The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 3021 I don't want to

Chapter 3021 I don't want to
It's a check and balance.

The aborigines of the entire continent yearn for eternal life. If there is no one to restrain them, the Resurrection Gate wants to lead the entire continent and make all the aborigines obedient. It is extremely easy!As long as there is hope, then the aborigines on the mainland will naturally be willing to listen to all the instructions of the Resurrection Gate.

And all the patriarchs, sect elders and city lords, their power is to lead the existence of the aborigines at ordinary times, and they have absolute prestige among the aborigines.They are the kind of people who cannot be resurrected. They have only one life, and it is impossible to pray for the resurrection gate to give it, so their desire for the resurrection gate is almost very small!As long as the aborigines who are not particularly concerned need to be resurrected, for those in power like Master Bessa, the Resurrection Gate is not a sect that needs to be echoed.

They can have expectations for the Resurrection Gate, but they can also completely ignore it!

After listening to Lord Besa's words, Ji Xiaoyan finally understood some of the interests involved, and after thinking about it, he said to Lord Besa: "Master Besa, do you think the Resurrection Gate is willing to cooperate with you?" Is it because of my status that we have a good relationship in Qingcheng?"

"There should be a reason for this!" Master Bessa nodded affirmatively, and after thinking for a while, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "However, for the Resurrection Sect, they generally don't easily form alliances with others Yes! So, if you agreed to make friends with Qingcheng at the beginning, there must be other reasons for the Fushengmen! But what is the reason for this reason? Only the head of the Fushengmen will know."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he nodded to show that he understood.

Lord Bessa looked at Ji Xiaoyan's behavior, but became a little puzzled: "Master Ji, do you know this?"

"I didn't know before, but now I may know a little bit!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Master Besa, and didn't seem to want to explain to him. After thinking about it, he said to Master Besa: "Since Besa Your Excellency, if you don’t want to send Chief Hess to the Resurrection Gate to have a look, then I’ll go to the Qianhua Gate and ask the head of Qianyun! There were several elders sent by the Qianhua Gate to the Resurrection Gate. of."

"Well! You go! I'm here in Qingcheng!" Master Bessa nodded, but he signaled to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, and after watching her leave, he went to the Lusi'er tribe again. Look at the direction.

With Master Besa in Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan was very relieved, and didn't intend to go to see Jiajia, so he stepped on the teleportation array and teleported to Qianhuamen to find the head of Qianyun.

I thought that everything in Qianhuamen was as usual, and after entering the sect, I would be able to find the head of Qianyun, but after Ji Xiaoyan entered Qianhuamen, I realized that the quiet feeling inside Qianhuamen was completely different from the quiet feeling outside. Same!
The Qianhua Sect disciple who led the way kept looking around with a cautious expression, as if he was worried that something would come out at any time, which made Ji Xiaoyan a little puzzled.

"What the hell are you looking at?"

The disciple of Qianhuamen was taken aback when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, and after patting his chest, he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City Master, you should keep your voice down. What! If you disturb the elders, it will be very troublesome to turn around!"

"Elder?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, as if he had thought of something.

"Yes!" The disciple of Qianhuamen nodded affirmatively, then sighed and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, you don't know that there are several elders in our Qianhuamen who have something wrong. Ridu is running around in the sect, if he is not careful, if a few elders find out, it will be a bad day! We have to be more careful!"

"You elders, what's wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and asked the disciple of the Qianhuamen, somewhat understanding in his heart that the elders of the Qianhuamen probably did it because The reason for the resurrection, there are already side effects after the resurrection!
"It's just a little problem!" The Qianhuamen disciple looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a hard-to-talk expression on his face, but he didn't want to continue talking, which made Ji Xiaoyan even more curious up.

"What's the problem, why don't you tell me!?"

The Qianhua Sect disciple shook his head affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji City, I tell you these are already disobedient to the words of the Sect Master, how can you continue to say? If you want to know If you see our Master Sect Leader in a while, just ask him directly! But don’t embarrass me like an ordinary disciple like this!”

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned immediately, then nodded and said in a compromised way: "Okay! Then I'll ask your master master! But, how long will it take to find your master master?"

"I don't know about this either!" The disciple of Qianhuamen suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, looked around, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Sect Leader has been in the sect recently. Looking for those elders, if they are not in the palace, they can only be in the sect! But I don’t know the exact location.”

Doesn't saying it mean not saying it?

Immediately, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help rolling his eyes, looked around, and then said to the disciple of Qianhuamen: "Your masters won't return to you if you can't catch the elders in the sect. Is the palace resting?"

"No!" The disciple of Qianhuamen definitely nodded at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Unless all the elders are locked up, the head of the sect will not rest! These days, it happens that the elders Our abnormal days, that's why our head is so busy! Lord Ji, please be patient and wait a bit!"

"Okay!" What else can Ji Xiaoyan say, but she can only blame her for coming at the wrong time?

Following that disciple of Qianhuamen almost walked through the entire Qianhuamen, but Ji Xiaoyan was still not lucky enough to meet the head of Qianyunmen. In the end, he had no choice but to let the Qianhuamen The disciple took her directly to the main hall, and simply waited in the main hall.

I thought it would take a long time for the head of Qianhuamen to appear, but Ji Xiaoyan did not expect her luck to be so good.

As soon as it got dark, the head of Qianyun sect led people and escorted an elder of Qianhua sect into the palace.

