The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3017 Don't Know

Chapter 3017 Don't Know
For the aborigines of the Resurrection Gate like Luotu, after those aborigines who were sent to the Resurrection Gate were sent away, they would not care about their living conditions at all!Their resurrection door is only responsible for resurrection, and they don't need any after-sales service. Now that they have left the gate of the sect, they naturally don't need to close anything.

So as to whether the elders of Qianhuamen really have all kinds of sequelae after resurrection like Chief Hess, Luotu is completely unclear and doesn't care!

So after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Luo Tu could only blink his eyes in confusion, and after thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Lord, I don't quite understand what you said! But Almost all the aborigines who left after our resurrection from the Resurrection Gate did not care about them, nor did we need any feedback. Naturally, we have never seen any aborigines come to our door because of such things. So these things you said, we have never been clear!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan nodded in understanding, and after thinking about it, he could only sigh!
Since those aborigines were sent to the Resurrection Gate to recover their lives after death, as long as they can be resurrected, they will naturally be grateful. Even if they paid a huge price, their lives are still alive!So if there are any sequelae after the resurrection, for those aborigines, it's better than being dead!

So even if there is any problem, as long as it is not about life and survival, those aborigines will not trouble the resurrection gate again!So think about it, if there are any problems with so many aborigines who were resurrected before, as long as the people of the resurrection gate don't take the initiative to care, they will definitely not know what happened to them after their resurrection.

But thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan became a little puzzled, looked at Luotu and asked: "Then, Master Luotu. In other words, since the existence of your Resurrection Gate, you have resurrected the aborigines. Until now, Almost no one has cared about what the resurrected aborigines will be like after leaving your sect? No one knows, and no one will appear after the resurrection as I said Some minor blemish?"

"No!" Luotu nodded with certainty, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "After those aborigines were sent to our resurrection gate to be resurrected, their goal will be achieved, and we will naturally complete them. The task entrusted by them, so we don’t have any thoughts to care about their future lives! So we haven’t investigated what the aborigines who left our resurrection gate will look like in the future. !"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately when he heard the words, but thought for a long time, and then asked Luotu: "Then, Lord Luotu, is it true that no one from your Resurrection Sect went out to understand?"

"We Resurrection Sect people seldom go out!" Luo Tu nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with certainty, and after seeing her frown in confusion, he said with a smile: "Actually, Lord Ji, what do you want?" Just thinking about it makes it clear! What kind of existence is our Resurrection Gate on the mainland? It is a unique existence that is revered by countless aborigines! All the aboriginals want to come back to life after accidents, then They all need to come to our Resurrection Gate! That is to say, apart from our Resurrection Gate, there will be no place where these aborigines can be resurrected and have a second life! This is the only one in all continents, even if it is If there are any small flaws in the resurrection, no one will come to our resurrection gate to make trouble, or let us go and have a look. Naturally, since we have such a transcendent status, it is impossible for us to lower our status and run away without incident. Go for a stroll on the mainland to see what it would be like for the aborigines resurrected by our resurrection gate! Our resurrection gate occasionally releases the aborigines to practice, and it is just to let them see the scenery of the mainland, not Let them do these things! So, everyone went out to see the world incognito, and came back!"

"But I remember that Mr. Lehe seems to have left the Resurrection Gate and traveled to the mainland for a long time, right? Moreover, he carried the Resurrection Gate on the road and resurrected the aborigines, right?!" Ji But Xiaoyan thought of this, couldn't help looking at Luotu, and asked him a question, seeing Luotu's froze expression after hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan turned to him He continued: "If it is said that Lord Lehe also visited the aborigines resurrected by your resurrection gate when he traveled to the mainland before, that is also possible, right? At least, the ones he resurrected outside He should have seen the situation of the aborigines with his own eyes, Lord Luotu, you don't know about these situations, right?"

Luotu opened his mouth wide, as if he didn't expect Ji Xiaoyan to ask such a question, he froze in place, not knowing how to answer.

Looking at Luotu's current state, Ji Xiaoyan stretched out his hand after thinking for a while, patted him on the shoulder, and then said to Luotu: "I think I have to ask the master about this question. .”

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan turned around and went directly to the palace of the head of the Resurrection Sect.

And Luotu stood there in a daze for several seconds before realizing what Ji Xiaoyan said just now, and hurriedly chased after her, trying to pull Ji Xiaoyan back, but unexpectedly, Luotu would Then watch Ji Xiaoyan go straight into the palace of the Master of the Resurrection Sect, and then disappear from his sight.

"You really don't need any communication to get in?" Luotu watched as Ji Xiaoyan entered the palace with ease, and the disciples of the Resurrection Gate guarding the palace had no intention of stopping her at all. , Immediately couldn't help but widen his eyes, and muttered to himself with disbelief: "Why did the master give such rights to Master Ji? What did they talk about before?"

The head of the Resurrection Sect did not expect Ji Xiaoyan to go and return.

After hearing the sound of footsteps in the palace, the head of the Resurrection Sect opened his eyes, and then saw that Ji Xiaoyan was already sitting on a chair in the hall, holding a cup of tea and pouring it into his mouth in a hurry After drinking it, he looked at himself.

