The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3010 Think of a way

Chapter 3010 Think of a way

Friesman's idea is very simple. Instead of letting him and Yan Mo stay in the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion and stare at Gaga to prevent it from going crazy again, it is better to send Gaga directly back to the Naya Protoss. The aborigines of the sub-protoss are all staring at Jiajia. If there is any problem with Jiajia, don't there still be those sub-protoss horses and sand beasts?At that time, no matter what, it won't be his turn and Xuan Mo's turn!
The ghost knows how difficult it will be for the two of them to stop Jiajia from going crazy, why not just throw this hot potato back to the sub-shen clan!
It's just that Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shaking his head helplessly after hearing what Friesman said, and said to him: "Friesman, why do you think Jiajia appeared in our Qingcheng? Don't you understand? ?"

"But the aboriginals of the sub-gods can't just throw Gaga into Qingcheng because they are afraid that Gaga will destroy their place of sub-gods! Gaga is also very dangerous in our Qingcheng! Xiaoyan, don't you worry? Even The aborigines of the sub-gods said that if there is any loss in our Qingcheng, they will compensate and help us repair it, so why can't they use the gold coins to repair their own settlements!? Isn't that the same? Is it?" Freesman frowned, and asked Ji Xiaoyan with an unhappy face, as if he really rejected the fact that Jiajia was sent back to Qingcheng.

Ji Xiaoyan was really taken aback when he heard Friesman's words, as if he didn't think too much about it.

On the other hand, Yu Mo thought for a while and said to Friesman, "Maybe it's because the patriarch of their sub-protoss is not here!"

"What does this have to do with their patriarch?" Friesman looked disbelieving, and couldn't help frowning and said to Xuan Mo, "Their patriarch is not here, so they can send Jiajia away. !? Or is it that their patriarch will be able to suppress Jiajia when he comes back? Is that why they sent Jiajia to Qingcheng to harm us like now?"

"Friesman, I don't think what you said is right! According to normal circumstances, Jiajia can be regarded as a member of our Qingcheng. If you say that you are here to harm us, this is not right!" Ji Xiaoyan heard Friesman's words After thinking about this, he said seriously to Friesman, "If we hadn't taken Gaga to find the sub-protoss, Gaga would still be our Qingcheng Mashen Beast, right? Under such circumstances, if Jiajia has turned into the madness it is today. Don’t we still have to guard Qingcheng? This is a very normal thing! The current situation is much better than what we can bear! Anyway, Jiajia has destroyed us For these buildings in Qingcheng, there can still be a sub-protoss to help us, isn't it? This is already a very good result! I think we should be satisfied and not complain!"

Ji Xiaoyan's reasoning is very clear, but Friesman is still not happy!
In his opinion, if the aborigines of the Sub-God Race sent Jiajia to Qingcheng, then Qingcheng suffered a loss!In this regard, Friesman is actually very protective of the city.

Sullen and unhappy all the way to the front of the teleportation formation, Ji Xiaoyan purposely avoided the aborigines under the gate of the town. After thinking about it, he asked Xuan Mo to use magic to open the wall outside the teleportation formation and let them in. The guards of Qingcheng emptied the aborigines and adventurers in the teleportation array, temporarily restricted people from teleporting over, and then waited until Xuan Mo completely opened the wall outside the teleportation array, bringing Jiajia and a group of The aborigines of the sub-protoss stepped on the teleportation array and teleported back to Qingcheng directly.

When Jiajia appeared in Qingcheng again, it really attracted the attention of many aborigines and adventurers!

"See it!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman still not very happy, rolled his eyes immediately, and said to Friesman: "Friesman, look, is it everyone's attention now?" Looking at Jiajia, they all look very envious and surprised?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Friesman immediately rolled his eyes at Ji Xiaoyan when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said impatiently, "What are you talking to me about?"

"Can't you see that this is actually a very good thing?" Ji Xiaoyan continued to say with a smile, as if he wanted to make Friesman happy, but he was watching Friesman again After giving her a blank look, he suddenly smiled awkwardly, and continued: "Look, a figure like Jiajia is quite visually impressive. No matter who the aborigines and adventurers in Qingcheng are, see We have such a powerful Mabun Sand Beast like Jiajia in Qingcheng, can we have more confidence in our hearts?"

"We in Qingcheng don't want to fight with anyone now. What's the use of having confidence?" Friesman gave Ji Xiaoyan a direct look, and seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him speechlessly, seemed to feel that What I said was a little inappropriate, and after thinking about it, I continued: "If something really happens, you may not be able to count on going to Jiajia! If it happens to go crazy, it must be an internal worry Foreign troubles?"

Ji Xiaoyan had no way to refute what he said, so he could only take a deep breath, and then said to Friesman: "I just want to tell you that it is still beneficial for Jiajia to stay in our Qingcheng!"

"Whether it is good or not, I can't see what it is now!" Friesman looked disgusted, "All I know is that the tower of the City Lord's Mansion was really destroyed. of!"

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan really had no way to communicate with Frisman anymore, so he could only look at Xuan Mo helplessly, and took the aborigines of the sub-protoss to send Jiajia to the Lusier tribe place to go.

After seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others come back, Ni Mengsha immediately came down from the top of the mountain, looked at Jiajia twice seriously, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others with great doubts and asked: "How do I look, Jiajia seems to be A little bigger again?"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan could only nod his head, "When I went to that town, Jiajia went crazy again, and this size became bigger."

"It's only one night!" Ni Mengsha frowned, and couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan in confusion: "How can Jiajia grow so fast!?"

"This is also what we are curious about! But now we can't find any reason!" Ji Xiaoyan also shrugged helplessly, and said to Ni Mengsha: "Now we can only let Jiajia live here temporarily. , let Jiajia go back after we rebuild the tower!"

