The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3014 A Different Meeting

Chapter 3014 Different meeting
Ji Xiaoyan was actually a little worried!
Ji Xiaoyan still understands that the head of the Resurrection Sect doesn't like her very much, so she doesn't expect too much courtesy in her heart, as long as she can get more information about Jiajia's current situation News or clues, she is satisfied.

However, what Ji Xiaoyan never imagined was that when she really met the master of the Resurrection Sect, all her imaginations would be overturned!This may not even have been thought of by the head of the Resurrection Sect!

Ji Xiaoyan entered the palace under the leadership of several disciples of the Resurrection Sect. What he saw as he wished was still the appearance of the Master of the Resurrection Sect that he had seen before. He just looked at him lazily lying on the top On a gorgeous throne, with his eyes closed, he seemed to be asleep, and all around him were the disciples of the Resurrection Sect with expressionless faces. After seeing Ji Xiaoyan, all of them turned their eyes to her. On the body, no one wanted to tell Ji Xiaoyan to sit down or wait. Naturally, no one opened his mouth to remind the Master of the Resurrection Sect that she was here.

Ji Xiaoyan stood in the very center of the palace, looked up at the head of the Resurrection Sect above, but didn't say much, just went to the chair beside him and sat down, looking at the snacks on the table , I didn't look polite at all, I just took it and gave it to my mouth.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Resurrection Sect couldn't help frowning, but still no one dared to speak. It seemed that the head of the Resurrection Sect had really fallen asleep, and they didn't dare to disturb him.

"Master Ji! Is the snack delicious?"

In the extremely quiet palace, an old voice suddenly sounded. Ji Xiaoyan quickly swallowed all the snacks in his mouth, and then turned to look at the master of the Resurrection Sect above the palace. Seeing that he still had his eyes closed, it seemed as if he hadn't even glanced at her.

"Master Sect Leader?" Ji Xiaoyan yelled uncertainly, watching the Master Sect Leader of the Resurrection Sect raised his hand, and motioned to the surrounding disciples of the Sect of Resurrection, telling them to leave the palace. Only then did Ji Xiaoyan understand that the head of the Resurrection Sect hadn't fallen asleep all along, but was just lying there with his eyes closed and not looking at her.

"Master Ji, are the snacks delicious?"

The Master of the Resurrection Sect asked again.

"Delicious! The snacks arranged by the head of the sect are naturally delicious!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately replied with a smile, and finally saw the head of the Resurrection Sect opened his eyes. She would be ridiculed by the head of the Resurrection Sect, but Ji Xiaoyan did not expect that the head of the Resurrection Sect suddenly widened his eyes and looked at her in surprise.

"Master Sect Leader? Is there something wrong with me?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, looking at the Master Sect Leader of the Resurrection Sect with a puzzled expression, looking at the undisguised surprise on his face. I even imagined it in my mind, is the head of the Resurrection Sect in front of me pretending to be!
After all, every time Ji Xiaoyan came to see him, the head of the Resurrection Sect had a calm and lazy look. How could he have seen such a surprised expression now!

"What's going on with you?" The head of the Resurrection Sect immediately asked Ji Xiaoyan, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's confused expression, he stood up straight, Stepped down from the ornate throne.

This was the first time Ji Xiaoyan saw the head of the Resurrection Sect standing up. She never knew that there was such a tall old man hidden under the incomparably gorgeous robes!

"Hey, what's going on here?" The master of the Resurrection Sect frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan in disbelief, walked up to her side, and then asked again: " How did you get back the power of Lord God?"

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being stunned when he was asked like this, and looked at the master of the Resurrection Sect with a puzzled face. After a few seconds, he seemed to think of something, and quickly lowered his head towards I looked at it again and again, and suddenly showed a shocked expression, looked at the Master of the Resurrection Sect and asked: "Master, can you see my changes? What can you see? "

"Why can't I see it?" The head of the Resurrection Sect frowned, looked at Ji Xiaoyan over and over again, and asked her very seriously: "You are obviously an adventurer, with a It’s nothing more than something from our aborigines, why? Why do you still have the power of the Lord God now? Who are you? Or, where did you steal the power of the Lord God!?”

The head of the Resurrection Sect couldn't help but become stricter when he said this.

But Ji Xiaoyan looked up at the Master of the Resurrection Sect, who was half taller than the normal aborigines, and felt that his whole body was full of oppression from him at this moment, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly collected his mood, looked at the master of the Resurrection Sect, and said, "You are talking about Master God! With my strength, do you think I am Can the head steal the power of Lord Lord God?"

"Could it be possible that the power in your body can still be given by the Master God?" The master of the Resurrection Sect obviously didn't believe it, looked down at Ji Xiaoyan, and after seeing her nod with affirmation, I don't want to believe it anymore!How is this possible!That's Lord God!

However, after the Master of the Resurrection Sect took a deep breath and thought about it again, he couldn't think of any other reason!
Who is Lord Lord God?That is the sole master of their entire world!His power can be said to be untouchable by anyone, just like what Ji Xiaoyan said, with her strength and ability, even a small force against Lord Lord God is impossible, how can she steal Lord Lord God's power? ?What's more, can the power of the Lord God be stolen?
The reason for asking that question just now is that the head of the Resurrection Sect just wanted to deceive Ji Xiaoyan!

