The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3018 Lehe at that time

Chapter 3018 Lehe at that time

To say that in this Resurrection Sect, excellent disciples abound. Although Le He is also excellent, there are also disciples who are better than him in other aspects. The reason why the Master of the Resurrection Sect chose Le He as his The successor to the head, or in other words, such a position as the successor to the head was set up for the sake of Lehe, but it is really extraordinary.

"As City Master Ji said, I have always known that my life may be one of the few on this great road with a very long life, so under normal circumstances, I don't need any successor at all. After all, I shouldn’t have any accidents!” The head of the Resurrection Sect smiled, but said to Ji Xiaoyan with a face full of memories, “The reason why the succession of the head was decided in the first place In fact, it’s just for joy and harmony!”

"Master Sect Master, do you really like Master Le He?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, but with a bit of curiosity, he asked the Master Master of the Resurrection Sect.

"Yeah! I really like Lehe, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this for him!" The master of the Resurrection Sect sighed, nodded, and then continued: "Lehe is one of many disciples. Everyone in the sect is very good. Starting from ordinary disciples, they gradually became outstanding step by step. This is obvious to all in the sect. At that time, the only thought of all the disciples was to be able to come to the side of the head of the sect. Come to do things, just have a position in our Resurrection Sect! Later, when I was about to start selecting elders, I thought that Le He would participate, but I didn't expect that he would not show up during the selection."

"At that time, did Mr. Lehe miss something?"

"Yeah!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and couldn't help but put on a smile on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "At that time, all the disciples in the sect were elected elders. Participation is possible. Those who are capable are the best! Therefore, the event is unprecedented, and almost any ambitious disciple will participate! Even disciples without confidence and strength will come to see the excitement. Lehe, he has the strength to do so. Participated! But he didn't show up until after the election of the elders was over!"

"At that time, the master of the sect would have appreciated Master Lehe more, right?" Otherwise, it would be impossible to pay attention to Lehe's whereabouts!
"Well! Because he is really outstanding, he is qualified to be an elder!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The selection of elders is considered to be among the people I selected. It’s just to select the winner again! So, as a disciple who can come to participate in the election, I know everything about it, and I know that Le He was not there."

"Then what did Sir Lehe do? Why didn't you come?" Ji Xiaoyan became even more puzzled. What could be more important than choosing a sect elder?You know, if the Resurrection Sect elects an elder today, how difficult it is to be elected!
"He's resurrecting the natives!"

The smile on the corner of the mouth of the master of the Resurrection Sect deepened a bit. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him in surprise, he asked with a smile, "Didn't you think of that?"

"I really didn't think of it!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, with a look of doubt on his face: "The matter of reviving the aborigines is different from rescuing the aborigines, isn't it? Rescuing the aborigines needs to be urgent! And this Reviving the aborigines doesn't seem to be such an urgent matter, does it?"

"That's right!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded with a smile, "So! I'm curious, what kind of aborigines are they? Let’s take over the matter of resurrection!”

"Is it someone Le and adults know? Or, is it a very important aborigine?"

"Not at all!" The Master of the Resurrection Sect shook his head, let out a sigh of relief, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "It's just an ordinary aborigine! It's just that it's his husband who came to get rid of the resurrection."

Ji Xiaoyan was even more puzzled.

"At that time, Lehe was planning to wait until the elder was elected before resurrecting the aborigine, but her husband wanted to see her resurrected as soon as possible, so after begging Lehe, he agreed!"

"That is to say, Lord Lehe gave up the election of the elder at that time, just to let the aborigine be resurrected earlier?"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and asked Ji Xiaoyan, "How is it? Unexpected?"

"It's really surprising!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, feeling full of doubts!At that time, Lehe was actually such a kind-hearted person!
"I also asked Lehe later!" The master of the Resurrection Sect had a genuine smile on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "At that time, the selection of the elders of our sect was very important. Our Resurrection Sect and Other sects are different, the position of elder is almost impossible to change after being selected! Therefore, if Lehe gives up, there is almost no chance to become an elder again! But, he is for such an ordinary aborigine I gave up the request! To be honest, I really didn't understand what he was thinking at the time, I just thought that this disciple is really special!"

Ji Xiaoyan also nodded, and said affirmatively: "Master Lehe at that time was indeed very kind!"

"Yeah!" The head of the Resurrection Sect also had memories on his face, "Because of this incident, I paid a little special attention to Lehe, although it is a pity that he cannot become the elder of our Resurrection Sect, But I didn't intend to set him up as the successor of the sect leader. I didn't have such an idea until he discovered what you said, City Master Ji!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked: "Master Sect Master is talking about the flaws after the resurrection of the aborigines?"

The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Our Resurrection Sect can be said to have mastered the resurrection power of the aborigines, even if we are arrogant, it is impossible for any aborigines to dare to resent And so on. So, after the resurrection, even if we don’t send them away, all the resurrected aborigines can’t wait to leave without any accidents. As for the small flaw after the resurrection, even if I know it, I don't think it's necessary to tell the disciples in the sect. It's fine as it is, and no disciples will know. But I didn't expect that Lehe was sent to the mainland to travel and came back. Come to me and tell me about it.”