"Master Ji, do you have something else to do?"

The Master of the Resurrection Sect lazily straightened his body, and after signaling the disciples of the Resurrection Sect to leave, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan again, and then asked her: "But What's the hurry?"

"Master Sect Master! I just said a few words to Master Luotu, but suddenly thought of something, so I want to ask Master Sect Master again!" Ji Xiaoyan was not polite, and directly addressed the Master Master of the Resurrection Sect. Said.

"City Master Ji can just call him Luotu!" The head of the Resurrection Sect said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, and after seeing her obviously stunned for a moment, he asked Ji Xiaoyan: "What question did City Master Ji think of and want to ask me? Just say it!"

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to speak, so he frowned.

"Just say what you want to say, don't worry! I won't be angry with you!" The head of the Resurrection Sect laughed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan comfortingly: "Now City Master Ji Your status is different from before, and I am also willing to have friendship with City Lord Ji, so as long as I can tell you, I will definitely say it! I am not such a stingy person, I will be angry because of some of your words! You can rest assured and say it!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and glanced at the head of the Resurrection Sect, and then told all the things he and Luotu mentioned, and then looked at the head of the Resurrection Sect with a frown My lord, said to him: "My lord, now I think about it! Since Mr. Le He traveled to the mainland, and he also secretly resurrected other aborigines on the mainland, then, say It’s not necessarily that he also went to see the aborigines who were resurrected before your Resurrection Gate, or that he also observed the aborigines who were resurrected by himself! So I guess, he should know the reason why your Resurrection Gate resurrected Residents will have various small flaws! What do you think, Master Sect Leader?"

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether he knows or not! I've known about this from the very beginning!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded affirmatively when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's wide-eyed expression in surprise, he continued with a smile, "I've known about this since the Resurrection Gate existed!"

"Master Sect Leader always knew?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect such an answer at all, and looked at the Master Sect Leader of Resurrection Sect in shock, and after seeing him nodding his head affirmatively, he didn't know for a while. What to say.

"Master Ji, you should know! Under the consciousness of the Lord God, it is impossible for all people to only get benefits without paying! Since the aborigines have lost a life given to them by the Lord God, if they want to get it again The rebirth of this life is the extra gift of the Lord God! Under such circumstances, if you don’t pay anything, does Ji City Master think it’s fair? Does he think it’s appropriate?”

Ji Xiaoyan naturally knows that in the setting of this game world, whatever you get, you will definitely give something back!This can be regarded as an exchange of one thing for another!So if you think about it this way, it's not surprising at all!

But what Ji Xiaoyan finds most strange is that the head of the Resurrection Sect knows this, why the other aborigines in the Resurrection Sect don't know.

"When the Resurrection Gate existed, I was given the right to the master by the Master God, so after I resurrected the aborigines for the first time, I was very curious about what kind of power I got. The revived aborigine paid a little more attention! Afterwards, I closely observed his life after his resurrection, and even let him live outside the resurrection gate for a long time after his resurrection before letting him leave! It was also during this period that I discovered such a problem! In order to verify whether this is an isolated case or whether it will happen to everyone, in the following years, as long as the aborigines resurrected by me, I have observed, In the end, I came to a conclusion that no matter who they are, as long as they are sent to our resurrection gate to be resurrected, they will have such small flaws!" The master of the resurrection gate said to Ji Xiaoyan with a normal expression, looking Looking at her expression in surprise, she continued after thinking for a while and continued: "This can be regarded as what will inevitably happen after the aborigines are resurrected and get a second life! It's just that these small problems after resurrection have nothing to do with them. Compared to being able to come back to life again, it is really too small. Even if they knew this in their hearts, they would not be able to trouble our Resurrection Gate, or refuse to be resurrected! So, this has become It’s not a small problem. Everyone knows it well! Saying this, City Master Ji, do you understand?”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and understood.

"Then, Master Sect Leader, why don't you disciples in the Resurrection Sect seem to know about this news?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously at the Sect Master of the Resurrection Sect.

"Do they need to know?" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the head of the Resurrection Sect asked with a smile. After seeing Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled expression, he continued: "They If you know it, you can’t change anything! If you don’t know it, you can’t change anything! So, does it matter if you know it or not?”

"But, Lehe knows!" Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head, watching the head of the Resurrection Sect read Yan, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, he couldn't help but look at him and asked : "My lord, I'm suddenly curious about one thing! As the head of the Resurrection Sect, even if you can't live forever, you should be able to live for a long time, right?"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some interest.

"Then, since this is the case, why did you choose the heir to the sect?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the master of the Resurrection Sect seriously, and asked him, "Why did you choose him in the first place?" What about Mr. Lehe? Just because you think he is pleasing to the eye? Or, he has the best aptitude?"

"There are all these reasons!" The head of the Resurrection Sect was very satisfied with Ji Xiaoyan's question, and after thinking about it, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "But if you really want to talk about why you chose Lehe If so, it is probably the reason you asked me just now, Master Ji?"

"The reason I just asked you?" Ji Xiaoyan was suddenly stunned, as if he hadn't reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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