"City Master Ji? When did you come?" The head of Qianyun looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, but he really didn't expect Ji Xiaoyan to appear here. After escorting the elder into the palace, watching their figures disappear behind the palace, the head of Qianyun sat next to Ji Xiaoyan, and asked someone to bring water to drink a few mouthfuls. Only then did he ask Ji Xiaoyan: "Is there something to do, City Lord Ji?"

"It's such a small matter! But, Master Qianyun, can I ask the elders in the sect what's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, looked at Master Qianyun and asked, but Seeing him frowning suddenly, with a depressed expression on his face, he quickly continued: "It doesn't matter if Master Qianyun doesn't want to say anything. It's just that I came here for the affairs of the elders. of!"

"For them? What's the matter?" Sect Leader Qianyun was not willing to bring up the matter of the Qianhua Sect elder at first, but when he heard Ji Xiaoyan say that, he was slightly surprised.

Ji Xiaoyan thought about it for a while, and then briefly told the head of Qianyun about Hess, then looked at him and said: "I just thought, there were a few elders who appeared in Qianhuamen back then. I had a problem, and sent it to the Resurrection Gate to recover! I was thinking, is it possible that the elders will also have the same situation as Chief Hess, so I want to come to the master to confirm, and by the way, let the master send the elders to Let’s take a look at the Resurrection Gate!”

Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, the head of Qianhua Sect couldn't help sighing, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Originally, I didn't want to tell Ji Xiaoyan about this matter. Yours! The elders of our Qianhuamen have problems. I have been hiding in the sect, and I have no intention of telling others. It's over if you bear it! But now, City Lord Tingji is still thinking about our Qianhuamen, so I don't have any need to hide anymore!"

"When I came here, I saw the cautious looks of the disciples in the sect. They said that the elders have been running around in the sect recently! So, Master Sect Leader, does this mean that all the elders are with Hess? The manager is the same, has the same problem?"

"It's the same as usual, that's for sure! It's just that it's different from Manager Hess who likes to run around the water!" Master Qian Yun shook his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Then, what did the elders do?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help becoming more curious.

Sect Master Qianyun sighed, and said after a while: "They are different from Chief Hess, they have attacks once a month, and each time is four or five days. During these four or five days, they will Going around in the sect, if you catch a disciple in the sect speaking, you will go up and slap it, or if you see something that is not pleasing to the eye, you will directly destroy it. Anyway, it is like a child's temper, Mess around in the sect!"

"Have you been like this for four or five days?" Ji Xiaoyan's expression of astonishment carried a bit of surprise.

"Yes! During these four or five days, they didn't sleep!" Qian Yun nodded affirmatively, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Day and night, as long as they start to attack, it is the fault of the whole sect. Disaster! The most important thing is that the time of their attack is not fixed, we can't predict it accurately at all! I also thought of a way before, and locked them up when they felt that the time was almost up. As a result, they didn't have any symptoms after being locked up for a few days. situation, but as soon as they let down their vigilance for a little bit, they would have an inexplicable attack, and then escaped and wrecked everywhere in the sect! It is a headache!"

"These few days are the time for the elders to get angry?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked and couldn't help asking.

"That's right! Today is the second day!" Head Qianyun nodded, with a helpless look on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "They are the elders of our sect, as long as they don't get angry, they will be very angry. Normally, there is no problem in dealing with the affairs of the sect! It is also impossible for me to lock them up every day because of their uncertain attack time, but if they are not locked up, the current situation will inevitably appear. The situation, to be honest, I am also very troubled!"

"Then Master Sect Leader, didn't you think about sending the elders to the Resurrection Gate?" Ji Xiaoyan asked, looking at Sect Leader Qianyun with some doubts when he heard this.

"I never thought about it!" Headmaster Qian Yun shook his head when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Then the master can send the elders over to have a look now! I have already made an agreement with Master Luotu of the Resurrection Gate! As long as the master sends the elders there, Lord Luotu will immediately arrange for the elders Take a look!" Ji Xiaoyan said to him happily when he heard what Sect Master Qian Yun said, but he looked at Sect Master Qian Yun and shook his head, as if he didn't want to.

"My lord, are you unwilling? Why?"

"City Master Ji, since Director Hess also has the same situation, and it still occurs every day, then, after Master Bessa knows the news, is he going to send Director Hess to the Resurrection Gate to recover?" Looking at Ji Xiaoyan calmly, he asked her a question, and after watching Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, he continued to ask: "Then why is Lord Besa unwilling?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, and couldn't help looking at the head of Qianyun.

"It's because I was afraid that I sent Manager Hess to the Resurrection Gate. After returning, his seizures will change into something else, or in other words, it will become something else that is even less certain or acceptable, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded silently.

"I think so too!" Master Qianyun smiled, but said to Ji Xiaoyan seriously: "Actually, in the past, when the Resurrection Gate revived the aborigines, there would be problems. All the aborigines on the mainland Everyone knows! Afterwards, that Lord Lehe manipulated the aborigines to make them seem to have no problem. Although everyone didn’t know it, in fact, all the resurrected aborigines knew that he was originally There should be some price to pay, but now there are no symptoms, so the price is very likely to be very high, at least it has not yet manifested! Everyone has this kind of worry in their hearts, but it just hasn’t happened , everyone pretends that they don’t know! But now, there is a problem. In fact, each of us should be more at ease in our hearts. As long as the situation is not too extreme, there is no need to go to the resurrection gate! Who knows when we come back in the future , what will it look like? It’s better to be like this now, at least I have a bottom line in my heart!”

(End of this chapter)

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