Chapter 3011 Common Form

Ji Xiaoyan never thought that Furnishman would suddenly think of asking her to contact Master Bessa to come to Qingcheng to help!

You know, there was an abnormal situation between Lord Besa and Ji Xiaoyan before, and after being dealt with by Guang, Ji Xiaoyan felt that there was an inexplicable gap between him and Lord Besa, and then he and Lord Besa were in Qingcheng. I met a few times, but after that, I always felt that something was wrong. Finally, after Mr. Bessa returned to River Water City, he almost didn't meet each other!

This hastily going to River Water City again, and invited Master Bessa to come to Qingcheng for help, Ji Xiaoyan still felt a little strange in his heart.

But even so, Ji Xiaoyan finally decided to go to River Water City!

Just like Friesman said, if there is really no powerful figure staying in Qingcheng to sit in the town, she can't go to the gate of resurrection to find those clues about Jiajia with confidence!So after thinking about it for a while, Ji Xiaoyan took a few Qingcheng guards and teleported directly from the teleportation array to River Water City.

What Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect was that when she arrived at River Water City, she was a little surprised.

Today's River Water City doesn't look like Ji Xiaoyan's previous impression at all.

Towering fences have been built around the entire River Water City!From the teleportation array all the way to the gate of Narefu Water City, there are all connected fences, and there are guards in the city guarding them every few steps. It seems that there is a kind of heavily guarded. It feels as if something is going to happen in River Water City!This made Ji Xiaoyan feel a little nervous, and suddenly became a little vigilant.

She couldn't figure it out, what was going to happen to River Water City?

All the way from the teleportation array to the city gate, although Ji Xiaoyan also wanted to ask the city guards or teleporters, but these aborigines either didn't speak, or said they didn't know, which made her extremely depressed!After waiting until the gate of the city and meeting a few aborigines in River Water City, Ji Xiaoyan finally found someone who could speak, and hurriedly asked them about the situation in River Water City.

What Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect was that after hearing her words, the aborigines in River Water City shook their heads and said to Ji Xiaoyan very seriously: "There is nothing wrong with us in River Water City. what!"

This made Ji Xiaoyan even more puzzled.

"Since there is nothing wrong with River Water City, how could it be built like this?"

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's doubts, the aborigines of River Water City laughed, and then explained to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City, you haven't come to our River Water City for a long time, so don't worry about it." You know the situation! These fences are all specially built by our city lord to prevent Chief Hess from running around."

"Director Hess?" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately reacted, couldn't help but looked in the direction of the city, and then asked the aborigines in River Water City: "What is it, Chief Hess?" gone?"

Ji Xiaoyan remembered very clearly that this old Hess was also one of the victims of the Resurrection Gate incident.

When Master Bessa found out that the situation was wrong, he still asked her to help, and sent old Hess to the Resurrection Gate to recover, and waited until everything got better, just like the elders of Qianhua Gate, Wait until it is confirmed that it is normal before picking it up.But looking at it now, it seems that the situation of old Hess is not as good as she imagined?This is at the Resurrection Gate and has not recovered well, what else is going crazy?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning, but seeing that none of the aborigines in River Water City showed any worried or sad expressions on their faces, this worry immediately began to dissipate up.

"Speaking of which, Manager Hess is fine now!" The aborigines in River Water City looked at Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled expression, but after thinking about it, they smiled and said to her: "City Master Ji Your Excellency may not know, but this Manager Hess went out with the City Lord before. I heard that he seemed to be sick, and our City Lord personally sent him for treatment, and then picked him up! He has been in the City Lord's Mansion since he came back I kept it! Later, I heard that although Chief Hess was sent out for treatment, there still seemed to be some minor ailments that could not be cured. Therefore, the city lord was worried about the health of Chief Hess, and asked him to stay in the city lord on weekdays. The mansion is taken care of by the city lord himself, and he is not willing to let him out and walk around! But you also know, the city lord Ji, that Chief Hess will give the commander a clear picture of everything in our entire city on weekdays, and he has to come out every day The inspector, let him suffer from so many illnesses for a while, and don't care about anything, how can he be free? So the manager Hess will get angry with the city lord when he has nothing to do, and sneak out of the city lord's mansion , Strolling around, it is a headache for the city lord! So every time Manager Hess runs out of the main palace in the city, the city lord has to come out and arrest him!"

"Twice this time is fine, but I ran out four or five times in a day, and the city lord can't bear it! How can our city lord waste so much time on Lord Hess's escape game?! So, Afterwards, the Lord of the City arranged a lot of guards in the city to keep an eye on Manager Hess, hoping that he would stay in the City Lord's Mansion honestly! But the guards couldn't control Manager Hess at all! They only confirmed each time Manager Hess was obediently staying in the palace in the city lord's mansion, and he ran away in the blink of an eye! As a result, once! After the manager Hess ran out of the city lord's mansion, he didn't know what happened. He accidentally fell into the river outside the city. The guards who were chasing after Chief Hess were all terrified. They waited until he was rescued before going to report to the city lord. Let our city lord jump!"

"So afterward, the city lord ordered people to erect such fences at the bridge and the river, in order to prevent Chief Hess from accidentally falling down when he escaped again! This is probably the case !"

The aborigines of River Water City finished talking to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on their face, and after seeing her surprised face, they couldn't help but asked again: "Does Lord Ji feel that Manager Hess is really very serious?" Amazing?!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and could only smile and nod.I didn't expect the reason to be so simple, so I couldn't help but look at the surrounding railings, and then asked the aborigines in River Water City: "Then, after these railings are erected, will Manager Hess Didn't you fall into the river again?"

