The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3012 Just think about it

Chapter 3012 Just think about it

Thinking about the commonality between old Hess and Jiajia, Ji Xiaoyan's brows became more and more frowned.

While Master Bessa was talking, he suddenly saw a change in Ji Xiaoyan's expression, he stopped talking immediately, and couldn't help asking her: "Master Ji, what's wrong with you? Is there something I didn't say right? ?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard Master Bessa's words, he came back to his senses, quickly smiled at him, shook his head and said, "No! I just thought of something!"

Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and then asked her: "I haven't asked City Master Ji yet, what are you doing here in River Water City? Do you need to find me? Or , what do we need to do?"

Master Bessa is still very clear about one thing, Ji Xiaoyan is not the kind who will go to River Water City to play if he has nothing to do!Now that you're here, there must be something going on!

Ji Xiaoyan didn't mean to hesitate. Hearing Lord Bessa's words, he nodded immediately, and after thinking for a while, he said to Lord Bessa: "There is something! But it's not too urgent. , let’s talk about it after finding Manager Hess!”

Master Bessa smiled, shook his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's unnecessary! Just say what City Master Ji has to say. The matter of looking for old Hess is naturally our guards in River Water City." I don't have to worry about anything, as long as old Hess doesn't fall into the water and die, I don't have anything to worry about! Just wait a while, and I can find old Hess soon Come on!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at him in surprise when he heard Master Bessa's words, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Master Bessa is just worried that Manager Hess will fall. into the water instead of worrying about other things?"

Seeing Master Bessa nodding with a wry smile, Ji Xiaoyan was even more surprised.

You know, in this game world, most of the aborigines know everything!This swimming is also a matter of course!What's more, in this game setting, River Water City is surrounded by a large area of ​​water. Under normal circumstances, it should be impossible for the aborigines in River Water City to be drowned!Moreover, doesn't River Water City also have potion props for avoiding water?Isn't there a little bit of this old Hess?

Besides, since the aborigines all know that they are afraid of water, why would they never make fun of their own lives like this, and they just want to play near the water!
So, how could there be such a situation as Old Hess, who obviously ran to the water's edge because he was afraid that the water would be fine?Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's extremely puzzled expression, Master Bessa couldn't help but sighed, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Actually, I don't know what's wrong with old Hess recently, but I just like to go to I have told him many times about running in that strange place, and you can’t go by the water! But every time he ran out of the city lord’s mansion, he had to go to the water’s edge! Fortunately, in those After the railings are erected, it will prevent him from falling into the water easily! It's just that the possibility of trying to stop him from approaching the water is still very small!"

Thinking of those railings, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shaking his eyebrows, looked at Lord Besa speechlessly, and said to him: "It's just Lord Besa, have you seen all the railings in this city? The gap between the railing and the railing is so big, if you want to get out of it easily, there is no problem at all! If the manager of Hess really ran to the railing, he just had to go out easily , will definitely fall into the water! How can the railing stop people?"

"Yes!" Lord Bessa was stunned for a moment after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then he couldn't help laughing as if thinking of something, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "In the impression of City Lord Ji, old Hess is still the same as before, right?"

"Isn't it?" Ji Xiaoyan heard Master Bessa's words, but suddenly looked at Master Bessa with a strange expression. Looking at the smiling expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart. Subtle thoughts came, and then he asked Mr. Bessa with some uncertainty: "Master Bessa, don't tell me that the current Chief Hess has changed!?" "Yes! It has changed Yes!" Lord Bessa nodded with certainty, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "That's why I said that City Lord Ji probably hasn't seen what old Hess looks like today, so naturally he doesn't know, just There is such a big gap in the railing, no matter what old Hess can't get out now!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan was astonished, his eyes widened, and he looked at Master Bessa in disbelief. After confirming with him again and again that what he said was the truth, Ji Xiaoyan finally Couldn't help but took a deep breath, sat in the chair directly, and then asked Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, don't tell me that Manager Hess is so fat that no one recognizes him? He I was very thin before, how could it suddenly become so bulky?"

"We don't know about that either!" Lord Bessa also had a helpless look on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "When he first came back from the Resurrection Gate, Old Hess was quite normal! But gradually, after the city lord After staying in the mansion for a long time, old Hess began to like to overeat! He has to eat food for several people every day, and he gradually grew fatter and became what he is now!"

"How could this be?" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little more, but looked at Master Bessa with a relaxed expression and smiled at him.

"No one knows this! But think about it, there is nothing wrong with it! At least, if old Hess has become like this now, our river water city can still save a lot of railings, and it can also let him You can't easily fall into the water!" Master Bessa laughed at himself, but seeing Ji Xiaoyan's frown, he smiled and continued: "Actually, old Hess I only get sick a few times a day, and I won’t do anything to damage our River Water City. I just like to run to the water, and it doesn’t have any bad influence on our River Water City! I think it can It’s good enough for him to completely get rid of other people’s control, and I don’t want to worry about anything else! It’s just a little more troublesome, if you can lock him up, just get through that period of time. If you can’t lock him up, just send someone Just search everywhere!"