"Sure enough, Master Lehe discovered it when he was traveling!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened immediately, and he asked the master of the Resurrection Sect. After seeing him nodding his head affirmatively, he asked suspiciously : "But Master Sect Leader, at that time Master Lehe had already resurrected the aborigines outside the Resurrection Gate? Did he tell you about this?"

"Say it!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and his expression became a little serious: "Also, he told me everything that Lehe did during his travels in the mainland."

"I told you everything?" Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart.Does this also include what Lehe planted on those aborigines after they were resurrected?
As if seeing the thoughts in Ji Xiaoyan's eyes, the head of the Resurrection Sect couldn't help but sighed, then nodded and said: "Yes, including the thing you think about, City Master Ji!"

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened in an instant, with a look of shock on his face.

"Do you know why I didn't like you, City Lord Ji?" The head of the Resurrection Sect said seriously to Ji Xiaoyan, "I already knew about that. What Lehe did to those aborigines He told me what happened. And I think he did it outside the Resurrection Gate, and the reason he gave was acceptable, so I didn’t pursue it. Instead, I thought he was a very thoughtful person, and in the end He was chosen and given the status of successor to the head of the sect! Of course, he was also asked at the time not to use that matter on the aborigines who came to our Resurrection Gate to be resurrected! I just didn’t expect that his back I still did this thing! If this thing is discovered like that, or if it is not discovered, it will not have any impact on Lehe's status. I will only let him do what he did It is enough to correct the matter and punish him! But I did not expect that this matter was exposed by you, City Lord Ji, and, in the end, forced me to issue a warrant for Lehe!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: "Sir, is it true that I did something wrong?"

"It's not right, it's still not right." The head of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you say, from your position, City Lord Ji, to seek justice for the aborigines, this The thing is right! But standing in my position, you ruined the disciples I have cultivated for many years, and it is definitely impossible for me to thank you!"

The expression on Ji Xiaoyan's face became even more embarrassing.Thinking about it now, the head of the Resurrection Sect didn't arrange for someone to kill her to vent his anger, it seems to be very magnanimous!

"But now, there's nothing else!" The head of the Resurrection Sect saw the obviously ugly expression on Ji Xiaoyan's face, and couldn't help but smile and said: "This matter is over!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan carefully looked at the Master of the Resurrection Sect, and couldn't help asking him.

"Of course it's true!" The head of the Resurrection Sect did indeed smile, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Now that everything about Lehe is a foregone conclusion, is it possible that I can go back on my word? If I really go back on it, I’ve done it a long time ago, and what I want to do now is useless!”

Ji Xiaoyan could only smile awkwardly, not knowing what to say for a while.It felt like she was really sorry for the head of the Resurrection Sect.

"Actually, Lehe is really outstanding!" The head of the Resurrection Sect didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, do you know that when he did such a thing, it was What is the reason, and what kind of ability can you do it?"

Ji Xiaoyan quickly shook his head.

"When he was traveling, he discovered the flaws in the resurrection of the aborigines, and he just wanted to make them more normal! I still agree with this, at least it has repaired some of the flaws in our resurrection door. It's just this The repaired defects have to be replaced by other defects!" The head of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "But in some respects, it is a good thing! At least, as long as you are happy and If you don't let them get angry, it is impossible for them to deviate from their nature and they can live a good life forever!"

"My lord, what you mean by this is that Master Lehe did that kind of thing in the Resurrection Gate to make the aborigines not have the blemish after resurrection, so he was doing good deeds?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help it. He was stunned, and asked in disbelief.

"It should be said that he replaced this uncertain defect with a controllable defect!" The head of the Resurrection Sect thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "All the resurrected aborigines The blemishes that appear on their bodies are all different. But after what Lehe did, their blemishes will all become the same! As long as Lehe doesn't control them, they will be the same as before, and there won't be any blemishes. Different! In some respects, this is already perfect!"

Ji Xiaoyan thinks about it, it seems to be the same reason!
"It's just that, in this case, all the aborigines are under the control of Mr. Lehe!"

"Yes! It is for this reason that I let Lehe not do it!" The head of the Resurrection Sect nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The resurrection of all the aborigines is the Lord God. The gifts given, the flaws they got, were also given by the Lord God! But Lehe has changed these, turning these gifts into what he gave, from a certain point of view, it is wrong! So I let him Stop, I can't do it again! He agreed at the time, and because of his intelligence, I finally decided on a successor to the head, just thinking about cultivating him, and I will really live enough until that day , I don’t want to be the Master Master of the Resurrection Sect anymore, so I can also leave a Master Master stronger than me for the Resurrection Sect!”

It's just that no one thought that the plan of the Master of the Resurrection Sect was broken by Ji Xiaoyan and the people of the Qingshi Sect.

Thinking about it now, Ji Xiaoyan felt that the head of the Resurrection Sect had been very tolerant to him back then!If it were her, such an excellent heir who had been fortunate enough to cultivate for many years would be destroyed in that way, and she would be forced to count him in the whole continent. It would be strange not to kill her!
"Master Sect Leader, I really ruined Sect Leader's expectations and plans for this matter!" Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but solemnly apologized to the Sect Leader of the Resurrection Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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