Chapter 3015 Same Status
Ji Xiaoyan still knows how special the Master of the Resurrection Gate is in the entire game world and is revered by the aborigines.To say that in this game world, besides the life and death of the aborigines themselves, the only one who can really give them a second life is the head of the Resurrection Sect!
He is like another existence that can control all the aborigines besides the Lord God!
Therefore, in the entire game world, the sect that the aborigines least want to offend is the Resurrection Sect, and the person they least want to offend is probably the head of the Resurrection Sect!
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan is also very clear that it is extremely normal for the head of the Resurrection Sect to treat all the aborigines and adventurers as if looking down on all living beings.He just stayed on that throne every day, not sitting on an equal footing with anyone, and absolutely no one would have any objections.But now he came down from the throne and sat with him in this very small chair for him. Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand the reason why!

"My lord, is it because I have the power of the lord god?" Ji Xiaoyan really couldn't think of anything other than this reason!Just when she saw the head master discovering this, her expression changed and her attitude changed.

The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and after a few seconds, he said to her: "This is naturally due to one reason. You have the power of the Lord God, no matter what power you have. What to do, just based on this point, you are different from other aborigines, I naturally need to look at it differently. However, this is not a reason for me to come down from above!"

"Then why is this, Master Sect Leader?" Ji Xiaoyan became even more puzzled.

"Because you are so special!" The Master of Resurrection Sect frowned slightly, but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You are so different from other aborigines or adventurers!"

Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, as if she didn't understand.

"In the past, you just broke away from the life and death of the aborigines. Even if you die, you can be resurrected like an adventurer. Although this is ultimately due to your identity as an adventurer, but based on this point, you and everyone people are different!"

"However, as far as I know, there are still adventurers with the same status as me in the entire game world!" Ji Xiaoyan said directly to him when he heard what the Master of the Resurrection Sect said. "I'm not the only one special either."

"Yes!" The head of the Resurrection Gate nodded, but said in agreement: "So to me, you are just a city lord who is different from ordinary aborigines and adventurers. There is no time to look at you differently!"

Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help but smile awkwardly.The head of the Resurrection Sect spoke very directly!

"Then the master thinks there is something special about me?"

"You're so lucky! Or, you were taken special care of by Lord God!" The head of the Resurrection Sect frowned a little more when he said this, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a serious look on his face. With a look of confusion, he continued: "Your status as an adventurer and an aboriginal is very special, but I also researched it. Your luck is really good, and there are many people around you." People! As far as I know, you have a special place in Qingcheng, right? There, only certain adventurers can go there, and it is a place that no one can get except you, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan immediately understood that the head of the Resurrection Sect was talking about the training ground.

"How did the head master know?"

"Of course I have a way to know about it!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, and seeing her puzzled face, he continued: "Now, with the addition of Now that you have obtained the power of Lord Lord God from your body, I was thinking, what kind of person are you, City Lord Ji? Why do you have so much good luck?"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, but really didn't know what the head of the resurrection sect in front of him wanted to say.

"Why did City Lord Ji have a good relationship with Luotu?" The head of the Resurrection Sect didn't know what to think, but suddenly changed the question, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, and saw Ji Xiaoyan's confused expression , and then continued: "If it is true, Luotu is not particularly qualified in our resurrection gate!"

"Then why did the master let him sit in this position?" Ji Xiaoyan asked back, seeing that the expression on the face of the master of the resurrection sect remained unchanged, he became even more puzzled: " When Sir Lehe fled, the head of the sect should be able to find more and better candidates in the Resurrection Sect, why did he choose Lord Luotu?"

"Why does Lord Ji think it is?" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously and asked.

This time, Ji Xiaoyan was stunned!
"My lord, don't say it, it's because of me!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being stunned when he saw the way the head of the Resurrection Sect looked at him, and looked at him in disbelief. After asking a question, seeing the master of the Resurrection Sect smiled irrefutably, his eyes widened in astonishment, "Master Master, are you joking? How could it be possible?" Is it because of me?"

"Otherwise, City Master Ji thought, why did I choose Luotu because there are so many talented people in the sect?" The master of the Resurrection Sect laughed, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with a deep look on his face and said with a smile: "At the beginning, if another person had met with City Lord Ji and had a hand in the matter of Lehe, I would have chosen another person. Luotu was not necessarily the one to choose!"

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

What, what happened to this?And, most importantly, why did the head of the Resurrection Sect tell her this?

"My lord, why are you telling me these things?"

"I just want to tell City Lord Ji that since you have a good relationship with Luotu, this Luotu is now being cultivated by me as the next head successor, so in the future, City Lord Ji should have a good relationship with Luotu! "The head of the Resurrection Sect moved his body, and after he felt comfortable, he continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you have anything to do, go to Luotu, and I will give him some authority! He will solve the problem." If you can't do anything, you can come to me directly!"

