The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3013 Please see me once

Chapter 3013 See you

Ji Xiaoyan, who was going to leave, finally stayed because he found the manager of Hess. Thinking about the strange changes in Jiajia, Ji Xiaoyan finally arranged for the guards of River Water City to go to the city lord's mansion to give to Master Besa. Reported the letter, and then asked about the situation of the manager Hess in detail.

Manager Hess couldn't figure out why he wanted to go into the water.

"Anyway, it's just a whim, I just want to jump into the water!" Manager Hess looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a really curious look, thought about it and said to her seriously: "I don't know what the idea is. How was it born? Anyway, I just wanted to jump into the water, and I felt that as long as I jumped into the water, my whole body would feel comfortable. It’s just that you have seen me like this now, Lord Ji. If I really jumped into the water, The body can float up, but the head can only be submerged in the water, and then there will be accidents! I know this in my heart, but I just can’t control myself. As soon as I feel it, I immediately want to get out of the city. Run out of the mansion! Master Bessa has been tossed enough by me for this matter, but I also want to control myself, but there is no way!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, with a look of understanding on his face.

What Director Hess said is almost the same as when Kaga went crazy and couldn't control himself, but the situation in Kagana may be more serious than that of Manager Hess!Manager Hess, at any rate, still remembers everything, but Jiajia is different.

After Ji Xiaoyan turned his head to look at the water surface, he looked at Manager Hess strangely, and asked him: "Manager Hess, I remember that there are props and potions to avoid water in River Water City. Can you bring some with you, Mr. Hess, so that you don’t have to worry about safety even if you fall into the water, why not?”

This is actually the strangest thing about Ji Xiaoyan.

When Manager Hess heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he shook his head with a helpless smile. After seeing Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled face, he continued: "Master Bessa used it for me at the very beginning. Yes! But I have tried all the water-avoiding props that can be found in River Water City, but I don’t know what’s going on. Things that used to be useful, but now I have a little It’s useless! Whether it’s water-repelling props or water-repelling potions, it’s as if they’ve lost any effect on me and become waste!”

"That is to say, no matter what you put on your body, Manager Hess, it won't be able to prevent water?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback when he heard what Manager Hess said, and couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise Come.

"That's right!" Manager Hess also nodded helplessly, and then said with some gloom, "I don't know what's going on, so Lord Bessa tried every means to stop me afterwards, no Let me get closer to the water! However, I can't control myself, and Master Bessa may not be able to stop it every time!"

Now Ji Xiaoyan understood a little bit!This is the so-called gain and loss. In this game setting, it is impossible for someone to only gain benefits and not encounter any bad things. Manager Hess and Gaga were both resurrected, and they had no problems before. , but after the resurrection, there will always be flaws. Now that flaw may erupt or be eliminated, but new flaws will also emerge again.

No Aboriginal people are perfect.

The manager and Hess stayed by the water, but after waiting for a while, Lord Bessa appeared with his people.

After looking at Manager Hess several times and confirming that nothing was wrong, Master Bessa breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave instructions to the guards of River Water City, let them take Manager Hess first Go back to the city lord's mansion.

"Then I'll go back first!" Manager Hess didn't seem to be struggling any more, and nodded directly, but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and said to Master Bessa: "Master Bessa, this City Lord Ji finally came to our River Water City once, so you should stay with me a little longer! I’ve already fallen into the water, and I won’t make trouble for a while, so you don’t have to worry about me!”

Lord Bessa looked helplessly at Manager Hess, nodded and signaled the guards to take Manager Hess away.

"Lord Bessa, after this Chief Hess fell into the water, won't he run away again?" Ji Xiaoyan heard some news, and couldn't help asking to Master Bessa.

"Generally speaking, as long as he falls into the water, he will stop for a day!" Lord Bessa nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that this situation is a little different."

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand.

Even if Chief Hess can calm down after falling into the water, why didn't Lord Bessa think of a way, and every time Chief Hess wanted to go into the water, he brought people to protect him, watched him fall into the water, and then put Wouldn't it be enough to save him?This can also reduce a lot of danger!It's better than sending people everywhere to look for Manager Hess as soon as he disappears, and worrying about him falling into the water!
"City Master Ji, do you see that Manager Hess is still fine now?" Master Bessa seemed to have seen what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, after thinking about it, he asked Ji Xiaoyan, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan for sure. After nodding, he said again: "Actually, after going back, he will be very bad!"

"Lord Bessa, what do you mean by that? Didn't Manager Hess just say that after he fell into the water, he would stop making trouble? What does it mean that it's not good?" Ji Xiaoyan looked puzzled Looking at Lord Bessa, he couldn't understand what he meant.

"The reason why he won't make a fuss is because there is no way to make a fuss!" Master Bessa said to Ji Xiaoyan with a sigh on his face, "As long as he falls into the water, he will soon be completely weak, and he can't lie on the ground. Move! Now that such a situation will happen, naturally we can’t make a fuss! Saying this, does City Master Ji understand?”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Master Bessa with a sudden realization, and after thinking for a while, he asked: "So, this is why, Master Bessa, you know that Manager Hess will not make trouble if he falls into the water, but you don't want to see him off personally?" He went into the water?"

"Yeah! When he can't move, he will be very uncomfortable!" Master Bessa nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It is also a very painful situation for him! So, I prefer to be like this , every time he has a seizure, we send people to watch him, catch him everywhere, and don't want to watch him fall into the water!"

Ji Xiaoyan finally understood, looked in the direction of River Water City, and then asked Master Bessa: "Hess is in charge of this situation, there is no explanation from the Resurrection Gate? Or is it a solution? ?”