"Then what do you mean to say that you now have the power of the Lord God, and it was given to you by the Lord God?!" Although this fact is hard to believe, but now it seems that there is only such a possibility!

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of the Master of the Resurrection Sect, he immediately nodded and said, "That's natural! Otherwise, what other reason does the Master think? That's Lord God!"

The head of the Resurrection Sect stared at Ji Xiaoyan for a long time before he was finally persuaded. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Ji Xiaoyan thought he would turn around and return to his room. When he was on the throne, the head of the Resurrection Sect turned sideways and sat directly on the chair next to Ji Xiaoyan. He even canceled the plan for the distinction between identity and status that he wanted to emphasize all the time.

Ji Xiaoyan looked in surprise at the ridiculous appearance of the head of the Resurrection Sect's huge body forcing him into the small chair, but he didn't even dare to laugh more!
"Master Ji, you came to see me, what's the matter?" The head of the Resurrection Sect twisted his body a few times in the chair, seemed to have finally chosen a more comfortable position, and then turned to Ji Xiaoyan asked.

"I want to ask about Jiajia!" When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he quickly explained the purpose and reason of his coming, and then looked expectantly at the master of the Resurrection Sect. But he was a little worried, whether the head of the Resurrection Sect would just say a few words to himself as before, and then send her away.

"It's going crazy every day now?" The head of the Resurrection Sect frowned.

"Well! Moreover, the daily growth rate is a bit too fast!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, seeing the curious expression on the face of the head of the Resurrection Sect, and quickly said to him: "If this is Guangchang, it will be too long!" That's all! But it goes crazy every day, and when it goes crazy, it doesn't remember anything, and we don't know why it went crazy! How did it recover by itself!"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, but turned his face to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Ji City Lord should also know that if you ask me in the past, I must know everything." I won't tell you, will I?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that the head of the Resurrection Sect would say this directly.

"You are clear! I don't like you!" The head of the Resurrection Sect did not intend to wait for Ji Xiaoyan to answer, and said directly: "Lehe is a disciple I have trained for a long time. He is the heir who I will hand over the entire Resurrection Gate in the future. Everything has been arranged, and I just need to wait until one day, when I don’t want to be the master of the Resurrection Gate, I can easily take care of everything. It was all handed over! But, City Master Ji, you ruined everything I had prepared for so many years just because of that one disciple of Qingshimen, do you think I can still be grateful to you?"

"Master Sect Leader!" Ji Xiaoyan heard the words of the Master Sect Leader of the Resurrection Sect for the first time, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, and looked at him in surprise!

Everyone is well aware of these things, and no one has ever thought of saying it!What is the head of the Resurrection Sect in front of me saying this now?

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't figure it out, and was even more flustered.

"I don't like you!" The Master of the Resurrection Sect continued, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's staring and surprised expression, he couldn't help laughing: "You are also very clear about this, right!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded in embarrassment, and could only say apologetically, "Sir, we didn't do what happened to Mr. Lehe back then! It's just that what he did was really wrong!"

"Isn't that right!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, "But if you hadn't been forced to bring this matter to the surface, I could have Le He recover and change everything! In the future , he is still the heir to the head of our Resurrection Sect!"

Ji Xiaoyan didn't dare to speak after hearing this!
She really ruined an excellent leader of the Resurrection Sect who has been trained for many years!
"I know City Master Ji, you have a good relationship with Luotu now!" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan who was afraid to speak, and suddenly said something, and immediately saw Ji Xiaoyan staring at him in surprise, this time Then he went on to say: "Master Ji thought that I really don't care about anything and don't know anything about the affairs of this sect? I am the master of the Resurrection Sect! Everything must be done by me. It's under control!"

"Is Master Lehe here?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't know what was wrong, and suddenly asked again, and immediately saw the face of the master of the Resurrection Sect turning dark, and quickly waved his hands and smiled awkwardly: "I Wrong! Master, please don’t argue with me!”

"Lehe! He is really special, he is very smart!" The master of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If it weren't for City Master Ji and you guys to expose the matter, I might really You won’t know what he’s done until he’s done it! I can still admit this oversight!”

Ji Xiaoyan could only smile awkwardly.

"This matter can be regarded as Ji City Master, you have contributed a little to our resurrection gate, so I will pretend that you have not seen anything about the good relationship between you and Luotu. Anyway, wait until Luotu can really become our resurrection gate. The next head of the sect still has a long way to go!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said lightly, "I've always thought this way. Luotu will give you a reward, and I, shouldn't I I like you, and it’s fine if I don’t like you all the time! But, I really didn’t expect that you, City Lord Ji, are different now!”

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect with a confused face.

"Now, you are different from ordinary aborigines!" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and reminded her: "Now, you are qualified to stand in the same position as me .”

Ji Xiaoyan was even more confused when he heard this.What does it mean to be qualified to stand in the same position as him?
The head of the Resurrection Gate seemed to understand Ji Xiaoyan's doubts, pointed to the throne above the palace, and said to her seriously: "Master Ji, where did you see it?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"I've been up there for many years, and almost never come down! You are the first one to let me come down and sit with you in this small chair for so many years! Do you know why?"

(End of this chapter)

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