Chapter 3016

Looking at Ji Xiaoyan's expectant eyes, the head of the Resurrection Sect couldn't help but sighed, and after thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This matter, I am indeed I don’t know why this situation happened! But, City Master Ji, if you think about it from another angle, maybe it’s not a bad thing!”

"What's the meaning of Master Sect Leader?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Master Sect Leader of Resurrection Sect suspiciously, but laughed at him.

"At least, before Jiajia, it was fine, and it was resurrected!"

Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that the head of the Resurrection Sect would give a good reason, but he didn't expect to hear such a sentence, and he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"When I told the patriarch of the Sub-God Clan like this, he also had the same expression!" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said something, and after seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at himself in a little surprise, Then he continued: "I still remember very clearly, when Jiajia was resurrected, how angry he came to me!"

"The Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan doesn't want Jiajia to become like that!" Ji Xiaoyan understood somewhat.

"Yeah!" The master of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and continued after thinking for a while: "The sub-protoss were still participating in the mainland war at the time, and without Gaga, they wouldn't even have any competitiveness at all, so That's why he exhausted all the strength of the whole clan to revive Gaga. He naturally thought that Gaga could be resurrected directly to its peak state. Even if he couldn't go to the battlefield, it could be used to deter other people! But he never thought of it , Jiajia actually changed after being resurrected! He became so weak! He couldn't accept it at the time, and I understood it, so I didn't mean to pursue his attitude with him."

"I heard from the aborigines of the sub-god race that the patriarch seems to be very familiar with the head!"

"It's just that I've seen it a few times before!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "City Master Ji also knows that I am usually very lazy and I don't want to go out at all, so It is not easy to have acquaintances who have met several times, I will naturally remember such affection!"

"So, Master Sect Leader, you are not close friends with the Patriarch of the Sub-God Clan?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the news.She always thought that the Resurrection Gate had a good relationship with the sub-god race!At the very least, the master of Jiajia had a good relationship with the master of the Resurrection Sect in front of him!
"Friends? I don't have any friends!" The head of the Resurrection Sect smiled, waved his hand and said something, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "However, after today, Ji Cheng mainly wants to be my friend , I can accept it!"

Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood what the head of the Resurrection Sect meant!Anyone who can be friends with him must be someone who is on the same floor as him!
"That would be my honor!" Ji Xiaoyan's mind turned quickly, one more friend is better than one more enemy!Now that the head of the Resurrection Sect has said it all, there are not many people who can be on the same floor as them now, and she is very lucky that he can not be friends with the Lord of the Shacheng City Right now, the head of the Resurrection Sect wants to take the initiative to associate with her, so why would Ji Xiaoyan want to refuse?

If you really refuse, then you are really a fool.

Sure enough, when the head of the Resurrection Sect heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, the smile on his face deepened a bit.

"In the future, City Master Ji will come to our Resurrection Sect more often, and I will tell them that there is no need to report City Master Ji's coming in the future!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, watching her happy After nodding, he continued to say: "The reason why this has become what it is now is probably because it was too powerful at the beginning, so the Master God gave me a bit of punishment for resurrection! You just need to open it up a little bit, Ji City Master. You know, just like the patriarch of the sub-divine clan exists, if they really die, our Resurrection Gate cannot be resurrected! If we follow that standard, it is impossible for Jiajia to be resurrected at the beginning. It can become The current state is indeed a kind of luck! Therefore, some shortcomings are acceptable!"

Ji Xiaoyan also wanted to understand this point, and nodded: "Now, after hearing what Master Sect Master said, there is nothing I can't understand!"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded with a smile, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As for what City Master Ji said, Jiajia will go crazy now, in fact, you can observe first! After all, you just want to change , there may be no other way for the time being!"

"What do you mean by Master Sect Leader?" Ji Xiaoyan was puzzled.

"Since Jiajia became like this at the beginning, it must have the consciousness of the Lord God! Now that Jiajia has lost its previous state and is developing towards the situation of returning to growth, then there must be a price to pay!" The head of the Resurrection Sect looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, and said to her: "As long as it is not in a state of madness all the time, and does not slaughter at will, City Master Ji, you should pay more attention to it, and maybe wait until it Once it has returned to its previous state and appearance, everything will be over!"

"This, is it really possible?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look forward to it when he heard the words of the master of the Resurrection Sect, but he was also a little worried that this might not come true.

"I think it's possible!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "As far as Jiajia's original state is concerned, if such a crazy state appeared after resurrection, I might not be able to do it now. Mayor Ji told you this. However, after so many years, Jiajia has not changed or changed at all. Now that there is a sudden abnormality, accompanied by growth, this may be a kind of omen! Observe, if it is said that Jiajia's madness is getting longer and more frequent, then be careful!"

"Are you afraid that Jiajia will lose his mind completely in the end?" Ji Xiaoyan looked worriedly at the head of the Resurrection Sect. A Master of the Resurrection Sect asked: "Then Master, if we have to let Jiajia have another accident in the future, can Jiajia be resurrected?"

