborigines and adventurers outside the town?"

The aborigines of the sub-god race frowned, shook their heads silently, and asked Ji Xiaoyan curiously: "Is the teleportation array outside the town specially invited by Lord Ji to build it?"

"That's natural!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded affirmatively, and after thinking about it for a while, he asked the aborigines of the sub-protoss: "I would like to know that your sub-protoss has now been considered opened, From the teleportation certificate of your sub-protoss, you can walk around on the mainland, so have you heard about the arrest warrant for the Resurrection Gate!?"

"A warrant for the Resurrection Gate?!" The aborigines of the sub-god clan glanced at each other, and then someone nodded and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "I've heard of it!"

So Ji Xiaoyan told the aborigines of the sub-god race about the arrest warrant of the Resurrection Gate and the matter that Lord Lehe hid in Shacheng, and then pointed in the direction of the teleportation array, and said to everyone : "Now that our Qingcheng has got such a town close to Shacheng by chance, we have built a teleportation array to facilitate all the aborigines to go to Shacheng and catch Mr. Lehe! If this thing happens , can be regarded as helping the Resurrection Gate and many aborigines, this is a good thing for everyone, what do you think?"

"But Master Ji, have you ever thought that if the Lord City Master of Shacheng or the aborigines know about this matter, it will not be a good thing for Qingcheng!"

"Of course I know this!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and said to the people of the sub-shen clan: "It's just that the relationship between our Qingcheng and Shacheng is not very good now, if we really want to take care of anything, we can't do it." No need! Anyway, when it’s time to fight, you have to fight!”

"Master Ji City Lord, aren't you the Deputy City Lord of Shacheng? This will also cause a fight?" The aborigines of the sub-protoss frowned and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with great doubts, as if they couldn't figure out what was going on. reason.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan didn't mean to explain, and said directly to everyone: "You don't have to break the casserole and ask the bottom of the matter. The relationship between us and Shacheng is really bad now, even if I am Shacheng The deputy city lord of the city, it is impossible to enter Shacheng as normal as before! So my deputy city lord is just a title, and I don’t even have any power or other treatment! Therefore, yes It’s not the deputy city lord, it’s all the same! If one day, I step into Shacheng with this identity, it’s probably easier and faster to be caught and killed than other aborigines or adventurers !"

(End of this chapter)

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