"Master Sect Leader!?" Ji Xiaoyan was even more confused now!What is the head of the Resurrection Sect in front of him trying to do?What does he mean by this arrangement?

"I know you don't understand!" The master of the Resurrection Sect smiled, slowly stood up from the narrow chair, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji only needs to know that in the future , I’ll definitely treat you differently! This can be regarded as a preferential treatment for you!”

"My lord, I don't understand why?!" Ji Xiaoyan looked puzzled and worried, and couldn't help but look at the master of the Resurrection Sect and asked, he didn't make it clear at all. , Why do you want to treat yourself differently!Could it be because of the training ground, or the power of the Lord God that she got from her body?The question is, how did the head of the Resurrection Sect see it?

Why didn't Luotu and the others, or Lin Qianye and the others notice it?
"City Master Ji, you are the one chosen by Lord God!" The Master of the Resurrection Sect stood in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said with a serious face: "City Master Ji, don't you understand? "

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, staring up at the extremely tall Master of the Resurrection Sect in front of him, as if surprised by his words, completely speechless.

"Your identity as an aboriginal and adventurer may not be unique, but that place must have been given to you by the lord god! There is only one place like this in several continents! If these can't prove anything, then, now you After adding the power of Lord God on my body, can I still not understand it?" The master of the Resurrection Sect smiled slightly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Before, I didn't know What can you, a little girl with better luck, do? Now it seems that it is not so much whether you will do anything, but you can look forward to it. The Lord God chose you because he wanted you to do something !"

Ji Xiaoyan maintained a shocked expression, unable to say anything.

"Actually, you don't have to be surprised." The head of the Resurrection Sect thought about it, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Whatever the Lord God wants to do for you, just do it! Just look at it!" Haven't I done well for so many years?"

"What did Lord God ask Lord Sect Leader to do?"

"Resurrection is as long as I am willing to be resurrected!" The head of the Resurrection Sect had a relaxed expression on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "I am not willing, or the reward is not enough. If I want to refuse, I will refuse." ! How free!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked his eyes, but he didn't want the master of the Resurrection Sect who was always serious, but he would say such words!It completely subverted his previous image in my mind!

"So, City Master Ji, you don't have to worry about anything! Since the lord god has chosen you, you can just do as you are told!" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan's surprised expression, but said comfortingly: "That's Lord Lord God, and it's impossible for you to do bad things. You don't have to worry about anything!"

"Master Sect Leader! I'm just curious, why do you seem to have a different attitude towards me?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at the Sect Leader of the Resurrection Sect with confusion and asked, It seems that I can't figure it out!
"Because City Lord Ji is now on the same floor as me!" The head of the Resurrection Sect chuckled twice, seeing Ji Xiaoyan's incomprehensible look, and then continued. : "Before! As far as I know, the person who can be with me on this road is probably the Lord of Shacheng! It's just that she is not a person who is easy to get along with, and her The ability is very powerful, and I am naturally unwilling to associate with her. Now that you are the only one in the city, Ji, your temper is still acceptable to me. I am naturally happy to have you standing in the same position as me !"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect, and seemed to understand what he meant.

He stood in such a position, the only person who knew that he could be on the same floor and made him willing to get along with him might be the Lord of Shacheng, but how could the Lord of Shacheng be willing to get along with him? ?In the end, the head of the Resurrection Sect can only stand here alone!

He has been in a high position for many years, and he has been so lonely, so he is naturally very happy to have someone like Ji Xiaoyan who is at the same level as him with the same qualifications!

This is a sudden addition of a friend, right?

Ji Xiaoyan looked seriously at the head of the Resurrection Sect, then nodded, and said with a smile: "What the head said is true! I understand what the head means."

"That's good!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded with great satisfaction.

"Then, my lord, can I still ask about the situation of Jiajia?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't forget the business, and looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect and asked very seriously: "Lord Luotu said, he There are very few things that I know about Jiajia. Most of the people who participated in the resurrection of Jiajia back then are gone! So, I can only ask the master! I heard that the former master of Jiajia, the sub-protoss The Patriarch and the Sect Master also know each other!"

"Yeah!" Mentioning the patriarch of the sub-god clan, the smile on the face of the head of the Resurrection Sect faded a lot, and after thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "What happened after the resurrection of Jiajia?" , To be honest, I don't know too well. I haven't done it again before. Until now, I don't know if it is because its power is too strong, so after the resurrection, it was forced by the Lord God to have such a flaw! When the patriarch of the sub-god clan came to me to question me, I couldn't believe that such a problem would happen, so after thinking about it, I returned all the rewards to the sub-god clan, even And gave them some compensation!"

"Then the head of the Jiajia situation doesn't know anything? Is there no way to solve it?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly became a little disappointed, and couldn't help but look at the head of the Resurrection Sect and asked.

She thought she could really get some news from the Resurrection Gate!If nothing can be found, what will Jiajia do?

(End of this chapter)

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