"Not for now!" Master Bessa nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "When I found out about this situation, I went to the Resurrection Gate again, and they also sent someone to look at it. It's just that old Hess They couldn't explain why this happened! However, it would be a good thing to get old Hess out of control! The Resurrection Gate also said that if they find a solution in the future, they will come to pick up Old Hess. Check it out!"

Everyone at the Resurrection Gate said so, so Ji Xiaoyan couldn't say anything more, so he just nodded, and after bidding farewell to Master Besa, he was directly sent to Qingcheng to tell Master Besa that he had promised to come back to Qingcheng to guard the city. After meeting Xuan Mo and Friesman, I went to see Brick again and asked him to prepare some sleeping potions for Friesman and the others. Then I took a few guards from Qingcheng and teleported directly to the Resurrection Gate. !
At this time, inside the Resurrection Gate, it was the same as before.

When Ji Xiaoyan arrived outside the mountain gate, the disciples of the Resurrection Sect immediately welcomed her in, and asked her to wait in the palace before inviting Lord Luotu to come.

Lord Luotu was also surprised when he heard the news of Ji Xiaoyan's arrival, he packed up his things and came to the palace, after looking at Ji Xiaoyan for a few times to make sure there was nothing serious, he secretly relaxed After sitting down, he exchanged greetings with Ji Xiaoyan.

"Actually, I came here to ask Mr. Luotu something!" Ji Xiaoyan waited until he had finished speaking, and straight to the point, he said to Mr. Luotu. I told you about the fact that Jiajia would go crazy when he fell asleep. Seeing Lord Luotu frowning incomprehension, he thought about it, and then continued: "Nowadays, the people of the sub-protoss say that Jiajia's situation should be solved. It was caused by the resurrection back then, so I wanted to ask if Master Luotu knew anything about the situation in Jiajia!"

"City Master Ji actually wanted to ask, how can we solve the situation in Jiajia?" Luo Tu thought for a while, and asked Ji Xiaoyan directly, and then he thought about it after seeing Ji Xiaoyan nod with a smile Thinking, and then said: "To talk about the situation in Jiajia, I also told Master Ji at the beginning, this matter has passed for too long, and the old man we can find in the resurrection gate is only one old man! He knows Yes, everything that can be said has been said! As for my situation, Lord Ji City Lord is also clear. It has not been long since I have been in this position. It is not easy to know such a thing as long as Jiajia. If you want to find out It's more clear, it's not possible at all!"

"I didn't want to know the meaning of what happened at the beginning!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, but said to Luotu: "I just want to know now, can it be restored after Jiajia became like this! What can I do?" Ways to recover! I just want to know this!"

Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Luotu frowned even more. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Master Ji, you should also know that I am on your side. !"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, motioning for Luotu to continue.

"If I can help you, I will not say anything else, I will definitely help, absolutely! But this matter, even if I have promised Mr. Ji City Master to help, but I also know very clearly that I can't help Yes! I don't know much about the situation in Jiajia, and I can't find any clues or solutions!" Luotu said helplessly to Ji Xiaoyan, "I really have no way to promise you !"

Looking at Luotu's embarrassed and helpless expression, Ji Xiaoyan could only nod in the end, wanting to give up!

There is no other way!If even Luotu can't help, then who else in the Resurrection Gate can help?In this situation, in the end, they may have to figure out a solution by themselves!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Luo Tu kept staring at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing that she was frowning tightly and didn't intend to blame him. After thinking about it, he said again: "However, Lord Ji City Lord, if you think it's okay, I'd better go and hold it." Where is Master Sect, send you a letter and ask Master Sect Master if there is a reason to see you!"

"Master Sect Leader?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, but immediately realized the meaning of Luotu's words, and asked in surprise, "Master Luotu, will Master Sect Leader meet me?"

Most importantly, will the Master of the Resurrection Sect be willing to tell her some news?

"I can't guarantee that either!" Luotu shook his head, but said to Ji Xiaoyan, "I can only ask! But, Mr. Ji City Lord, I can't say that I let you go when the time comes! It was you who came to the Resurrection Gate and asked to see the head of the sect, that's why you found me!"

"I understand! I understand!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, and hurriedly said to Luotu.

"City Master Ji thinks it's okay, so I'll go to Master Sect Leader to pass it on?" Luotu nodded in satisfaction, and saw Ji Xiaoyan leave the palace after agreeing, but it was really easy to convey the news Send it to the master of the Resurrection Sect, and get a positive reply.

"Master Sect Master should have known that Master Ji is here!" Luotu took Ji Xiaoyan to the palace of Master Master of the Resurrection Sect, but there was no joy on his face, instead he was wrinkled. Frowning, with a puzzled and confused look on his face, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Under normal circumstances, the head of the sect would have to ask me to see you at least several times before agreeing to see you, Lord Ji, but this time, my news As soon as I sent it in, the master immediately sent someone to tell me that he promised to see you, Master Ji! This seems really strange!"

"Could it be that the master also knows that if I can't see him, I will stay in your resurrection gate, so he thinks it's too troublesome, so he simply agreed to see me and sent me away What about it?" Ji Xiaoyan had an optimistic face, and said something to Luotu with a smile on his face, watching Luotu shaking his head, still unable to understand, and then comfortingly said to him: "Forget it! Luotu Mr. Tu, we can't guess what the master of the sect is thinking, I will know everything when I go to see him! You don't have to worry! The master of the sect can't possibly eat me, can he?"

(End of this chapter)

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