Didn't I say that Jiajia was not allowed to be resurrected now?If it is said that Jiajia was the first case in the past, and was revived later, if the rules were changed, wouldn't Jiajia not have the chance to be resurrected again?
"This, I don't know now!" The head of the Resurrection Sect didn't expect Ji Xiaoyan to ask this, and couldn't help frowning immediately. After thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Ordinary aborigines, if you want to be resurrected, as long as it is within the rules set by the lord god, you can ask me anytime, City Lord Ji, and I can answer you! But the situation in Jiajia is very special. If you really want to ask whether you can be resurrected , we still need to send it over before we can know!"

"You don't know until it dies and you bring it over?"


The head of the Resurrection Sect must have nodded incomparably, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Besides, the stronger Jiajia's strength, the less possibility of this resurrection, and the more things needed for resurrection, this point, Ji Xiaoyan The city lord must remember! Therefore, if it is not necessary, it is better for Jiajia to be fine! The price for its resurrection is very high!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, she understood everything.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't have much chat with the head of the Resurrection Sect, Ji Xiaoyan left directly and walked out of the palace.

After watching Ji Xiaoyan appear from afar, Luotu quickly went up to her and asked her, "How is it? Master Ji, Master Master, did you tell me?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Luotu, smiled slightly, and said, "The master doesn't know either!"

"I don't know?!" Hearing this, Luo Tu looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"My lord, I don't know why Jiajia became what it is now! So, I don't know!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu, motioned him to leave with him, and said to him: "Now It seems that there is no other way!"

"Then what will City Lord Ji do when he goes back? Didn't it mean that Jiajia went crazy, and the situation is a little bad?" Luotu looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, and couldn't help asking her.

"I can only observe!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, and said to Luotu: "Master Sect Master said, let us watch the situation a little bit, if the situation doesn't get worse, we can look forward to it. If we say, change If it's a little more serious, then there's really no other way!"

"If there is no other way, what are you going to do, City Master Ji? If there is another resurrection, I have no way to decide!" Luo Tu seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, with some helplessness He said to her: "For a person as strong as Jiajia, if he wants to be resurrected, he needs to be nodded by the head! I don't have that right!"

"Well, it's all right!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Luotu with a relaxed face, "I'll just ask the head master when the time comes! He will take a look for me!"

"Master Ji City Master!" Hearing this, Luo Tu became even more worried.You know, it's not so easy to meet their masters!
"Our Lord Sect Leader will not meet someone in person because of the resurrection! At that time, even if I ask again, Lord Sect Leader may not necessarily meet you!"

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luotu's extremely worried expression, but said with a smile: "Your master said that if I come to him again in the future, I can just go to the palace directly, and there is no need to report anything. It's over!"


When Luotu heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he looked at her in shock, with an expression of disbelief!What kind of treatment is this?Could Ji Xiaoyan be talking in his sleep?
"Lord Luotu thinks I'm joking? No!" Ji Xiaoyan laughed hahaha twice, and said to Luotu: "If Lord Luotu doesn't believe it, go back and ask the headmaster about it." Your Excellency is also possible! Oh, that’s right! The Master Sect Master also said, since Master Luotu is on good terms with me, then please help me a little more in the future! We will trouble Luotu for the resurrection after we clear the city My lord!"

"Master Ji City Lord, is what you said true? Did our master really say that? He really said that if you come in the future, you don't need to report, and you can go to see him directly?" Luotu still had an expression of disbelief, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and reconfirmed, seeing Ji Xiaoyan nod his head affirmatively, his legs softened all at once, "Master Ji City Lord, what the hell is going on? What's the matter? You just went to see our Master Sect Leader, why is the Master Sect Leader's attitude towards you completely different from before? This, this is not right!"

"It's just some special reasons!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile, and he didn't want to tell Luotu about his changes. After thinking about it, he asked Luotu about the old Hess.

"About the matter of old Hess, I also talked to the head master, and the head master said, let Lord Luotu help clean it up, and try to restore the head of Hess to normal!"

"The master manager of River Water City?" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Luotu looked at her probingly, but he settled down and focused all his attention on the manager Hess, thinking After thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I still have some impressions of him. The things on him that were controlled by Le Heye back then were sent to our Resurrection Gate. We have tried our best to clean him up. Yes, when we left, everything was fine!"

"It's fine! It's just that after going back, problems gradually appeared!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said to Luotu: "So I thought, can I send it to Mr. Luotu for you to have a look at? "

"Of course it's possible!" Luotu nodded immediately, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then quickly said, "Of course, I didn't agree to it because of the order of the master! I wanted to agree to the master of Ji Xiaoyan." Only then did I agree to my order!"

"I know! Thank you, Mr. Luotu!" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a second, then quickly smiled and nodded to Luotu, and then said: "But I was thinking, since Manager Hess will appear after he returns. In such a situation, is it possible that the elders of the Qianhuamen will have some strange situations? Or, will they be the same as Chief Hess? Does Master Luotu know about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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