"Is it okay to live here?" Ni Mengsha looked in the direction of those Lusie aborigines worriedly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I can't beat Kaga now, if it If there is a madness, if no one admits it, I have nothing to do with it. It will be fine if it hits me, but what if it hurts the aborigines of the Lucie tribe? what?"

"The place where the Lusi'er people live is high enough! As long as they don't provoke Jiajia, I don't think Jiajia will destroy these houses!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Lusi'er people hanging on the mountain wall in the distance The house of the aborigines said to Nimensha not worried: "Before that outside the town, when Gaga went crazy, he only attacked those monsters that were malicious to it, and we followed it. It is far away, and it has never attacked us! I think it will not attack the aborigines of the Lusier tribe at that time! Besides, isn’t there Nimensa you here? Just drag it a little bit, We'll be here when the time comes!"

Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Ni Mengsha had no other reason to refute, she could only nod her head, and then asked the aborigines of the sub-god race: "You also want to stay, right? "

"Yes!" The aborigines of the sub-god race nodded immediately, and said to Nimengsha with affirmation: "Jajia is our sub-god race's Malu sand beast, and it should have stayed in our sub-god race. It's just that the patriarch of our sub-god clan is not here now, and every time Jiajia goes crazy, we are tormented enough, so please ask Lord Ji City Lord, it can be considered that we have caused trouble to Lord Ji City Lord, we naturally need to stay and help Lord Ji City Lord!"

"That's fine!" Nimengsha nodded, looked directly at the mountain wall behind her, and then signaled for a few aborigines of the Lusie tribe to come and take the aborigines of the sub-god tribe to find him. After staying in the place, he walked to Jiajia's side, thought for a while, and asked Jiajia: "Can Jiajia go up the mountain?"

When Jiajia heard Nimengsha's words, she looked in the direction of the mountain wall with great doubts, then shook her head at Nimengsha and said: "Jiajia can't go up! Nimengsha wants Jiajia to go up! ?"

"That's not true!" Nimensha smiled, and said to Jiajia: "I'm just asking! But since Jiajia wants to live here in the future, I won't go back to the cave, just here I'll be with you!"

"Nimengsha wants to accompany Jiajia?" When Jiajia heard this, she looked very happy. After looking forward to seeing Nimensha nod, she immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan! That's it Alright, Jiajia and Nimensa live here! Jiajia wants to stay with Nimensa!"

"Okay! As long as you're happy!" Ji Xiaoyan saw Jiajia like this, and immediately smiled, agreeing.As long as Jiajia doesn't reject it, it's a good thing for them!
Seeing that Jiajia followed Ni Mengsha away, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Friesman and Xuan Mo, but looked at Friesman with a depressed look on his face: "What's wrong, Friesman!?"

"Xiaoyan, are you going to leave me and Xuanmo here?"

"This is also temporary!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately understood Friesman's thoughts when he heard what Friesman said, and quickly said to him: "You don't have to stay here, I will arrange guards to guard , as soon as Jiajia goes crazy, you all come over to help, just stop it a little!"

"It's the same wherever you live!" Friesman hadn't spoken yet, but Yu Mo spoke first, and asked Ji Xiaoyan, "Where is Xiaoyan planning to go next?"

"Go to the Resurrection Gate!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Yu Mo, and then said: "Didn't the aborigines of the Sub-God Clan suggest that I go to the Resurrection Gate? Anyway, we have a good relationship with the Resurrection Gate. If you ask, you might know something!"

Xuan Mo thought for a while, then nodded and said, "That's fine! Then we'll stay nearby, and as long as Jiajia goes crazy, we'll come and watch it!"

"But, what if we can't stop Jiajia?" Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, but frowned, and asked them worriedly: "So, Xiaoyan, go As for the Resurrection Gate, we can’t go for too long. Otherwise, if we make up our minds, we won’t be able to find anyone!”

"Otherwise, I'm going to find Master Qingmi?" Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and couldn't help asking Friesman.

"It's useless to invite Elder Qingmi! Their Qingshimen and Jiajia's attacks are of the same type now, and they all rely on physical attacks. If all of their Qingshimen's disciples come, it may not be possible to stop them. Live in Jiajia! When the time comes, are you here to die?" Friesman couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said to her: "Otherwise, Xiaoyan, you should go there first Refu Water City, invite Master Bessa to help!"

"Lord Bessa?!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"That's right!" Friesman nodded to Ji Xiaoyan affirmatively and said, "Master Bessa is from the water element! With him here, I will be able to use spells a lot easier! If so If you cooperate with Lord Bessa and trap Gaga, there will definitely be no problem!"

But Ji Xiaoyan didn't say a word, he was thinking about everything about Master Bessa in his mind.

"Xiaoyan, are you unhappy?" Friesman looked at Ji Xiaoyan's expression, and immediately couldn't help asking in doubt: "Speaking of which, Master Bessa used to wish he could stay in our Qingcheng every day, but now He stayed in River Water City all the time, and basically didn’t come to our Qingcheng! Xiaoyan, it couldn’t be that something unpleasant happened between you and Lord Besa, which made Lord Besa angry, right?”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ji Xiaoyan gave Friesman a blank look, and after thinking for a while, he said to him: "What you said, Friesman, has some truths. Whatever it is, if you cooperate with him, your strength will increase greatly!"

"Yes, yes!" Friesman laughed happily when he heard that Ji Xiaoyan was willing to go to Master Bessa: "When the time comes to deal with Jiajia, I will be more confident! So, Xiaoyan, you must take Beisa Master Sa, please come here!"

"I'll try my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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