"That's natural!" The aborigines in River Water City nodded vigorously, and said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan: "If this can still make Manager Hess fall, these things are of no use at all. It’s gone! Our city lord has also spent a lot of thought!"

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan seemed to make the same sense, but looking at the width of the gap between the fences with more than one person, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed, and then told those people in River Water City that he was going to the city lord After getting an aborigine to lead the way happily, Ji Xiaoyan didn't say much, and went straight to the direction of the city lord's mansion.

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect that just after she entered the gate of the Santo's Mansion, she saw that the Santo's Mansion has become a mess!
Numerous guards and maids of River Water City were shouting the name of Chief Hess, as if he had lost his way again.

Sure enough, after seeing Ji Xiaoyan, a maid immediately came over to say hello, and asked Ji Xiaoyan's purpose for coming to the city lord's mansion. After learning that she was going to see Lord Besa, the maid hurriedly ordered Nodding, he led Ji Xiaoyan anxiously to a palace in the city lord's mansion, and said to Ji Xiaoyan while walking: "Master Ji, our city lord is inside, but I'm afraid the mood at the moment is a bit Not very good! So Lord Ji, you have to be more careful for a while!"

"Why is your Lord City Lord in a bad mood?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised, and couldn't imagine what it would be like for Master Besa to be in a bad mood!In the past, Master Bessa had always been kind and friendly, but when he suddenly heard him get angry, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being a little curious!

What could be the reason for his anger?
"Of course it's because I'm the right manager!" The maid of River Water City sighed suddenly, as if she had finally found someone to tell her, she hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, you don't know! It happened that the manager was ill before, and after the city lord took him to recuperate for a while, he handled things the same as before, but his temper was like a child, running around in the city from time to time, When the city lord needed to find him, he couldn’t be found at all! You still have to worry about whether Chief Hess will accidentally fall into the water, what will you do then? No, Chief Hess has escaped again! The city lord My lord couldn't find him, so I got a little angry! Now all the people in our entire castellan's mansion are looking for Chief Hess, and we don't know where he slipped out from, or, is it possible to simply hide in the In this city lord's mansion, we all have to find him as soon as possible."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he could only nod his head worriedly, but looked at the scene in the City Lord's Mansion with some surprise, and really couldn't figure out where this old Hess went and what he wanted to do!
Finally, after following the maid all the way to the small palace in the city lord's mansion, Ji Xiaoyan finally saw Lord Bessa who was frowning tightly and had a cold aura, sitting behind the table, with a delicate appearance, but his imposing manner It's a little daunting.

"Lord Bessa!"

"Master Ji? Why are you here?" Lord Bessa was dealing with some matters in River Water City, when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's voice, he immediately raised his eyes to look at her, and the coldness on his face disappeared instantly. It was clean, leaving only a happy smile.

"I'm here because I have something to ask Lord Besa for help!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't go around in circles, and said something directly to Lord Besa, and nodded directly when he saw him, without even asking any more questions, Ji Xiaoyan But he couldn't help frowning, and asked Lord Bessa: "Master Bessa, when I just came in, I heard that Manager Hess ran away again? This is not a one-time or two-time thing. Is it because I went to recover at the Resurrection Gate, is that so?"

Lord Bessa glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, but his gaze was on the maids and guards outside the palace, and he naturally understood that since the aborigines in River Water City knew about these things, Ji Xiaoyan's gaze was on Ji Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan came to the door suddenly, so naturally he would hear the news!
"Well! I have some minor problems, but it's not a problem!" Master Bessa immediately ordered someone to bring food after seeing Ji Xiaoyan sit down, and then continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "At least, Old Hess is not It's enough that it hasn't become that crazy state, and it won't change in the future! Everything else is just a minor problem!"

"What's wrong with Manager Hess? Since this problem was solved in the Resurrection Gate, why are there still residual problems left? Master Bessa, didn't you ask Qingcheng? Ji Xiaoyan frowned, wondering not understand.

"It's not a big problem, the Resurrection Gate can't solve it now!"

"What's wrong?!" Ji Xiaoyan asked Master Bessa seriously.

Master Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan fixedly, and after a while, he said: "It's just that there is something wrong with my temper, and I would sneak out and run around like a child from time to time, it's not a serious problem! "

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned even tighter, but couldn't help but feel a little strange, and asked Master Besa: "Master Besa, tell me, Manager Hess will Occasionally act like a child? That is to say, his temperament will suddenly change?"

"Almost!" Lord Bessa thought for a while, then nodded to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "It's not a big deal, as long as he is well watched! Now I just need to let him stay safely in River Water City. It's just that he ran around like this, and he was in danger several times, so he lost it, so everyone can only look for it, it seems that our River Water City is a little messy! City Lord Ji, don't worry!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned even more when he heard Master Bessa's words, and he was even more concerned about the situation of old Hess!Think about it, is the old Hess' situation similar to that of Gaga?Just suddenly going crazy?Moreover, they all came back from the Resurrection Gate!

Everyone knows that there are problems after Kaka's resurrection, but in the case of old Hess, how can the Resurrection Gate help him recover, and such a situation is impossible!If there is a problem, it can only prove that there is something wrong with the resurrection or recovery process of the Resurrection Gate, and they don't know it!In other words, I don't want to find out and change!

(End of this chapter)

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