Hearing Master Bessa's words, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but stare at him several times, finally nodded and said: "Master Bessa, what you said is somewhat reasonable! At least, Hess The steward is free now!" "Yes!" Lord Bessa smiled immediately, but turned the topic away, and asked Ji Xiaoyan again: "Just why did City Master Ji come to look for me? Yes, you might as well just say it directly! I just happen to be fine right now!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after thinking about it for a while, he told Master Besa about going to the Resurrection Gate to ask about Gaga's situation, and then also told Master Besa about Gaga's stay in Qingcheng now After a while, he said to Bessa with a bit of begging: "It may not take long for me to go to the Resurrection Gate. If I say it quickly, it will take less than half a day. Delayed, if Jiajia is going crazy in the city lord's mansion, they don't know what to do, or what they can do! Secondly, they can't suppress Jiajia! If it is ruined, it would be too cost-effective! So I thought about it, and invited Mr. Bessa to go to our Qingcheng to help guard it. If Jiajia really went crazy again, if there is anything, I can take it for them. An idea! When necessary, I can work with Friesman to stop Kaga!"

Master Bessa heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, thought for a while, then nodded to her and said: "Yes! I know about this matter. Do you need me to go there now?"

"No, no, no! This Kaka shouldn't go crazy again so soon! Mr. Bessa, you can slow down before passing!"

"That's all right! Then after I get Manager Hess back and make arrangements, I'll go to Qingcheng immediately!" Master Bessa thought for a while, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked about the current situation After clearing the situation in the city, he watched Ji Xiaoyan leave the palace!

After leaving the palace of the City Lord's Mansion, the guards of River Water City led Ji Xiaoyan all the way towards the city gate.

From the gate of River Water City to the teleportation array, it is a long path to walk!In the past, every time I followed Lord Bessa back to River Water City, the small road was almost covered with guards, and old Hess would appear at the gate of the city, with a bright smile on his face, to welcome Lord Bessa. return.But now, on this small road, except for the railings with huge gaps, there are only a few guards standing. Where is the lively scene like before?
Looking at such a scene, Ji Xiaoyan felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Stepping on the teleportation array, Ji Xiaoyan immediately signaled to the teleporters, ready to teleport back to Qingcheng.However, he did not expect that when the light of the teleportation array suddenly lit up, shouts suddenly sounded near the teleportation array.

Ji Xiaoyan turned his head and saw a few shadows by the water, he quickly asked the teleporters to stop the teleportation, and ran towards the direction of those figures.

"Master Hess! Manager Hess!"

As soon as she got close, Ji Xiaoyan heard the name of Manager Hess. Without any hesitation, she immediately ordered the guards behind her to go to help. When she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she couldn't help but feel a little funny up.

On the surface of the water, a round human figure was floating, and it seemed that there was no danger of falling into the water, but after taking a closer look, Ji Xiaoyan finally understood why the guards of River Water City were so scared, and tried their best to Find a way to bring Manager Hess back!Because his body is floating on the water, but the other end is submerged under the water at the moment, and there is no way to lift it up for a long time to breathe air. If it is delayed for a long time, he will definitely be drowned. !
"Quick, quick! Hurry up and help rescue people first!" Ji Xiaoyan commanded to the Qingcheng guards behind him in a panic, watching them jump into the water together with the guards of River Water City , finally got close to Manager Hess, and after pulling him back to the shore little by little, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurried forward to check the current situation of Manager Hess.

It was only after taking a closer look that Ji Xiaoyan realized that what Master Bessa said was true!
If the current Manager Hess appeared in front of Ji Xiaoyan alone, she would never recognize him.

Leaving aside the swelling of the body, the point is that his head has more than doubled in size now, and his entire face is no longer what it used to be.

"Master Ji?!" Manager Hess, who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, seemed to see Ji Xiaoyan, but his face was full of surprise, then he smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji Why are you here?" "Manager Hess, do you still remember me?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being stunned when he heard what Manager Hess said, and asked in surprise.

"Remember! How come you don't remember?" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Manager Hess was surprised, and motioned to the guards of River Water City beside him to help him up and sit down. Then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan strangely and asked, "What's the matter, City Master Ji? Why do you ask such a question?"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked her eyes, and then said with a smile: "I just wanted to mess up something! Mr. Hess, how do you feel now? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Manager Hess was stunned for a moment, but smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "It's just a few sips of water! Everything else is okay!"

"I heard that Manager Hess likes to go to the water's edge recently? Why?" Ji Xiaoyan let go of his thoughts, and then asked curiously, but his eyes did not move from Manager Hess's face. opened!He looks like this, but he is completely different from Jiajia!
"Yeah! I don't know why, but I just want to go for a swim in the water! But you don't know, Master Ji, Lord Bessa doesn't like to let me go into the water now! I also have a feeling that I can't control myself. They will run out of the city lord's mansion, and they will feel more comfortable after going into the water anyway!" Manager Hess thought for a while, but said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious face: "It's just that I don't know What is going on, after falling into the water, I will regret and be afraid, but after a while, I will forget all these things! I don’t know what’s wrong!”

Manager Hess looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face and said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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